"Hmm! What?"

Suddenly alert, looking at her sister, Qianhua's expression became vigilant, looking at her sister, she didn't know why she suddenly asked such a sensitive question.

"For example, you must have done something like holding hands, right?"

"There must be something like this!"

"Then you have a hug, right?"


"Where's the kiss?"




"Really not, or just pretending not to be?"

"It's all said and gone! You still have to ask! Sister, you are too much!"

Embarrassed, Qianhua suddenly stood up from her lying posture on the desk, and looked at her sister with red cheeks angrily.

Toyomi Fujiwara looked as if he was worried about Chika, but he was even more surprised in his heart.

"That one of you, no matter how you look at it, doesn't look like the kind of person who is pure-hearted and ascetic?"

"Probably afraid of our family?"

"Qiuyue-jun is not that kind of person!"

Toyomi Fujiwara and Moeba looked at each other. The so-called love can make people lose their minds. It has been clearly reflected in my sister/sister, but for things like love, there is A trace of vigilance.

"And aren't we discussing how to deepen the relationship between me and Qiuyue-kun? Why do we talk about this kind of issue!"

Annoyed and angry, Qianhua looked at her older sister, and already had a slight thought of giving up. It was too reckless to discuss this kind of thing with her older sister and younger sister who had never been in a relationship.

"Of course it's to analyze the reason, but since it's not the case, it's better to be more straightforward."


"For example directly..."

It was not a gesture that Qianhua couldn't understand. Seeing her sister's slender left index finger and thumb forming a circle, and putting the thin finger of her right hand into the circle, gradually panning, full of various meaningful movements, her cheeks flushed immediately .

"When it's over, it doesn't matter if you get the certificate directly, right?"

"It's not that it doesn't matter! Damn it, my sister and Mengye are useless at all, leave quickly! I'm going to rest!"

Pulled his sister up from the bed, then rolled out of his room, and looked at his sister.

Mengye walked out of Qianhua's room in a very interesting manner.

Qian Hua, who was left alone, directly closed the door.

The two sisters standing at the door looked at the closed door, and Fengshi looked at his sister.

"What do you think will happen?"

"My sister should try it, right?"


"do not know."

"I can hear you!"

Fengshi and Mengye looked at each other, then left from Qianhua's door.

Qian Hua, who was hiding in the room by herself, buried her face on her fragrant pillow, only what was left in her mind about what Xiao San and her sister said just now.

'Straight.......straight to base?home base?is that so?Then get married, if you get married, you have to invite guests, who is it?Hmm... Qiuyue-kun and I need to invite a lot of people to marry me. '

- - - -

When I was practicing the car, when I was about to get off the car, I picked up the hat I put on the co-pilot, and somehow a bee stopped on it.

My hardworking hands were inadvertently kissed by cute little bees.

Ah, stung.

It hurts so much! !But fortunately not swollen.

I'm too tired, so I took a break first, and I'm only updating now, woo woo woo

Thanks to the fallen stone, Yeyeye, Xiyang, Daiwei is still full of vitality, the white-haired sage Meteora, the prosperous monthly ticket and blade in the world!Thank you all for your votes!

#47. Confession

The game company and the office have their own small accounts. After measuring and comparing the income of the two companies, Xiaosan can only say that he barely reached the balance of income and expenditure, and made a small profit.

Losing the pressure of Kaguya Shinomiya's debt, the pursuit of money also calmed down all of a sudden, without the tension at the beginning of the period.

It's been a while since I saw Hayasaka Ai, but for Xiaosan, it's good news.

There is nothing to do on weekdays, but Qianhua called her out of the house, and the two of them went shopping together in the hot weather outside in those cool places, like parks or museums. Although there are people, it is not like It is the kind of place where there are many people on the ordinary street.

Although Qianhua also enthusiastically invited Xiaosan to try to go to the water park for swimming, but Xiaosan didn't have much interest in the swimming pool.

