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The main line of the liver, the liver is so tired, there are still 40.00% of the main line tasks...

Thanks to the director of obstetrics and gynecology, v night mist phantom murderer, the author has a broken leg, my 燚龘, Chiliuhuo, Baihua, sleepwalking zzzzzz, ghost forest, salted fish don't need dreams, Gu Qusheng, hey hurts the old waist, Ai Li Sushi, don’t go to the code word silly dog, Sakura blowing snow? Sora, Xinghai Demon Emperor, Styx Daozu, Wind and Rain Honor, Lazy D Cat, gentlemen!Draw your sword! , yo Ha Muzi Li, Cao Dahua, Tiger of the Serious Crime Squad, Xiao Qiqi_, Shuke 57636376797, Yichen Xinwen, stand up obediently! , Mo Xuexuetian, Gsyn, please take care of me, Veneto is my Sisada, the two-dimensional of the brave, the monthly ticket and blade of the same light!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!

Chapter 18 The so-called daily life is probably like this

Scanning the girl in front of him, to be honest, Xiaosan has no interest in the world of Xiyuan Temple, but the other party followed him like this, which made him feel a little overwhelmed for a while.

When the girl's eyes began to wander, Xiaosan also began to think about how he should treat the girl in front of him.

"Then, Miss Xiyuan Temple World, may I ask you to follow me, what's the matter?"

She should have been angrily questioning the guy in front of her, why did she have to get involved with her mother again, and entered her originally peaceful life, but thinking that her mother might also be the reason, she remained silent .

Slowly lowering her head, she was at a loss for a moment, not knowing how she should speak, her eyes flickered on the ground, she did not answer Xiaosan's inquiry.

Looking at the girl who didn't answer after his question, Xiaosan couldn't figure out what the other party was really thinking.

The hand holding the shopping bag felt slightly sore, and he had no interest in continuing to stand by the roadside with the girl, wasting his precious time.

"Since there is nothing else, I will leave first. There are still many things waiting for me to deal with."

The specifics of the dinner have not been decided yet, just standing on the street like this, standing with this girl who has no interest in him at all, Xiaosan doesn't feel that he has so much time to squander.

After the words fell, he stepped up and prepared to turn around, wanting to turn behind him, and when he went straight home, Xiyuan Temple World stood up and looked annoyed at Xiaosan who didn't care about him at all, with some resentment in his heart .

Girls, young girls, are always very magical creatures. Sometimes they hate a person so much that they hate them to the bone, but sometimes they can't help but wonder why the other person doesn't like them. Under the contrast, there will be curiosity, which is also a common thing.

Just like the world of Xiyuan Temple at this moment.

She hated Xiaosan who caused the faint turmoil in her peaceful life, and hated him and her mother, who had a relationship that she didn't know without her knowing.

But because of the relationship between the other party and my mother, I feel that the other party should treat me better, or at least have goodwill towards me.

As a result, in the current situation, the other party's emotionless answer, and the way he treated himself without any ups and downs or the slightest emotion, caused a huge gap in the heart of Xiyuan Temple World.

Biting her lips tightly, she looked at Xiaosan who seemed to be about to turn around and leave, she gritted her silver teeth lightly, with an annoyed expression on her face.

"You guy, what's the purpose of being close to mom?!"

Gritting his teeth, he opened his mouth and questioned Xiaosan who had just taken a step and hadn't walked out yet. Xiyuan Temple World didn't know what he was asking, but subconsciously wanted to keep Xiaosan who was about to leave. Questions in your own mind.

The steps he took were slowly withdrawn, he turned around little by little, and looked at the world of Xiyuan Temple behind him, not surprised, strange mood, just felt that he should also look at the world of Xiyuan Temple face, answer the other person's question.

"Purpose? There is no purpose at all, they are simply asking for what they need from each other, that's all."

The corners of his eyes couldn't help smiling slightly. As for what exactly he needed, Xiao San didn't tell the girl in front of him directly, but gave a vague answer. If the other party had this consciousness, he would understand what he said sooner or later.

At the same time, Xiaosan was also very curious in his heart, what would happen to the girl in front of him in the future.

"Ask for...what you need..."

Pursing his lips, the world of Xiyuan Temple is not just a simple child, who doesn't understand anything, and suddenly feels a little absurd and disgusting in his heart.

Seeing Xiyuan Temple World's expression like this, Xiao San was not in the mood to chat with the other party all of a sudden. After answering the girl's question, he turned around and left without stopping.

