
"I'll come over now."

Immediately after, there was a blind tone that the phone was hung up, Xiaosan put away the knife, held it in front of him, and licked it lightly.

Completely ignoring the fact that it was still on Ju Yangcai's face just now, he casually put it back on the plate beside him, put the mobile phone that had ended the call, next to the pillow that Ju Yangcai was laying on, and looked at Ju Yangcai with a smile. vegetable.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Tell me, if I give you another cup of black tea, untie your clothes for you, and lie in my room disheveled, what will your sister think?"

There was a smile that couldn't be concealed at the corner of his mouth, Xiaosan's smile made Ju Yangna panicked.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Isn't it interesting? If your sister thinks that everything you do is to get her away from me, what will she do?"

"She's not stupid, she won't believe it."

Suppressing the uneasiness, Ju Yangna took a deep breath, and said to Xiaosan in a calm tone, but that uneasy expression was not convincing.

"Maybe, but I think this is quite interesting, let's try it."

Saying that, Xiao San stood up and went to prepare black tea.

- - - -

Nioh 2's Night Sword God has also passed.

As soon as I relax, I feel that the whole person is salty, and I don’t want to update at all, but fortunately, I still coded it out. The update that was agreed yesterday, I will make it up tomorrow. I still have to slow down a little bit

Thank you Feite for being at my house tonight. Hey hurts the old waist, Jiulin Xiangrouchi, Shuke 9815656579, Longer from Fengsaka's house, sister, reader master dumpling admiral, mustard who is addicted to love songs?Mo, Yeyuan, Crown of the Starry Sky, mmkkm, 100 Years of Diving, Autumn Rain Sauce, Moonlight Huage, Summer, Night Realm, Prosperity in the World, Blue and Black, Liangyi Shenwu, This Person Has No Girlfriend So Far, Jian Yi, Xinghai Demon Emperor, sCVB, Asuka Asaki, weakdank, white people? ? ? , loli is cute in tiger, moon の Liangyi, Veneto is my Xisada, lonely shadow of a dead city, good and evil are rewarded, seven o'clock theatrical version, Gsyn, ZERO..., my name is Lu Xun, Liangyi, Baihehua's monthly pass and blade!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!

Chapter 40 A New Intermission

After changing out of her pajamas and putting on her clothes, she left the house in a hurry. The mother who hadn't fallen asleep just happened to meet her, and Rui didn't have the mood to explain too much, so she left a sentence of 'go find Sister Yangcai', and went directly to her. left home.

Running on the street, she didn't know why she was in such a hurry, but...she didn't understand why her sister appeared beside Xiaosan, and she didn't know how true what Xiaosan said , somewhat false.

On that day, when she finished speaking, Rui felt as if her whole body was completely torn apart, and her mind was in a trance.

Called her sister, and when she heard that familiar voice, her first reaction was not confusion, but inexplicable peace of mind, as if she knew that she was the real self and alive when she heard the other party's voice.

Even if the other party is not in front of her, as long as she hears that person's voice, that vivid image will clearly appear in her mind. She knows that she seems to be unable to forget the other party.


Accidentally bumped into a pedestrian, Tachibana Ruyi apologized, and hurried forward, leaving the passerby with a confused and dissatisfied face, looking at the girl's back, shaking his head cursingly and leaving.

When she came to the door of the other party's apartment building, the girl with fine beads of sweat on her white forehead bit her lips tightly, took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and walked slowly towards the apartment building go.

Said to let Ju Yangcai fall asleep, but Xiaosan still didn't do that after all, found a clean towel, stuffed it into the other person's mouth, let the other person lie quietly in the room, Xiaosan just ignored it.

What is the origin of that potion, Xiaosan is not clear, and he doesn't understand how strong the side effect is.

If there is any problem with Ju Yangcai's body due to excessive doses, such a situation is not what Xiaosan wants to see, so after thinking about it, Xiaosan just stuffed a towel into the opponent's mouth , let the other party keep quiet, so as not to wait until Rui arrives and affect the conversation between him and Rui.

Originally, Xiaosan also thought about whether he should just find a pair of unwashed socks, or something better.

It was really interesting to think about listening to stimulation, but Xiaosan, who had such a little mental cleanliness, gave up those plans when he thought that Tachibana Haruna's saliva would remain on his clothes.

Even if it can be thrown away afterwards, Xiaosan always feels that it is not worth it to waste money because of Juyangcai.

"Up to now, the used teacup has been thrown away, and a new one has been placed there. The tea in it has been re-brewed without any additions. The lip prints have also been re-printed on purpose, except for Ju Yangcai's own body. There should be no evidence left behind."

