"Angel Yan and a group of guard-level angels nearby immediately understood what happened, and were shocked.

These guardian angels are very clear about what Frazer Star, where the Holy Kingdom of Alan is located, means to Angel Nebula.

Long before this battle with the demons started, these guardian angels who had accompanied Keisha in battle all the year round had heard that Kaisha vaguely revealed the news that she wanted to retire.

In order to ensure that after she retires, there will be a suitable king of angels who can stabilize the justice order she created, Kesha has used her treasure house of sacred knowledge to carefully calculate a very suitable candidate to inherit her position of king of angels.

Now, that candidate is in the holy kingdom of Alan on Star Frazer, owning one kingdom and serving as the king of one.

The devil suddenly appeared on Frazer Star. At this critical moment, the angels naturally saw that this was a well-prepared plan!

Not only did the demons know the candidate for the future King of Angels, but they also sent high-end fighters like Sword Demon to attack Frazer Star at this time. This couldn't be an unprovoked accident.

At present, the main attention and combat power of the angels are concentrated in the current star field, preparing to encircle and wipe out the main force of demons including the demon queen Morgana in one fell swoop, and then thoroughly attack the forces of demons in the known universe again and again Great cleaning.

This is Kesha's hope that before she retreats behind the scenes, she can try her best to clear up the hidden dangers for the next king of angels, so that her justice and order can be perfectly inherited.

Now that Star Fraser is being attacked by demons, it is equivalent to a fire in their rear. If Star Fraser falls, even if they win the battle against demons here, it will cause Angel Nebula a lot of losses.

The ones Morgana sent to Frazier were sword demons, one of the few high-end combat powers. If Angel wanted to deal with it, he had to send the same level of combat power to keep Frazier safe.

Keisha thought about it for a while, this was an obvious tactic to turn the tiger away from the mountain, but she had to fall into it, Frazier was concerned with the future of the angels, and there was nothing to lose.

"Yan, oh...and, Zhi Xin, you guys


come over. "

Kaisha summoned her sacred wings to the front, and the heroic Angel Yan and the short-haired angel Zhixin came to the throne, bowed slightly, and waited for the order.

"Let's go to Frazer Star together, and get rid of the hidden dangers of demons there, don't make any mistakes."


Hearing this, Kaisha's current holy wings, Angel Yan and Angel Zhixin, were taken aback at the same time, even the guard-level angels beside them looked at Kaisha in a little puzzlement.

Sending the Sacred Wings to Frazer at the same time, isn't it a little... superfluous?

Frazer's safety is certainly important, but right now, isn't the most important thing right now is the war with the devil?

Even if it was Morgana's number one swordsman Atuo who appeared in Frazer, Queen Keisha didn't need to send her sacred wings to Frazer, right?

If the war between them and the demons officially enters a decisive battle during the time when the Holy Wings go to Frazer, Kaisha's combat power will be somewhat reduced without the Holy Wings... Then Kaisha, it seems that it will not have much impact.

The angels are generally confident now. They know that with Kaisha's current strength, she stands on top of the gods without fear of any threats. The existence of the so-called sacred wings is just a superficial battle for her today. It's just a foil.

Even without the sacred wings, she is still the king of the gods. Thinking about it this way, other guardian angels have no objection to Kesha's order.

Only Angel Yan still frowned a little. She could vaguely see something with unknown intentions from the demon attack on Frazer, and she couldn't say what it was.

"Queen, Zhixin and I are going to Frazer, it's a bit redundant...or I will go, or Zhixin will do." Angel Yan hesitated about Kesha's order, and persuaded him a little.

Hearing what Angel Yan said, Kaisha's eyes flashed with admiration. For her left-wing guard, she has always taught her a lot. She could see that Angel Yan had also seen some clues from this matter, but she didn't Just point it out.

"No, Yan, you go with Zhi Xin, and I'm relieved if you take care of each other." Keisha said firmly.

Angel Yan heard some hints from her tone, so he didn't stop anything, nodded slightly and said:

"Yes, Queen Keisha, Zhixin and I are leaving for Frazier now!"

Afterwards, with the help of Keisha, the two holy wings opened an ultra-long-distance cross-galaxy shuttle bridge, and disappeared in plain sight.


"Reporting to the queen, a credible message has been received from Styx, and the sacred wings have left Kesha's surroundings!"

Devil No. [-], Morgana immediately slapped the throne, and said with joy in her tone:

"it is good!"

"Kesha is a bitch, she's in the suit!"

"Hahaha, contact Death Song Academy at any time, and we can start a real battle. This will be the largest battle of killing gods in history..."

"Justice, hehe... this time, I will completely trample you under my feet."

Afterwards, the entire Demon One also began to get busy, and teams of demon warriors were assembled. Since they came to this star field, more than [-] demon warriors had gathered on Demon One at this moment. .

Morgana intends to take out her old book and have a real battle to the death with Kaisha and the angels under her command!

