Turn on the computer, and lightly hold the newly bought mouse with the palm of your hand. Although it doesn't feel very good, this mouse has a characteristic that meets Xiaosan's needs, that is-resistance to falling!

"Speaking of which, tomorrow is the day when Ms. Nakano's album will be released, right? When the share is credited, the financial pressure will be relieved a lot."

Xiaosan didn't know the exact amount of the share, but in his estimation, it should at least be able to cover his living expenses for about a year. This is a general situation he got after analyzing the income of other singers.

As for other income, he is also writing anyway, as long as the sales volume is not too high, at least he can maintain his own food and clothing, right?

"So you still have to work hard to get into a good university and be a wage earner for others?"

Xiao San doesn't think he has that special business skills, and he has never started a business before, and he doesn't have any consideration for starting a business and becoming a boss.

"Thinking about it this way, I always feel that the future is bleak."

Pouted for a while, then opened the browser of his own computer, looking at those boring past news, Xiaosan lacked interest.

Then he logged into the game, and after casually pulling the players who had been teaming up recently, Xiaosan played the latest updated copy for a while, and with supreme luck, he rolled to the legendary 1:[-], under the admiration of his teammates In his eyes, he went offline angrily.

In the middle of the night, he fell asleep again.

Since he started playing games, Xiaosan only felt that his sleep efficiency became worse and worse.

"If you are very tired, you can lie on my shoulder for a while."

Sitting on the subway, Gui Yanye, who was sitting next to him, looked at Xiaosan's somewhat tired expression, and couldn't help making a very tempting proposal out loud.

"Then I'm welcome."

Facing the girl's kindness, Xiaosan did not refuse. During this period of getting along, Xiaosan had almost figured out the character of the girl next to him, accepted her kindness, and gently leaned his head against her. on the shoulders.

The silky hair with the fragrance of a girl, accompanied by the breeze blowing through the car window, fell on Xiaosan's face. The quiet scene made Xiaosan recall his distant and nostalgic love for a moment. first love.

"I always feel that you, Xiaosan, look very tired these days, did something happen?"

"Ah, I was confessed by several girls."

"...Should I laugh?"

Xiaosan, who seemed to be taken as a joke by Gui Yanye, leaned his head on the girl's weak shoulder, turned his head slightly, tapped his forehead on the girl's shoulder, and took a deep breath of the girl's fresh fragrance.

Such a brazen action made Gui Yanye's face turn red all of a sudden.

"I'm not joking. I was confessed by two seniors. They are both very cute. It was a very happy thing at first, but...why did it become like that?"

"Could it be the seniors, did you fight because of Xiaosan?"

"That's not there."

Next to Gui Yanye, taking two deep breaths of the girl's fragrance, Xiaosan regained his spirit, but he did not continue to shamelessly put pressure on the girl. After sitting upright, his expression was full of complexities.

"It's just that, strictly speaking, things are more troublesome than the two of them fighting."

"Hmm...it sounds like a lot of trouble."

"That's no longer troublesome. Even if it's troublesome, it's much better than the situation I'm facing."

Stretching out his hands to tightly cover his face, Xiaosan ignored the strange gazes around him because he heard his words, and sighed a little tiredly.

"It's a very happy thing to be confessed by a beautiful girl, but when there are many people and you don't want to hurt them, it's a very painful choice."

"So, Xiaosan, are you thinking about how to refuse?"


Looking at the girl beside him, Xiao San didn't answer, but raised his head and looked at the top of the carriage, his eyes were a little empty and lost in thought.


After Gui Yanye got off at the station, Xiaosan also quickly arrived at his own platform, stepped out of the car, and walked quietly on the way to school.

Along the way, looking at those boys walking alone, Xiaosan couldn't help feeling happy for them.

Good that they don't have to deal with the hassle that a charmer like him does.

However, his charm is a bit crooked.

"It would be nice if it was normal. Is it because this world is not perfect?"

With a deep sigh, Xiao San walked towards the school.

"Qiuyue, a senior senior came to see you just now, she seems to be from the same club as you."


As soon as he arrived at school and entered his class, even before he put down his schoolbag, a boy in the class told him that someone had come to him.

"I know, thank you."

Hearing that Senior Toki Yuanshaxue was looking for him, Xiaosan couldn't help but feel no excitement in his heart, and even felt a little dizzy.

Whenever he thought about what happened yesterday, Xiaosan couldn't help showing a tired expression.

The expression fell on the eyes of someone sitting in the classroom without omission, and that person couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression.

Chapter 72 I warn you, don't mess around!

"Qiuyue-kun, are you okay? You seem a little tired."

Soft words rang in his ears, sitting on his seat, propping his chin with one hand, looking at the distant sky outside the window, Xiaosan, after returning home, he saw that gentle expression with concern.

It wasn't Masamu Makabe, nor Yuika Koga.

Masamune Makabe is holding a book at the moment, studying hard for the scholastic ability test that will be held next week, while Yuika Koga has made more friends in the class because of Kozo and is talking.

The one who appeared next to Xiaosan was considered to be the topic of discussion in this class.

Xiao Hinata, who claimed to be a boy at the beginning of school, but no matter whether it is soft facial lines or clothes, he looks like a girl.

Using the language popular on the Internet to describe, then the gender of the other party is probably the so-called 'fake girl', or 'Schrödinger's gender'.

Even Xiaosan was very curious in his heart, but he couldn't reach out to find out the details of the other party himself.

Even if it's a joke, it's too much. If it's a boy, don't say it. If the other party's gender is really a girl, that's the biggest trouble.

"It's nothing. I'm just a little tired. After a little rest, I can almost recover."