Even most men will go to the swimming pool from time to time to find their own youthful encounters in the summer because they deliberately have the opportunity to see women in swimsuits, but for Xiaosan, he cares more about it. The eyes of other people, just thought for a moment, then gave a negative answer.

"Don't go."

"Isn't Qiuyue-kun not looking forward to my swimsuit?"

"Am looking forward to."


"I don't want anyone else to see it."

"Huh?! Hey hey, you really can't do anything about Qiuyue-kun."

Then Qianhua gave up the idea of ​​going to the swimming pool, and then proposed a place for the two to meet and date, and most of them were like libraries, where there were few people and quiet, where the two of them had more space to be alone.

As for why Qianhua didn't come to Xiaosan's home?

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Just thinking about the people Qianhua met every time he went to Xiaosan's house, Xiaosan himself forgot to ask Qianhua why he didn't come to his house.

Hayasaka Ai and himself have completed the marriage, and Xiaosan has not told anyone. Maybe Hayasaka Ai told Shinomiya Kaguya, but judging from Qianhua's reaction, Xiaosan is basically sure that the girl has not yet. Know.

I feel a little guilty, but I have to admit that there is a little bit of excitement in this situation.

It's like dancing on a steel wire. If you are not careful, you will probably be completely smashed to pieces.

This kind of feeling is complicated that Xiaosan has never imagined.

Although the relationship with Qianhua is gradually increasing steadily, to accurately describe it, it is more like the feeling of Xiaosan alone. Every time the relationship is like a date in the game, the favorability is slightly increased. .

What exactly is the relationship, Xiaosan himself is not very clear in his heart.

More thoughts are put on keeping himself calm, maintaining a stable state, and not saying anything that should not be said because of Hayasaka Ai's matter, Xiaosan has already maintained a considerable mental tension.

Although the hot weather brought Xiaosan a lot of sweat, but the fine and dense sweat on his forehead was not all because of the sun.

When I got home, I just lay down on my own bed, closed my eyes and fell asleep in a daze, and when I woke up the next day, it was often time for the sun to hang high in the sky.

Since the last coma happened, Sagiri did not go to Xiaosan’s apartment frequently. I wonder if she learned how to cook from Sagi. If Xiaosan overslept every day, when he woke up at noon, the living room On the dining table, lunch has already been set, and the girl is sitting on the dining table waiting for Xiaosan.

As for Xiaosan who was resting, Sagiri seldom went back to bother him unless there was some special reason for her.

This kind of life can be regarded as relatively peaceful, especially when I suddenly received a text message from Hayasaka Ai one day, saying that she was going to go abroad for a while and would not return to China for at least half a year.

'Wait, doesn't this mean that it is impossible to end the relationship with her in half a year? '

Surprised in my heart, but after counting the time, Xiaosan didn't feel very nervous, he couldn't help but sighed helplessly, looking at the vast blue sky, he didn't know which one was the plane that the other party left.

"The fruit is ready."

Sagiri's voice sounded, Xiaosan's mood returned to reality, he glanced back at the fruit Sagiri had cut, and nodded.

At first, Xiaosan still had a little resistance to Sagiri who took care of him so carefully, but after gradually getting used to it, it was a good experience to be taken care of by a cute young jc like this.

There is nothing to do, basically stay at home, and only for two days when I get tired of staying at home, Xiaosan will leave his home and visit his two companies.

"I don't care."

Sitting in Ying Lili's office, the girl squatted at the side of the house, gently stroked the smooth soft fur of the kitten in her arms, and replied to Xiaosan who was beside her without raising her head.



Ying Lili didn't even bother to answer Xiaosan.

Or it's been a long time since I saw her. Although Xiaosan would show a very intimate attitude towards her every time we met, Ying Lili actually already had her own answer in her heart.

