The doctor looked at Warfarin who could fall asleep while sitting, and turned to ask the Rhodes Island operator on the side.

"Excuse me, do you know which room Warfarin lives in?"

The Filin girl who turned her head looked at him and Warfarin in surprise, gave the directions in detail, and told him caringly.

"Warfarin's access card is usually on her desk."

The doctor looked at Warfarin, and finally reached out to shake her awake.

Even if you are sleepy, you can always walk back to your room.

Not like Liz.

What happened to Kelsey the third time? .JPG

Helping Warfarin to the door of the cafeteria, the doctor ran into Kelsey.

However, unlike what Warfarin said, Kelsey didn't seem to be overwhelmed by an unexpected blow, her face was normal and calm.

It is probably what it is usually, and what it is now.

Should it be said that this is a stage that every girl will gradually encounter? As far as the doctor sees, in fact, big girls don't give people many good looks every day.

And Kelsey glanced at Warfarin who was still confused, and took out her access card from her pocket.The big girl naturally knew that Warfarin was in a bad state, so she planned to send her back to rest before going to work.

However, since the doctor is already helping Warfarin now, she won't stop her and just opens her mouth to ask him.

"Are you free now?"


The doctor turned his head and glanced at her, unable to understand for a while what Kelsey meant.

Does it mean that I feel so idle?

When he was working in the medical department, he would occasionally hear Kelsey gossip like this, and Warfarin is usually in the medical department...

As the funniest and funny gorefiend in the medical department, she is the one who is taught by Kelsey most often.However, it has been heard that Kelsey and Warfarin actually have a good relationship.

But Warfarin did help him a lot, and it was impossible for him to leave people here and go back by himself.

"...Fortunately, I just finished eating."

I still have to go to work later, but I still have a little time after dinner, and the time should be about the same to send Warfarin back and continue working.

The doctor explained this to Kelsey, and his eyes fell under the girl's emerald green eyes.

She has darker eye circles than Warfarin, and puffiness like she hasn't woken up from sleep.

It could be seen that she was more tired than Warfarin.The doctors in the medical department alone have a deep understanding of the pressure of work that may have to stay up all night at any time.

What's more, Kelsey still needs to make decisions at the level of Rhodes Island, and Amiya is still learning from Kelsey.

The doctor thought about Liz's recent study for a while, and suddenly felt that Kelsey was really strong.

Staring at Kelsey for a while, the doctor took her to Warfarin's room while the older girl didn't react for a while.

The little girl Feilin behind the cafeteria opened her mouth wide in surprise, watching the warrior-like figure in a white coat gradually being swallowed up by the light outside the cafeteria, subconsciously lowered her voice and asked.

"Kelsey and Warfarin? These two old..."

"You don't want to be hot?" Someone next to her hastily stopped her from uttering taboo words.

"No, I'm just wondering, the two of them have found an old friend?" She was more curious about the relationship between this new doctor who came to Rhodes Island not long ago and these two century old men.

"Actually, I think it's still possible for Warfarin to find a partner. Although she's usually not serious, she's still a good person. As for Kelsey..." The man sneered, he couldn't imagine Kelsey having a relationship with someone else Talking about the appearance of love, he opened his mouth and said, "Oh, why is the old woman acting as a virgin?"

As for Kelsey's stinky face all day long, can anyone like it?

Perverts don't count.

"I'm super, I think you don't want to die!?"

Can this be said here?

Fortunately, the doctor had already taken Kelsey away, and the conversation in the cafeteria had no other accidents except for the two parties concerned who were frightened and the people who ate melons silently agreed.


Putting Warfarin, who fell asleep on the way, on the bed and covering her with the quilt, the young Gorefiend girl seemed unable to wake up, and Kelsey didn't answer what she said next to her.

Kelsey was still talking about work on the way here, which made the doctor a little worried about what Amiya would grow up in the future.

A workaholic like Kelsey?

The doctor couldn't imagine Amiya like that, but he could imagine the little rabbit with a miserable face and buried himself in the documents.

So... so cute, Amiya.

The doctor suddenly became cheerful, and turned to look at Kelsey.

On the way here just now, he read the report sent by Warfarin. It was a very classic Originium Disease retaliatory counterattack. He had seen such a situation happen before.

The most likely reason is that they have not been in contact with Originium products for a long time, which leads to a certain degree of reduction in the activity of Originium particles in the body and a decrease in the degree of infection.Then when did he come into contact with a high concentration of origin stones, or the environment full of origin stone dust caused the proliferation of origin stones.

Or encountering an eruption of origin stone energy, or being exposed to a high-intensity origin stone spell, may lead to such a result.

Basically, it can be said that the declaration is dead.

The doctor is helpless about this, all he can do is prolong the patient's life for a short time, or give up the most decisive end when he has given up.

He didn't see the moment of the attack this time, so he couldn't make a conclusion about what kind of situation it was.However, this was obviously a mistake during recuperation. The doctor was a little curious about how Rhodes Island could create a low-source stone environment here.

Logically speaking, it is difficult for a land cruiser that uses Originium as its energy source to avoid the Originium particles brought by the air circulation, the difference is only small.Mobile cities have a special transition zone, but land ships don't.

This can only be temporarily attributed to the fact that Rhodes Island's black technology Terra is number one.

The doctor looked at the silent Kelsey for a while, but chose to speak.

He can probably figure out the situation at the time, which should be urgent and desperate.But he also believes Kelsey won't be knocked out by a single blow.

However, as a close partner and colleague, even if Warfarin didn't ask him, when he learned about it, he would come to have a chat with Kelsey.

When you can't revive the dead but feel depressed, chatting with someone is always a good way to unwind.

