"The kind of what?"

"It's nothing."

Looking at Xiaosan, Nishinomiya Yuzuru always felt that Xiaosan seemed to be thinking about something impolite, but she didn't say anything, and she was not sure if it was what she was thinking.

Picking up the teacup in front of him, he took a sip of the lemon black tea. It tasted good, but compared to the usual sweet bottled drinks, he still felt a bit unaccustomed to the brewed tea.

When Xiaosan and Yuxian were talking, Nitzi sat aside and watched the interaction between his sister and Xiaosan, and did not show any ups and downs. He just quietly looked at his sister, and Xiaosan who was talking with Yuxian, thinking from the bottom of his heart What is the relationship between the two of them...

Seeing that although the two were close, they were not as close as she was worried about. Of course, she was relieved.

However, the relationship between the two, from the eyes of Nitrate, is a little more charming than ordinary friends, which makes her feel completely confused.

Originally, she was going to rest at home, but after seeing her sister's dull and boring state by chance, she proposed to come to Xiaosan's place as a guest.

Yuzuru's initial reaction was naturally rejection and resistance, expressing that he would not come here.

The words 'I don't want to see that guy' also blurted out following her refusal, but when Glass said she was coming over, Yuzuru's reaction was much softer, and instead she said, 'Don't worry about my sister being alone 'Such words followed along.

No matter how reluctant he was before coming here, after arriving at Xiaosan's place, he was the one who talked to Xiaosan the most.

'Mouth dislike body integrity? '

For some reason, a sentence that Gui Xin once said to her emerged from the bottom of her heart, which is quite applicable to her sister at the moment...

At the beginning, Xiaosan was still chatting with Yuzuru, but due to various reasons, Xiaosan did not keep chatting with Yuzuru, instead, he found some excuses, avoided Yuzuru, and asked Meiyu to entertain Yuzuru.

As for the older Nitrate, she sat on the sidelines from the very beginning, quietly watching her sister chatting with other people, without speaking.

Regarding the situation of Glass, both Miha and Sora know something about it, and they don’t have any discriminatory thoughts in their hearts, but they don’t know how to communicate with Glass, plus Glass’s own personality... Xiaosan After observing the situation for a while, he called Nitro to his side.

Xiaotori Yukong, who was still studying, was a little impatient after reading his own book for a while, so he came to Miwa and Yuzuru, and chatted about the things in their respective schools, as well as some of their own stories .

"If this is the case, can we be friends?"

Sitting in the distance, looking at Yuxian and the others, Xiaosan asked towards Nitzi next to him.

Looking at the picture of her sister chatting lively with other people, the impact on Nitro is really a bit complicated, so she doesn't know whether she is happy or disappointed at the moment...

Chatting from morning to noon, Xiaotori Youkong prepared lunch and showed off his cooking skills in front of Miha and Yuzuru. As for Glass, he seemed very interested in this aspect, standing aside as a helper, participating Arrived at lunch.

A lunch that can be prepared in less than an hour on weekdays took nearly two hours at this moment.

However, in terms of craftsmanship, it is indeed a lot more refined than usual, and in terms of taste, it is still passable. Xiaosan, who was sitting at the dining table, quietly used his lunch.

In the afternoon, Sora and Miu originally led Yuzuru and Glass to visit and rest in their room, but Glass refused.

Yuzuru was a little surprised.

"Do you want to stay in the living room?"

'I have something I want to discuss with Qiuyue-kun. '

Nitro, who was gesturing in sign language, said this to his sister, causing Yuxian to look at Xiaosan with some hesitation, then slowly retracted his gaze, and nodded slightly.

Regarding Xiaosan's words, Yuzuru may not be so close and intimate. Compared with her sister and her family, there is still a considerable gap, but in terms of trust, she has considerable confidence in Xiaosan .

After getting his sister's answer, he went up to the second floor with Sora and Miu, while Nitzi stayed in the living room and watched Xiaosan.

Because of the lack of sleepiness in the afternoon, Xiao Hina was also taken to the room by Sora and Miu to rest, leaving only Nitro and Xiao San in the living room.

"Let's talk in the study."

Xiao San looked at Nitro, and Nitro didn't have any objection, he followed Xiao San silently, and the two entered the study together.

"How is Guixin now?"

Entering the study room, closing the door, sitting down next to Nitzi, Xiaosan asked about Gui Xin.

