If he is not concerned with civilization, Gu Yu would like to go to Dead Song Academy to have some academic discussions with Karl, to talk about the void, the mysteries of the universe and so on.

It's a pity that the confrontation of civilizations, the gap in ideas... the arrangement of fate may only make them enemies in the future.

Leaving to close the entrance of the wormhole corridor, Gu Yu walked out of the underground library. To his surprise, when he came back from a trip, there was a newcomer in the library.

Today seems to be the day for new students to enter school.

In front of the bookshelf, a young woman with a ponytail and straight bangs, wearing a police uniform, with a proud figure, pointing fingers like white jade under her lips, seems to be hesitating which book to read.

Suddenly, looking at Gu Yu's figure from the corner of the eye, Qi Lin was puzzled, and then asked:

"Hello, you are……"

"Administrator here, are you a freshman?" Gu Yu asked in a calm tone, casually.

"Oh, yes, my name is Qilin, and I entered the school today." After knowing the identity of the other party, Qilin said with some embarrassment:

"I saw no one here, so I took the liberty to come in."

Gu Yu laughed for a moment, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "It doesn't matter, this is a place for people to read books, and you are welcome to read anytime."

"That's right, can you find out what exactly this academy teaches?"

Qilin is a policeman in Juxia City. Unfortunately, she was hit by a laser when Feiliu District Airport was attacked by gluttonous soldiers. Afterwards, she was discovered with a super gene. The Super Seminary invited her to be transferred to the here.

She was new here, and although she had heard that this was the place where super genes were taught when she was transferred, after all, she was not familiar with the place and there were few people in the academy, so she couldn't find anyone to ask about the specific situation here.

When I saw the library, I walked in. I thought there should be a lot of people here, but I didn't expect that there were no people there. I happened to meet Gu Yu, and she finally had someone to ask.

"I don't know exactly how to teach it. I'm just an administrator, but the books here are all related to super genes. You can understand after reading more." Gu Yu simply explained to Qilin .

"Is that so... May I take the liberty to ask, are you also a super gene?" Qilin nodded frequently.

"Only students and mentors here have super genes. I'm just an ordinary person. I just know a little about this."

Gu Yu pretended to be helpless and politely said, and then took a book from a nearby bookshelf.

"If you want to read a book, you can pick it at will. If you want to borrow it, just register with me."

"Okay, thank you, don't bother me anymore." Qilin expressed her gratitude and began to choose books seriously.

Gu Yu came to the desk where he often sat and opened the book, but he didn't settle down to read immediately.


[Sniper of Kamigawa, Qilin, a generation of Kamigawa genes, reading related data...]

[Retrieved special vocabulary, Shenhe Star Network Project, starting in-depth analysis...]


Shenhe Star Network Project?

Gu Yu rubbed his chin, he knew a little about this plan.

In the known universe, the Kamigawa civilization was once the most advanced civilization, and the definition of life in the Kamigawa body in this universe was first proposed by them.

That is to say, all intelligent life with human form belongs to Kamikawa life.

Not only the definition of Kamikawa's life, but also Kamikawa's morality, the concept of "God" in God-making technology, and the civilization concept advocated and implemented by the Super Theological Seminary today, all of which come from the Kamikawa civilization.

It's a pity that the highly developed Kamigawa civilization cannot escape the fate of destruction.

But in the years of its existence, the Kamigawa civilization has contributed a lot to its definition of the life world of the Kamigawa body, which is the world of main creatures in the mouth of the angels today.

Intelligent life forms civilizations in the cruel competition of nature. Kamikawa's life is hard-won. There is only one world in a thousand worlds that belongs to Kamikawa's life.

Based on this, in order to protect the world of these Kamigawa beings and allow their civilization to grow safely under the cruel laws of the universe, the Kamigawa civilization has formulated a star network plan.

The concept of super genes first originated in Kamigawa, and with the advanced civilization of Kamigawa, many super gene seeds have been created. The Star Network Project is to spread these genes to every corner of the universe, and spread them to every living being in Kamigawa. planet.

When civilization is destroyed, these super genes will be passively activated to protect and continue the civilization of Kamigawa's life. Even if Kamikawa is destroyed later, the contribution of this plan has continued to this day.

The Kamigawa sniper gene in Qilin came from the Star Network Project.

Although this plan is great, the age of Kamigawa is long after all. After the passage of time, some things of the old Kamigawa have long lagged behind the times.

Since the fall of Deno, the old world of Kamigawa has been completely eliminated by the times, and the justice and order of angels have completely dominated the civilization process of the known universe until today.

One generation of Kamigawa genes is behind by an unknown number of versions.

However, this Kamigawa gene template is indeed good. It cannot compete with those civilizations of the gods who have mastered cutting-edge technology, but it is enough for ordinary people to use.

If it is produced in energy, I don’t know the specific effect, whether it can enhance the underlying strength of future civilization...

Gu Yu was lost in thought.

The future civilization will definitely develop, but the individuals at the bottom of the civilization cannot still be ordinary intelligent life that can only live for decades, right?

In that case, most people will not even be able to see the glorious civilization in the future, and will inevitably become the fuel for the train of civilization...

This doesn't work.

No.16 Chapter Hanging City Technology

We were born too late and missed the wave of the age of great exploration; we were born too early and could not see the brilliance of the galaxy in the future civilization...

