But after wandering around the mall for a long time, she didn't see the girl buying anything. Finally, she stopped in a dessert shop.

As a real upright man, when he stepped into the dessert shop, Xiao San couldn't stop his scalp from going numb.

Originally, he wanted to talk to Gui Xin and wait for her somewhere else, but he glanced at the girl's calm expression and thought about it, it's not a strange thing for him to come and sit with his sister-in-law for a while, right?

The fluctuating mood instantly calmed down, and they quietly entered the store with Gui Xin, and the two sat at the same table, the girl ordered a chocolate fruit sundae, Xiao San only ordered a cup of mocha, and then silently looked at the girl She showed her rare happy expression.

Regarding this, Xiaosan just let out a sigh in his heart.

His eyes couldn't stop falling in front of the opponent, and then he quickly retracted his gaze.

’ No matter how many sundaes you eat, that fat will only accumulate where you don’t want it to accumulate. '

Perhaps because he felt that his thoughts were too rude and excessive, Xiaosan silently blessed Gui Xin in his heart.

'But she's still young, maybe she'll develop in the future...'

Even if it is too much, it will definitely not grow from the current A level to AA.

"Your sister, have you been in touch recently?"

"What do you ask this for?"

The spoon had just scooped up a small spoonful of chocolate and ice cream, the happy expression on her face quickly faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a sullen expression, staring at Xiaosan who was sitting opposite her, holding a cup of coffee .

His eyes seemed to be looking at something annoying, Xiaosan, who was treated as something, couldn't help lowering his eyes slightly, avoiding the girl's eyes, and took a sip of coffee.

"Just asking."


Lowering her head, looking at the sundae in front of her, Gui Xin suddenly felt that the fragrance was not so good.

"Well, we keep in touch every day."

"That's it."

Xiaosan's tone was a little sighing, looking sideways at the pedestrians walking in the mall outside the dessert shop, his expression was indescribably lonely.

Seeing his expression, Gui Xin couldn't help biting her lip, pinching the small spoon, and pouring the sundae into her mouth spoon by spoon, silently, speeding up, with a gloomy expression on her face look.

- - - -

Unexpectedly, I jumped for two years at once! (Curator Kim's face

In addition, the blue fat treasure really stinks.not fragrant at all

Thanks to this person who has no boyfriend so far!Boss atmosphere!

Thank you for the prosperity in the world, Xinghai Demon Emperor, Shuke 56365378541, Hui Xiaonan, Ancient Salted Fish King, there are so many people here, a lot of panic, ten monthly tickets and blades!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!

Chapter 2. Resurgence of Terror

It may be that Gui Xin's age is too obvious, the childishness on her face has not completely dissipated, and she looks extraordinarily immature. As a result, when sitting in the dessert shop, people will look at Xiao San from time to time, most of them are guesses and puzzled eyes.

Of course, there are also some people who obviously thought of some bad idea, harbored some indescribable evil thoughts, and speculated about Xiaosan with their eyes.

Sipping the coffee in the cup, he looked at Gui Xin who was sitting opposite, her black hair was casually draped over her shoulders, two thin ponytails were tied with a pink headband, and she was wearing a pure white cotton sweater. , intimately attached to the girl's body, the fair skin can be vaguely seen at the neckline, and the delicate collarbone reveals a little outline.

The girl with her head down hid all her thoughts under the shallow bangs, blocking Xiaosan's probing eyes.

The tall chocolate sundae in the cup gradually decreased under the spoonful of the girl, Xiaosan withdrew his gaze, hugged his waist lightly with one hand, and held the coffee in the other, quietly waiting for Guixin.

If he were alone on weekdays, Xiaosan felt that he would never come to this kind of girly place. With the pink interior decoration and the women sitting in the store, Xiaosan felt that his whole body Discomfort, like a camel breaking into a flock of sheep, is particularly eye-catching.

When she heard the crisp sound of 'dingling', Gui Xin put the spoon into the now empty glass that contained the sundae, and slowly stood up.

"I'm fine, let's go to the next place."


The moment Gui Xin stood up, the rigid chest was reflected in Xiao San's gaze frankly. Xiao San sighed silently, put down the coffee in his hand, and stood up slowly.

"Then let's go."

Gui Xin paid for the sundae and coffee in advance, watching Gui Xin walk out of the dessert shop, Xiao San stood up silently and followed the girl, leaving this dessert shop that made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Gui Xin walked out of the shop first, stopped at the door of the dessert shop for a while, turned his head and looked left and right, as if confirming something, after a while, he took a slow step and walked to the right, Xiaosan It is closely behind the girl.

There are not many pedestrians in the mall, but if you don't pay attention, it's easy to get lost in a place like this.

If it is a close relationship, they can hold hands and walk forward together, but if brother-in-law and sister-in-law like Xiaosan and Gui Xin get too close, it will obviously cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.

Xiaosan doesn't care, but the key is to worry about Gui Xin misunderstanding something, and if she casually reveals it to her sister, causing Yan Ye to misunderstand, then it will be more troublesome.

