"... Baocai, good job." He reached out and patted the doctor's shoulder, "You come here to work directly tomorrow."


"Also, my name is Ackerman, may I ask Gao's name?"

"Code name, doctor."

"Okay. Very energetic. Young people must have this kind of enthusiasm for research, very good, very good."

The doctor could only show a not-so-embarrassed smile.

The section chief, Ackerman, turned around and dialed a phone number, and asked someone to deliver his personal white coat and ID card.

"Today, you can just stroll around and get familiar with this place. I still have something to do, so I will go to work first. Remember to come early tomorrow."


The section chief shook his head and left.

He is going to the laboratory to show everyone this paper, and then send it to the minister.

I didn't expect that someone would actually do this kind of experiment, and did it again and again.Too outrageous hahahahahaha.

To share with them.

Hey hey hey.


The doctor took a white coat and ID card and took the two little cats to look around at random, and after a little correspondence with the small map, he didn't want to waste any time.

It's just that the section chief left before asking if he could bring his family over.

Ask again tomorrow.


An extra email appeared in the computer of Kelsey, who was still protecting Theresia in Wangcheng.

Seeing that it was sent by a section chief, she thought it was some kind of experiment report, so she opened it casually.


Then she took a sip of hot coffee.

"Is there really someone so free?"

"?" Teresia, who was reading the document next to her, rarely saw the big green cat making an ugly appearance, so she couldn't help leaning over curiously.

"Your Highness..." Teresia had almost half of her body pressed against Kelsey, she could only push the chair back so that Her Royal Highness could see more clearly.

"Kelxi, what is this? Don't you know how to do it? It's all unsolvable."

Teresia expressed the doubts of an outsider.

"The correct answer is actually this." Kelsey explained, with some weird smiles on his face.

"It's just that almost most people have never heard of these contradictory propositions. Let alone experiments. Only those who have a lot of spare time will know this and then experiment."

The medical department picked up a ghost, Baocai.Go back to vigorously cultivate.

To comedian direction.

"Then Kelsey, how do you know this is unsolvable?" Teresia showed a puzzled expression at the right time, but the teasing meaning in her eyes was not hidden at all.

"I've done this experiment too, and there's nothing to hide." Kelsey admitted generously.

It's nothing to be ashamed of, this is an experiment that the person she likes took time out to do with her.

The result was boring, but the process was what she was looking forward to.

Every minute and every second spent with him is extraordinarily valuable.

"Oh shit~" Teresia sighed softly.

Occasionally, we can see our shrewd and capable lord showing such a young girl's Huaichun expression.

Obviously, I don’t know how much... I mean the young, beautiful and beautiful girl that many people like.

How many people will be disillusioned by showing such an expression.

I don't know which guy can make that Kelsey show such an expression.

And I haven't seen him even once in such a long time, maybe he's still a philanderer.

so amazing.

Teresia quietly hid in the toilet.

Let's not mention what our lovely Highness has experienced to become so proficient.But what can be seen is that Kelsey thinks a lot.

The big green cat gradually revealed a ghostly smile.

mon3tr slowly appeared behind her, sharp claws popped out, ferocious and terrifying.

Kelsey thought, if I find you, you're screwed.

No matter what, you have to break your hands and feet first.

Let you run around alone, and don't go home to see it for so many years.

Really is,


Don't want me?


That's fine.I want you to do it.

As long as you have only me in your life, then you have no choice.

The doctor, wandering around the Tower of Babel with the children after lunch, felt a heavy sense of guilt.

"..." He looked up at the sky.

Indeed, it's not good to be lazy in such a fine weather.

Go back and look through the manual to see if you can make some special medicine for Liz.


On the fourth page of diary No.20, did you eat shower gel?

Carrying the herbal medicine bought in the pharmacy, the doctor returned to the small nest that only belonged to the three of them.

"W, you should be on a mission tomorrow." The doctor put Liz on the sofa and took W to the storage room.

The rucksack from his travels has been washed and is still hanging out to dry.The various things in the backpack are put away in different categories, such as notebooks and a change of clothes are naturally brought to the master bedroom, and everything else is here.

The child is going out to do big things, and the parents naturally have to make a statement.

At least, she must ensure her own safety.

The doctor thought for a long time, and picked up a small short knife from the neatly arranged cabinet.

"this is for you."

"Knife?" W blinked, she already had a knife, it was W's saber.

"Open it and have a look, don't cut your hands." The doctor said, looking through his collection, wanting to see what else can be used for W.

The doctor is not a person with low vision, and he can leave space in his tight backpack, and the things specially reserved for preservation are not defective.

Just like the staff he used that was about to be scrapped, in addition to being a return gift from the patient, it is also a rare boutique in itself.Take it to repair it, maybe you can still struggle for two years.

Let me briefly introduce the benefits that this staff can bring.

Can hold ■.


It can bring almost a level of origin stone adaptability improvement to the magician, almost 30% increase in power of fire art, and faster activation speed of β-type origin stone skills.Reduce the consumption of spell units by a certain amount.

It is a very powerful piece of equipment.

It's just about to break down.

So for now, it is still of great commemorative significance.

If you say it to another object, it's like that knife.The handle is ten centimeters long, and the blade is twenty centimeters long, which is not too short.

The blade is sharpened on one side, the other side has sharp serrations, and the tip of the knife is coated with a layer of solidified origin stone.

Being pierced into flesh and blood, it cannot be said 100%.

Destiny is [-]-[-], randomly giving you a life countdown.It's a very sinister weapon.

Has a special attack on the Sarkaz.Of course, it refers to those who do not have ore disease.

Because for them, this thing is a 100% crit, the sky wants you to die, you have to die.

So w must be extra careful.She herself is not a patient of ore disease.The doctor told W that the way she looked at the knife was not right.

so easy to use?

Directly entering the body with the origin stone can also directly increase the infection rate, and maybe there will be morning sickness on the spot.

Isn't that beautiful?

w put the knife away carefully.

This is the doctor's first gift to her, very commemorative.

Do you want to do something in return?

The doctor held his chin next to him, picked and picked for a long time, and finally brought a small piece of black jade.

Excellent texture.

"I'll make a hole for this later, and it will be effective if you wear it on your body."

It can prevent you from getting the Originium Disease too easily.

When the doctor said that, W tilted his head in confusion.

Apart from that particularly heavy protective clothing, is there anything else that can prevent people from Originium Disease?

Thinking so, but it did not prevent her from showing a happy smile.

Well, forget it in return.

I'm already his man, why do I still see others like this.

"Hmm..." The doctor thought for a while, but not all the things here are suitable for W.

To bring essence but not excess.

Two small and light objects don't take up much space, and I have to find some means of attacking for W, as well as consumables.

Some are busy.

He spent almost an afternoon in the kitchen, decocting medicine for Liz with the casserole he bought, making some long-lasting, effective and portable plasters for W, and drilling a hole in the plain black jade, Insert a red string.


black thorn.

Ok.Whoever uses it is good.


The doctor introduced the two little girls to each other after lunch.

Also learned that w does not have a name.

Most of her children have no names.

Doctors are her family, but not her parents.

He felt that he was not qualified to give her a name, so he just told her that if he had a name he thought of, he could tell him.

w's expression at that time seemed a little downcast, but the doctor finally calmed down.

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