However, after getting Xiaosan's disgusting answer, the world of Xiyuan Temple did not stop Xiaosan, and watched Xiaosan leave helplessly.

"Welcome back."

When I got home, I was carrying that heavy shopping bag. As soon as I walked into the house, I saw Xiangzi in a maid outfit, sitting on the sofa in the living room as usual, with a mobile phone in his hand, not knowing what he was doing.

I just feel that the temperament of the other party seems to be much more lazy than before?

Xiao San couldn't say anything, just looked at her silently, sighed softly, carried those shopping bags to the refrigerator, and slowly stored the ingredients in, not knowing how many days these ingredients could be used.

"I'll go to my room to rest for a while, and call me again during dinner time."

"Well, by the way, someone came to see you just now. It was the petite girl who lived downstairs, but she left because you were not here."

"Downstairs, Xiaochun?"

Speaking of which, after knowing that Xiangzi lived with him, Xiaochun hadn't been to Xiaosan's place for a while, and he didn't know whether the girl was avoiding something.

However, when he came to look for him suddenly, Xiao San couldn't help thinking.

"I see, is there anything else?"

"It should be gone."

Looking at Xiaosan, Xiangzi also showed a thoughtful expression, and after thinking for a while, he gave an answer.

Shrugging his shoulders lightly, Xiao San returned to his room, lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and rested lightly.

Until a certain moment, his cell phone rang.



The other end of the phone seemed extremely quiet, and there was no answer, which made Xiaosan feel a little baffled, and couldn't help looking at his mobile phone, wanting to see who was calling, but it didn't show the person's name, it was a stranger.

"Who is it please?"


The other party still didn't answer, Xiaosan felt a little bored, hung up the phone casually, and then threw the phone aside casually.

"so boring."

It's not clear who is so bored, he called him and didn't speak, after throwing the phone aside, Xiao San narrowed his eyes again, wanting to take a good rest in his room.

Still letting the time pass slowly, until Sakuma Shoko was ready for dinner, he slowly opened his sleepy eyes and looked at the mobile phone beside him, looking a little confused.

After that time, the other party didn't call him again.

It's also unclear who called him.

After leaving the room, it was time to have dinner.

Looking at the newspaper, about shogi and Dongxiang [-], Xiaosan's expression was a little sad, and he couldn't help but think of the encounter in Hawaii last year.

Speaking of it, there has been no contact for a long time. Since the day when they parted, the two have hardly had any contact. Xiaosan felt that the other party might be working or resting, and felt that there was no need to disturb the other party, so he never took the initiative. connect.

Occasionally seeing her news in fashion magazines and newspapers, Xiaosan's heart is also a little complicated.

The other party seems to be becoming more and more famous, and has completely occupied a place in the world of shogi. The status of a model in the fashion industry has also been developing in an orderly manner, becoming more and more famous.

In comparison, he seems to be the same as ever.

'Can I become as famous as her if I'm exposed as a writer?No, probably not. '

People like beautiful girls, but few people accept men, especially such young boys, when they do something they can't do, they get more of the inexplicable jealousy and doubts.

Youth may bring him a topic for a while, but as time goes on, this kind of surprise will gradually develop into doubts. Xiaosan is very clear about what he wants, so things like being famous, He will not do it.

Putting down the newspaper in his hand casually, Xiao San stood up slowly, returned to his room from the living room, and opened the curtain.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, it was a little dizzy.

The rare cloudy day made the air much cooler than before. Xiaosan, who clearly felt the temperature change in the air, took two steps back and sat down on the edge of the bed.

I don't know what I should do next, my mind is blank, I don't really want to work, and I don't really want to rest, just sitting there silently, quietly waiting for the passage of time, is also a good way experience and feel.

"I always feel... a little tired."

Body or mind, he couldn't tell, slowly closed his eyes, slightly fell backwards on his back, lying on the bed, his face expressionless.

When spring is approaching summer, Xiaosan will see a large group of foreigners on the street that he rarely sees on weekdays. Walking in the streets of Tokyo, the streets and alleys, they can be seen everywhere.

To tell the difference, you only need to look at the cameras on their necks and the mobile phones that are raised from time to time in their hands, and you can figure it out.

Especially the familiar tone that could be heard from time to time, Xiaosan couldn't help but pause his gaze on those people, and then he could hear those people asking in surprise, "Is that Dongying person looking at us?" To the aliens.

As for the fact that the other party recognized that he was from Japan, Xiaosan pondered for a long time.

