Chapter 89 The Cooperation of the Diplomatic Sun


When hundreds of civilian starships were delivered to the hands of non-governmental organizations, they were used for the right thing in the first place.

These folk groups, either in a team of three or five ships, or in a group of a dozen ships, or alone, after reporting information to the federal government, they can't wait to drive the starship to the distant interstellar space. and go.

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The advancement of aerospace technology has enabled most people to have close contact with the starry sky, and has also revealed more unknowns and mysteries to people.

From the time when the Southern Gate II galaxy was brought under the jurisdiction of the Galaxy Federation by the squadron of the First Fleet, until now, a mighty interstellar wave has been completely set off.

Every legal citizen of the Galaxy Federation can register with the federal government after upgrading their own genes once, and explore outer galaxies by self-driving starships.

More and more civilian starships are included in the space dock production line and put into the interstellar wave.

Following this, the Galaxy Federation space force began to expand, and the ships required to form the second and third fleets will be put into use as quickly as possible after the construction of the military space dock is completed.

The First Fleet of the Space Force is also in this expansion sequence. Originally, the First Fleet had only ten battleships as capital ships, and a conventional fleet with a scale of hundreds.

After this expansion, the strength of the First Fleet will be upgraded to a star sea battleship group with [-] battleships as capital ships and a scale of more than [-] ships.

Not only the First Fleet, but the construction standards of the Second and Third Fleets are also built according to the scale of the expanded First Fleet as a standard template.

The construction of starships requires a large amount of mineral resources to store alloy resources, and the resources required to build three fleets are even more difficult to meet their needs with only Blue Star, the home planet of civilization.

Since the solar system stellar space station was established, the Galaxy Federation has quickly launched a plan to develop and utilize the resources of this galaxy in order to solve this problem.

The federal government has set up resource mining stations on planets in the system such as Mercury, Venus, and Mars to conduct large-scale mining of mineral resources and rare resources on these planets, which can barely cope with the current huge consumption of resources for a while.

These resources alone are not enough to meet the needs of the Galaxy Federation. It takes time to mine resources, and it takes a lot of time to build a starship to build a fleet of battleships.

The internal order and internal philosophy that the Galaxy Federation is currently exercising is a wave of thought that emphasizes efficient order and brilliant ideas. How to use all the resources that can be obtained in the shortest time to complete the various construction plans that need to be completed in hand is a top priority.

The high level of the entire civilization is compelled by a sense of urgency to quickly push forward the civilization process of this civilization.

The universe is really too big, and it is filled with endless darkness. Under this almost borderless darkness, even the light as strong as a star can only cover a certain area.

The farther you go into space, into deep space, the civilization that yearns for heights will truly realize the weakness and insignificance of your own civilization and all its life.

In the vastness of the universe, how should small people view this world that has not been fully defined by themselves?


Life is dust, and so is civilization.

But even dust has its own way of life and existence value. As a small dust that can be seen everywhere but is insignificant, they can only use the limited time they can control to create a brilliance and a miracle. , Prove your worth to the vast universe.

It takes time to create miracles. First of all, they must be sure that they have the absolute right to survive in this universe. There must be huge threats lurking in the endless darkness, undetected or already detected threats.

These threats do not know when they will be thrown out from the dark like a heavy punch. Under the urgency of this threat, they can only use the fastest and fastest means to improve the civilization's ability to deal with threats at all costs. Absolute strength.

When the three major fleets are fully established, the strength of the Galaxy Federation will rise to a level far exceeding that of ordinary space-level civilizations.


Coupled with the continuous emergence of innovative grassroots technologies, more and more people at the bottom are liberated from the constraints of the internal society and march towards the stars.

The first overall sublimation of the Blue Star human civilization has basically established a general trend, and they are gradually moving closer to the powerful civilization standards defined by themselves.

As time passed, a message came back from the South Gate [-] galaxy that the federation's first and second extraterrestrial colonies had been established!

Once the news spread, it sparked heated discussions among people.

The establishment of extraterrestrial colonies means the expansion of the living space of the main groups of this civilization. In the future, their living space will not be limited to the blue star, the mother planet of civilization, and the initial scale of an interstellar society will gradually be established.

While people were celebrating, there were also many people with a keen sense of smell. Before the federal government was organized, they spontaneously appealed to it, wanting to go to the established extraterrestrial colony to contribute to the interstellar expansion. .