This is the last chance for their demons. From now on, this kind of opportunity that allows them to defeat the main force of angels headed by Kaisha will never appear again.

Because this time, they are going to have a real killing of the gods, and they will completely damage the theocratic power of the angels!


Solar system, blue star.

A huge star ring base site surrounding the blue star was built, and a series of extremely powerful engineering ships surrounded the blue star. On the star ring base site, this huge project was constantly being improved.

【Planetary celestial body engineering - Halo project】

when this


When this project is completely completed, a star ring base surrounding Blue Star will be formed. At that time, this star ring base will be able to provide Blue Star with a large number of defenses and other various specialized functions, which is conducive to the mobilization of the entire Blue Star central system. It will become a clear sign of the comprehensive development of the civilized interstellar society.

And outside the blue star, above the outer space of Jupiter in the solar system, a giant structural project equivalent to half of the blue star is also unfolding, and it is advancing at an extremely fast speed.

【Sentinel Array Project】

From the construction of the foundation site, to the establishment of the large-scale project framework, to the improvement of detailed facilities, and then to the completion of the project construction... The Galaxy Federation's construction speed of these huge projects is astonishingly fast.

This is all thanks to the emergence of a black technology product - [Void Accelerator]. With this black technology-like weapon, the speed of the Galaxy Federation's space engineering construction has been geometrically multiplied.

With the support of the [Void Accelerator], large-scale projects that might have taken months, ten years, or decades to complete have been greatly reduced.

In the vicinity of Pluto, a huge interstellar defense ring built around the star system is also being rapidly advanced. The civilization development speed of the entire Galaxy Federation has ushered in another leap forward based on the existing leap-forward development. accelerate.

Chapter 120 Eight Great Leaps in the Development of Galaxy


The star system where the Dodocia civilization is located.

When a "water droplet" surrounds the celestial bodies in the galaxy, the data of the celestial bodies in the galaxy are almost detected, and it will leave soon.

The interior of the Dodocia civilization has entered the highest level of security.

There is no other reason, but because their deep-space astronomical observer located in the outer space of the planet accidentally observed an unknown celestial body with sub-light speed as the base speed entering the star system where their civilization is located two days ago.

In the next two or three days, they received observation data one after another, and vaguely captured the existence of "water droplets" through these observation data.

An unknown flying object similar to a "water drop" is constantly circling the celestial body in the star system where their civilization is located, and is suspected to be surveying the situation in their galaxy.

This discovery disturbed this weak civilization, causing them to quickly curl up their bodies like little hedgehogs and enter a state of self-defense counterattack.

Some scientists within the civilization speculate that this "water drop"-like object may be a technological creation from an alien civilization outside their star system, and the technology of this civilization must be higher than theirs.

Now this "droplet" object is surveying their galaxy, and scientists within the Dodosian civilization believe that this is a dangerous signal.

If the situation of the star system where their civilization is located is exposed to the eyes of alien civilizations, then the next thing they will meet is destruction and invasion.

After some deliberation, the scientists in the Dodocia civilization who learned of the existence of the "water droplet" reported the situation to the high-level department, and requested the high-level department in charge of space weapons to try to destroy the "water droplet" by all means. This request was granted. allowed.

Therefore, when the "water droplet" from the Galaxy Federation approached the home star of the Dodocia civilization, and was ready to complete the field survey of the last part of the astronomical data in the star system, it left the star system directly.

Surprisingly, when this "droplet" approached the home planet of Dodocia civilization, hundreds of long-awaited low-energy space battleships attacked it.

Below the sub-light speed, the "water drop" is like a slowed-down light, shuttling through space, and to outsiders, it looks like an extremely fast light and shadow passing between the stars, and it is impossible to capture it without special detection equipment track of travel.

The firepower of the space battleships of the Dodocia civilization is all backward without exception. They have not yet mastered the ability to hit an extremely fast object that has been propelled at sub-light speed with a ship-borne weapon in space.

But it was this attempted attack that was noticed by the "Water Droplet". This civilization still doesn't know what kind of disaster their behavior will bring them.

In the detection system that comes with this "water droplet", a judgment begins:

[Target detected, data infiltration in progress...]

[Dodocia civilization, Shenhe body life civilization, in the translation data...]

[It is detected that the civilization has an "active attack" behavior, and it is being judged...]

[It is determined that the civilization shows threatening intentions, and is benchmarking against the "Galaxy Federation Interstellar Law"...]

[Any form of counterattack can be launched, and the combat authority command is activated... Start the counterattack! 】


The "water drop" turned back at a sharp and sharp angle in space, and headed towards the hundreds of space battleships of the Dodocia civilization...

Boom boom boom!

Ten minutes later, the "droplet" that left a battleship cemetery left, and behind it, a gradually expanding spot appeared on the surface of the planet that gave birth to the civilization of Dodocia.

It was a small deep crater, a deep crater that could cause fatal destruction to a planet. It was a penetration point where the planet's core was penetrated by a blow after the planet's crust was penetrated...

