Sensing the aspirations of the three people in front of her, Mu Jin was about to find a reason to run away, and now she had no intention of gaining favor.

And the system hasn't issued a task to herself recently. It's rare that she didn't do anything. Well, think about it carefully, maybe it's because the front-end time cheated me, so this guy didn't issue a task to her because of a guilty conscience?

If you think about it this way, it actually seems to make sense, tsk, no, I have to find a way to trap this idiot of the system.

Otherwise, if I get tricked next time...

'How could this system be such a system!Host!Stop thinking about it!What happened last time was an accident! The system jumped out angrily, expressing strong protest against the messy thoughts in Mu Jin's mind.

'You are the hedgehog cat's system, I don't believe it. '

'? ' Facing this sentence, the system that seemed to make some sense could only slowly put out a question mark. Facing the host's distrust, he could only pretend that he didn't hear it.

And silently wrote down this grudge, when the host faced the mission of favorability, he would absolutely avenge this grudge!

Mu Jin, who didn't know that her cheating system had already held grudges, bid farewell to Mona and Fischer, and under the different eyes of everyone, she gradually left their sight.

"It's a pity, my princess likes her very much." Although Fischel regretted that she didn't have a good relationship with the other party, she believed that because of fate, the silk thread had already tightly entangled her with the other party!

Ozzy noticed something, just glanced at his princess, and didn't say anything.

"...You are just curious about the other party." Mona clasped her arms around her chest, and she knew Fischer's personality quite well.

Facing a foreigner, coupled with the mysterious attributes of the other party, from just now, the nun lady is actually very cooperative with Fischer's second-year behavior, and it is easy to guess that this guy gave the nun to the family This identity is on.

"Ahem, Mrs. Meiji Stuss, pay attention to your words." Fischer coughed a few times as if his mind had been pierced, and pretended not to care: "The separation from her is inevitable in fate. The result, but we will meet in the end!"

"Ok, traveler, what did you want to say just now..." Mona turned her head, only to find that the traveler standing beside them had disappeared at some point.

"Ah, just now the traveler said that he had to take care of some things, so he took Paimon and left first. Oh, and he also said that we will invite you to dinner next time." Oz noticed that Ying took Paimon away, Taking advantage of the situation, he also told them what the other party wanted to convey.

Mona frowned, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with her guess just now.

The two of them do seem to know each other.

But Mu Jin, who had just walked out of Mond, indeed sensed that someone was following behind her, and she knew who was following without even thinking about it.

But she still pretended not to know anything, and walked forward silently.

Anyway, there are still a lot of people here, talking to Ying here... doesn't seem like a wise choice.

Ying and Paimon, who were following each other, gradually felt that the nun seemed to be walking more and more remote.

In the end, the man stopped in front of a forest where almost no one passed by, and Ying also realized that this was not the way to Liyue.

Then he immediately realized that his stalking had already been discovered by the other party.

"Aren't you coming out? Miss Honorary Knight."

"I know whatever questions you want to ask, but... let's have a nice chat, shall we?"

The nun turned around slowly, facing the place where Ying was hiding, showing a kinder smile.

"Well, let me take a guess. Actually, what you want to ask is about that Mujin, right?" Her voice was as soft as ever, but it didn't bring Ying a good feeling, it only made her Numbness in the back.

After looking at Mu Jin's wicked smile, the system knew that its host was about to start messing around again.

But what does this have to do with my weak and helpless system? Anyway, the host is so happy digging holes now, and the more embarrassing it will be when filling holes for himself in the days to come.


updated! !

I feel stuck in the plot, and I still don't know what to write..

Obviously decided what to do in the following plot, but every time I coded, I felt an inexplicable sense of entanglement..

Alas... tried my best (

Successfully escaped! : Chapter 78 Transform ↑ Transform ↓!

Ying just looked vigilantly at the woman standing not far away, and walked out from the bushes where she was hiding, with a more or less puzzled expression on her face.

"How do you know what I want to ask?"

My silly baby, of course I can sense what you are thinking in your heart~

There was only a smile on the other party's face, and he didn't give a realistic answer. In fact, he laughed for a long time in his heart.

After all, it's really interesting to see yourself successfully doing things!

"After all, everyone has their own secrets. Of course, Ms. Honorary Knight, I am no exception." Her voice was as soft as ever, making her subconsciously believe whatever the nun in front of her said.

