"You are asleep, go to bed and rest."


Softly agreed, at this moment Ruyi looked extraordinarily weak in front of Xiaosan's eyes compared to usual, Xiaosan couldn't help but stretched out his hand to Xiang Yao, and gently held her cheek.

However, he held back.

Seeing the girl walk to his bed and lie down, Xiaosan also cleared up his mood, turned off the computer, stood up, walked slowly to the bedside, ready to rest with the girl...

"Are you going back today?"

Youth woke up, in the living room, while preparing breakfast, Xiaosan looked at the girl next to him, and asked about her upcoming itinerary.

"Well, I only said to stay overnight, and I have to go back today."

Xiaosan didn't say anything, he just felt that this situation, he didn't know how long it would last, maybe when Tachibana Haruna found out one day, it would be completely over?No, the other party probably already vaguely guessed what he said.

Whether Tachibana Haruna knew or not, Xiao San couldn't be sure from the bottom of his heart, but he would guess to a certain extent. Did she really believe what Rui said so easily about what happened last time?

Maybe not.

"I see, um."

Not knowing what to say, he brought breakfast to the dining table and ate quietly with Rui.

It was about nine o'clock in the morning, and Rui went back, not planning to stay here for dinner.

"If I go back late, my sister will probably find something."

"I don't think there is any difference between going back early and going back late, but since you are worried, then I won't stay."

Shaking his shoulders, Xiao San looked quite helpless, seeing Rui who had already changed his clothes and then stood at the door, he sighed softly.

Ruyi looked at Xiaosan's expression and stopped at the door.

"Remember the phone when you go back."


Not knowing what to say, the girl looked at Xiaosan for a while, and after feeling that the other party had nothing to say, she opened her mouth slowly.

"Is she coming today?"


Xiaosan was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly realized who the girl was talking about, shaking his head again and again.

"Today she went out with her sister."

"That's it."

Showing a clear expression, Ruyi's eyes fell on Xiaosan again.

"Then I'm going back."


This time, Rui really left.

Seeing the back of the girl leaving, Xiaosan slowly closed his door until it disappeared from sight.

Back in the living room, Xiao San didn't know what to do for a while, he lay down on the sofa and picked up the game controller, only to find that the game hadn't even been turned on yet.

He got up and turned on the game, but after Rui left the whole day, he was sitting in the living room playing the game.

In the afternoon, well, no one came to Xiaosan.

After spending time alone at home until the evening, Xiaosan couldn't stay any longer, let go of himself starting from the morning, only at noon, let go of the handle for a while, and stood up.

"Let's go out for dinner, ha."

don't want to cook.

Although it is said that this kind of thinking is limited and tired, but considering that he seldom goes out on weekdays, even once in a while, Xiaosan doesn't think it's too much.

In life, the most important thing is to be happy.

He took his wallet and left his home. After going out, he went straight to the subway station. He was going to check out the restaurant that seemed to be very popular on the Internet recently.

'I hope there are not many people. '

Then, when he arrived, he saw the long queue at the door.


Looking at the speed, Xiao San wondered if he had to wait for several hours.

He picked up his mobile phone and took a look, and found that it was already six o'clock. Although he didn't mind spending a few hours, he didn't have that kind of patience.

Xiao San, who had just arrived at the door of the shop, turned around and left without any hesitation.

He is not the kind of person who spends time there patiently. He would rather order food from other more expensive restaurants than waste his time in this kind of place.

'Waiting for so long, as long as you taste that small sip, it will be full of happiness?Mouth area! '

Thinking of the interview advertisements he saw on the TV station, Xiao San couldn't help but feel disgusted, what he hated most was waiting.

When he walked out of a western restaurant, Xiaosan looked a bit disappointed, he didn't feel that the food in the western restaurant was very suitable for his own taste.

"But there haven't been any Chinese restaurants recently, forget it, let's make it ourselves."

On the way home, Xiaosan walked for a long time, but unexpectedly found that the bookstore named 'Gaosha' was still open.

In the dark night, with the lights on, Xiaosan couldn't help but pause in his footsteps, and then slowly entered the store.


It's a pity that the person standing at the front desk is not the quiet girl with a bit of charm, but a middle-aged uncle who I don't know. People are very different.

After a moment of silence, Xiaosan didn't speak, but quietly picked up a book that was at hand, paid the money and left.

"Welcome next time."

Hearing the voice behind him, Xiao San couldn't help grinning slightly, his brows twitched into a ball, with a complicated expression.

'It depends on when your daughter is in the store. '

Xiao San, who walked out of the bookstore, secretly said in his heart.

- - - -

Thank you Wei Wei Assad for your reward day and night!Boss atmosphere!