He deliberately found a soft rope to tie Tachibana Haruna, just to prevent the other party from leaving any traces on his hands that could be used as evidence when he was struggling.

Although many of the things he is doing now can be said to be crimes, it is not that there is no room for turning around.

"What I have to do is to hold the other party down. As for Rui..."

Sitting in the living room, Xiaosan's eyes moved slightly. Regarding this incident, he really went too far. Although the incident last time was similar, the good thing about the incident last time was that his hands and feet were relatively clean, and he did not leave much behind. As for the evidence, as for those matters, some disgraceful means were used afterwards, and they were handled quite cleanly. The other party did not dare to delve into it. As for this matter, it was relatively troublesome.

"What happened just now may cause Ju Yangcai to label me more like 'dangerous' in her heart. In the future, my attitude towards me will probably be based on alienation, but the impact is not very big. I'm not interested in her either, but Rui's side..."

When the situation is over, it is not clear whether the other party will be willing to help him intercede.

If it really doesn't work, the eyelids lowered slightly, Xiaosan's eyes looked a little dark, but the corners of his mouth were outlined little by little.

Even if he went in temporarily, there is a so-called 'exemption', isn't there?

His expression slowly returned to calm, Xiao San sat quietly on the sofa, quietly waiting for Rui's arrival, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he didn't know how to speak when the other party came over.

Regarding Ruyi's feelings, although Xiaosan wanted to say how sincere he was, but it is undeniable that he has no deep feelings for Rui now, it is very weak, and it can even be said that he has forgotten the past. How much do you love each other?

"Speaking of which, it's only been a few months, half a year or so, has it faded to this level?"

Xiaosan himself didn't know why he was like this, and what went wrong in the relationship between the two of them.

After thinking about it, Xiaosan, who didn't know the reason at all, and didn't want to blame all the reasons on himself, decided to blame the main factor of this problem on Tachibana Haruna.

"That's right, it must be because of her obstruction that the relationship between me and Rui has completely weakened."

To explain to myself, when Xiaosan was talking to himself in a low voice, the doorbell suddenly rang, causing Xiaosan's heartbeat to stop.

Sitting on the sofa, he raised his head slowly, looked towards the door with his eyes, did not make any movement for a long time, stood up in silence, sighed, and walked towards the door bit by bit go.

After confirming that the person downstairs was Rui, he silently opened the elevator and let the other person go upstairs by himself, while he slowly returned to the living room, and when he was about to sit down, he walked to the room where Tachibana Haruna was. Inside, looking at Ju Yangcai lying on the bed, Xiaosan slowly closed his eyes.


Tachibana Haruna, who was tied to the bed, looked at Xiaosan who appeared in front of her, struggled for a while, but to no avail, with a towel in her mouth, she made a hesitant, meaningless sound.

Xiaosan slowly opened his eyes, looked at Tachibana Haruna on the bed, and didn't know what he should do, he was so complicated that he knew that Rui would arrive soon.

Reaching out to remove the towel from Ju Yangcai's mouth, he glanced at the ordinary table knife, and then at Ju Yangcai.

"Be quiet, your sister will be here soon."

Panting and coughing, Tachibana Yangcai looked at Xiaosan with vicious eyes full of anger.

"It seems that you are not the kind of calm guy. Under normal circumstances, the more it is like this, the less you should show such an expression. This will only irritate the other party, which will lead to uncontrollable things that could have been avoided. Not everyone can calmly face everything that happened, as a teacher, don’t you even understand this bit of common sense?”

"Then if you were calm, would you do such a thing?"

"Because I have already considered everything, otherwise what do you think?"

"When I leave, aren't you afraid that I will call the police?"

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Xiaosan, who was standing at the head of the bed, lowered his eyes, looking at Ju Yangcai with a gloomy expression.

"Then you might regret it."


Hearing the commotion outside the living room, Xiaosan turned around slowly and walked out of the room, and when he walked, he specially reminded the other party.

"Remember to keep silent, Rui will take you away later."

"Is your purpose just to get Rui to come over?"

Xiao San didn't answer because he had already left the room.

Looking at the closed door, Tachibana Haruna wanted to question the other party loudly, but when she thought about the other party's reaction and content just now, she hesitated for a moment, trembling slightly in her heart, and involuntarily chose to believe the other party's words and remained silent.

Even though she has known each other for more than a year, she still can't understand what this young man who is much younger than herself is thinking.

