... In the past, didn't you sleep with me in your arms?

Stretching out his hand, the doctor just put his arms around the little girl's slender waist and hugged him beside him.

The other hand was held by w, and I really couldn't move it.

The little girl turned sideways, facing the doctor.Holding the doctor tightly with both arms, he showed a satisfied smile.

"Doctor, try harder."


"Yes, that's it..."

Just like that, hold me tightly in your arms and don't let go.

The little girl had a sweet smile on her face that was getting more and more chilling.She lightly took a breath of the doctor's unique smell of herbs and grass, and remembered the time when it was only her and the doctor.

Really, I really want to be with the two of you again and see that wilderness again.

I really want to embark on a journey with you, just the two of us.

Now you are not alone by my side, there are many people who like you.

I just want to have a place next to you.

You are my sun.

You have more than one moon.

allow me a little indulgence, doc

I just want to get closer to you.


Just want to be with you forever.

The doctor felt a little wet on his clothes, and he sighed a long time.


"...Doctor?" She raised her small face, with two spots of white dew at the corners of her eyes.

The doctor touched her face lightly, filling the little girl's face with surprise and uncontrollable joy.


"sleep early."

Knowing that he was about to be arrested and imprisoned for three years, the doctor gave up thinking and quietly closed his eyes.


With a big smile on her face, Liz hugged the doctor even more tightly, and the haze in her heart was driven away.

So what's left?

It is sunshine.

Yes, your love for me.


W quietly opened his eyes, gritted his teeth, and stretched out his hand.

The doctor's waist was traumatized.

Playboy, scumbag, big carrot.

Hmph, you said yes to love me, and now there are not many actions.

How dare you sneak a kiss with Liz in front of me now?Do you know that I am the main palace.

We must think of a way and get the doctor to do it.

Feeling the doctor's arm suddenly tightened, W's hand rested on his chest, and finally on his neck.

You know you're nervous, so don't do this.

Just love me alone.

How can a human heart be so big, if it is distributed to so many people, how much can it be left for me?

Moreover, today, you actually hooked up with other girls outside without telling us? !

Doctor, I forbid you to be a ***!

You should be w control!

W, whose figure has gradually become bumpy, can't help but think of Amiya he met that day, and think of her cute little appearance.

That's what doctors like.

You clearly doted on me before, so you can't leave me behind just because I'm getting older.

Stinky doctor.


Girls, love yourself.

Tonight, w was kicked out of bed by the doctor.

By the time she climbed onto the bed because of grievances, the doctor had already pretended to be asleep.

Sorry, wait until tomorrow.


Let me tell you in advance, it seems that I will be on the shelves tomorrow, and I will probably have a testimonial on the shelves tonight.


Diary seven pages

So far, we still don't know how regretful W was at that time.

Anyway, she is looking at the doctor eagerly now, begging him to forgive herself.

Of course, if you give her another chance.


Just do it better, this guy.

You're going to be kicked out of bed anyway, so pursue the excitement to the end.

Is it wrong for a girl to want to stick with someone she likes?Is there something wrong?

Not at all, it's because your doctor is too cold.


The doctor looked at the water glass brought by w, looked at the little guy with a flattering smile on his face, patted the sofa, and asked her to sit down.

"Do you dare next time?"

"There is... no next time."


Why are you so stubborn?

Liz was unusually quiet today, just staring at the doctor dazedly, shaking the book she was holding in her hand.

Looking closer, the little girl's face was blushing.

Seeing Liz like this, w felt sour in his mouth.

I want something sweet.

In this home, the only dessert.

It's the divided doctor.


There is nothing wrong with the doctor today, the conduction core on the staff is still slowly covering the entire circuit of the staff, and there is no other need to operate for the time being.

Liz, too... tried her best to reciprocate her feelings.

At least it proves that my feelings for her are just ordinary close relatives.

Thinking of the mothers he had seen kissing their children on the cheek, the doctor was sure that he had conveyed his meaning.

Then go to Kelsey to help today.

He drank the water in the water glass in one gulp, and then he was ready to leave.

"Doctor? Where are you going?" W stood up and was about to follow.

"Go to Kelsey to help." The doctor looked at the two girls who were paying attention here, and explained.

Originally, he wanted to help yesterday, but Liz's side was too unexpected yesterday, which made him confused all day.

He had already seen the clues of Liz's Originium skill, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

The two birdcages outside are still sprouting. These should be the result of Liz's origin stone skills not being well controlled.

"Then I'm going too." W followed without saying a word.


What are you doing here?

The doctor looked at w calmly.

Kelsey's side is full of confidential documents. He can be considered a researcher who has entered that circle, and it is reasonable to help in the past.

It is not suitable for you to w in the past.

"Can't you..." W lowered his head a little disappointed.

Seeing the sad expression on the little girl's face, the doctor had to squat down and rub her cheek.

The delicate skin showed red spots under his fingers.

W didn't speak, but looked at the doctor a little bit aggrieved.

I even wanted to stick out my tongue and lick the doctor's finger.

"Come back and bring you something delicious."


I eat it every day, and I'm tired of it.

The insatiable Miss W wants to go one step further.


The doctor was silent for a moment.

"Take you out to play tonight."

"it is good!"

"...?" Liz narrowed her eyes beside her.

And me?

The doctor left in a hurry, and the two little girls stayed at home to look after the house.

Liz watched W rolling around on the sofa at home, only feeling irritated.

I just had sex with me last night, and I'm going to find w today.


What do you want me to do.

The light blue eyes seemed to have darkened a little.

The doctor soon arrived at the central area, and Rude found Kelsey's office with ease.

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