Staring at Xiaosan suspiciously, Chika Fujiwara, who had been waiting for a whole morning, even though she had already met Xiaosan, felt a strong complaint in her heart.

"Huh? Sorry, I didn't pay attention at the beginning. When I noticed the message, it was already noon."

Touching his head, showing a hearty smile, just like the sunny male protagonists in those animations, Xiaosan's bright and calm expression made Shinomiya Kaguya frown, while Fujiwara Chika curled her lips helplessly.

He didn't ask any further questions, probably decided to let this question and his little dissatisfaction go straight away.

Chika Fujiwara, who is holding a teacup, is not very interested in those serious dogmas and etiquette, and her personality is relatively lively, but she is quite complete with those qualities that should be possessed, but she is not like tea. The general peers are so resistant.

"Sniff, sniff."

After taking two sips of tea, Fujiwara Chika suddenly closed her eyes and sniffed her nose, poking her face and shaking her body around the sofa in the living room, as if she was checking for something.

"It has a very subtle taste, a bit sweet, like a green fruit, but it tastes too much when it's picked before it's fully ripe."

While talking, Fujiwara Chika stood up and walked around in the living room.


For a moment, Xiaosan didn't know whether Fujiwara Chika's sense of smell was outstanding, or that subtle female intuition was at work, and he couldn't help but look at Shinomiya Kaguya for a moment of unexplained embarrassment.

But after Shinomiya Kaguya noticed Xiaosan's gaze, she turned her head away decisively.

'It really is you!Shinomiya Kaguya! '

A trace of melancholy appeared between his brows, Xiaosan frowned, put down the teacup in his hand, and looked at Chika Fujiwara who stopped moving and looked at Guixin's room.

"What's wrong?"

"Is that room Qiuyue-kun's bedroom?"

"No, that's... someone else's bedroom. My bedroom is over there."

Pointing to the diagonally opposite Gui Xin's bedroom, the room on the right hand side of entering the living room, although the door of Gui Xin's room is the same dark gray and bright silver modern style door, but compared to the simple style of Xiaosan's door, Gui Xin There is a strong girlish wind at the door on the other side of the heart.

There is no decoration, just the feeling from the bottom of my heart that the bedroom doors of the two are slightly different.

Looking at the direction of Xiaosan's fingers, she then set her eyes on the door of Gui Xin's room. Chika Fujiwara put one hand on her chin, pulled out a deer cap and a pipe from nowhere, dressed as Sherlock Holmes, Looking at Xiaosan pretending to be deep in his eyes.

"Oh, there is Qiuyue Jun's room there, but there should be someone in that room now, right?"

With a pipe in her mouth, Chika Fujiwara squinted her clear water blue eyes, looking back and forth on Xiao San's body with her scrutinizing eyes.

"What's going on, Qiuyue-kun?"

"Could it be that someone is hiding at home? Now, Mr. Qiuyue, can you answer my doubts?"

Coming to Xiaosan's side and sitting on the same sofa as him, Chika Fujiwara snorted and looked at Xiaosan proudly.


Xiaosan, who didn't know how to answer, looked at the proud Fujiwara Chika, and was speechless for a moment.

Because he didn't know that Chika Fujiwara guessed this, what can he be proud of, shouldn't it be anger and anger?

'As expected of you? '

Xiaosan, who was sighing in his heart, picked up the teacup, took a sip, then stood up under the gaze of Chika Fujiwara, walked to the door of Gui Xin's room, and knocked gently on the door.

The door opened, Nishimiya Glass poked out her small head, looked towards the living room, and looked at Xiaosan with strange eyes.

"There are guests here."

Nishinomiya Glass' eyes saw the two girls sitting in the living room, Chika Fujiwara with surprised eyes, and Kaguya Shinomiya who was frowning with a quiet demeanor.

It was just that Nishinomiya Glass, who heard that there were guests, suddenly became tense, closed the door with a 'bang', and retreated into the room.

After a while, Nishinomiya Glass and Gui Xin, who were hiding in the room, walked out of the room together.

Gui Xin glanced at Xiao San, pursed her lips, and with a gentle smile on her face, she took Nishinomiya Nishiko's tender little hand, and the two came to the living room together.

"Qiuyue-jun, who are these two children?"

Tilting her head to look at Gui Xin and Nishinomiya Glass, Fujiwara Chika's face was full of incomprehensible confusion, her eyes fell on Xiao San, and she asked hesitantly.

"It's Yan Ye's younger sister, and her classmate, Yan Ye, Qian Hua knows about it?"

"Oh! It's Qiuyue Jun's ex-girlfriend's younger sister!"


Looking at Gui Xin who was frowning, and Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes looking at him with deep meaning, Xiao San opened his mouth slightly, but closed it silently.

"elder sister."


Gui Xin suddenly spoke, and Fujiwara Chika looked at the girl.

"My sister didn't break up with him."

Xiunen's index finger lightly tapped the corner of her mouth, Fujiwara Chika showed a perplexed expression on her face, she looked at Gui Xin, then suddenly clasped her palms together, and patted her little hand lightly, with a dazed look on her face.

"Ah! Do you mean that?"

"But that Miss Guiyanye hasn't seen Mr. Qiuyue for a long time, right?"

"However, there is no breakup."

Gui Xin just repeated a sentence, looking at Chika Fujiwara calmly.

A slightly menacing atmosphere gradually permeated the living room, Xiaosan felt a headache, picked up the teacup, and let go of his hands involuntarily.


The clear and crisp sound immediately attracted all the eyes in the living room, including the eyes of Fujiwara Chika and Gui Xin.

"Yeah, I accidentally broke the teacup, Gui Xin, go and help me get the broom, please."