When he saw Rui, the fine beads of sweat on the girl's forehead hadn't completely dried up. Looking at the girl's cheeks that were flushed from the intense exercise, Xiaosan who came out of the room was slightly taken aback, and opened his mouth, But nothing came out.

Looking at Xiaosan who appeared in front of her, Ruyi's footsteps paused slightly, her eyes moved slightly, but she also pursed her lips and said nothing.

Everything condensed at this moment, and the atmosphere seemed quiet and peaceful. The eyes of the two interlaced in mid-air, looking at each other, as if returning to the time when they were together in a trance.

Both of them had forgotten how long it had been since they looked at each other like this, Xiao San closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Where's Miss Yangcai?"

"in the room."

He glanced around, not sure which room Rui was in, but finally stayed on Xiaosan, looking at him quietly.


Pointing to the room where Tachibana Haruna was, Rui didn't speak, and walked slowly towards the room Xiaosan pointed at, and suddenly saw the neatly dressed sister who was tied to the bed.


"Sister...are you okay?"

"Help me untie it."

Seeing her sister, Tachibana Haruna, who also knew that she had nothing else to do, sighed and said to her sister, Rui didn't speak, and walked slowly to the bedside, looking at her sister.

"Why is my sister here?"

The calm eyes made Ju Yangcai feel a little strange, not knowing what happened to her sister.

After a moment of silence, she remembered what Xiaosan said earlier, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

"He called me over and gave me a strange black tea, and then I was tied up here. Do you believe what he said on the phone?"

Looking at her sister, Rui stood silently by the bedside for a long time, did nothing, turned around and walked out of the room slowly.

Yang Nai was left staring blankly at her sister's back, unable to react for a while.

When Ruyi walked out of the room and returned to the living room, Xiaosan was already sitting on the sofa, quietly holding a teacup, drinking cold black tea, the taste was slightly subtle, making Xiaosan who doesn't like herbal tea very much, Slightly frowned.

The sound of footsteps came from behind, Xiaosan turned sideways and glanced at Ruyi who was walking slowly behind him.

"I thought you would untie your sister first."

"What the hell are you thinking?"


"Even if it's Sister Yangcai, she won't forgive you easily for doing such a thing, will she? Why do you want to do this?"

Looking at Rui who seemed incomprehensible, Xiao San didn't know how to explain it.

"Thinking of doing it like that, I was still a little depressed, but I feel better all of a sudden."

Smiling slightly, looking at Ruyi in front of him, Xiaosan slowly put down the teacup in his hand, then stood up, looking at Ruyi who was close at hand, he couldn't help stretching out his hand, and landed on the smooth surface of Ruyi. On his face, he touched it lightly.

Ruyi wanted to avoid it, but the moment Xiaosan stretched out her hand, her body seemed to freeze, unable to move, until the moment the palm fell on her face, she couldn't help closing her eyes.

She gradually recalled the time when she was with Xiaosan before, opened her eyes again, looked at Xiaosan in front of her, bit her lips tightly.

Reaching out to slap Xiao San's hand away, he looked at Xiao San in front of him with a slightly indifferent look.

"We're done."

After hearing Ruyi's words, Xiaosan was dumbfounded for a while, and couldn't help but chuckled.

"Yeah, it's over, and then?"

"Today's incident, I will persuade Sister Yangcai to pretend that it didn't happen, but there is no future."

"is it?"

Ruyi didn't look at Xiaosan again, walked back into the room, untied all the ropes on Ju Yangna's body, and walked out of the room with her sister.

When Ju Yangcai was loosened from those ropes, she slowly sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her silent sister.

"Are you okay?"

Rui didn't speak, as if she didn't hear her sister's inquiry, she took the shoes to Tachibana Haruna's side.

"Let's go."


Seeing her sister's reaction, Tachibana Haruna felt a little uneasy in her heart, she didn't say anything in the end, she just took a deep look at Xiaosan who was sitting on the sofa when she walked out of the room, and left Xiaosan's apartment with her sister.

When the sound of closing the door sounded from the distant door, Xiaosan slowly turned his head and looked towards the direction of the door.

It's just that Tachibana Haruna and Rui have already left.


It felt like I hadn't done anything, but it also confirmed some things.

"Forget it, for the time being, that's it."

In the end, Ju Yangna did not call the police. Although Rui mentioned something, the key point is that Ju Yangcai always felt that Xiaosan's reaction was a bit abnormal. It was very strange. She was worried that the other party would really do something out of line. Uneasy, chose to act as if nothing happened.

As a result, later in school, when seeing Xiaosan, Tachibana Hina just pursed her lips, as if she didn’t see anything, and walked away from Xiaosan’s side quickly.

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