Today Nitrate appeared in front of him, and he didn't see Gui Xin, which made Xiaosan somewhat astonished. In Xiaosan's impression, Guixin and Nitzi were almost connected, as long as one person appeared in front of him , that other person must appear along with it.

Today, however, I didn't see Gui Xin appearing beside Glass, but Xiao San couldn't help feeling a little curious.

'She is resting at home. '

"Didn't tell her, did you come to my place?"

'said. '


Facing Xiaosan's astonished gaze, Nitro was also a little surprised.

When she informed Gui Xin that she was coming to Xiaosan, she thought that Gui Xin would definitely come with her, but to her surprise, the other party chose to refuse.

Taking out his mobile phone, opening the contact information and directory, Niozi showed the chat records in front of Xiaosan.

Gui Xin's answer was quite succinct, with only two words, 'No'.

"It's not a surprising answer."

If there was no matter about Yan Ye, Gui Xin might be willing to come to Xiaosan's side, but after what happened about Yan Ye, how could Gui Xin act as if she didn't know anything.

If she and Xiaosan get too close, maybe it will irritate her sister. For her sister's consideration, it is expected that she will not come.

Stretched out his own hands, hugged Nitro into his arms, and sat on his lap. In the study, Xiaosan quietly rested his chin on the girl's soft shoulder, sniffing the smell that belonged to the girl. clear aroma.

He had almost forgotten how long it had been since he had been so close to Glass.

"Is today a safe period?"


Nitro hesitated for a moment, then nodded silently after a while.

In Sora and Miwa's room, sisters Yuzuru and Kotori Yu didn't know why, the content of the chat was originally just talking about their own preferences and habits, but inadvertently, it turned to Xiaosan's body.

"So, at the beginning, did they treat you as a boy?"

"Well, but I'm used to it."

Facing Miwa's astonished gaze, when talking about the things he and Xiaosan knew, Yuzuru seemed rather flat and not much dissatisfied.

Sora and Miha looked at each other, remembering the first time they met Yuzuru, there was not much difference.

I have to say that Yuzuru with short hair is really too confusing, especially when he is wearing sportswear, he is no different from ordinary cute boys.

"and then?"

"Because I was worried about my sister, I made up a lie and told the other party. He didn't seem to doubt it, and he believed my words out of nowhere. Afterwards, we got to know each other because of several accidental encounters. ..."

Listening to Yuzuru Nishinomiya talking about how he and Xiaosan got to know each other, sisters Xiaoniaoyou always felt like they were listening to a story...

- - - -

Thanks to the first summer, the patter, the prosperity of the world, the night of Cang Qi, the monthly ticket and blade of the fallen stone!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!

Chapter 60. Do you like him?

If Yuzuru's age was a little older, in the eyes of sisters Xiaotiaoyu, this story that sounds quite interesting can be substituted into the girl's manga——

The storyline of mature youth and young boyish girls must be quite popular among girls, right?

In contrast, the acquaintance and contact between Xiaoniaoyou sisters and Xiaosan is not so dramatic, especially after hearing Xiaosan's reason at the beginning, Xiaoniaoyou sisters really can't afford Xiaosan's sense of Xiaosan at all. Gratitude and affection like 'Savior' come.

So realistic.

Because Xiao Chi had never met him before and had no one to take care of him, she chose to stand up and fulfill the request of Xiao Niao You and the three sisters to be together, and brought the two sisters back home together.

For the Xiaoniaoyou sisters who were still living in a happy and happy family, the story of Snow White and the prince is the development they expect and yearn for. Xiaosan's cold and blunt explanation really makes the two of them unhappy. Come up with other ideas.

Especially at Qiuyue's house, Xiaosan has always maintained a relatively indifferent attitude, so that the two sisters sometimes have to hesitate in their hearts when they want to talk to him.

But the good thing is that during this time of living together, they gradually understood that the other party was not as indifferent as they showed, which made the two sisters gradually relieved.

"If it wasn't for Xiao Chi, my sister and I wouldn't know Big Brother, right?"


"Ah, I'm sorry, but after getting in touch with him, Big Brother is still a very good person."

Under her sister's reminder, Mei Yu also quickly changed her topic, instead of continuing to talk about how she and her sister got acquainted with Xiao San, instead she talked about Xiao San's character.

Thinking of the relationship between himself and Xiao San, Nishinomiya Yuzuru couldn't help but fell silent, there was nothing to refute Miu's opinion.

"That guy seems to have a girlfriend?"

For some reason, after Miha finished speaking, Yuzuru couldn't help but have some messy thoughts in his mind, and if he didn't pay attention, he blurted out something about Xiaosan's relationship.

