"I still have to go to school."


Xiangta nodded slightly, glanced at his younger brother, and stood up.

"Shall I send you off?"

Xiaosan, who originally wanted his brother to go with him, nodded lightly, without refusing.

After closing the door, the two walked out of the apartment. Xiaosan and his elder brother walked side by side, left the apartment, and then walked for a while, looking at his elder brother.

"no problem?"


"If you get married, you have to ask those two people to attend the expenses, right? When are you going to decide?"

Qiu Yuexiang pondered for a moment, then sighed deeply, not pretending to be in front of his precocious younger brother.

"At the end of the year, let's talk about it at that time, after all, the Lihua family is there."

"You said it was in Osaka, right?"


Xiao San sighed leisurely, then reached into his pocket, took out a bank card, and handed it to his elder brother.

"As I said before, when you have money, I will give you a villa, but I can't afford it for the time being. This place should be enough for you to spend a while. Don't feel wronged, Sister Lihua."


Seeing the one his younger brother handed to him, he froze for a moment, then glanced at his younger brother strangely.

"Forget how much money you have, just live well."

"I recently wrote a book and published it. The income is not bad. Take it."

Akizuki Shota hadn't heard of this, and it took a long time before he realized it, stopped his steps, and looked at his younger brother with complicated eyes.

Took that card.

"How many?"

"800 million should be enough, right?"

"Um....huh?! How much?!"

Shota, who originally thought there would be around one or two million yuan, looked shocked and looked at his younger brother with a strange expression on his face.

"It's just a little money, take it."

Looking at his indifferent younger brother, Shota was a little speechless, he was a little tired of his tight life, and the 800 million that his younger brother handed him over.

"Take it, live a good life with Sister Lihua, and don't become like those two people."

Standing under the street lamp, looking at his younger brother with a calm expression, Akizuki Shota looked a little emotional, stretched out his hand and suddenly took off his glasses, not knowing what he was wiping.

'Probably too surprised, sour eyes. '

Xiaosan said to himself in this way, after elementary school, he has never seen his brother, and he has cried in front of him.

Withdrawing his gaze, Xiao San walked forward.

"Don't give it away, I'm going back, when the wedding is set, remember to call me."

Watching Xiaosan's receding figure, Akizuki Shota held the bank card tightly with both hands, and his heart became firmer.

No matter how many years later, he must throw this card back into his younger brother's hand as he did today. He is an older brother, when will it be his younger brother's turn to show off in front of him!

Back at the apartment, Teramoto Rika looked at her boyfriend with reddened eyes when he came back.

"Your brother beat you?"

Akizuki Shota shook his head, walked up to his girlfriend, suddenly opened his arms, and hugged his girlfriend tightly.

Teramoto Rika, who was not at all prepared, was a little confused by her boyfriend's sudden move, but feeling the warm embrace, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she clenched the arm in front of her, and did not speak.

Sitting on the evening subway, Xiao San had a slight smile on his face.

"It's a revenge for grabbing potato chips with me before. It's so funny to see his red eyes... Sigh."

Sighing softly, Xiao San sat there, looking at the empty carriage, but his expression became a little melancholy.

"I'm out of money again."

- - - -

I don’t know what to say, let’s split a fork for the big guys (呵啦

Akizuki Shota and Teramoto Rika are characters in the original work of the Garden of Words (referring to the novel

By the way, this piece of [-] words counts as two chapters, and five chapters are completed (the shocking sound

Chapter 196 What is self-deception

"I didn't win the lottery."

Looking at the scratch-off in his hand, Xiao San couldn't help but sigh softly, he threw the scratch-off in the trash can aside, Xiao San turned around and left from the store entrance.

Not only wasting his five hundred yen, but also wasting his time, I couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

'Why can't I control this hand. '

I went to my brother's place for a dinner last night and spent 800 million yuan, which is more than 700 million yuan more expensive than an Italian restaurant. I don't know when I will earn it back.

After calculating the rest of my body, there are only a little over 200 million left.

"If you save a little, it can take about two years? Speaking of which, this month's income will also come in. I didn't pay attention to the specific sales volume, but there should still be a million yen, right?"

Thinking about it, Xiaosan, who entered the supermarket again and came to the discount area, picked up a cabbage and couldn't help but sigh deeply.

"Yesterday I was sitting in an Italian restaurant with elegant surroundings and first-class service, but today I am in the discount section of a supermarket. What a life."

With a bit of self-deprecation, Xiaosan put the cabbage into his shopping basket, and then looked at the other vegetables and meat. After buying enough ingredients, he turned around, paid and left the supermarket.

Afraid that he couldn't bear it, he went to the supermarket to buy some other commodities that he didn't really need.

Back home, the migrant worker Qingshan Qihai still did not go home as usual, and he was probably still working hard at the forefront of the struggle. During these times, Xiaosan didn't know how many jobs the other party worked, but he was so diligent.

"If you work so hard for a month, you will have at least two jobs and an income of at least 30 yen, right?"

Compared with the average working class, it is obviously very high, but the hard work is also unimaginable for those stable office workers.