'I don't know if Yan Ye will come back this year's New Year. '

During the new year last year, Yan Ye seemed to be back, but he didn't meet him. When he got the news, the one who was walking in front of him told him that her sister had left.

Silently following Gui Xin to walk in the shopping mall, Xiao San didn't feel much melancholy or sadness in his heart, but just sighed a little.

He didn't know how long he could hold on to his mood, maybe in the next second, the next day, the feelings that might be holding on in his heart would completely disappear with the passage of time, as fragile as a castle built of sand on the beach.


When Xiaosan was immersed in his reverie, Gui Xin's light voice interrupted his thoughts, and he stood pretty at the door of a movie theater, looking at Xiaosan who was standing not far from her.

Glancing at the movie posters at the door, Xiao San silently walked to Gui Xin's side.

"go in."


Feeling Xiaosan's eyes on her, Gui Xin suddenly let out a muffled snort, shook her head and ignored Xiaosan, and walked straight into the cinema.

I don't know why Xiaosan was confused when he was a girl.

But seeing that Gui Xin had already walked into the movie theater, Xiao San didn't speak, and quietly followed her into the movie theater, watching the movies that could be watched, Xiao San didn't have any interest at all.

It's not that he doesn't like watching movies, it's just that what he likes to watch are not those commercial movies, he prefers to watch some literary and artistic films, but there are very few literary and artistic films recently, at least on the screen at the moment, there are no such types that he wants to watch .

Struggling and repetition, entanglement and pain, the collapse and sublimation of human nature in a specific environment are the important points of Xiaosan's admiration for literary films.

Of course, occasionally, Xiaosan will watch some other movies, but...

"Please give me two movie tickets for Nursery Rhymes of Corpse Pupil Mountain."

Horror movies are definitely not within the scope of his appreciation!


Xiaosan really wanted to stop the other party from issuing tickets, but he looked at the other side with great interest, if he wasn't looking at Gui Xin from the corner of his eyes, Xiaosan could still suppress the calm expression on his face.


Considering Gui Xin's character, Xiao San has no doubt that if he opened his mouth, the other party would say, "So Qiuyue Jun is afraid of horror movies?"Obviously a boy. 'Such similar words, as a man, especially Xiaosan who has a strong self-esteem, he can't say this.

Watching Gui Xin reaching out to take the movie ticket, Xiao San pursed his lips slightly, but did not speak.

After receiving the ticket, noticing the calm expression on Xiaosan's face, Gui Xin couldn't help but a hint of disappointment flashed in her eyes, and silently handed a ticket to Xiaosan.

"Let's go, we can enter in 10 minutes."

"Would you like popcorn?"

"Need not."

Gui Xin responded in a muffled voice, Xiao San glanced at the girl who seemed not very interested, and felt a little confused in his heart.

You can watch the movie you want to watch right away, shouldn't you be happy?

However, Xiaosan did not open his mouth without authorization, and silently followed the girl to sit in the waiting place for a while, and when the time came, the two checked their tickets and entered the screening room of the cinema.

The entire screening room was empty, and there were not many people, Xiaosan and Gui Xin sat down according to the seats on the movie tickets.

Xiaosan has already made preparations, as soon as the movie starts, he will immediately lower his eyes, watch his nose and mind, ignore everything that happened, and wait quietly until the end of the movie.

M78 Nebula 756365104

Just the ethereal music that deliberately creates a scary atmosphere, he believes that he can be like those students who concentrate, and will never pay attention to those boring sounds when they are seriously distracted.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Gui Xin who was beside him, Xiaosan silently lowered his head after the screen began to display the picture, and started his mind-wandering journey...

Sometimes, even knowing that some things are false, it still makes people feel irresistible. It's not about real fragrance, but about horror movies.

Even if you know it doesn’t exist, but looking at the bloody scene in the screen, coupled with the ethereal and weird music, the atmosphere created, I have to say that the level of horror movies in this country has reached a level that ordinary people can hardly match. , various psychological hints.

Maybe a few days after watching those horror movies, Xiaosan can forget what he watched today, but before forgetting, Xiaosan can be quite sure that he will be suspicious for a few days.

So in order not to make himself feel uneasy, Xiao San didn't plan to watch this horror movie.

'So why should I accompany her to the movies?Wouldn't it be good to simply reject it?No, if I refuse directly, Gui Xin, a little girl, will definitely ridicule me. There are still people around, so I will definitely lose face. '

It takes a while to calmly accept things that I am not good at, but in front of everyone, no matter how calmly I accept that I cannot handle things like horror movies, I will definitely be labeled as a "coward".

He is a person who cares about face, so he definitely cannot accept such things as being looked down upon by others, and he will still come in to watch movies when the time comes.

Don't lose face, maybe this problem can be solved, it's not impossible to just throw your hands away, but Xiaosan himself feels that it's too unmannered to do that.

