The prosperity of the past has become somewhat deserted, but the vitality has not dissipated in the slightest.

Hanging City invested in the construction of an industrial park somewhere in the city, and now it has been taken over by military soldiers, and it has become a fortress.

At the same time, fortresses that were previously hidden from view all over China are quietly rushing to emerge, and these fortresses form strategic fulcrums one by one.

The strategic points are connected with each other to form a huge strategic defense network.

Those fortresses are full of planetary shield generators from Hanging City Technology, and they will support the sky when needed.

When the countries are about to face turmoil, the people in this land are also hesitating in their hearts, always anticipating that something big will happen, coupled with the silence of the upper echelons that seemed to be inaction...

They didn't want to die in silence, but they didn't explode in silence...

Because of a notification, before the rumors and panic came, it spread through the communication network prematurely:

"To all the people, we have prepared all emergency supplies and the strategic deployment has been completed."

"Don't worry, the foreign enemy is not invincible."

"Everything will pass soon!"

This notice was released by Hanging City Technology. In the name of the future government, people subconsciously ignored the word "future".


Capital, North Star.

A secret meeting related to the destiny of mankind is about to be held here, and the solemn meeting place has been announced early.

The seats were extended, and more than a dozen high-level executives who held important positions sat in their respective positions, staring ahead, waiting quietly.

Their words and deeds at the meeting today may be recorded in the annals of history in the future, and everyone tried their best to maintain the solemnity of the meeting.

At this moment, they will ignore the absurdity of the outside world and concentrate on civilization.

The holographic projector unfolded the screen, and a figure of a person was projected on a vacated chair.

"Everyone, it's the first time we meet, we are Hanging City Technology." Li Wei said so at the seat.

His arrival marked the official start of the meeting.

Everyone looked at him without saying a word, waiting for him to start the topic of the meeting.

"The reason why we gathered here, I think, is not because of any conflict of interest, nor is it to promote any doctrine, but because...we have a common ultimate goal!"

"That's why we're all here together."

"We don't create civilization, but we can create a great era of civilization."

"The following is a sound plan."

【Galaxy Federation Agreement Plan】

When this plan, which had been conceived a long time ago, was presented in the eyes of everyone, all the high-level officials present were attracted to it.

In this agreement plan, a huge future civilization framework is introduced in detail, and the clear division of labor among the internal agencies of each civilization, as well as the specific direction of the civilization's main road, are completely and completely described.

In particular, the line of big characters at the end of the agreement made the eyes of those present slightly touched, and their hearts were filled with enthusiasm.

One thought, one civilization!

This is the road they have dreamed of ever since their ancestors first realized the unification of civilization.

This agreement has this as the ultimate goal, and they cannot refuse.

But they did not directly sign the agreement, because the content of the meeting is not limited to this.

A chief with graying temples slowly said: "I remember you made it clear that you are here to bring us the future and development."

"You say that you belong to the future, and although you have received a lot of support, both of us don't know the actual bottom line of each other... This will make us unable to fully trust each other, even if the goals are the same."

"This agreement... we can sign, but you have to answer us again."

"What is your initial starting point for coming to this civilization, and what is the basis behind your plan for this agreement?"

"We cannot accept a gift from an unknown source, because we cannot take risks."

This is a temptation and an indirect expression of attitude.

Li Wei smiled slightly, then spread his hands together:

"Our starting point for coming to this world is very clear: to rejuvenate the civilization of this planet in the most efficient way."

"As for can watch it to your heart's content."

Chapter 38 Conference Sublimation

The air seemed to freeze.

The data of an astonishing number of mechanical legions was displayed in front of the high-level executives.

Hunters, mechanical armor, giant battle bodies... 210 core troops, [-] mixed troops, and [-] standing troops.

A total of 300 million mechanical legions, what a terrifying force.

Everyone fell silent. The basic combat unit of this mechanical legion did not include any pioneer omnics sold by Hanging City Technology.

The data shows that any one of the above three types of combat units will completely crush the pioneer omnic with a single performance in terms of data.

Compared to these omnics, which were built purely as weapons, the average Harbinger omnic seemed like a typical civilian labor template, and it was.

The military has tested it by themselves. If a group of pioneer omnics are equipped with weapons and tested in actual combat with military soldiers, they can easily crush ordinary soldiers more than ten times.

Since entering the information age, they have long realized how huge the gap between flesh and blood and machinery is. The emergence of pioneers, omnics, only magnifies this gap.

Flesh and blood seem to be destined to be eliminated by machinery. Compared with the mechanical legion that Li Wei showed them at this moment, the pioneer mechanical troops that have activated combat orders in the hands of the countries on the earth are like a group of civilian troops that have been forced to take up arms. .

No matter in terms of equipped weapons or combat performance...

There is simply no comparison.

Holding such a powerful force, the Hanging City can completely defeat all the military forces of the earth in a short period of time...

No, it is all wiped out!