'Maybe it's because I've lived for too long and my temperament is different? '

Xiao San couldn't tell, shook his head lightly, and didn't pay attention to those people. When the vacation of the other party is over, maybe he will leave here, and everything will gradually quiet down.

After returning home, he took off his coat and hung it on the hanger at the door, changed his shoes and walked into the house, Xiaosan opened the drawer and took out a box of medicine, poured out a few pills, After sending it into his own mouth, he walked to the water dispenser, poured a glass of water, and swallowed the medicine.

"Hay fever allergies, really...unexpectedly, I also get this kind of disease sometimes."

Walking to the dining table in the living room, he took out a tissue, sprayed out the snot that was not much, wiped it, and threw it into the trash can. He sat down tiredly.

Xiangzi was not seen in the living room, but probably in her room.

"You're back."

Or a study.

Looking at Shoko Sakuma who came out of the study, because he guessed wrong where the other party was, Xiao San felt a little disappointed in his heart, and sighed softly.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, it's just a feeling. By the way, there are quite a lot of people on the street in the past few days. Please pay attention to your own safety."

"Huh? I see."

Xiangzi looked at the expressionless Xiaosan, and nodded slightly.

In the evening, because he really didn't know what to do, Xiaosan, who couldn't sleep, walked out of his room. Looking at the dark living room, Xiangzi seemed to have returned to her room to rest.

Xiaosan's eyes moved slightly, and he walked slowly to the door, picked up his coat, took out a spare mask from the drawer, and left the living room.

'Wearing a black trench coat and a mask, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a traditional stalker. '

Putting on his clothes and mask, Xiaosan walked out of the house, but the movies he had watched involuntarily appeared in his mind, and he thought of the strange guys in them.

I couldn't help but doubt in my heart whether I would be regarded as a strange person walking on the street like this.

'Hay fever, what a nasty disease. '

Can't help but sigh from the bottom of my heart, after Xiaosan walked out of his room, he started wandering in the street, suddenly an address popped up in his mind, he just wanted to stroll in the street, suddenly he had an idea where to go.

"It's so late, shouldn't the door be closed?"

After thinking about it, he didn't know whether the other party was still open, but it was only after seven o'clock, so the door should not be closed.

So, he walked towards the subway station, planning to visit the place he would occasionally visit before.

After the off-duty rush hour, there were not too many people on the subway, and they sat scattered on the subway, either holding newspapers or mobile phones in their hands, silently doing their own things.

When he arrived at the station, he walked out of the subway on his own.

Xiaosan also arrived at the place where he used to get off frequently, and walked out of the subway together with a few people.

Along the road of memory, he was walking on the way he used to go home, and stopped at the door of a bookstore in a certain street.

"It's still open."

Gaosha Bookstore, even though he no longer lives here, it is still the same as before, without any changes.

Walking into the store, the familiar girl was still in the store, but her expression was a little tired, as if she was about to fall asleep.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the girl slowly opened her eyes. After seeing Xiao San, her eyes suddenly became surprised, and then she smiled.

"Welcome, long time no see."

Xiaosan was a little surprised that the other party still remembered him, seeing the girl's smile, Xiaosan was silent for a moment, and the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly curled up, and he nodded to the other party, which was regarded as a greeting.

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The main story is finally almost finished, stuck at level 79, the main story is finally over, and I can clear the main story today (but I guess I can’t beat the Goblin King

Thanks to Jim-z for the reward!Boss atmosphere!Healthy body!

Thanks to Taozi?, the author has a broken leg, Shuke 13416***352, Shen Gongzi, Qianzicun Masashiro, moonのliangyi, strawberry face, Jim-z, Dongji is very pure, faintly visible under the sky, Argo , begging for support, Luoying Shenaxe, Hong Huangyuan's monthly ticket and blade!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!

Chapter 19 My thoughts gradually began to diverge

'How about we date?I like you. '

The throbbing in his heart made Xiao San feel a sense of nostalgia. It was a heartbeat he had never experienced before. He had almost forgotten how long it had been since that pure touch and excitement surfaced in his heart.

The ignorant and ignorant love is carried in the bottom of my heart, and finally there is no emotion that can be expressed, and finally the emotion that can be faced calmly under the initiative of the other party.

In an instant, he understood that he was in a dream.

The familiar long hair, gentle and lively, could not help showing a canine smile, his nose was sour, and he couldn't help but want to open his eyes.

'If I open my eyes, she will disappear from my face. If I dream again, can I still dream of her? '

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