Faced with such a person of unknown origin, even covered with mystery, Ying has always been the most suspicious, but the other party knows the whereabouts of Mu Jin, so she has to follow up and want to ask clearly.

"...If you have something to say, don't be a riddler. Let me ask you now, is Hibiscus in Liyue?" Especially the character of the riddler gave Ying a headache.

It seems that Ying has encountered many riddlers during this time, oh, what a pity, I wanted to put on a show, so I'd better stop teasing her too much.

With this in mind, Mu Jin squinted her eyes and looked at Ying, feeling an inexplicable sense of oppression coming from her body.

"I can tell you where Hibiscus is, but... Ms. Honorary Knight, I still don't know what kind of relationship you have with her."

Mu Jin, who waited patiently for a while, just watched helplessly that the vigilant expression on Ying's face gradually changed to a little shy.

This made Mu Jin suddenly have a bad premonition, and even because the other party's heart was a little confused, he couldn't hear what the other party was thinking clearly.

Wait a minute, I think of you as a good sister, you are not like Yura...

Hibiscus, who seemed to realize something, took a step back, and Ying, who was immersed in thinking, didn't notice the slightly rude behavior of the nun not far away.

We should be good friends, right?

Ying just took a deep breath, and the expression on her face gradually became firm: "She is the person I like, so, please, please tell me her whereabouts."

Mu Jin said inwardly that she was bad, and sure enough, her bad premonition came true, and even the faint smile on her face couldn't be maintained.

Hiss...I regard you as my sister, but I didn't expect you to want to be my lover? ?

Seeing the nun with a strange expression on her face, Ying seemed to have noticed something was wrong, she squinted her eyes, and a thought gradually appeared in her mind.

Could it be that this nun is also... her rival in love?Hey, it seems that this situation is not impossible.

Ying's gaze towards the nun not far away gradually became somewhat hostile.

? ? ! ?No need!No need! !Put away your dangerous thoughts for me!

The alarm bell in Mu Jin's heart was rang directly, although she really wanted to tell Ying loudly: "Your thoughts are too dangerous, stop now", but she was forced back by her rationality.

"I've already said it, do you have to tell me her whereabouts?" Ying put her arms around her chest, and there was still a blush on her cheeks from the self-explosion just now.

Paimon, who was floating on the side, heard his traveler's self-destructive behavior, and then slowly reacted with his little head.

"Wait a minute! Traveler! I didn't know you liked hibiscus!"

"Because Paimeng is a little idiot, so I can't see it." In fact, when Ying was with Mu Jin, her little thoughts were hidden in front of Mu Jin so well that others couldn't see that she liked her. .

Seeing a big and a small start bickering, Mu Jin, who was standing not far away, began to think whether he was not suitable for doing things today.

'You deserve it, host. '

'Shut up! Shameless old thief! '

Forcing herself to ignore the mocking voice from the system, Mu Jin really regretted what she asked just now and asked the question just now.

Now it's all right, there is another person who likes me.

Mu Jin didn't expect that the person she regarded as a good friend would be interested in herself, alas, really, what are you planning? Could it be that I can eat it?Picture me prodigal? ?

For the person who likes her, she expressed her incomprehension, but she still pretended to be indifferent and said: "Go to Liyue, there will be the person you want to find."

"If you don't take my word for it, watch this."

Mu Jin took out the letter she had written beforehand, and motioned for Ying to take it.

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first. I look forward to meeting you next time, Ms. Honorary Knight." After a slight nod to Ying, she turned around and walked away in the opposite direction from when she came. .

Mu Jin doesn't know what kind of mentality she needs to face Ying now, and the idea of ​​trying to play tricks on her is also scared away by her series of self-destructive behaviors just now.

Because the most important thing is that she is the one who is going to run away now.

It's just that Ying seemed to have a lot of questions to ask the other party, but after seeing this person speeding up his pace silently, he still silently swallowed all the words he wanted to ask.

The other party still has many hidden things... But it has nothing to do with me, the most important thing now is to read this letter.

[Don't go to Dao Wife, it will bring misfortune. 】These big characters are written brightly on it, well, Ying admits that this is indeed Mu Jin's own way of writing letters.

