
Terrible things happened.

I saw that when the basketball crossed the space between the two mechanical balls, most of the entire basketball seemed to be directly swallowed by an inexplicable force.

And the remaining small part of the basketball fell to the ground as if it had been cut by a knife.

Gu Yu stared intently at the position where the basketball was "swallowed", his gaze was like a torch.

That part of the sphere was not swallowed and disappeared, but entered there!

To put it simply, the function of the two spheres is to form an absolutely isolated three-dimensional space based on the volume of their spheres in the space between them.

What is an absolutely isolated three-dimensional space?It is the three-dimensional space that does not exist in any time variable!

A three-dimensional space that is absolutely static and does not allow matter to move. This space is not bidirectionally connected with the surrounding space, and matter can only enter it from the surrounding space.

Once matter enters this three-dimensional space, it will lose all motion and will be in an absolutely static state, in a completely static space.

The reason why it looks like this space is dark on the outside, and the scene inside cannot be seen, because the light cannot spread in.

Light cannot travel through static space because light is both energy and matter.

Without the propagation of light, the horizon cannot be formed, and without the horizon, it means that there is no future, and without the future, it means that time is completely erased.

Miniature space-time suppressor!

Don't underestimate the three-dimensional space created by these two mechanical balls. For real-world matter, it can be regarded as a local and small-scale dimensionality reduction attack method.

Unlike the two-way foil that turns the entire galaxy into a flat painting, which targets at the two-dimensional level for dimensionality reduction strikes, these two spheres target the three-dimensional level for dimensionality reduction strikes, which means ...

Any matter that enters the three-dimensional will be eliminated the concept of time, eliminate all its motion state, and turn it into an absolute static matter.

This is an extremely terrifying means of attack!

Gu Yu looked at his hands and decided to do an experiment.

He is invincible. Generally speaking, no matter what kind of damage he suffers, he will eventually recover, because his data has been eternal.

Although it is not as strong as the fourth-generation divine body, which can be instantly restored in the next second after being cut into Momo, its resilience is definitely not weak.

Gu Yu approached the two balls, stretched out his left hand, and swung them out.


His eyes widened, and his palm and part of his forearm disappeared.

Disappeared in this small local space.

Although he couldn't observe the scene in it, he could be sure that that part of his body lost its "motion state", and after entering the three-dimensional space, he lost the concept of time. This part of his body seemed to be left in the three-dimensional space in front of him forever. middle.

Like the part of the basketball, it turned into an absolutely static substance and stayed there.

But fortunately, the problem is not big.

Gu Yu tried to mobilize dark energy to restore himself.

[It is detected that the body data is permanently lost and cannot be recovered. 】


Chapter 30 Falsely Falling into Three-Dimensional Horror

Is it terrible to physically destroy a life?

No, not scary at all!

Is it terrible to destroy a life spiritually?

It may be scary, but some beings are not afraid.

Then... how about destroying a life from space? !

Compared with the latter, Gu Yu hoped that he was killed physically or mentally.

Because an existence that can destroy you from space is an existence that can truly ignore your life.

In the eyes of such an existence, you...

Not even bugs!

Matter only moves when it has time, and when it loses time, it loses its state of motion and becomes static.

The same is true of life. If time is lost, all life will die instantly.

Then and now, just as now and now.

Gu Yu put a few books under his buttocks, sat there, and looked ahead calmly.

One of his forearms and his palm were "submerged" in that small three-dimensional space, and his body was in a "disabled" state at the moment. He sat here for half an hour, and he didn't think of a way to get his hand back at all. mean.

Looking at the created local three-dimensional space, Gu Yu fell into deep thought.

Matter has no tense, and if it is in space, it will be like amber wrapped in resin, completely trapped in it.

The material that has lost its dynamics and tense, without some fancy, will be the purest form of material.

It's a pity that he couldn't observe the scene in it.

But Gu Yu had a thoughtful look on his face, he wasn't worried that his hand would get stuck there, but that he couldn't get back, but there was another reason.

His undefeated body has become a joke at this moment.

Data immortality?

No matter how much damage can be recovered?

It's all a joke.

Gu Yu even tried to use anti-void to subvert the three-dimensional space created between the two spheres, so as to restore the arm.

The drive and function of the reversible void also requires energy. Once the energy enters the three-dimensional space, without the protection of the concept of time, it will all tend to be in a static state.

Anti-void cannot currently affect matter across dimensions, this is the lesson Gu Yu just learned.

Gu Yu rested his chin with one hand, and for a moment, he had a lot of daydreams.

The science and technology of this universe only takes a path of creating gods, which is simply a limitation and is simply absurd.

Thanks to the absence of "singers" in this universe, otherwise countless civilizations would be cleaned up as garbage.

Dimension is equivalent to the alias of space, and a higher dimension means a higher space.

The attack aimed at the dimensional level is aimed at the absolutely destructive power at the space level, which can destroy the existence of space, and doesn’t care about any life.

