actually sat in front of him.

The appearance of Kieran, as well as the messages sent to him by the other party, made Gu Yu feel that a door to a new world was opened to him, to the current him.

The existence of Kieran, as well as those messages, told Gu Yu that there are many mysteries that he cannot understand in the universe he already exists.

There are still many unsolved problems that have appeared and have not appeared, waiting for him to dig and explore.

At present, his knowledge and strength cannot support a future "he".

His existence is still as insignificant as a floating sand in the vast galaxy, a grain of dust.

He still needs to maintain awe and longing for many things.

But also because of this, he is yearning for the bright scenery that exists on the top of the stars in the future. He can clearly see that the next him will be like a climber, step by step, little by little towards one after another. The magnificent peak keeps climbing up...

What kind of torment this will be, and what kind of luck it will be...

Standing at this point in time, he has no other choice in front of him except to go up, Gu Yuming realized.

I am afraid that some future incomprehensible existence will also treat it this way.


200 light-years away, the K2-155 star system, the god-given galaxy, the star field where the Great-Sinnur Alliance is located.

The Starship Federation Fleet headed by battleships gathered here. The flags of the First Fleet and the Second Fleet have already sworn that this main galaxy, which belongs to the civilization center of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, has fallen into the hands of the Galaxy Federation.

The war is over.

All the warships belonging to the Great-Sinnur Alliance were destroyed by force without any suspense, and even surrender was not accepted!

In this miraculous galaxy named the God-given galaxy by the Great-Sinnur Alliance, the five civilization mother planets that gave birth to countless epic histories and great figures are already devastated.

Under the smoke, the five once extremely prosperous civilization parent planets, after repeated orbital bombing and delivery of mechanical combat troops, the signs of the fall are engraved all over the surface of the five planets.

All the civilization territories of the Great-Sinnur Alliance fell completely, and all the star systems and planetary regimes under the jurisdiction of this civilization belonged to the Galaxy Federation.

At the same time, all the intelligent life groups within this civilization have all become defeated. Next, what awaits these "trophies" will be the disposal regulations from the Interstellar Law of the Galaxy Federation.

This arrogant, ignorant, and pathetic civilization will pay their painful lessons in the living environment of this cruel universe.

How to deal with the intelligent life of a defeated civilization?

Although due to the influence of some ideological trends, the prevailing attitude in the Galaxy Federation is that "killing everything is the highest priority for a civilization".

But in the end, this is the first time that the Galaxy Federation has dealt with an intelligent life that is also an aerospace-grade civilization. The Great-Sinnur Alliance has dozens of star systems under its jurisdiction, and the planetary-level regime contained in it , there are nearly twenty of them.

The intelligent life on these planets adds up to more than 500 billion. How to solve the problem of more than 500 billion life and kill them all at once?

What is the difference between this and an executioner? Although the internal thoughts of the Galaxy Federation are unified, this kind of behavior of disposing of such a large number of intelligent life at one time is still not recognized.

And killing life, even the life of other civilizations, is not an efficient way to deal with intelligent life.

After a series of discussions in this regard, the first fleet and the second fleet, and the headquarters of the two fleets finally held a joint meeting to determine that this kind of problem is not something they should think about, and then they handed over the problem to other upper echelons and shared the relevant information Sent back to Blue Star.

For a while, Blue Star's federal executives also quickly held a secret meeting on this matter.

The content of this secret meeting is kept at a very high level of confidentiality. It is unknown what was discussed in detail. We only know that since this meeting, the scale of the [Bio-grid Project]


began to gradually expand.

Especially in the great Xinnur Alliance civilization territory occupied by the Galaxy Federation, the scale of the [Bio-grid Project] was once secretly expanded to the extent that it covered the interior of several planets.

In the war against the Great-Sinnur Alliance, the Galaxy Federation won in an all-round way. After the whole war, not only did it not lose much, but it also occupied the entire territory of the opponent's civilization. It can be said to be a complete victory.

After this war, the Galaxy Federation has also vaguely recognized its own interstellar power status, whether it was the gluttonous fleet that invaded the solar system that was wiped out when the Galaxy Federation entered the space and astronautics era, or the current war that they have destroyed. The greatness that perishes as easily as the tide-Sinnur alliance...

The two space-level civilizations encountered twice before and after, it seems that the superficial strength and actual strength they displayed are...weak? !

Obviously they are just a young civilization that has just developed aerospace technology and entered the space age?How can this happen.

According to the consistency, most of the scientific cognition inside the civilization, the understanding of this dark universe, and the prediction of the general civilization process...