Thank you for the three-day moon, the night sky, the fate is indescribable, the funeral welcome, crossing the river depends on the waves, diving for 100 years, la la la la la la, the world is prosperous, the European ship San Juan, I, the great teacher, blew up, the fallen stone , Gaia Sang, Shuke 32453361122, Orange Wet, Dudu, Joan of Arc, sCVB, monthly pass and blade of day and night fleeting years!Thank you all for your votes!

Chapter 257 I'm Not a Good Person

"Have you arrived yet?"

Holding his mobile phone, after walking out of the subway station, Xiaosan himself didn't know why he had to go out, why he came to participate in this event.

'Here it is, at a statue, eh. '

"What clothes are you wearing?"

'What are you asking this for? '

"Huh? If you don't tell me clearly, how will I know which one is you?"

'Tsk, it's so troublesome. '

Looking at the reply letter from that online game scumbag netizen who has played with him for a long time but has never met, Xiaosan also has a little bit of a headache.

What was not good enough was that the other party did not remain silent, and after a while told Xiaosan the color of his clothes.

'Pink coat, if you still don't recognize it, remember that I have blond hair, and I guess not many people will have the same hair color as me. '

"foreign friends?"

'what?I also have Japanese blood, okay? '

"A rare mixed-race beautiful girl?"


Except for a few colons, there was no answer to the convenience, Xiaosan also restrained his teasing thoughts, and began to look for that figure in the surroundings.

I have joined the online game guild for several months in the game. After learning that most of the members in the guild live in Tokyo, the guild leader, who is a kryptonite madman, suddenly talked about having a party.

Xiaosan was originally planning to refuse, and stayed at home to cultivate himself for a while, and did not intend to go out.

But after seeing that Miss Angel, who is online all day long and useless in online games, actually plans to participate in this party, Xiaosan, who wanted to refuse at first, couldn't help but feel curious in his heart, so he participated in this party reunion.

Looking around the square, Xiaosan saw a statue standing in the distance, so he walked towards it slowly.

Just below the statue, Xiaosan quickly noticed the figure that was somewhat similar to what the other party said.

The face looked extremely cute, and the petite girl with blond hair had an impatient expression on her face, exuding the aura that strangers should not enter, causing the pedestrians around to look slightly sideways, but turned their heads away quickly.

'There's absolutely no one to strike up a conversation with. '

Smiling lightly, Xiao San walked towards the other side slowly.

"Damn it, was I the first to arrive? If I had known that no one would come so early, I might as well sleep a little longer at home now. If it wasn't for the latest weapon in my living expenses, I wouldn't want to attend this kind of party. Damn it!"

Complaining in a low voice, Gabriel's mood was filled with dissatisfaction, but there was nothing she could do about it. It was impossible to make her give up buying that latest staff, right?

If she didn't buy that staff, her output would be a little lower than others. As a nurse who pursues the highest output, how could she admit defeat on this point? !

Besides, the purchase has already been bought, and it is impossible to refund.

"Speaking of which, that bastard will also come to the party, right? I don't know if it is what he said, a fat house of three hundred catties, if it is true..."

Thinking of a fat man approaching her and greeting her affectionately, Gabriel couldn't help shivering.

It's not that it's discriminatory, it's just that it's simply physically unacceptable.

"I hope not."

Just as she was expressing her dissatisfaction in a low voice, footsteps gradually approached, and the blond girl slowly raised her head, and saw a guy who seemed to be reserved, but not very good, Come closer.

'Acquainted?It's not quite like it, forget it, if it's a strike-up, just send it away. '

The unhappy girl quickly made a decision in her heart. For the young man who seemed to want to come over, she issued a "death sentence" in her heart.

"Are you an angel?"


As a result, as soon as Gabriel opened her mouth, Gabriel heard a familiar name. Even in her mind, countless voices of that person calling her name had already emerged, but after meeting, Gabriel heard the other party's voice. Baili still couldn't help but froze for a moment.

She couldn't help frowning, looking at the guy in front of her, she couldn't help squinting slightly.

"Are you the one...?"

"Yes, I am that one."

When the other party didn't say anything, Xiaosan resolutely agreed.

Gabriel looked suspiciously at the guy in front of her, feeling a little suspicious in her heart, but the other guy called out her name again, shouldn't she be some kind of boring liar?

"Aren't you three hundred catties?"


"Aren't you full of acne?"


"Aren't you full of body odor?"

When she said this sentence, the girl frowned slightly, looking at Xiaosan in front of her with a weird expression.

"Isn't this worried about you and having boring fantasies about me? So it's intentional."

"The mouth area."

Hearing Xiaosan's answer, the girl showed a 'disgusting' expression on her face, and then sighed.

"What about the rest?"

He took out his phone and took a look.

"It seems to be coming soon."

"I've been waiting for about half an hour, it's so annoying."

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