[General Thunder and Lightning is not a human being at all!Oh, she's not human, forget it, it doesn't matter!That guy is not right at all! Now I wonder if this guy is trying to lock me up in the castle tower as an imperial palace!It makes me feel like I was tied back by this guy to be Mrs. Yazhai! 】

[The general doesn't know what's going on, anyway, I can hardly go out during that time, but even so the general looks like something's wrong. 】

[I managed to escape from Dao Wife to Li Yue, so please don't tell anyone! — the freest hibiscus. 】

Although there were only a few short lines in this letter, Ying read it for a long time, the corners of her mouth twitched subconsciously, she still knew what Yutaisuo meant.

What made people even more unexpected was that the reason why Hibiscus could not be seen during that time was because of General Thunder.

Paimon rubbed her little head and looked at the letter written by someone. Although she couldn't understand what happened, she felt that the next destination of the two of them was to return to Liyue.

"Traveler, shall we go to Liyue now?" Paimon looked at Ying who put away the letter, as if thinking of something: "Speaking of which, Liyue's annual Sea Lantern Festival is coming soon. There will be a lot of delicious food! Let's stop by and have a look!"

"You just want to eat delicious food." Ying smiled helplessly, looking at a certain figure that had completely disappeared from her vision, and at the time when Ning Guang was talking to her, she was secretly probing the situation.

In the end, she just sighed silently, and Ying could clearly feel that the matter was not as simple as it was written in this letter.

What happened between Hibiscus and General Raiden?Can she scare away the white-haired dumpling she has been thinking about again?

The hateful General Thunderbolt really gets more and more unhappy the more he looks at it!If I can be stronger, will the person who follows me be Mujin?

I can't do anything..

Suddenly, Ying's head was slapped by Paimeng, and she just looked at the little emergency food in a daze when she regained her senses.

"Traveler, the look in your eyes just now was a bit scary..."

The expression on my face just now seemed to scare Paimon, but recently, it’s easy to get distracted and think of some messy things...There are always inexplicable fragments in my mind, fragmentary, it’s really frustrating. She doesn't remember very well.

Ying only remembered that these things were all related to Mujin.

In fact, the traveler can use the teleportation anchor point to go to Liyue now, but she still has some things to do in Mond for the time being, and it will take at least a few days to complete.

Wait a little longer.. I definitely don't want to be the one who falls behind.


Hibiscus, who had walked a long way, was relieved when he felt that no one was following him: "Huh..."

Although doing things is very interesting, but thinking of Ying's appearance just now, Mu Jin began to doubt what kind of charm he has to make them like him.

Well, it can't be that the impact of the last car rollover has been brought here again, right?No way no way? ?

'In fact, it seems to be possible. After all, this technology is still a bit unfamiliar to the systems, and it is normal for things to fall behind. '

'For example, it is possible to remember what happened between you last time when you first met. 'The words of the system were almost like whispers of the devil, and Hibiscus felt a pain in her head when she heard it, so she could only forcibly ignore the flag this guy set for herself.

'Tsk tsk tsk, that kind of scene is very interesting when you think about it, come on, host. 'For this kind of scene, the system has always liked to see it the most.

Who can refuse this kind of scene comparable to Shura field?Anyway, the system that always likes to eat melons can't refuse at all.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that she heard an emotion called schadenfreude from the other party's mouth.

Dog system, if you find time another day, you will definitely have to squeeze your wool!

Mu Jin, who was cursing from the bottom of her heart, looked around and found no one here, so she successfully used Fu Hua's character card.

Hibiscus, who felt relaxed all over, stretched subconsciously.

"Hua's body is really young." Mu Jin subconsciously muttered a few times, and she would not accidentally flash her waist because of some accidents: "Really, it's good to be young."

I feel that there is no sense of disobedience when saying this sentence in Fu Hua's tone.

No matter how you say it now, Mu Jin doesn't really want Ning Guang to find out that she is back, it's better to be more or less careful.

But I have to walk for a while before returning to Liyue. During this time, I will temporarily use the character card of the deacon Bai Ye to take care of myself for a while.

Hibiscus was very satisfied with the decision she had made.

I wanted to call Mei and the others out, but it felt like something bad was going to happen, so let it go.

She could only take her finger away from the button that summoned the Valkyrie avatar, and a regretful expression appeared on her small expression.

After walking alone for a whole day, and after solving a lot of treasure robbers who wanted to rob her alone, she realized that it was getting late.

"Well, this time the performance is not perfect."

She just pushed her glasses subconsciously, and Mu Jin casually threw the bruised and swollen Treasure Bandit on the ground.

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