"For Lieyang?" Reina revealed a sarcastic look at the right time, and said with disdain:

"My Lieyang shines brightly, when will someone need to invade the weak civilization to contribute to Lieyang?"

"Isn't General Pan just looking for an excuse to cover up some shady purpose?"

"Cover?" Pan Zhen also sneered, put his hands on his chest, looked around, and responded bluntly:

"If my god must think that this ten thousand years of loyalty needs to find some excuse to cover up something, then feel free to doubt it."

The words of the two became sharper. Seeing this situation, an elder Lie Yang also stood up quickly and persuaded:

"My God, General Pan, please calm down..."

"My God, General Pan's loyalty can be witnessed, and there must be his reasons for what he did to Blue Star thousands of years ago."

"Lieyang's stability for thousands of years is inseparable from General Pan's presiding over the overall situation. I also ask God to forgive some of his mistakes for the sake of his past achievements."

In addition to Pan Zhen, the patron saint who presides over the overall situation, and his many elders, Lieyang Civilization also has the other four guardians and four heavenly guardians, who also participated in this meeting.

They have followed Pan Zhen for a long time, and their relationship with each other is far beyond the ordinary friendship between subordinates and subordinates. At this time, one of them, Husha guardian Yuanli, also stood up and defended Pan Zhen:

"My god, what General Pan did to Blue Star thousands of years ago did happen for a reason, and we can all vouch for it!"

"Guarantee? Your guarantee doesn't seem to mean anything..." Leina said indifferently, and the expressions of the elders below changed when she said this.

None of them are fools, so they naturally understand what Reina wants to do, and she is making use of it.

Pan Zhen's loyalty can be seen by everyone, right now Leina is holding a meeting in the name of discussing the future of Lie Yang, but at this moment she just insists on this topic, as if she wants to suppress Pan Zhen.

But the main target must not be Pan Zhen, but these elders who are under the main god and hold real power within the civilization.

Seeing the reactions of the elders below, Reina suddenly changed the subject:

"Well, General Pan will give me a satisfactory answer now, and I hope to get a reasonable explanation why it must not be hundreds of millions of light-years away thousands of years ago, and he would not hesitate to violate the morality of Kamigawa, but also invade a place far away and with the same My Lieyang does not have a blue star civilization with important disputes!"

At the cusp of the topic, Pan Zhen said without hiding anything:

"This decision made thousands of years ago may be somewhat inappropriate in retrospect, but at that time thousands of years ago, this decision was extremely important to me, Lie Yang."

"Thousands of years ago, there was an accident in the operation of the Tiandao Pagoda, the star core of the Lieyang was in turmoil, and the entire civilization was in a critical crisis..."

"At that time, my Lieyang star may be destroyed at any time, and I urgently need a safe place to settle the people of Lieyang."

"So you are eyeing Lan Xing?" Reina's eyes were sharp.

"That's true." Pan Zhen said without hesitation:

"The Blue Star at that time was very similar to Lieyang before it suffered heavy damage. It was suitable for Lieyang's people to migrate, and it had a certain foundation for civilization development. The conditions in all aspects were very suitable for Lieyang."

"The most important thing is that their sun is very young. In addition to Blue Star, Lie Yang had many alternative planets at that time, but time was tight, and they couldn't pick a more suitable planet than Blue Star..."

"But what I didn't expect was that we encountered that monkey in Blue Star, and there was a conflict, and some plans were forced to be delayed."

"Fortunately, God bless Lieyang, when we were in a stalemate, the Heavenly Dao Pagoda resumed normal operation, Lieyang star turned the crisis into safety, plus


At that time, the Blue Star Super Seminary came forward to mediate, and the conflict was brought to an end. "

"If it is said that my god wants to condemn and punish the general for his decision at the beginning, and the general admits it, it is indeed us Lie Yang who made a mistake first."

Pan Zhen's tone was firm, and he said plausibly, "But if such a situation happens again on Star Lieyang, the general will still not regret making such a decision!"

"For the sake of Lie Yang, it's nothing to bear some infamy." Pan Zhen glanced at the elders present, some of whom were bowed by him, and he continued:

"The final general is not like some people, who can't just watch tens of thousands of people in Lieyang fall into fire and water for the sake of some illusory and rigid things."