Extraterrestrial colonies mean the expansion of living space for civilization groups, but in the eyes of more individuals, the meaning is more than that, it also means the emergence of more distributable resources and new places of power!

The public's enthusiasm for interstellar expansion has once again been raised to a higher level.

In response to this situation, the federal government has also responded by organizing and mobilizing space army transport ships as quickly as possible, and plans to send people who want to go to extraterrestrial colonies to the second galaxy of the South Gate.

At this time, a sudden news brought confusion to the top federal officials.

North Star, Federation Senior Guild Hall.

The arrival of two uninvited guests put the place on high alert.

Li Wei sat in the guild hall with several high-level personnel. Opposite him, a woman in a black windbreaker and short skirt and boots sat and stood beside two men in ancient armor.

It seems that the visitor is not good.

"Everyone, we are from Lieyang Civilization." Sitting opposite Li Wei, Lena said first.

"Leina, once served as the captain of the special unit of the disbanded Xiongbing Company, the Lord God of Lieyang." Li Wei responded blankly:

"We have some information about you here, what advice do you have for coming here?"

"Xiongbing Company..." Lena didn't express too many thoughts on this matter, but looked directly at Li Wei and said:

"You were once invaded, and I wanted to help you out of friendship, but refused my help."

"But I hope that that friendship can continue and some of the unpleasant conflicts between them will be eliminated."

"Please explain in detail." Li Wei said neither humble nor overbearing.

"We are here to represent Lieyang Civilization and hope to establish friendly diplomatic relations with the Galaxy Federation and reach some cooperation that is beneficial to both parties." Lena also went straight to the topic:

"And best of all, let me have a good talk with some of the guys behind you guys."

Malenia's Abandoned Rider reminds you: Remember to bookmark 【】 after reading it. Next time I will update it so that it will be convenient for you to continue reading. Looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version: , you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 90 Superior [-] VS [-]



Li Wei shook his head, then said:

"If you are here to establish diplomatic relations with our civilization, then don't talk about inexplicable topics."

"What kind of cooperation do you want to establish, please tell me directly."

Since the other party is cooperating on behalf of Lieyang civilization, the Galaxy Federation is naturally very welcome.

Lieyang civilization is a god-level civilization, they know it, and they also know the gap between god-level civilization and aerospace-level civilization in this universe.

For a more powerful god-level civilization, it is the best choice for them not to be hostile to it at this stage.

"I need some technical help from you. Of course, we will also give you some technical feedback..." Lena took out a cooperation plan that had been prepared in advance and asked Tianhu, who came next to her, to submit it past.

"Technical exchange?" The high-level federation headed by Li Wei frowned collectively.

"In your words, that's the meaning." Reina nodded slightly.

Li Wei and the others didn't say anything, and they all fell silent.

The four words of technical exchange are simple to say, but the actual situation is very complicated.

First of all, those technologies that are to be used for communication need to maintain a cordon, what can be given to the other party, and what must be kept secret.

In the end, you have to determine in advance what you can get from the other party. It is said to be an exchange, but it is actually a transaction.

Open the cooperation plan submitted by Lena, which pointed out in detail some of the technologies needed by Lieyang civilization, all of which are a large number of civilian technologies including omnic technology.

The development of high-level civilizations in this universe has lost its direction. It relies on pure god-making technology and related concepts to lead the development of civilization. Cutting-edge technology has made some achievements, while low-level technology and middle-level technology are somewhat expensive and scarce, or even developed extremely slowly.

Even for a god-level civilization like Lieyang, under the social structure of theocracy and monarchy, the quality of life of ordinary people and the related means of production used are extremely inefficient.

After all, in the eyes of any god, ordinary people only need to live and work in peace and contentment, depend on the god, and under its guidance, maintain stability and not cause any trouble to civilization.

In this way, ordinary people will inevitably be ignorant and weakened. Therefore, no matter in today’s old Kamigawa world or under the justice order system of angels, except for the god-level individuals in those advanced civilizations, those ordinary people without power are just vassals group.

Under the guidance of these god-level civilizations, most ordinary people do not have their own dominant will, do not have their own cutting-edge knowledge, and will not enjoy too many technological dividends...

Theocracy, that's what it is.