'It's impossible for me and him. '

Even every time we meet, it seems that the relationship is so close, without any change, but Ying Lili also understands very clearly that the relationship between her and Xiaosan is like a play on the spot, if Xiaosan really cares If so, will we only see each other every ten days and a half months like now?

The girl who was a little sad in her heart couldn't help thinking of the memories between herself and Xiaosan, she was silent for a while, let go of the kitten in her arms, stood up slowly, and patted herself lightly. The light green sweater on her body.

"It's time to get out of the way, I have to work."

Walking to Xiaosan's side, Ying Lili spoke dissatisfiedly to Xiaosan who occupied the seat she should have been sitting on, and still had an expression of indifference.


He stretched out his hand and patted his thigh lightly twice, and there was a crisp sound of meat and meat attacking.

Ying Lili didn't speak, just looked at Xiaosan quietly.

Xiaosan, who had been stared at for a long time, still couldn't bear it in the silent atmosphere, shrugged his shoulders, stood up, and made room for Ying Lili.

Seeing Ying Lili, who seems to be focusing all her attention on her work, Xiaosan didn't speak, and quietly stood aside and looked at the working girl.

The two spent a long time together.

Until Ying Lili, who was working, saw herself on the screen, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, and Xiaosan handed the tissue to her.

Raising her head, looking at Xiaosan beside her, she would always blame herself for not living up to expectations in a dark night when no one was around...

In the coffee shop named Tsuta's, a woman named Yukinoshita Yono sat across from Xiaosan, made coffee with her hand in hand, took half a sip in a reserved and dignified manner, and then put down the coffee cup in her hand , looked at Xiaosan who was opposite him.

"How does it feel?"

"What do you mean?"

"The environment of this store is the one I have been looking for for a long time. Although the level of all aspects is relatively average, the environment is relatively quiet."

Looking at the Viennese coffee in front of me, the fresh slightly cool cream, plus the sweet and greasy chocolate, mixed with the taste of coffee, gradually spread in my mouth. Although it is the first time to try, the taste is still good. good.

"It's not bad."

"Really? It would be great if you could like it."

The woman named Yukinoshita Yono, although there is a snow in her name, is not as cold as snowflakes, and the smile on her face is a little bit ritualized, but it still gives people a warm feeling.

Even Xiaosan, who has trained himself to smile, does feel that he is much worse than the other party in this respect. At least his smile does not give people any special feeling. No matter how you look at it, it is reserved and restrained, not at all give any warmth.

Putting the spoon into the coffee cup, shaking it slightly, Xiaosan's eyelids slightly lifted, and looked at the woman sitting opposite him.

"Then, I don't know that Miss Yukinoshita invited me to meet today. What is the matter? Regarding the previous matter, we have already discussed it properly, so there is no need for further discussion, right?"

"It's really a cold reaction. Generally speaking, when it comes to an invitation from a girl, shouldn't a man be more calm and generous, and accommodate a girl?"

Xiaosan didn't have any special feeling for Yukinoshita Yoshino, after realizing that such a thing was just an accident, Xiaosan didn't want to have any contact with him anymore.

But under his perfunctory situation, Yukinoshita Yoshino still contacted him several times one after another. After he couldn't find any suitable excuses, Xiaosan also wanted to find out what kind of thoughts the other party was holding. To keep in touch with myself is to agree to meet.

In this bustling city corner, there is nothing special in a small coffee shop.


Looking at the girl opposite him in a muffled voice, Xiao San didn't say anything, which made Yukinoshita Yoshino feel a little troublesome.

Although he has come into contact with quite a few people, Yukinoshita Yono is definitely the first person like Xiaosan who has clearly expressed resistance towards her.

"It's really indifferent, it's really hurtful. Although there are some suspicions of boasting, but before you, Qiuyue Jun, most men would not show me such a resistant side."

"It's just because I don't have any common language with Miss Yukinoshita, and I have my own business, if it's just chatting and drinking coffee, it's enough, right?"

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