Young astronaut civilizations like them who have just entered the universe and don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, after stepping into this empty and mysterious deep space.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't it be crushed and beaten by the strength of some more powerful aerospace-grade civilizations, and then they will work hard to fight back against those powerful civilizations?

Why, the two space-level civilizations they encountered one after another, one gluttonous and the other great—Sinnur Alliance, after some insiders of the Starship Federation fought against it, not only did they not witness any strength from these two ...

Why are the enemies they encounter weaker than each other?

Space-level civilizations that developed earlier than them, just this strength?

This is not only inappropriate, it is simply too inappropriate.

Or, it's not that these space-level civilizations are too weak...

Chapter 120 Three Water Droplet Sentinel Array Project


Could it be that in the universe we exist, space-level civilizations are weak existences like Gluttony and the Great-Sinnur Alliance?

The victories brought about by the two stress-free interstellar wars made some people in the Starship Federation come up with this idea.

In order to test this conjecture, some plans were launched.

How big is this universe?

Some god-level civilizations may know it, but with the current technological development of the Galaxy Federation, they don't need to know the answer to this question, but it can't stop them from thinking about it.

Take the Milky Way, where the solar system is located, as an example. It is a huge galaxy with a diameter of [-] light years, containing hundreds of billions of star systems and various celestial bodies.

And now the civilizational territory of the Galaxy Federation, after the continuous space exploration and the completion of the war against the Great-Sinnur Alliance, the civilizational territory has barely exceeded the limit of two hundred light years.

Two hundred light years, this number may sound small, but the distance of two hundred light years is already a long distance that many beings cannot reach in their lifetime.

In the past, even within a planet, a distance of thousands of miles was enough to discourage many ordinary people. If the distance of more than a hundred light years, the interstellar territory that will be crossed is extremely terrifying.

A civilization that has not long entered the space age from a planetary civilization, and suddenly has such a large civilization territory, will always make the internal group feel unrealistic, thinking that the distance of two hundred light years is nothing.

But this already terrifying two-hundred-light-year territory, when placed in front of the Milky Way with a diameter of [-] light-years, seems so small, like in a certain ravine.

The Blue Star is to the solar system like the rocks of a mountain, the solar system is to the Milky Way like the sand in the river...

Before life and civilization reach a certain height, they appear so insignificant in the supposedly infinitely vast universe.

Because of this, some people feel that life is dust, and civilization is also dust.

With a distance of hundreds of light years, with the current technological level of the Galaxy Federation, that is, the most basic sub-light speed navigation and hyperspace channel technology, it needs to be fully controlled, and it will take time to continue to explore outwards.

Reality is not a game. For a civilization, the development and utilization of resources, the extension and application of technology, the exploration of the unknown starry sky, and the development and growth of civilization forms all take a very long time to accumulate. .

Based on the sub-light speed navigation technology and hyperspace navigation technology currently mastered by the Galaxy Federation, Hakkas within the civilization predict that assuming that the technology of the Galaxy Federation will not show too obvious development and progress in the future, relying on this alone Two technologies to promote the development of an aerospace-grade civilization like theirs...

It is estimated that within the next 200 years, the actual civilization territory of the Galaxy Federation will expand to thousands of light-years, and the scope of civilization observation and detection of star systems will expand to more than tens of thousands of light-years.

This is simply too inefficient. At this speed, the Galaxy Federation still needs to explore a wider universe?

Within 200 years, even the Milky Way they live in cannot escape.

People without thought, he must worry about.

The 200-year prediction process is already a positive prediction for their civilization. If their understanding of the universe in 200 years is limited to this, and even more limited to what is predicted... it really does not meet some imagine.

In order to understand the universe that exists earlier, to be precise, to understand the galaxy where the solar system is located earlier, the Federation of Star Rivers decided to launch some plans.

【"Water Drop" Project】

【Sentinel Array Construction Project】

According to a strong interaction material technology secretly developed within the Federation, the Federation decided to build an ultra-long-distance interstellar probe called "Water Droplet".

In the plan, this ultra-long-distance interstellar probe will cast its outer shell with strong interaction technology, supplemented by sub-light speed technology, plus some long-term energy supply technology of star energy obtained in cooperation with the Lieyang civilization, and some Nanoscale omnic self-maintaining microscopic technology for long-term maintenance.


Once this kind of "water droplet" is launched, it can conduct super-long-term interstellar exploration in unknown star systems without the continuous support of the civilization behind it.