Even though they are in the name of justice, the practice of justice to bring order to the world and write the history of civilization cannot cover up the various injustices under the so-called theocracy.

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Whether justice or evil, once applied to power, they will inevitably become tools of power, and the essential difference between the two is only on the moral level.

But for most of the matters between civilization and civilization and the interior of this civilization, it has always been very ridiculous to divide good and evil based on morality alone.


Therefore, when they saw that Lieyang, a majestic god-level civilization, was now looking for the Galaxy Federation to cooperate with these civilian technologies, Li Wei and others also initially understood the deficiencies of the so-called god-level civilization in this universe.

From the perspective of human beings, for a civilization, the system is the bone of civilization, technology is the blood of civilization, and culture is the soul of civilization.

These so-called god-level civilizations are like bloated giants. They seem to stand tall, but the legs, torsos, and spines that support them stand up are very slender. They just have more developed brains and stronger claws. It is their sharpness that allows them to occupy a dominant position in this universe that lacks an excellent civilization ideology.

In fact, their souls are very thin, and their slender bones cannot support too much flesh and blood. The reason why they look swollen is just some


Too much blood in the place propped up the empty flesh under the skin.

Rather than saying that they are advanced civilizations one by one, it is better to say that they use cutting-edge technological means to master civilization and disguise themselves as advanced forces of civilization.

Even if they are taking the road of creating gods to develop civilization, they are going astray.

They only developed the gods and theocracy, but actually deviated this civilization from the basic form of civilization.

Civilizations that only want to rely on the development of gods and theocracy to develop delusional development will definitely lack some things. They will abandon more things during development, more than civilizations that simply abandon compassion and kindness.

When Lena saw the development of the Galaxy Federation, she also saw these things. Today's Lieyang is not only a giant with trauma, but a high-level civilization with disabilities and deformities. .

If they want to change the status quo, it is not enough for them to rely on the efforts of their own civilization. They do not lack brains and doctors, but they lack some necessary medical methods and a powerful medicine.

In order for Lie Yang to wake up from the dying state before and stand up again to embark on the journey of their own civilization, there are too many things they need to correct, and it is irreparable without strong medicine.

When this civilization meets other civilizations, it is like looking at each other through a mirror.

When the Galaxy Federation appears in the eyes of other civilizations in a form of civilization that is completely different from the mainstream of Shenhe, it is inevitable that those civilizations that have been developing in the mainstream of Shenhe will see some of the shortcomings of this civilization in comparison. needs to be changed.

With the development and efficient expansion of the Galaxy Federation, blindly holding a high-ranking attitude and looking at the world with a cold eye will only add a sense of oppression to these civilizations under the mainstream model of Shenhe.

Lie Yang was very lucky to have discovered them when the Galaxy Federation was first established.

They are also very unfortunate, because they must feel the increasing oppression from different forms of civilization at the first time.

Witnessing that the Galaxy Federation has quickly reorganized the Blue Star civilization from a backward pre-nuclear civilization to an aerospace-grade civilization that has begun interstellar expansion, Lena deeply understands what kind of civilization potential the current Galaxy Federation has.

In time, in this galaxy, they will be powerful everywhere.

Since this group of backward Blue Stars can do this, why can't their 6-year Lieyang?

She Reina, is a young main god.

Young people are often labeled with bad labels by some people, such as lack of experience, too low qualifications, and so on.

But more, the effect of a young main god on a 6-year civilization is irreplaceable by other older gods.

She will be more pioneering and changeable, because she is younger, she will not be like those old guys, who will not let go of a set of outdated ideas, let alone put on a posture to be superior, no Willing to admit the superiority of younger civilizations, let alone be unwilling to learn these superiorities.

Although the Galaxy Federation is now only a 5000-year civilization, compared to Lieyang's 6 years, it can hardly be described as young, it can be said to be immature.

But an aerospace-level civilization with a god-level force behind it now has something they urgently need.

That's why she brought people here now.

Malenia's Abandoned Rider reminds you: Remember to bookmark 【】 after reading it. Next time I will update it so that it will be convenient for you to continue reading. Looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version: , you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 91 Cooperation Respect and Security


"We can accept Lie Yang's cooperation, but we have to discuss the specific content of the cooperation..." Li Wei said after careful consideration.

He asked the person next to him to hand back the plan given by Reina.

"Of course, the one I took out is just grass." Reina said the same.

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