Listening to Pan Zhen's words from the bottom of her heart, Leina's face did not show any emotion, instead her expression turned colder, and she said calmly:

"So, General Pan has admitted his guilt?"


"Okay, if you are guilty, you will be punished. The sun is shining, and it is my Lieyang Dao. Even if General Pan is loyal, this god will not let righteousness go aside and favor our own people." This is what Lena was waiting for. When some results were about to be pronounced, several elders who had just recovered from their senses hurriedly shouted:

"My God, no!"

"General Pan's meritorious deeds are outstanding. He defended the land for my Lieyang. It can be seen that even if there are occasional unsuitable decisions, it is justifiable..."

"Elders... don't need to say more." Pan Zhen raised his eyes and shouted at the elders, then looked at Leina:

"My god will punish the sinner, there is no need to worry too much, Pan Zhen has no objection!"


Several elders still wanted to persuade something, Leina stood up directly, and said in a domineering manner:

"Pan Zhen, as the guardian of Lieyang, ignored other civilizations, and privately led his troops to invade the backward life planet of Shenhe, causing massacres and disputes. ..."

"This god has decided to temporarily remove all the powers in the hands of General Pan Zhen, deprive him of the authority of the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, and transfer it to Chifeng Tianhu·Wu Zhao!"

Treating Pan Zhen like this, the generals of the Four Guardians and the Four Heavenly Guardians were all a little surprised. It would be fine if they were relieved of their powers, and they would also deprive Pan Zhen of his authority in the Heavenly Dao Pagoda...

Is this too heavy a deal?

The authority of Tiandao Pagoda is of great significance to Lieyang. After Pan Zhen is deprived of this authority, he is not much different from ordinary Lieyang warriors except for his divine power.

What Leina did was not only suppressing, she was also taking the opportunity to suppress while taking back some power.

"And you..."

After dealing with Pan Zhen, Leina didn't let it go, she looked at the elders who jumped out just now.

"General Pan Zhen made a mistake first. As elders with authority, you have the responsibility of supervision. Before that, no one took the initiative to explain the situation to the god..."

"Punish with the crime, remove all powers in your hands, deprive you of your status as an elder, and let this god reflect on your mistakes!"

Chapter 84 The Way of Heaven Revives the Old Kamikawa


A meeting of elders, before it ended, several elders were forced to leave early.

"Reviving Lieyang is inevitable, but we can choose what method to use." After finishing those elders who would get in the way, Reina said to the rest:

"Whether it's from the morality of Kamikawa or the belief in Lieyang, I think..."

"Exchange and contact between civilizations should not stop at war and aggression!"

"Even civilizations with different ideas, different beliefs, and different races have other ways of co-existing."

"War is a method that can be used, but it also needs to be vigilant. Any aggressive behavior caused by launching a war under the pretext cannot change its essence..."

"What wars I, Lieyang will launch in the future, will never be aimed at invading other civilizations. I hope you will remember this."

With the background of the Lieyang God-level civilization and the accumulation of years of past civilizations, they are currently at the stage of civilization, and they no longer need to use purely aggressive means of war to obtain any benefits and promote the development and continuation of civilization up.

They are majestic blazing suns, god-level civilizations who control the way of heaven!

What they want now is to revive, to revive the glory of the old Kamigawa...

It is even more important to atone for the past wars, for the decline of the old Kamigawa world, and to regain the lost responsibility of the ancestors.

To achieve this goal by means of aggression is to shame their heaven, and shame the ancestors and ancestors of Lieyang who died in the unjust war they participated in.

As the new generation of Lieyang Lord God, Lena doesn't want to see those unbearable lessons happen again to Lieyang civilization.

Therefore, she must take the initiative to change something.

After the content of the meeting, Lena roughly planned the main issues of Lieyang Civilization in the next period of time, and then announced the dissolution of the meeting.

After the meeting, Leina called Pan Zhen and several guardians and guardians together.

"General Pan, you have been wronged." Lena said.

Pan Zhen looked at Leina, who was becoming more and more god-like, and felt relieved. Her performance at the meeting just now had already convinced some people in Lieyang.

As long as it goes on like this for a long time, Reina will gradually break away from his care, and truly become a god who can stand on her own.

In the eyes of a guardian of a god-level civilization, gods and civilization are everything.