Sora and Miu were stunned for a moment, and the first thing that came to mind was Xiaosan's original words about maintaining a good relationship with many women.

"......Seems to be."

Because I don't know if Yuxian knew about this matter, and to ensure Xiaosan's reputation, he didn't mention that matter, so he and Yuxian had a heated chat around Xiaosan.

In the study, after it was over, Nitzi's cheeks were rosy, her lips were pursed, her hands were clutching the corners of her clothes, she was sitting on the ground, twisting her body slightly from time to time, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"They are still in the room now, why don't you go and wash them off?"

For Xiaosan's proposal, he decisively shook his head and rejected it.

Although the relationship between her and Xiaosan is not so secret, it will not be made public, especially when her sister is still here, if Yuxian finds out about the relationship between her sister and Xiaosan, it will be so ambiguous, I guess Will be furious?

For the sake of her sister relationship with her younger sister, Nitro does not feel risky at all, so she can only be patient for a while, and then think about these issues when she returns home.

"I think... wait a minute, I'll go to my bedroom, there should be..."

Muttering that Nitro didn't hear clearly, Xiaosan stood up, left Nitro in the study, and walked out of the study to his own bedroom.

The only person left, watching Xiaosan's figure disappear at the door of the study, lowered his head and slowly lifted the corner of his skirt, took a look, bit his lip, and let go of his hands in embarrassment.

After a while, Xiaosan went back and forth, how many packs of paper towels wrapped in cherry powder?

"If you have a wet tissue, you should be able to wipe it clean, right? Let's make a living."

Handing it to Nitro, the girl stretched out her hand, took the tissue that Xiaosan handed over, and then glanced at Xiaosan.

"what happened?"

He didn't speak, but compared to Xiaosan, those eyes were full of girlish innocence, just watching Xiaosan silently.

"Okay, I get it."

He helplessly raised his hands, made a gesture of surrender, and silently turned his back to Nitro.

Seeing that guy no longer staring at him, Nitzi slowly let go of his tightly biting lips, hesitated for a moment, tore open the wrapping of the tissue, bit by bit...

Listening to the rustling voice behind me, and looking at the image reflected on the black computer screen not far away, I couldn't help but feel a little more interesting.

Life always needs a sense of ritual, although I don't know if it is a sense of ritual.

After cleaning up, Nitzi, who felt that he felt much more comfortable, threw those into the trash basket, but caught a glimpse of the two words "Floating Insects" written on the cover of the stack of printed copy paper next to the desk. Character.

Curiosity could not help appearing in his eyes, he looked at Xiaosan who had turned around to look at him.

The eyes met, but there was no need to say anything, Xiaosan could understand the girl's meaning, walked to the desk, and glanced at the stack of copy paper.

"This? It's my new work."

The white and slender index pointed to the copy paper, and then pointed to himself, the curiosity in Nitro's eyes made Xiaosan couldn't help chuckling.

"Although it's not impossible, but in a few days, there should be books in the bookstore, right? It's better to read it directly at that time, but now...it might be uncomfortable to read it."

Nitzi was a little puzzled by the vague words, but after hearing that he could see it in the bookstore a few days later, Niatzi understood it, nodded, and was no longer curious about it.

The two stayed in the study for a long time, until Yuxian and Xiaoniaoyou sisters returned to the living room, Xiaosan and Glass came out of the study together, and after the blush on their faces disappeared, they did not let them go. What can people see, they are still too young sisters Xiaoniaoyou, and they don't understand the dirty things of adults.

Even Yuzuru didn't know what his sister went through during his absence.

Xiaosan and Nitro look at each other and smile slightly.

Walking to his sister, Nitro tapped his sister's shoulder, and then gestured in sign language, which made Yuxian a little hesitant. He glanced at the sky outside the window, it was still early, but he didn't really want to go back.

But seeing Yuxian's reluctance, he gestured again, making Yuxian nod involuntarily.

"Grandma is still at home alone. My sister and I have to go back early. If it is today, I will bother you."

"Are you going?"

Hearing Yuzuru's opening, Meiyu was also a little bit reluctant, and still had a good impression of this young lady who was a little older than herself.

Yuzuru shook his head.

"I'll take them home."

After hearing Yuxian's proposal to go home, Xiao San took the initiative to send the two of them home. He didn't look very familiar, after saying goodbye to sister Xiaoniaoyou, he and his sister walked out the door with Xiaosan.

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