'Forget it, it's all come in now, it doesn't make much sense to think about this kind of thing that happened in the past, in the future, no matter how much you do to prevent it, it's definitely not the same as today What a big difference. '

In the final analysis, he is a person who cares about face.

When going out with acquaintances, he might be able to say frankly that he doesn't like horror movies, and let the other party accept it, but if he goes out with a girl who has a delicate relationship with Gui Xin, he will definitely not be able to resist.

'Speaking of which, among the girls I know, apart from Gui Xin who has such a troublesome personality, Yuika and Sagiri also have this tendency to some extent, right? '

After graduating from high school for more than a year, Weihua and Xiaosan went to different schools. Xiaosan got his wish and entered the Faculty of Medicine of Dongda University, and then suffered a more painful study and life in it than before, not daring to have the slightest regret slack.

The other students inside are basically excellent existences with both hard work and talent. Xiaosan doesn't like comparisons, but he doesn't want to be at the bottom, so that in his daily life, he basically hides in his room to study, his eyes are faint There are signs of myopia.

As for the others in the past, although Tokihara Saxue also planned to apply for the same university as him at the beginning, after knowing that he was going to enter Dongdae Zhiqiu Shiwa seems to be a university and entered Keio.

Because Weihua likes picture books, and her grades did not meet the passing line for entering Toyo University, she thought about it and chose to enter the Faculty of Art of Toyo University.

And Feng Xiaochun unexpectedly went to Chiba to study at the Faculty of Science of Chiba University, but because it was not far away, Xiaosan could still easily see Feng Xiaochun during the holidays.

But I don't know if Feng Xiaochun misunderstood something, or to avoid unfamiliarity, every time we meet, she will wear the familiar high school uniform and appear in front of Xiaosan.

Xiaosan felt that he had been misunderstood, every time he opened his mouth to explain, the silver-white curly girl just looked at Xiaosan with a smile, and nodded with a slight 'hmm', which made Xiaosan feel dizzy.

"Compared to the time in high school, the daily contact is much less at once, but I don't know why, but I feel a lot more relaxed in my heart... Sigh! '

Couldn't help but gasped, the arm that was placed on the armrest by the side of the seat suddenly seemed to be clamped by steel clamps, and there was an unforgettable pain, which made Xiaosan, who was originally distracted, under the pain all over his body. , I suddenly came back to my senses. Accompanied by the female screams from the movie, the whole person experienced a baptism from the body and mind. I couldn't help but imagine the interstellar Zerg that jumped out of nowhere and bit my arm. screen.

Knowing that he looked down at his hand, he realized that it was Gui Xin who was holding onto his arm firmly. Through the thick layer of clothes, he could feel the excessive force, which brought pain.

The girl nestled on the seat like a quail, her body unconsciously leaned towards Xiao San, her hands firmly grasped Xiao San's arm, making Xiao San not sure why the other party wanted to watch this horror movie.

Even though he felt intense fear, Gui Xin's eyes were still staring at the screen. Although Xiao San was curious about the plot of the movie, but thinking of the shadows that might appear when he watched it, he decisively gave up on the thing in his heart. Curious, Si looked at Gui Xin beside her.

"Are you all right?"

Although there was a trace of schadenfreude in his heart, he, who was often ridiculed for his self-indulgent Guixin, felt a little pleasure in his heart, but his face remained calm, and he casually said a word of worry.

In the darkness, the girl with double ponytails showed a trace of paleness on her face. She glanced at Xiaosan beside her, pursed her trembling lips, hesitated for a moment, and loosened the slender hands that were holding Xiaosan's arms tightly. , but did not let go.

"I'm fine..."

There was a weakness in the voice, it seemed that Xiaosan had been greatly frightened by the plot of the movie without Xiaosan's knowledge, and it was rare for a girl to show a weak face in front of Xiaosan.

"Why don't you just go out?"

"No, I want to finish watching!"

But when Xiao San kindly made a suggestion, the expression on Gui Xin's face changed slightly, and there was a light in her eyes that Xiao San couldn't see through. After taking a look at Xiao San, she resolutely refused.

In the end, when leaving the movie theater, Xiaosan reached out to help the girl out.

Passers-by who didn't know why, when they saw Xiaosan and Gui Xin who was walking out tremblingly with his arms around his shoulders, their eyes showed shock and envy, as if they had seen some breaking news, their eyes gleamed Watching the two leave.

When walking out of the movie theater, Xiaosan even saw a young man with a girlfriend and secretly gave him a thumbs up...


Looking down at Gui Xin who was pale and didn't seem to see it, Xiao San couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

- - - -

How was the acquisition of this title?Isn't it shocking? !

Thanks to this person who has no boyfriend so far, the sage of the moon for the reward!Boss atmosphere!

Thank you LGD for your support, hold on, weakdank, Shuke 89309894651, fish that climb trees, Kenichi Makino, Empire, Fatty Yakumo, and the incomprehensible [-] monthly pass and blade!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!

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