I also started to worry about gains and losses.

She smiled at the mirror.

I don't know how she responded in the mirror.

It must be the same smile.

Grabbing the purse that she had prepared earlier, Miss Doctor trotted to the appointed place with full of anticipation.

The time is always just right, and he also walks among the red and yellow fallen leaves and sees the beautiful smile of Miss Doctor.

So he also showed a smile and came towards Miss Doctor.

There was still some blush on Miss Doctor's face, as she said so.

"You will really accompany me."

The doctor looked at the smiling face of the doctor, and his eyes walked down involuntarily.

How much can her stomach hold?

"To accompany Amiya is to accompany, and to accompany you is also to accompany. I have nothing to do these days, so I can only be with the two little guys at home."

After all, she was out to play, and the doctor didn't want to talk about too heavy topics. Anyway, Miss Doctor said that her work had ended early.

"It's okay to accompany Amiya. Little Amiya looks so boring over there by herself, why don't we secretly bring Amiya out to play together?"

"...Don't make trouble for others."

Miss Doctor looked at the doctor and laughed involuntarily. She lightly poked the doctor's shoulder, "By the way, how old are your two little ones?"

"Liz is only fifteen."

"...so small?" Miss Doctor tilted her head and suddenly muttered a poem.

"Erbajia's body looks crispy."

Miss Doctor sniggered beside her.

The doctor looked at her pretty face, sure enough.

No matter how beautiful a person is, smiling like this is a bit wretched.

Miss Doctor was mercilessly sanctioned by the doctor, and was lightly slapped on the head.

"Don't read this kind of poem to Amiya, it will spoil the children."

"Really?" Miss Doctor blinked her big innocent eyes.

What to do, I already told her.

"The doctor, do you know the next sentence?"

"...I know. The atmosphere in ancient times is different from today's after all. Even here, you will be jailed if you kill a minor."

The doctor said so, looking at the doctor with a serious tone,

"Don't do anything strange to Amiya, Duncan will catch you with a staff."

"I'm not a pervert..." Ms. Doctor gave the doctor a blank look, and smacked her lips.

Are you the pervert?

Tell me, how many years have you been in prison?

It's okay, I'll secretly bring you a midnight snack.

Then let you watch me eat, hahahahahaha.

Unless... well, if I give you something to eat, I will give you something to eat.

Give you all.

Diary No.70 Seven pages, how can the world be so clear

The two characters starting with D have somehow received a lot of attention this time.

Needless to say, the doctor is the pillar of the Tower of Babel.

The almost exhaustive strategy, every action seems to have a deep meaning, and it can show miraculous effects when no one expects it.

What does the doctor think this time?

Could it be that this codename is a doctor, and there will be a very important role in the next one?

Do we need to cooperate?

That's the question on the minds of those who know what a Doctor looks like.When Tracy picked up the photo brought to him by the absolutist, a sip of boiled water spewed out.

(Sarkaz swears)

"Doctor, what are you doing?!"

In the photo, the black-haired girl is holding the doctor with one hand, with a glowing expression on her face. In front of her is a small skewer shop.

"This Kelxi saw it and wanted to kill him?"

The absolutionist just took a step back in silence, looking at his black robe that had been affected a little, with a tearless expression on his face.

This is my last piece of dry clothes, please don't be so accurate, Your Highness.

"Hey, find someone to follow and see what will happen. Remember to report it in time if something goes wrong."

Tracy wiped her mouth, but fortunately the paper documents were not splashed.


The pardoner took the order to leave, and after closing the door, he saw that his black robe was still wet, and heaved a long sigh.

Why am I so lazy and don't want to do laundry, I really have nothing to wear now.

I can survive.

Kelsey was looking at the documents in the office, unable to write for a long time.

Upset, what the hell did the doctor and the doctor do?

In fact, I was very relieved of the doctor. Who can control the doctor who almost everyone except Teresia would question?

However, when she thought of the sleep talk she had when she carried the doctor back to sleep.

What does it mean to be lighter?

What are you thinking?

Don't worry, how can this make people work with peace of mind.

She knows what's going on with the two in the family, but can the two children turn the world upside down?

Impossible, doctors are unlikely to accept.

So she is very relieved.

But here is the doctor.

So annoying.

Warfarin looked at the computer screen with a face as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

On the screen, Miss Doctor is holding out skewers to the doctor.

This is, feeding play?

Has the doctor reached this point quietly?

Warfarin turned her eyes away a little, looked at Kelsey, whose green hair was more verdant, and finally called her over.

Kelsey soon saw the two kissing people on the screen, and the blank folder in his hand was distorted in an instant.

Warfarin swallowed involuntarily.

It seems that I accidentally summoned the biggest BOSS,

This wave of doctors may explode.

While thinking about it, Kelsey let out a long breath and sat back.

She threw the folder that was still empty in the trash can, and took a new one to continue working.

Warfarin blinked a few times as she looked at the stable correction document in her hand.

Why didn't you react at all, Kelsey?

"Don't look, work hard. Busy." Kelsey said so.

"No, don't you care?"

But your man ran out to ask for colorful flags to flutter?

"There's nothing to worry about. The doctor is not a brat. He can't walk when he sees a woman."

"..." That's the truth.

Seeing Kelsey getting serious about working, Warfarin also turned off the monitoring interface.

Miss Gorefiend hasn't realized how murderous Kelsey is now.

And Teresia, the biggest stickler at the Tower of Babel, just sent her blessings.

The blessed two walked half a circle in the commercial street of the Tower of Babel in the morning.

The doctor actually had a good time playing...but the person next to her just looked at her with a smile, and basically didn't play or touch anything.

I always feel that look is like Theresia's look when she went to accompany Amiya.

I treat you like a pong friend and you actually want to be my father?

Then I can't accept it.

After playing for a whole morning, the doctor was just doing the same thing as Warfarin when he saw the doctor come out to play for the first time.

Help out with snacks, and occasionally play a two-player game with her. When I see a photo studio, Lie Xinxi wants to go in for a walk.

Basically just playing around.

Fortunately, he didn't take the doctor to the clothing store, otherwise he would have to buy some biscuits and find Amiya.

It's not about being shy, how many female patients have the doctor experienced, and still be afraid of this small scene?

Yes, he was really scared.

Today I accompanied the doctor to buy clothes, tomorrow Kelsey knows, maybe when I don’t work overtime, I will take him to the shopping mall together.

Then Kelsey took the lead, and the two little girls below followed suit.

The doctor doesn't want to waste time on this meaningless thing, just pick any black clothes and buy them casually.

Anyway, they are all the same color, and not many people pay attention to the style at all.


Bring this one today, pull that one tomorrow, and the two that are particularly clingy the day after tomorrow.

Will be regarded as scum by the clerk here.

Miss Doctor took the doctor to a well-reviewed restaurant for lunch.

Although I don't know why, most of them are matching of heterosexual couples.

It is obviously not a couple-themed signboard, and there is no couple package.

The taste is okay, but the doctor ate a little too much with the doctor, and now I can't eat much.

The rest still went into the doctor's stomach.

In fact, she also considered whether she ate too much.

However, it seems that it is too late to change the character design now.

Then wave to the bottom.

Having said so, she burped in satisfaction after finishing her meal, wiped her mouth, and rubbed her stomach twice.

"Doctor, do you not like girls who eat a lot?"

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