With this kind of "water droplet", the speed of interstellar exploration and the actual cost and time of the Starship Federation will be greatly reduced and shortened.

They were able to complete the actual exploration of all the star fields in the Milky Way in an earlier time.

As for the "Sentinel Matrix" project, it is a huge galaxy monitoring project, and the Federation of Star Rivers plans to build a super-giant space structure.

This super-giant space structure will become a long-term project. With the continuous advancement of the project, the interstellar sensing system equipped with the Sentinel Array will cover the entire galaxy and even the star field in the farther range. It will not only rapidly expand the Starship Federation. The speed of interstellar expansion can also establish a more comprehensive interstellar communication network.

These two planned projects, carried out together, will greatly reduce the Federation's external development costs, as well as the speed of civilization development, and even shorten some cumbersome civilization processes.


Back of the Moon.

[You are observing subspace, acquiring knowledge, progress +6...]

[Progress accumulation: 326%]

"Withdraw the reward."

After Gu Yu broke away from the subspace, seeing that the progress of the system had accumulated so much, he decisively chose to settle the progress.

[Progress settlement, rewards are being issued...]

[Congratulations to the host, rewards: subspace tachyon sensor/monitoring array technology*1, subspace refraction technology*1, giant psychic star torch*1! 】

After receiving three rewards at once, Gu Yu felt completely at peace in his heart.

Subspace tachyon sensor/monitoring array technology, this is used to monitor subspace scenes and changes.

Subspace reflection technology, which is a type of psychic technology, can create a special psychic interference device for some powerful psychics, so that it can ignore the gap between some subspaces and the real material space, Directly in the subspace or real material space, it causes a direct physical attack across space dimensions to objects or creatures in another corresponding space.

That is, like in some games, a weapon that deals real damage.

As for the giant psychic astronomical torch, this is a special device that can guide the direction of an interstellar spacecraft navigating in the subspace, and can be used for purposes such as specifying coordinates and a lighthouse in the subspace.

If he expected it, he could even use this thing to develop theocracy, the kind of real theocracy, but he didn't want to ascend to the gods or something, so this thing is currently useless.

Now the interstellar expansion of the Galaxy Federation has reached a certain level, and the territory of civilization has expanded unprecedentedly. Following this, the prototype of a huge interstellar society has basically taken shape.

One by one, extraterrestrial colonies outside the blue star and the solar system were established, more living spaces and inhabited cities were created, and more abundant resources and more unknown knowledge were brought into civilization.

These are all signs of the progress and development of civilization. With the progress of civilization, the second national gene sublimation plan was also quickly launched.

Due to his interference, some psychic transformation plans were added to the second national gene sublimation plan, and some gifted individuals suitable for becoming psychics were selected, and the concept and knowledge of psychics also quietly spread. Controlled spread among some internal groups.

To a certain extent, with the moderate popularization of psychic power, when civilization is suitable for mastering subspace technology, the Galaxy Federation will enter the level of dealing with subspace sooner or later.

Some subspace technologies and psionic technologies will sooner or later be fully accepted by groups within the civilization.

Next, we only need to take some protective measures to prevent the internal psykers of the Galaxy Federation from losing control of their psychic powers. Generally speaking, some budget plans can be regarded as being advanced perfectly and efficiently.

Gu Yu connected to the Hetu Computing Cloud, checked the data of the central think tank of the Galaxy Federation, and glanced at it. Under the current situation of gradually reducing interference, the data of the Galaxy Federation's central think tank


Some fine-grained progressive development.

【Sentinel Array Construction Project】

【Planetary celestial body engineering - Halo project】

【Space Habitat Project】

【Tianji Engineering】

【Extensive area stellar space station construction project】


After taking a closer look, Gu Yu was a little surprised to find that there are quite a few projects that the Galaxy Federation is currently planning...

There is no problem with the planning and execution of these projects, many of which are planned by him. In terms of paper plans, it is naturally possible to guarantee that there will be no problems.

The only problem is the speed of the project.

These enumerated engineering projects include many large-scale space facility projects, and even some giant structural projects. First of all, these projects are very large in scale.

With the current engineering construction capabilities of the Galaxy Federation, relying on a single space engineering ship and CM standard templates, although it can quickly promote the progress of these huge projects, it is still quite difficult.

Even if one of the above-mentioned projects is taken out at random, with the engineering capabilities of the Galaxy Federation, it will take ten years or even hundreds of years to advance it to the day when it can be fully completed.

If this time can be saved, the civilization potential of the Galaxy Federation will be further enhanced.

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