But Daoxuancheng didn't do that directly, but held a meeting with them here at this time. Daoxuancheng could have completely ignored their existence, but took out the agreement in front of it.

Only then did everyone at the meeting see the truth of the matter and understand the true purpose of the meeting.

Holding a meeting is more about informing them than discussing with them in detail.

The high-level people present are all elites, and their mentality has also changed very quickly. Standing at the current position, they no longer dare to be careless in the slightest.

Under the leadership of a supreme leader, the people present compromised one after another and signed the agreement.

Seeing this situation, Li Wei unhurriedly took out the main course of the meeting:

"The signing of the agreement means that we are already on the same front."

"Then, let's talk about..."

"How to sublimate this planet."

He took out another sublimation plan that had already been formulated.

The scene was suddenly silent. This sublimation plan was even more shocking than the agreement just now and the data of the mechanical legion displayed, and it even made people shudder.

14 billion lives form the future federation ZF, and the existing intelligent life on the earth forms a highly efficient civilization framework!

Make effective life quality, integration and centralization!

The remaining unnecessary ones are eliminated and sublimated.

Known as...sublimation.

What a detailed plan this is!

Just for the efficiency of civilization, is it necessary to sublimate so many lives to achieve that ethereal future?

Well, most of the time, especially in the immediate future, for the future federal government.

Some individuals are indeed cumbersome, the reality is so cruel, yes, but...

After all, it is a fresh life, isn't it?

Someone stared intently at Li Wei's holographic projection. Could it be that in the eyes of the other party, civilization is just a cold plan?

Can't imagine, can't understand... But the previous agreement has been signed, and some people started to regret it in an instant.

"Sorry, we can't accept or understand such a so-called sublimation plan!" Someone stood up and said in a heavy tone.

"We can accept a unified federal government, but such an unreasonable sublimation plan is against life and morality!"

"Please withdraw this plan immediately, otherwise all the contents of this meeting will be invalidated immediately!"

"That's right, take back the plan!"

Four or five senior officials stood up and protested to Li Wei.

The rest of the people also looked at Li Wei, wanting to see how he would respond.

"Sorry, the plan... can't be taken back." Li Wei smiled. He wasn't surprised by everyone's reaction, but he didn't directly refuse, and changed the subject:

"Unless you can make some more compromises."


Everyone was puzzled, it was absolutely impossible for them to agree to this kind of sublimation plan, and any individual in any civilization would not accept this to carry out a major sublimation of intelligent life on this planet.

"Excuse me, what is the compromise?" the Supreme Head of State said in a deep voice.

"All rights belong to the Galaxy Federation!" Li Wei explained what he meant.

In the agreement he just signed, he couldn't confirm whether the people in front of him had just compromised temporarily, or if they had compromised because of some interests before signing the agreement.

He needs to determine some framework points for the federation to be formed, and these points will become the cornerstone of the future interstellar society.

Li Wei came up with this sublimation plan just to put pressure on these people.

Although the civilization framework determined by the Creator only needs 40 billion lives, a civilization will not dislike having a larger population.

He needs this planet to efficiently enter the next era, and needs to smash some things, such as some different forms of government, some interest groups, and some irrelevant contradictions.

It is only necessary to sublimate these units that can be regarded as decaying individuals for the future federation, then the entire population of this planet can be incorporated into the framework system.

As the main country with a population of 14 billion, there are inevitably some decaying individuals in it. This is unavoidable, and sublimation must include all these units.

And these people in front of them may have some interest groups standing behind them, but to Li Wei, these are not important.

The secret decree and thought seal has been successfully implemented.

It is only necessary to sublimate those stubborn and decayed individuals, and the rest will be quickly assimilated. This will be the best way to open up an efficient principle.

After some weighing, Li Wei's condition was approved, and the remaining concessions were the only way to go.

Therefore, a complete sublimation plan was taken out again by Li Wei, replacing the previous one.

The content of the plan is to carry out a large-scale sublimation of the decayed individuals among the 80 billion lives. This time, the sublimation plan was unanimously approved by the meeting.

The road to make civilization more efficient is inevitable. Many people will take this train to the future, and all enemies that hinder will be crushed.

The civilization process that took hundreds of years in the past will be shortened rapidly. Some things may be discarded in this process, but it doesn't matter.

The trains of the new era cannot hold too much garbage.

Chapter 37 The Secret Plan vs. Gluttony

"The plan starts now!"

With the perfect conclusion of the meeting, starting from this meeting, a mighty and meticulous secret plan began.

Like a surging tide, the omnic combat unit swept across the country divided into main bodies, and rushed towards all parts of the planet without moving forward.

The passing of an ordinary life can be regarded as a tragedy; the passing of a decayed individual on a planet can be regarded as an important step forward for civilization.

After the meeting, the Galaxy Federation was formally formed.

Those countries that are still falling into turmoil due to the gluttonous invasion will undoubtedly be overwhelmed by a big wave that covers the entire planet.

War, come!

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