Then he got up and walked outside, told the sentry to pick the flowers, then raised his middle finger and walked away quickly under the eyes of the male mercenary.

Then she remembered that her wound was on the abdomen.From the top to the chest and the bottom... almost to the thigh.

To survive is a miracle.

So will it be seen again later?

The female mercenary looked resentful.

PS: Fishing at work is a great pleasure in the world.

@《Doctor Escape Marriage Plan》

Mengxin's first py, I have to find a dead pigeon to take me

Baicha's book is sweet and greasy, much better than mine

Diary No.11 page

The doctor closed the mercenary's clothes and nodded.

"The recovery is not bad. Scars are inevitable at the moment. If necessary, you can go to the black market in Victoria to buy scar spray next time."

Although the effect is just that way, trying to restore such a large scar to normal... is a bit difficult.

"Really... just call people out in the middle of the night to do this kind of thing?"

With an unfriendly expression, she patted the clothes, and she poked the doctor's waist. "Why are you so stupid?"

Girls can have the cheek to run out in the middle of the night to lift up your clothes to see your belly, so you can't cooperate with me to move around?

"?" The doctor looked confused and reached out to rub his waist.It's strange that the waist still has a tingling sensation after being poked suddenly.

"Hmph, nothing."

She turned around dissatisfied, ready to ignore this annoying guy.

The doctor looked at the small map, preparing to end tonight's homework. "Thank you for your cooperation. Now that the inspection is over, I will go back first."

"Hey, hey, what are you going?"

"...I'm done, I'm going to leave naturally." The doctor looked at the female mercenary who suddenly jumped up and grabbed him, showing a confused expression for the second time tonight. "Is there anything else you need?"

"No, you just left? Nothing else?"

Seeing the disbelieving expression on the female mercenary's face, the doctor slowly agreed.

"(Sarkaz swears) You pull me out and just touch it here and there? What about the others?"

Which normal person would come out in the middle of the night and just do this kind of thing.

She was chased away by the doctor two days ago and said that the treatment was over, and then she finally found a mission to sneak into a mercenary group and prepare to ride back to the capital.

At this time, I happened to meet a male doctor who was a scumbag from the beginning to the end and made an appointment to continue his relationship.

In the end, I have everything ready, you touch it twice and it's over?

Really (Sarkaz swears) mad!

The female mercenary bit her lip and her chest moved, she was on the verge of explosion.

No matter how her mentality exploded, the doctor only thought she was noisy.

Doctor: "...No matter what, seeing that you are doing well now makes me feel relieved. I hope I can see you again next time."


Forget it, there is nothing to say about this kind of iron and wood.Don't be angry, don't be angry, you will get wrinkles.

It's a shame that I was blind the day before yesterday and would fall in love with you. I'm so stupid.

She gave him a hard look, took out a nameplate from her bosom and stuffed it into his hand forcefully, then left without looking back.

"Keep it safe for me! Next time I see you, I want to see that it's still on you, you know?"

"……it is good."

The doctor looked at the oval bronze medal engraved with a string of letters, thinking.

Why is it that a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded is so humble and humble?

He thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out at all.Just take things with you.

If it was Liz here, it would be obvious at a glance.

The good-tempered doctor was bullied by the female mercenary.

Then I was extremely angry and slipped on the spot... Sorry, the hardware does not allow it.

"That's it, I'll go back first." Through the small map, you can see that there is no movement around the tent, but leaving it for too long can be disturbing, especially for children.


Under the annoyance of the female mercenary, the doctor turned around and left without hesitation.

He could faintly hear whispers of resentment in the wind.

"Hmph, ruthless scumbag."



The doctor dragged his inexplicably tired body back to the tent, and after calculating the time, Liz should have seen almost the same time.

The female mercenary recovered well, and his new healing skills have passed another test, which is gratifying.

I hope that he can come up with a complete theory of Originium skills before going back.

Although it is also a reason to hear that His Royal Highness the White King of Sarkaz has a special Originium skill, but will this possibility alone make the doctor, an old squatting household, come out?


So he came out and set foot on the land that belonged to Sarkaz.

And because most of the research is in trouble, and his assistants are busy one by one, they can only practice the new theory and technology by themselves.

By the way, I also came out of the laboratory to relax and relax. Maybe there will be new gains on the way?