From the beginning to the end of an ordinary person's life, what is he pursuing?

Live well and die.

That's it.

Every individual in civilization is inherently unequal.

The length of life has long defined the boundaries of the human race.

Civilization is leaping, individuals are constantly changing, generation after generation... people are always regretting.

This is natural fairness and natural injustice.

Most individuals can't see the future that civilization promises, and they can't talk about contributing their best to it.

The brilliance of civilization should belong to everyone who has made brilliance, and they should enjoy their own brilliance.

Breaking the shackles of ordinary life is one of the meanings of civilization development. Weak individuals cannot support a huge star sea empire.

Gene technology should be used to benefit all individuals.

All along, on Earth, the natural evolution of intelligent life has often been summed up in one word: failure.

From now on, he will define it as success.

Gu pre-read Qilin's genetic data and included it in his personal database.

Shenhe Star Network...

A gift from the past for a titan of the future.


Since the new students came to the college, it has gradually become lively.

But Gu Yu didn't want to pay attention to their daily life, he just concentrated on staying in the library, and used the Hetu Computing Cloud to perform some calculations from time to time.

The rest is reading.

【Current entry: Ecological and livable】

[Progress accumulation: 100%]

"Withdraw the reward." Gu Yu said.

[Progress settlement, rewards are being issued...]

[Congratulations to the host, get a reward: Space Habitat Technology*1. 】

Gu Yu habitually stored the technology in the database, and then continued to read books. The library was not as deserted as before. Apart from Qiangwei who often came here, there were also a few freshmen who loved learning who often came to borrow books.

"Hello, can I borrow this book for a month..." A timid voice came to his ears, and Gu Yu looked up.

There is a book in front of you, "Primary Theoretical Knowledge of Super Genes", the book is not thick, and it only takes five or six days for ordinary people to read and understand it normally.

It only took Gu Yu a little over a day to read this book at first, mainly because he has a good memory and strong reading comprehension.

Borrowing for a month is really a bit long... Gu Yu looked at Rui Mengmeng in front of him. Although she looked a little unintelligent, her eyes were always full of tension, but she loved learning very much, which had something to do with her family background.

Although the book is not thick, it will probably take her longer to read it.

Recently, among the freshmen, she, Qilin and Ge Xiaolun often come here.

"The maximum period of borrowing is one week, and you can register for repeat borrowing next time." Gu Yu reminded.

"Ah? Really, then, let's borrow it for a week..." Rui Mengmeng blushed a little, she was just afraid that she would not be able to understand this book in such a short time.

"If you don't understand something, you can ask the seniors in the academy." Gu Yu registered for her and handed over the book.

While taking it, Rui Mengmeng said in embarrassment:

"But, I don't know who to ask."

"Big Sister Leina always goes out to play, and Sister Qiangwei is always alone, so I don't often meet them. Sister Qilin and the others don't know much about these things, and there are some things in the book that Sister Qiangwei doesn't often mention when she is teaching."


Gu Yu's demeanor was as usual, but he couldn't help complaining secretly.

Is this how Super Seminary teaches students?But thinking about Rui Mengmeng's purely introverted personality, there are indeed some obstacles in communicating with others.

The world in her eyes is not as clear as that of others.

"The academy has resident tutors."

"Ah! Is there a tutor in the academy?" Rui Mengmeng was suddenly surprised.


Gu Yu choked.

I really deserve to be your teacher Rui...

Didn't you not show your face to the freshmen for a few days after school started?

Gu Yu told the location of the principal's office, and Rui Mengmeng quickly expressed his gratitude, and he was already determined to be a good person in his heart.


"Recently, a technology company called 'Upside Down City' in Juxia City suddenly announced that they have developed a powerful intelligent robot, Pioneer XT."

"Here are the predictions of leading experts."

"Household housekeeping, carrying heavy objects... This robot has reached the point where it can perfectly replace a labor force. It is predicted that a new era of intelligence is coming. This is a sign of the breakthrough of human technology from the information age, and it may evolve into the next technology. revolution!"

"Hanging City technology, I have never heard of them before, but now, they are using technology to benefit civilization."

"A Pioneer robot only costs 50000 yuan!"

"You heard me right, the high-tech intelligent robot only costs 50000 yuan, only 50000 yuan!! First come, first served, what are you waiting for, call the hotline 0598... Hurry up and buy it!"

"A number of multinational technology companies hope to discuss cooperation with Daoxuancheng Technology and conduct multi-faceted technical exchanges."

"A certain country's military pre-purchased a large number of orders from Hanging City Technology..."

Suddenly, for some reason, a wave of 'intelligent robots' quickly swept from Juxia City.

In terms of the overwhelming effectiveness of advertisements, major TV stations and major websites rushed to report, triggering heated discussions across the Internet.

"Intelligent robot, is it true or not?"

"Is technology so advanced now?"

"I don't believe it, unless someone sends me."

"Experts predicted it, tsk tsk tsk... This publicity costs a lot, so I guess it has some credibility."

"Expert? I don't think the brick family is the same. If you believe in the brick family these days, you might as well believe in gods and Buddhas. I think it will be more reliable."

"Anyway, it's not bad for money. Buy it first and then talk about it. The store will smash it."


Without exception, the content broadcast on TV is all about intelligent robots.

Gu Yu lay on the chair and listened to the TV report, not too surprised.

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