For these two things, no matter how much sacrifice is made, what is the so-called grievance, how can it be more important to let the gods guarded thrive and the civilization entrusted to rejuvenate?

However, what makes Pan Zhen curious is why Leina has undergone such a big change since returning from a trip to Blue Star. clear reason...

"My God, don't worry about small things." Pan Zhen looked at Leina and said calmly:

"The last general listened to what my god said at the meeting. Presumably my god already has some plans in his heart..."

"Here are all my own people. My God, I can speak directly. Where the help of the general is needed, I can implement it as soon as possible."

Since Lie Yang is to be revived, the means must be fast. Lie Yang has too many remaining problems, and if they are dealt with one by one, unnecessary turmoil will inevitably occur...

This goal can best be achieved by cutting through the mess quickly.

Lena nodded, then looked at the guardians and guardians present, and said in a flat tone:

"I do have some plans that need to be executed, but before I tell you about these plans, I have to confirm something..."

"What does my God want to confirm? Just tell me straight, and I will try my best to tell you." Chifeng Tianhu, who grew up with Leina and has an extraordinary relationship, stepped forward at this time and opened the way for Leina.

"Heavenly Dao Project!" Lena said these four words with a concentrated expression. Hearing the name of this project, Pan Zhen and several guardians and guardians present all froze.

"I know, this plan


In the future, you are still keeping it, invading the blue star, seizing other civilized planets, to continue the civilization of Lieyang, or sacrifice it to save Lieyang..." Lena said slowly, her tone became calmer:

"I know that all of you are for Lie Yang in your heart, but as I said, you can choose the way for Lie Yang."

"Sacrificing other civilizations to protect one's own civilization is sometimes worse than aggression!"

"Every civilization has its own selfishness, but it's okay to be forced to do so urgently. Right now, I, Lie Yang, have a better way to continue my own civilization and promote my own principles. Some extreme things need to be kept.”

"There is a certain distance between civilizations. They can communicate, make progress with each other, and coexist with each other..."

Lena repeatedly emphasized her point of view, but a faint voice sounded inappropriately at this time:

"How did my god know about Heaven's plan?"

One of the four Heavenly Guardians, Husha Heavenly Guardian Xuan Tianji stood up and looked at Leina.

Lena looked at each other like a mirror, and said without any concealment:

"Wu Zhao told me, what's the matter? Is the god not qualified to know such shameless things?"

Xuan Tianji looked at Wu Zhao, who was also at the same level as Lieyang Tianhu, and shook his head. He didn't care too much, and didn't show any intention of contradicting him. He just said paranoidly:

"Of course the last general didn't mean that, it's just, my god..."

"It's easy to say that it is necessary to cancel the Tiandao plan, but I have been preparing for thousands of years and have spent countless resources on this plan. It is impossible to cancel it casually with a single word."

"You should understand us..."

"If you insist on canceling the Tiandao plan, even if General Pan Zhen agrees, I will not agree. First of all, you must have a better alternative plan, otherwise..."

As soon as Xuan Tianji finished speaking, Pan Zhen's low voice came from next to his ear:

"Shut up and back off!"

"Yes..." Xuan Tianji retreated silently, he had finished what he wanted to say.

"Of course I have a better plan, it depends on whether you are willing to implement it." After thinking for a while, Lena said cautiously.

"I would like to hear about my grand plans." One of the four guardians cupped his hands.

"For Lieyang, it shouldn't be difficult to find a planet suitable for Lieyang's people to live in the old Kamigawa?" Reina said:

"Pan Zhen also said before that in the Heavenly Dao Project, Blue Star is just the most suitable choice, not because there are no other options."

"The universe is so big and there are so many planets, but it doesn't have to be in other people's yards."

"First find a suitable unowned planet in the nearby star system, move some of Lieyang's people out, and tell them that this is my will. Whoever dares to jump out to stop them will be imprisoned by me for obstructing the way of heaven. "

"I don't mean to abolish the Tiandao plan, but to slightly modify some of it. General Pan Zhen will leave this matter to you to carry out."

"Please don't worry." Pan Zhen said after thinking for a while, cupped his fists and nodded.

"Wu Zhao, during this period, you need to keep an eye on the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, and the rest of the guardians should perform their duties, and try our best to cooperate so as not to cause any accidents."


"Finally, I need to reorganize the council of elders."

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