With Kelsey's temperament, he didn't say anything, or only said half of it. He was a little worried that Kelsey would bore himself to death.

But before that, she should have a good rest.

Kelsey noticed the doctor's seemingly malicious eyes, and stared at him strangely.

Speaking of it, she always felt that after the doctor came back this time, he felt a little different.

At first, I thought it was because of the strangeness brought about by not seeing each other for a long time, but now it seems that the doctor has really changed.

It's not easy to describe, if I have to say...

It seems that the teacher who has always been serious will meet again after a summer vacation, but you find that he will laugh and be silly and happy alone.

But the doctor is not as serious as he said, he would smile at his colleagues when they met before.

It's just that sometimes he can feel the... atmosphere that he is in a good mood now?

Kelsey didn't know whether this was good or bad, but it was obvious that the doctor's expression was a little richer.


She showed a faint smile. Now that Warfarin has been settled, she is ready to stand up and go back to the control center.

There is still business to attend to.

At this time, the doctor stretched out his hand from one side and grabbed Kelsey's wrist.


Today, Amiya in the control center suddenly discovered that Kelsey was not on time today, and came here according to the schedule.

Moreover, it seems that he overslept?

The still young little Amiya stretched out her ears, hid behind the sofa, and vaguely heard the big lynx's low-pitched resentment.

"That idiot doctor!..."

Amiya couldn't help but secretly laughed.

It's the fourth time it's numb, my house has become a shooting site for a large-scale dog-blood drama

Liz was sitting in a wheelchair, lying quietly on the table, lowering her head and putting on a pain mask to fight against the endless exercises.

This is the medical department, and the Shining finally joined Rhodes Island, although after negotiating with the personnel department, he reserved the right to leave Rhodes Island temporarily and keep the operator files, and Kelsey's nod of approval was indispensable.

As far as Shining's combat power is concerned, if she is determined to leave, staying by force will only cause most people in Rhodes Island to be shocked by the terrifying sword energy.

As for Kelsey's be honest.

In her current state, facing the Shining with this body that has been exhausted for so long, she really can win or lose within three or two moves.Liz did not follow the Shining to join Rhodes Island, she just simply followed the doctor, who also told her that she would not stay in Rhodes Island permanently.

Then she doesn't have too many thoughts about Rhodes Island.

W went to play on her own, and the doctor didn't restrain her too much... she is no longer a little girl.

With w's dexterity, he will have his own considerations.Compared with following the rules, he is more willing to see w's independent growth.

In his view, too many people have lived for 40 to [-] years without knowing what they want to do and what they should do.Just move forward listening to the sounds around you.

Moreover, among the operators in Rhodes Island, there should be many people that W knew before.Doctors can meet acquaintances in such a small social circle in the Tower of Babel, so w will only be more lively here.

The Shining, as an operator of Rhodes Island, received an urgent mission two days ago, and she was ordered to leave with an action team.

Liz recently lost the care of the Shining teachings, so the doctor took her with her to take care of her.Now that she is inside Rhodes Island, there is no need to worry about her safety, but she couldn't bear her acting like a baby, so she finally brought her here.

There was such a precedent in the Tower of Babel before, Kelsey took it easy, told Liz a few words, and asked the doctor to stop her from wandering around.

"This is not the Tower of Babel. At that time, you had the privilege because Her Royal Highness and I vouched for it, but this is Rhodes Island." Kelsey looked into the doctor's eyes and said in a low voice.

"The matter of His Highness's fake death is only known to a few of us. There are many people who want to leave Rhodes Island and the Tower of Babel to go back to retire, but Rhodes Island doesn't have the confidence to let them all go."

The lack of personnel is partly due to the excessive turbulence of the department's power transfer, and she has to be careful whether the newcomers she supports have outside eyes.But how could she have so much energy to deal with so many things, so she could only take it slow.

Kelsey said to the doctor, I am here, naturally I will not embarrass you, but now is not the time to be presumptuous.

There are still many things to look over, and she left the medical department quickly after she finished speaking.

The doctor tapped the pen in his hand, leaving little ink marks on the writing board.

He was thinking about what Kelsey said, and turned his head to look at Liz, who was showing an innocent look beside him.

"Doctor, I don't like running around."

After being said by the little girl quite unhappy, the doctor stopped talking and continued to study the subject in hand with his head down.

Liz raised her head slightly, her eyes filled with the reflection of the person in front of her.

She thought, why does the doctor feel that she will leave his side?

Being with you all the time is what I am after.


But the doctor saw that there was almost no progress, and he overturned the project that had been restarted several times, feeling deeply bad.

Encountered a problem.

In the afternoon, a white coat walked into the bleak medical department and brought a newly released weekly research report to the doctor, as well as a new experiment report related to him.

The doctor picked up the weekly research report and flipped through it casually, only to hear a reminder from the other party.

"Look at the subtitle on the third page."


The doctor found what the other party said according to the words, briefly read the words in it, and slowly frowned.

"Obviously, this is another failure." The visitor opened the experiment report, pointed to a few concluding paragraphs and read it, "It can be confirmed that the previously discovered patients with Originium Disease have extensive benign changes, and the substantial The above is not a manifestation of the originium disease being cured. After follow-up research, this phenomenon should be caused by an explosive suppression of the originium disease after long-term use of the rn- reagent, and the disease has rebounded. The phenomenon is tentatively named ' Periodic particle inhibition', and follow-up research will turn to rn-reagents, which may become the best inhibitors known so far."

The doctor looked at the two new reports, shook his head slightly and sighed.

It looked like another failed attempt, and the doctor was a little disappointed.

But the rn- reagent is worth looking forward to. He also observed those patients whose disease turned benign, and the effect was unexpectedly good, which made him think it was a possibility, and then joined the research of this project topic.

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