"Guiding civilization from the perspective of divinity, those lives should be sacrificed for civilization, right?"

Sun Wukong glared at Gu Yu and scolded loudly:

"What nonsense!"

"Distorted demons and heresies. The reason why gods and Buddhas are gods and Buddhas is because they have compassion in their hearts. If they have no compassion and awe for life, what qualifications do they have to talk about civilization and gods? You are demons!"

"The devil should be destroyed, and all theories of evil spirits should be eradicated!"

"I think you are mistaken. The reason why gods are gods is because they possess divinity. The reason why civilizations are civilized is because of development and existence." Gu Yu said without changing his face:

"We just put away some unnecessary mercy temporarily, not abandoning it."

"Compassion can be a virtue, but it cannot be a standard for measuring gods and civilization."

"Compassion and pity cannot save civilization, nor can it guide the development of civilization. It is divinity that guides the development of civilization!"

"When civilization is facing life and death, and advanced sublimation, compassion and compassion should be the first morals to be discarded, because they are too useless at this time."

"If all the so-called demons in your mouth should be eradicated, then civilization should not exist in this universe. After all, from the moment civilization is born, in order to survive and develop, it will inevitably become the demons in your mouth. "

"That's enough, I don't know how much this distorted argument has been heard!" Sun Wukong interrupted Gu Yu with a sneer, and said:

"The devil is the devil, no matter how much you say, you can't change the fact that has already happened!"

"It's useless to talk too much, you have to pay the price! Show your true body and fight to the death!"


Gu Yu looked at the other party in silence for a moment, shook his head, and said coldly:

"Well, it seems that there is really no way to understand each other, as you wish."

"I will also keep my promise just now, and give you a chance to kill me, so that you can realize that self-righteous mercy."

"Seize the opportunity, this is your only chance, give you an hour, don't say I'm bullying."

Sun Wukong clenched the stick tightly in his hand, staring at him, waiting for Gu Yu to reveal his real body, and then gave Gu Yu a head-on blow.

The next moment, an object the size of a Rubik's Cube appeared in front of him.

Looking at Gu Yu again, the other party's projection disappeared.

Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, and looked at the Rubik's cube object in confusion, wondering what it was, and then...


A three-dimensional space expanding at super-light speed expanded instantly, and Monkey King was quickly wrapped in it without even a chance to react.

All the wrapped substances have turned into absolute static, lost tense and dynamic, trapped in it forever...

One hour after the outside world, this three-dimensional space was affected by an unexplainable factor, and it shrank rapidly, and the wrapped substances disappeared out of thin air.

Along with it, Monkey King also disappeared.

A small Rubik's Cube fell to the ground and immediately disappeared out of thin air.


in the library.

Beside the desk, Gu Yu retracted the medium-sized space-time suppressor, sighed, and said:

"It's ridiculous to deny the coldness of civilization, deny the reality and cruelty that this world relies on, and talk about so-called virtues."

"It's a pity, a god-level combat power."

Gu Yu shook his head, he gave Sun Wukong a chance, if the other party didn't cherish it, what else could he say.

It wasn't that he wanted to destroy the other party, but that the other party's so-called compassion dragged the other party to destruction.

The other party didn't understand until it was destroyed...

As a god, a god of earth civilization.

The last thing you should do is to define a person who lights a bonfire for civilization when the universe is still cold and dark.

After all, civilizations that were frozen to death would not even have a chance to ignite.

Chapter 44 Changes in "Justice" Thoughts

On the surface of the earth, some areas that have been completely reduced to ruins have completely lost the traces left by past civilizations, and new civilizations are rapidly established on top of the ashes and ruins.

Fully automated intelligent construction templates lay the surface of the planet one by one. In the newly announced professional terminology of the Galaxy Federation, these fully automated intelligent construction templates are collectively referred to as CM standard templates.

With the help of the CM standard template, brand-new technological cities pushed aside the ruins and sprang up quickly.

Industrial zoning, resource zoning, urban zoning... All kinds of resources on the entire planet are efficiently utilized without any human conflicts, let alone any natural forces.