The planet whose core was penetrated by the "water droplet" was like a balloon ignited by fire. It exploded not long after, and the life and civilization bred on the planet disappeared in an instant...

"Water drop", although it is dubbed "Explorer" by the Galaxy Federation


Although it has the title of "testing device", but as a powerful creation with sub-light speed as the base speed and sufficient hardness, it has the combat capability to easily destroy a planet.

Because of its hardness and sublight speed alone, it is enough to easily smash the core of a planet, just like a bullet hitting a basketball.

In the face of the "water droplets" created by the Galaxy Federation, the ordinary aerospace-grade civilizations in this universe, and even the planets that carry these civilizations, have no power to resist, let alone provocation.

Once the "Water Droplet" is provoked or attacked by other civilizations, it will be destroyed directly, without leaving any room for it, as it is in front of you...

The purpose of the Galaxy Federation releasing these "water droplet" detectors is to explore this galaxy.

But the Galaxy Federation also knows that if the "water droplets" they release are a thousand light-years away, or tens of thousands of light-years away from them, these "water droplets" far away from the solar system and the blue star will become long-distance traveler.

At that time, even if the "Water Droplet" sends some messages back to the Civilization Headquarters normally, it will take hundreds of days, or even half a year, or more than a year's time gap.

At this time, if "Water Droplet" encounters any crisis or emergencies during the exploration operation, the Galaxy Federation Headquarters will not be able to receive specific feedback in a timely manner.

If those "water droplets" released outside were destroyed or captured by some unknown powerful civilizations while exploring the galaxy, it would be a big loss for the Federation of Star Rivers.

Although the Galaxy Federation has now completed the "Tianji Project", it can ensure that even if the "water droplets" are destroyed or captured by other civilizations, the relevant technology will not be exposed or cracked, but even if there is no technology exposure, Once a "water droplet" is destroyed, or self-destructed after being captured by some civilization, it will be a loss to the Galaxy Federation.

Because with the current civilizational strength of the Galaxy Federation, the number of "water droplets" they released to carry out the great galaxy exploration is only worth [-].

Three hundred, seems like a lot, but compared to the hundreds of billions of star systems in the Milky Way that they will explore, this number is really pitifully small.

Imagine, when a "water droplet" is far away from the Galaxy Federation, like a long-distance traveler, it is moving towards the farther and farther light-year distance to explore the star systems that often span hundreds of thousands of light-years away .

The farther they are from the Star River Federation, the more star system live data they will send back, and the more value they will generate for the Federation.

When a "water drop" finally leaps thousands of light-years away, and it is time to explore this galaxy more deeply, if it is unknown which civilization, or because of some sudden situation, causes " "Water Droplet" is destroyed, and the resulting loss will be irreparable and tragic.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the "water droplet" can conduct deep space exploration in space, faster and longer in the hundreds of billions of star systems in the Milky Way, and also out of some considerations to test the strength of the civilizations that exist in this galaxy, the Federation configures it An extremely high self-defense system.

When any civilization threatens the safety of "Water Droplet" or shows security intentions to it, "Water Droplet" will instantly transform from a purely harmless space probe to a deadly weapon full of threats.


With the continuous interstellar expansion of the Galaxy Federation, coupled with the previous victory in the civilization war against the Great-Sinnur Alliance, the civilization territory of the Galaxy Federation has now expanded to a limit stage. Dozens of extraterrestrial colonies have been established, and the above-mentioned Hundreds of governing star systems have brought unprecedented accumulation of resources to civilization.

After these resources are allocated reasonably, a small part is enough to maintain the long-term development and stability of the internal order of civilization, a part is used to build various space projects, and a larger part is used to carry out various scientific research and development and [war assets] plan] reserves.

With the expansion of the territory and volume of civilization, the demand for the guarantee of civilized force required by the Galaxy Federation has gradually increased.

Or to prevent accidents, or for peace of mind, [War Assets Project]


Under the management of the upper-level personnel, it has been expanded step by step and more delicately deployed and planned.

Since the victory of the war against the Great-Sinnur Alliance, the three major fleets originally built by the Federation have been unable to meet the needs to ensure that the ever-expanding territory of civilization is under the security guarantee of absolute force at all times.

The total number of warships in the three major fleets originally established is no more than [-]. In the latest [War Assets Plan] planned by the federal high-level, preparations are made on the basis of the three existing fleets of the First Fleet, Second Fleet, and Third Fleet. On top of that, seven more fleets will be added, a total of ten fleets, which will serve as the main force guarantee for the Star River Federation in the future.

And the size of the ten fleets, the federal government also has related expansion plans.

A qualified main fleet should be a huge battleship battle group, and the number of battleships contained in each battleship group should be more than [-] battleships.

In the standard battleship group composed of [-] battleships in each fleet, there must be [-] or more battleship-class warships, as well as a considerable number of auxiliary ships.

Ten fleets, that is, plans to build [-] battleships, [-] battleships, this is another leap in the fundamental strength of the Galaxy Federation.

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