With such thoughts in mind, the doctor opened the tent and saw Liz still leaning on the backpack, in front of him were the pronunciation grammar and vocabulary and sentence patterns left by him.

"I'm back." The doctor stretched out his hand and turned up the power of the Originium Lamp.

The Sarkaz's physical fitness is strong enough, reading at night by candlelight will not significantly damage their eyesight, and only doctors will insist on these points.

I was afraid of being discovered before going out, so I lowered the power.

"Liz, how much have you written down?" He put his coat under the sleeping bag, which he used as a pillow.

"Doctor, I remember most of them." Liz raised her small face and showed a cute smile.This is a small beginning that carries the doctor's expectations, and she will definitely work hard.

Liz never wanted to let the doctor down.

"Really?" The doctor seemed surprised, and then smiled. "Well done, what a good boy."

Either way, proper encouragement is a must.

And, no matter how you look at it, it's pretty awesome.

The doctor looked at the notebook filled with Sarkaz language in his hand, and felt that he had met a little genius.

"Then you know how to write?" The doctor thought for a while, then pointed to the Origin Stone Lamp. "Can you spell this?"

"A doctor who knows." Liz nodded, and then slowly read out the characters for lamps in Sarkaz.

"Great." He rubbed Liz's head.

"Hey hey~"

The doctor looked at Liz, who looked very happy under the caress of his broad palm, and smiled a smile he didn't realize.

Taking advantage of the present, he talked to Liz about her idea of ​​rehabilitating her. Apart from the ordinary massage he had done before, he will gradually have targeted training.

"As soon as possible if I can, I'll give you a basic check and stretch tonight. Is that okay?"


Liz responded with a soft voice, looking up at the doctor.

"Then I'll start." The doctor stretched out his hand, pulled Liz's hands up, and gently kneaded them.Looking at Liz's small face, he asked gently. "How do you feel?"

"Hmm..." Liz nodded, after all, it was her arm that was able to move.

"Hmm..." The doctor walked up slowly with both hands.Pinch her elbow, "Do you feel it? Do you feel numbness or pain?"

Seeing Liz shaking her head, the doctor tapped her arm twice with her knuckles, but there was no response. "Is that so?"

Eventually it stops in the armpits.

"Doctor!... Yes, it's a little itchy..." Liz hesitated and blushed.

"Itches, it's good if you feel it." The doctor let go of his hand, and then lightly tapped the cover of the notebook.

Liz lowered her head and blushed, but said nothing.

He seemed to have seen such a case, which was necrosis-like.But it can be repaired, the process is relatively long.

No, it's just a preliminary understanding, and we can't jump to conclusions yet.

Since Liz could shake her head, her neck should be fine too.In order to avoid misjudgment, or to try it.

I can turn around normally while sleeping, and there should be no problem with my waist.

The doctor stretched out his hand and placed it on her belly. "There is a feeling here."


"What about here?"

Waist, spine, shoulder joints, back muscles, and ribs.

After all, you have to avoid suspicion on your chest, just let it go.That time in the shower was really...unacceptable.

"Well, then I understand."

The doctor focused on her thigh.

"Forget it, let's take a look at the rest when I take a shower." The doctor put the notebook used to poke the nightingale back into the backpack and lowered the light.

"I'll give you an arm massage and leg stretching tonight, it won't hurt."

Holding Liz and letting her lie down in the sleeping bag, the doctor slowly squeezed her arm, interspersed with some pale light.

Looking at the doctor's face, Liz became confused little by little, and fell asleep with a smile under his gaze.

"..." It's really tricky, this patient.

It's just too challenging.

The doctor yawned.

PS: Why is the blue link downlink code when I push the book, it's just a book title, I get it.

If I still remember at night, there is another update, huh huh

Diary No.12 page

Waking up the next day, the doctor climbed out of the tent to watch the mercenaries' armored vehicles kick up dust and head north.

In fact, he also wanted to build a car.

But he won't open it.

Mr. Li seems to be not only a DT, but he has never touched the handlebars.

It should not be difficult for him to drive, but he is afraid of taking off directly with the car.I have rough skin and thick flesh that won't break, but Liz...

The doctor ended his cranky thinking.

Maybe I also need to make some changes, leaving the comfortable comfort zone (referring to new research topics day and night), and entering a different environment (desolate) and different people (experiments... no, patients).

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