A new civilization, a new atmosphere... After the cleansing plan ended, many measures promulgated by the Galaxy Federation were effectively implemented under a strong impetus.

The government of the Galaxy Federation used the technology of the Hanging City as a springboard. Before that, it had established many standardized factories to produce pioneer omnics as labor force and various production tools, which greatly promoted the leap in productivity.

Subsequently, the Federation planned the existing resources under its control into the following standard categories: energy, minerals, food, alloy materials, consumer goods, and rare resources.

Energy and minerals are the basis for the development of civilization, food is used to feed the population, alloy materials are the industrial prerequisites for the rapid development of civilization today, and consumer goods are the necessary products to ensure the quality of life of the population and various basic technologies.

Rare resources do not need to be considered at this stage. They are general statistics of various known precious resources.

After successfully completing the statistics on the existing resources of civilization, as the No.1 head of the federation, Li Wei, came to an inference.

The basic energy currently owned by the Federation can guarantee the normal operation of the earth today. The standard for normal operation is to ensure that all existing populations do not have problems with energy supply affecting the quality of life, and it is sufficient to maintain the normal ongoing development and construction needs of the planet.

But this kind of basic energy guarantee is scarce in Li Wei's view, because the Federation now needs to maintain more than the simple problems above.

In addition to the need to maintain the normal operation of the earth today, the existing energy sources also require a large amount of advance payment.

These advances need to be spent on: the construction and maintenance of the [Planet Defense Strategic Deployment Plan], the implementation and maintenance of the [War Assets Plan], and the establishment of the solar system star space station.

Advance expenditures are only advance expenditures on paper data. In fact, once the energy deficit grows negatively, there is no such thing as advance expenditure.

In terms of minerals, the earth can only guarantee the basic maintenance of the current status quo. After all, the civilization of this planet is about to develop at a continuous leap forward. Even if the development of these basic resources is increased, the consumption of such basic resources is extremely fast. Now there is almost no inventory .

There is no need to worry too much about food and consumer goods. If the population is to be maintained at the original scale, the investment in this area will increase greatly.

But now that the civilized population has been reduced by half, the remaining population, with the food resources and consumer goods resources currently stored and produced, can not only maintain the normal living standards of the population, but also enough to ensure the quality of life of all individuals.

Especially when millions of Pioneer omnics are produced every day, replacing a large number of labor force, the per capita quality of life of the Galaxy Federation has reached an unprecedentedly high level.

Finally, in terms of alloy materials, alloys are extremely important production resources. In the hands of the countries of the earth, they were used for some high-end technological needs, such as military weapons or satellites and space stations.

However, the alloys in the hands of various countries previously had a large number of cumbersome and unnecessary standards for the present. In the hands of the Galaxy Federation, Levi let the federal government replace all the manufacturing standards of the previous countries on the earth.

Alloy materials are still listed as strategic reserve resources, and Levi divides them into three temporary standards based on strength and applicability:

A first-class alloy, used in some civilian industrial constructions, such as the production of pioneer omnics and the establishment of urban divisions.

A secondary alloy used to construct some important surface projects.

Level [-] alloys are used to establish outer space projects such as stellar space stations, as well as the production of combat omnic units and starships.

At present, the alloys of the three levels of the Federation are almost overspending, and the Federation is now at full capacity in terms of production efficiency.

It takes less than a day for the minerals to be mined and sent to the factory to be smelted and produced into standard alloys. During this period, the loss is almost reduced to the minimum, and there is almost no time to store the minerals. Therefore, the current mineral reserves of the Federation are basically zero and other figures. Time jumps instantly.

Even so, alloys are still a scarce resource at present.

To solve the above resource problems, we can only maintain the current situation first, and wait for a period of time to open up a new situation after some necessary projects are completed.

The current problem facing the federal government is not only in terms of resources, but also in terms of internal ideological changes.

Half of the planet's population has disappeared in vain, and the remaining population has enjoyed sufficient dividends. The quality of life has reached an unprecedented high level under the considerable control of the federal government.