Organic matter?Inorganic matter?

There is no need to distinguish between those levels, because soon, they will all become a painting, or a work of art covered in darkness.

In front of this level of blow, divine body?Stellar power?Killing Shenwu?Dark Plane?

Everything can only end in destruction.

As long as the attack speed is fast enough, no god can escape the result of being destroyed no matter how strong he is.

Just like in front of him, his arm has been reduced in three-dimensional space, even if he has an invincible body, there is no way to restore his arm.

Even if his body data has been immortalized, even if a part of his body is smashed, it can be restored, but in the current situation.

It's not a question of recovery.

Part of his body was lost, not damaged. This part of the body, together with the data of the body, fell into the three-dimensional space.

Even if he has backup body data, he cannot easily generate a new body.

Because once he restores this arm by other methods, such as recasting, he may face an inescapable problem.

It's not that he can't restore the hand, but once he restores his own arm, once his arm, lost in three dimensions, breaks free from it, it will resume motion and return to his body.

At that time, he will have two identical arms, and the data will be completely consistent, which will result in the following possible consequences:

1. Small-scale self-destruction of body data.

2. The body data of the two arms collide.

If these possible situations are caused, Gu Yu will have to face the next problem. Two identical arms will cause confusion in the calculation and judgment of the body data by the genetic system of the dark plane.

Because his body data is set as a complete whole, with one extra hand, there will be a lot of underlying logic opposing each other, leading to collapse, and it may even cause him to shut down.

In that case, he must abandon one of the hands, that is to say, completely kill the duplicate arm, and actively destroy the duplicate body data.

But there is a certain probability that he will fall into the realm of permanent miss, so Gu Yu dare not try it lightly.

No need to take the risk to try either.

After all, this hand is not impossible to get back, there is no need to recast a hand to cause so much trouble.

Gu Yu carefully observes the matter in the three-dimensional space. He can only observe. Once he wants to use some means to interfere with this space that does not exist in the concept of time and the state of motion, his means of interference will inevitably fall into the three-dimensional space. .

Regardless of dark energy, light energy, or other energy, even the tiniest cells, fungi, and even dust are inevitably lost in three dimensions.

Losing the state of motion is no less terrifying than being lost in two dimensions by a two-dimensional foil blow.

Dropping one dimension means losing the control of the original space. Whether it is falling to two dimensions or static three dimensions, the end is not good.

The only difference may be that it becomes a static painting, or... like in front of you.

Gu Yu took out a flashlight with one hand, turned it on, and illuminated the light in that small three-dimensional space.

Something magic happened.

The moment the light shines into the three-dimensional, the light factor will inevitably fall into an absolute static state, no longer spreading, as if being swallowed.

The form of light has become eternal in three dimensions!

Eternity is darkness!

Absolute eternity without motion is absolute darkness, from which even light cannot escape!

Life is born, grows, ages, and inevitably dies because of material movement!

Create a god-level civilization, create a technological god with super genes, and achieve immortality in life by absorbing energy. Karl studies the void and creates phantoms to eliminate physical death.

What are these?

As long as matter never moves, then the moment of its birth is its most real eternity!

Unfortunately, if matter does not move, it will not be born. Therefore, absolute three-dimensional space and two-dimensional space in the theoretical sense cannot be naturally formed in the universe and exist independently of other dimensional spaces.

Once a life falls into three dimensions, it will be frozen forever at the moment it falls!

Man-made creation will enable life to achieve the great feat of falling from high dimension to three-dimensional or two-dimensional!

In an absolutely three-dimensional space, even light cannot propagate, so the static space in three dimensions is also a space of absolute darkness.

If this three-dimensional space can be turned into a weapon, like a two-way foil, it can be released on a large scale...

This kind of action is both great and terrible.

If it has this level of strike means, life will no longer be life in its eyes, and the so-called civilization will no longer be civilization.

A piece of two-way foil can wipe out a civilization like cleaning up garbage, that's the nature.

In the eyes of higher civilizations, lower civilizations and life are just a bunch of garbage waiting to be cleaned up.

For a civilization that throws two-way foils, cleaning up a pile of garbage does not harm morality, nor does it mean that life is not respected. In the eyes of that high-level civilization, only the individual in this civilization is life, and it is worth them. Think and communicate in the ethical ways of this civilization.

Everything else is just rubbish.

Chapter 31 Gluttonous Scheduling


Gu Yu spent a bit of effort and spent more than ten minutes to turn off the miniature space-time suppressor. Although he wanted to observe the static three-dimensional space more, he still felt uncomfortable leaving one hand away from him for too long.

After closing the suppressor, the two mechanical spheres were stored in the arsenal.

The time-space suppressor forms a three-dimensional space by eliminating the concept of time in space. The miniature one in his hand is just a small-scale partial suppressor. One-way sealed space.

Of course, it is precisely because of partial suppression that it is more controllable.

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