He was obviously a boy, but he was wearing a girl's uniform. After a curious person asked the teacher in the class, the teacher's answer was 'the school rules only say that it's okay to wear a uniform, so there's no problem'.

'The problem is obviously big, okay? '

Leaving aside the teacher's answer for the time being, Xiaosan was also confused about Xiao Hinata who came to talk to him. He remembered that the relationship between the two should be very ordinary, and he hadn't said anything since the beginning of school. talk.

"Well, seeing you look a little tired, I can't help but be a little concerned. If you don't bother me, it's fine."


"Then I won't disturb Qiuyue-jun's rest."


Looking at Xiao Hinata who walked away, looking at the back of the other party, to be honest, Xiao San was still somewhat curious about the other party's gender.

For the unknown, people always have some desire to explore, don't they?

Watching the moment behind Xiao Hinata's departure, Xiao San withdrew his gaze.

Although there are quite a few boys in the whole class staring at Hinata, if they keep staring at each other and cause others to misunderstand, it is just unnecessary trouble for Xiaosan.

During the lunch break, Xiaosan, who was disturbed by the recent series of incidents, did not prepare a bento by himself.

He was going to go to the commissary to buy a piece of bread casually, and then scrape together to fill his stomach.

Not long after he walked out of the classroom door, the figure of Toki Yuan Saxue appeared at the door of his class.

"Excuse me, do you know where Qiuyue Jun has gone?"

Tokihara Sayuki, who glanced around the classroom but didn't see Xiaosan, stopped Hinata who was about to enter the classroom, and asked about Xiaosan's whereabouts.

Kohinata looked a little surprised when she saw her senior who was in a higher grade than herself, and then looked at the seat where Xiaosan was sitting, and found that Xiaosan was indeed not there.

"It should be to buy lunch, or go to the bathroom?"

"That's it, thank you."

"You're welcome, but is senior sister Qiuyue-kun's friend?"

"How should I put it, it should be the type with a very close relationship?"

Toki Hara Sayuki thought about it carefully, and then thought of what happened between the two of them yesterday, with a sweet smile on her face, she answered Kohinata.

Looking at Toki Hara Sayuki who left, Kohinata showed a thoughtful expression.

Xiaosan bought his favorite flavor of bread from the crowd at the grocery store, and when he returned to his classroom, Toki Hara Saxue had disappeared.

Kohinata, who was sitting on the seat, noticed Xiaosan who had returned to the classroom, then slowly got up and walked towards Xiaosan who was sitting down.

"That, Qiuyue-kun."

"Huh? Kohinata-san, what's the matter?"

Just as he unpacked the straw and inserted it into the chocolate-flavored coffee milk, when he was about to peel off the coat of the bread and have his own delicate lunch, Xiao Hinata arrived, making Xiaosan's movements involuntarily paused.

Looking up at Xiao Hinata, who was not much taller than him even though he was sitting, Xiaosan's eyes were full of doubts.

"Just now, the senior who was looking for you in the morning came to look for you again just now."

"Is Tokihara-senpai?"

With a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face, Xiaosan couldn't help but pause for a while when he picked up the milk, and then took a deep sip of the milk.

"Did she say anything?"

"No, I just asked Mr. Qiuyue if you were there, and then left."

"That's it."

Putting down the milk, Xiao San nodded lightly, feeling extremely wise about his choice of going out to buy lunch.

To be honest, Xiaosan is still a little entangled in his heart at the moment about the senior Tokihara Sayuki who revealed his secret, not knowing how to face him.

I don't know what kind of attitude I should take to face it.

It's not that Xiaosan doesn't want to accept such a senior sister, if Xiaosan's current family situation is a little bit better and he doesn't need to worry about his future, he will definitely accept the other party without any scruples, and maybe he will wantonly follow the other party's wishes. Hobbies, to satisfy some of my unspeakable desires.

But Xiaosan's future needs to be carefully arranged and planned, and every step must be carefully considered. Once he really has no scruples and does such a thing, then the rest of his life will probably be ruined. right?

'Who will take care of me then, Tokihara-senpai?Is her family willing to accept her like that and me who has no bottom line? '

What restricts Xiaosan is not morality, but the most realistic rationality.

Xiaosan, who was wearing a mask, almost forgot what he looked like in the beginning.

After wearing a mask for a long time, it is no longer a mask.

"Speaking of which, I'm a little curious about the relationship between that senior sister and Mr. Qiuyue?"

"Huh? Me and Tokihara-senpai?"

Seeing Hinata who suddenly asked a very strange question, Xiaosan's heart suddenly became vigilant, and he began to examine the person of unknown gender in front of him with subtle eyes.

After being confessed by a stalker and a masochist one after another, the current Xiaosan has a little bit of sensitivity.

He was very worried that the person in front of him, who could be called a 'fake mother', would suddenly make an affectionate confession to himself.

Although he doesn't discriminate against those with special preferences, that doesn't mean he can accept it.

For a moment, Xiaosan even wanted to put his arms around his body to protect himself...

Chapter 73 Children Make Choices

If you look at Kohinata's back, that slender figure is obviously very lethal to most men.

Even Xiao San himself had to admit that when he saw Xiao Hinata's back, he felt an unspeakable urge to move.

However, even so, it doesn't mean that he can really accept the existence of an unknown gender.

"Because it's a club, my relationship with Tokihara-senpai... probably belongs to the type of friends, what's wrong?"

After hearing Xiaosan's answer, Xiao Hinata showed a clear expression on his face.

"That's right, I'm sorry, I asked Qiuyue-kun a very boring question."

"It's nothing."

Seemingly having got the answer she wanted, Xiao Hinata turned around and left Xiaosan's table with a sunny and charming smile.

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