Coupled with the replacement of a large number of labor forces by the pioneer omnic, more and more people are liberated from productivity.

This kind of liberation allows more and more people to look at the world they live in more clearly while enjoying life.

Although the omnic legion had executed the cleansing plan very cleanly before, without leaving any clues, and quickly flattened all obstacles to the plan, and the Hetu Computing Cloud blocked the news to a large extent, when the cleansing plan was executed, almost The surviving population is unaware of this.

Some meticulous cleaning is performed by nano-level omnics, silently.

But after all, the disappearance of half of the planet's population is not something that can be easily concealed. The Star River Federation was established too quickly, replacing all previous countries, many interest groups and political systems in vain.

Everything has developed too fast and too weird, even if there is a thought seal as a secret decree, it can be used to secretly control the thoughts of most individuals, making this matter dilute the influence in people's hearts.

But incidents of this scale cannot be covered up so easily. If one person notices something is wrong, 100 people notice something is wrong, or an entire civilized group notices something is wrong, there is no way to cover up such a thing.

Even though the Galaxy Federation is still vigilant to all civilizations, and there is still the threat of gluttonous fleets in outer space, some people still have doubts:

'Where did that half of the population go? '

Some people began to search for the truth desperately.

Many times the truth is unimportant because it is too cruel; but the truth has always been extremely important because it represents everything.

This sharp spearhead is directed at the recently established Galaxy Federation, and the individuals in the young civilizations are beginning to truly transition to the interstellar society.

If this kind of thing is not handled properly... even if the federal government has just improved the quality of life of the existing population, it has given most people unimaginable dividends of the times.

But if you can't suppress this sharp spearhead, I'm afraid it will also shake the foundation. This is a sign that the trend of thought has begun to change.

People have always been unsatisfied, no matter in terms of material or spiritual, no amount of profit can only buy one's temporary obedience.

If you want to completely complete the transformation of the trend of thought within the civilization, you must rely on 'name', which is commonly known as righteousness.

That is, individuals in past civilizations are generally extremely pursuing whether this civilization treats everything on the level of "justice".

In the past years, it was an almost insurmountable problem to complete the peaceful evolution within civilization.

Chapter 45 Long Live the Heartless Creature

Giraffes are merciless creatures.

"Reveal the truth!"

"Reveal the truth!!"

Someone was driving the rhythm on the public network, and the number of people responding increased dramatically.

Not only that, with the increase of people who urgently need "truth", some people began to gather and file a lawsuit against the Federation.

Some people started to take to the streets again, this time they are still for a "truth", which is different from the past, this "truth" is unprecedentedly cruel.

This is the difficulty of changing the trend of thought. At such times, people always suddenly focus on some less important, but in fact extremely sharp places.

A little carelessness can turn the change into a turmoil.

However, Li Wei seemed to have a countermeasure for this. As the head of the Federation, he didn't even express himself for these actions for a while.

People like to do some seemingly meaningless things after eating and holding on, but it is precisely because of this that they have the opportunity to change the trend of thought.

The civilization at this moment needs to feed them.

If we say that the current federation is a civilized train composed of an efficient framework.

Then technology and resources are the basic driving force and fuel for the civilization train to move forward, but this power alone is not enough to make the civilization train start perfectly.

What the current civilization needs is a leap forward!

An extremely fast leap!

Now, one thing is missing.

There is also a need for a track, as a ladder for the leap of civilization!

This track is thought.

For this track, half of the lost lives become the building materials, and the remaining lives will ignite the road for it.

Therefore, when someone needs the "truth", they are not suppressed in any way, let alone obstructed in any way.

They walked out into the street according to their own will, and raised the flag according to their own will.

What they will get is not limited to "truth".

Many racial and cultural contradictions in the past are not worth mentioning at this moment, and a long-awaited "truth" has surpassed those contradictions.

Life always cares about the truth, but when they take actions for it, what they often want is not a real truth, but a necessary "truth".

Many times, in civilization, lives are not important, what matters is what they represent.

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