Looking at Gui Xin who was standing beside the living room, Xiao San smiled calmly.

Gui Xin was silent, then silently turned around and went to get the broom for cleaning.

"I'm sorry, Guixin is not very good at communicating with people, by the way, Nitro, how about some tea?"

Nitrate shook his head, and walked towards the direction Gui Xin left, avoiding this delicate atmosphere.

Fujiwara Chika, who was originally still with a confused expression, changed her expression again after Gui Xin left, pouting, and slowly sat beside Xiao San, and then pressed her body against Xiao San's body.


Xiaosan was a little troubled and helpless, while Shinomiya Kaguya seemed to have not seen anything, turned his head, and looked at the window beside him, the blue and clear sky outside the window.

For Xiaosan who looked troubled, she was naturally aware of it, but she had no sympathy, and even wanted to laugh.

'Oh, scumbag. '

- - - -

It's really good to finish the blood front, but it's a pity that at the end of the second season, my sister has a fiancé, it's too bad

Thank you for the monthly ticket of White Night of the Undead!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!

Chapter 76. Is something missing?

"How's the sales of the game?"

"Compared to the previous game, the sales volume has increased slightly, but in terms of overall revenue, it is still a little bit reluctant."

In Izumi Sayi's office, Xiaosan sat cross-legged on the desk in front of her, listening to Izumi Sayi's report, shook his head slightly, and spread his hands in front of him, with a helpless expression.

"After all, is it only this level?"

"what you mean?"

Looking at the income and expenses on the financial report, Izumi Shayi couldn't help but leaned against the desk, put one hand on the desk, and covered her smooth forehead, with a depressed expression on her face.

It was originally a new work that was expected, but unexpectedly, it was only achieved to this extent. The gap with the goal expected in her heart was so wide that she still found it difficult to accept the reality in her heart.

"If we only follow this situation, it may be unrealistic to become a first-class large company."

"It's not considered a mediocrity, but the talent only goes so far. Don't you think about recruiting other talents?"

"Now the company's positions are basically saturated, and if we recruit more, there is not much room for them..."

Although I really want to recruit some employees with special talents into the company, it is a pity that there are no vacancies in the whole company that can be filled for newcomers.

"Then transfer some incompetent guys from their current positions, a stagnant company with no future to speak of."

"Your character is too cruel, isn't it?"

"Cruelty is reality."

Picking up the signature pen in the pen holder on the table, he twirled it gently between his fingers, staring at the signature pen that kept spinning between his fingers, he seemed to remember something in a trance, and looked at the person next to him. Hequan Shayi.

"By the way, did a girl named Shoko Sakuma come to see you?"

"Some time ago, she came here and took your contact information."

"That's it."

Being watched by Hequan Sayi's eyes full of deep meaning, Xiaosan didn't mind much, and put the signature pen in his hand back into the pen holder.

"And now? Is she in the company?"

"No, I just came over to check the company's situation, then turned and left."

"Didn't say anything?"

"Well, it seems that I don't like this place."

With a somewhat teasing and teasing tone, Izumi Sayi looked at the expression on Xiaosan's face, looking forward to and curious about Xiaosan's possible reaction.

But it disappointed her.

After listening to Izumi Sayi's answer, Xiaosan appeared extremely calm, just nodded steadily, got up from the desk, stood in the office, and walked towards the door.

"I'm going to see Yinglili."


Seeing Xiaosan walk out of his office with some disappointment, Hequan Shayi casually put the report in his hand on the table, then propped his cheek with one hand, and stared at the direction of the door boredly.

"Do you have to go and see that Sawamura-san every time you come here? Really..."

Although there was some discomfort in my heart, there was nothing to bluntly accuse Xiao San of being wrong. Even if everyone knew the relationship between the two, she and he could not admit it frankly.

For Xiaosan, but also for her own considerations, not to mention Sagiri who was mixed between the two.

"Isn't this the level of mere philandering? Sigh."

Sighed softly, even Izumi Shayi herself didn't know who this sigh was for...

Ying Lili, who was working in her office, tied all her golden braids together into a single ponytail. Behind her dark red glasses and those thick lenses, there were thick dark circles under her eyes, and That haggard look.

She even forgot that she had been in the office for a few days. Anyway, she only remembered that she hadn't gone home for several days. The smell on her body could not be said to be smelly, but it was indeed not very pleasant.

Even the blue cat she raised is squatting in the corner of her office at the moment, far away from Ying Lili.


Without knocking on the door, after opening the door of the office, a figure broke into this space belonging to Ying Lili.

The moment he entered the office, Xiaosan could not help but frown due to a faint smell, and looked at the girl in the office with a delicate expression, lying in front of the computer, holding a paintbrush and not even looking at her side .


Xiaosan, who was neglected, felt a little unhappy, closed the door casually, raised his index finger to the blue cat squatting in the corner, and made a gesture of hissing.

Ignoring whether the cat could understand his gestures, she just groped towards Yinglili quietly.

When he walked along the wall behind Ying Lili, opened his arms, and was about to touch the collar of the girl's pure white sweater, revealing the delicate and white shoulders, Ying Lili, who was drawing in a muffled voice, suddenly appeared sounded.

"What happened suddenly?"

The hands that were outstretched in the air paused slightly, then retracted them as if nothing had happened, clenched his right hand, put it to his mouth, coughed lightly, and concealed his embarrassment.

"You found me coming in?"

"What do you think."

Staring at the lines on the screen, Ying Lili, who didn't look at Xiao San at all, replied casually.

"What are you painting?"

"It has nothing to do with you, even if it is said, can you draw?"

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