In Dongying's social environment that emphasizes seniority, even if you don't have any credit, as long as you have worked in the company for a certain number of years, someone will give you a salary increase. The longer the time, the higher the salary.

In terms of part-time jobs alone, the instability is too high. Maybe one day you will not be needed and you will be asked to change jobs.

After preparing my own dinner, I only fried cabbage and meat, and it was my own dinner.

After returning to his room, Xiaosan sat in front of the computer, gradually guided out the thoughts that he thought of when he was in the Italian restaurant yesterday, and then returned to that dull and depressed mood.

Looking at his computer, he gradually started typing.

"It should be impossible to participate in the selection in the first half of the year. If it is published in September, it may be able to participate in the selection in December."

Sitting in front of the computer, Xiao San, who had written about [-] words, felt an indescribable pain in his arms, so he stopped drafting helplessly, sat there, and meditated carefully.

His goal is to win awards, so publishing as soon as possible, and then accumulating popularity, may also be used as a certain boost when awarding awards.

"What should the name of the work be called?"

Originally, he wanted to use the name of a certain work he had read in the past, "Rashomon" as the name of this book, but when he thought that his work had nothing to do with the legendary "Rashomon", he thought After a while, I decided to change it.

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that the name of another work by that writer was more suitable.

"Hell Transformation? I can learn from some of the content. Now I only wrote an opening. If the character of the protagonist is substituted into the protagonist of "Hell Transformation" and the painting is changed to writing, there is some reference value."

The protagonist referred to his own Xiaosan, sat there silent for a moment, recalled the content of the work called "Hell Change", his eyes seemed a little dazed and blurred.

"Using indulging in creation as a reason for cheating? Well, it's not cheating, it's just pure greed, but you can add some other cores to it. After all, it mainly writes about modern times, and there is no such kind of grand duke."

There is no Grand Duke, or everyone is a Grand Duke.

With some power, it is the boss who overrides other employees, or when people ask for themselves, it is those who feel that they have become important and noble.

Xiaosan felt something surging in his heart, and the soreness in his shoulders became insignificant. He sat in front of the computer and started working again.

Until I feel dizzy and feel deeply tired...

The night is already deep.

"One o'clock in the morning?! Has it been that long?"

Xiaosan, who was immersed in his work, was in a trance, completely oblivious to the passage of time, glanced at the clock, thinking that he had to go to school tomorrow, couldn't help chuckling.

After saving the document and closing the computer, he lay back on his bed and covered himself with a quilt.

"Continue tomorrow."

I closed my eyes, but the content I wrote was swaying in my mind, the people I met, the things I experienced, the scenes seemed to be reflected in front of my eyes, making it difficult to fall asleep.

Splitting headache.

Closing his eyes tightly, Xiaosan lying on the bed showed a struggling expression, biting his lips tightly, forcing himself to fall asleep.


When I woke up in the morning, I still felt some unspeakable discomfort in my whole head.

"It's like sticking a layer of paste. Just moving your brain makes you feel sick. Is it because you are using your brain too much?"

Frowning, he stood up, and Xiaosan, who got up from the bed, held his forehead, and couldn't help but think about what food is more nourishing in his mind.

As the saying goes, eat what you eat and make up for it, but like pig brains, Xiaosan really can't accept it.

"Walnuts and soy products are okay?"

Shaking his head, Xiaosan barely felt disgusted, stood up, walked to the bathroom with a slightly shaky figure, and couldn't help it...


When Yan Ye saw Xiaosan, the other party was quite different from usual, his pale and tired expression made the girl worried.

"Qiuyue-jun, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just forced myself a little bit, I feel a little uncomfortable, just take a rest."

"Why don't you ask for leave?"

Xiao San, who just asked for leave the day before yesterday, asked for leave today, still felt a little inappropriate in his heart, shook his head slightly, and rejected the other party's kindness.

Looking at Xiao San with a pale expression, the author's Yan Ye hesitated, and asked Xiao San.

"Why don't you sit on me?"

The idea that a soft body might make Xiaosan a little more comfortable appeared in her mind for some reason, and then blurted out.

As for Xiaosan, he looked at the girl sitting on the seat in a daze, feeling as if he heard something wrong just now.

'She means, is she going to give up the position to me? '

Some bold speeches made Xiaosan completely difficult to understand and believe, his brain actively chose an explanation that he could accept.

— — — —

Well, it's five o'clock now.

1 words, I'm about to faint... (really

Thank you for the three-year orthopedic department, the moon in the mirror, Harman, DTXH, and Mr. Suwako for the monthly pass and blade!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!

Chapter 197 If I Look at You Again, Will I Feel the Feeling?

After arriving in the classroom, Xiaosan couldn't help but lay down on the desk, feeling indescribably exhausted both physically and mentally.

When the first class was over and Makabe Masamune looked at him, Xiaosan sat up from the table, then stood up, and walked towards Masamune Makabe.

"I'll go to the health room. If the teacher asks about my whereabouts, remember to tell me."

"Are you okay?"

Looking at the pale Xiaosan, no matter how he looked at it, Masamune Makabe felt a little worried in his heart.

"It's just a little distracted, it's okay, I'm going to the health room first."

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