The doctor sighed slightly, but still tried his best to clear a path without enemies and let them join the eye of the storm.

Now, there is one more reason why the doctor must win.

W threw two bombs, ran quickly, and safely reached the doctor's side in the flames of the explosion.

Seeing the doctor's expressionless face, the two little guys blinked cutely.

"...I told you not to come here."

"I can't read, doctor." This is w who is proficient in several languages.

"I'm hungry." Liz said without changing her expression.

"..." Kelsey stood up and knocked on the two little girls, making them hide in the middle.

Ms. Doctor quickly finished tidying up, called the doctor on the rooftop, and jumped down when she saw him raise his head.


The doctor's hands and eyes were quick, and he caught the doctor who landed in his arms accurately, and his feet bent a lot.

hurts a little.

"...Doctor, what are you doing?"

"After a perfect landing, didn't you catch me?" Ms. Doctor said with a playful smile.

"..." The doctor put the doctor down, avoiding Kelsey's sight of murder.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Get ready to save the world." Miss Doctor smiled and took out an origin stone.



Ms. Doctor's combat power is unexpectedly powerful, not as good as Ms. Forgiveness, nor as terrifying and unpredictable as mon3tr, and the omnipotence of Black Thorn cannot be replicated.

But she is able to end the lives of all enemies in a concise and clear way.

No wonder, Teresia and Kelsey didn't think there was a problem seeing the doctor jumping off.

Even if this guy fell to the ground, he would probably be able to stand up and pat his clothes before lying on a stretcher for treatment.

And Teresia and Arte were looking at each other, they were silent to each other, and they didn't speak.

Teresia can wait, as long as the time for the ceremony is up, Arte, who does not have the blood of the devil king in the end, will be the one who is bound to lose.

Alter can wait, because he still has key means taking effect.

Ms. Forgiveness and the doctor teamed up, as well as the doctor's side assistance, to contain the blood monster.

And Duke Alt, who did not have the guarantee of maximum combat power, finally moved, and he took out a tube of transparent scarlet liquid.

The doctor could tell at a glance that it was cursed blood.

He touched the medicine powder on his waist, ready to extinguish the cursed blood at any time.

Art drank the cursed blood in one gulp.


"...The biggest trouble is coming." Miss Doctor said to Miss Absolutionist.

Art's eyes glowed red, he squeezed his fists, and his wild laughter was harsh.

He stretched out his cane and pointed at Theresa.


The guards of the nobles moved in unison, raised their weapons, and rushed towards Theresia.

The same red light lit up in their eyes.

They were infected by the cursed blood in an instant, and their combat effectiveness increased a lot.

Miss Doctor and Absolution quickly returned to defense, and the blood giant chased after them.

Art took the cane and sent out a source stone skill, and the flame tassel lit the night sky, pointing directly at Theresa.

Artel looked at the guards who were in a hurry to deal with it, and Theresia who had a calm face.

You know it too, Your Highness.

Those recorded in real history are too bizarre, making people feel as if they are reading something written by a hysterical patient when he was ill.

What we are facing is a very terrifying enemy. Our ancestors have used countless attempts to prove that terror is a mountain that cannot be overcome at all.

The demon kings of all ages are working hard for the future of Sarkaz, but in the end they can't get anything.

If possible, I am not willing to be a rebellious minister who usurped the throne.

However, I really don't want to see such a meaningless effort again.

Your eyes are too long-term, even directly aimed at the ultimate goal.

I don't want to do that, I just want my fellow Sarkazs to recuperate.

Our race can no longer afford to experience more twists and turns.

The deaths of those mercenaries are valuable, they are just hyenas of war, and they will only bring chaos.

Let the source stones they died turn into the cornerstone of Sarkaz's bright future, it is correct.

Right, the ancient kind who know a lot.

You are the one who ruined so many of my plans.

To be honest, I am very angry.

You may be strong, but those two children who just broke into the battlefield, can they be as strong as you?

I thought too, take a look.

What kind of expression do you show when you lose someone important to you?

It must be beautiful.

Diary No.90 The son of the eight-page man, only for the great world, but also for the snow in the world

... Man is alone.

The doctor thought so.

In his view, the human world is composed of countless individual interactions.

The interaction between things and things, the interaction between people and things, and the interaction between people and people.

Everything in the world is composed of the most basic unit, which can be decomposed into the most basic particles.

Then all of this can be regarded as a stage play of Laplace's Witch, which has already been stipulated.

And the interaction between people is only out of the instinctive needs of life, so that the overly throbbing brain should not think about the meaning of its own existence.

People exist, so they exist, so they continue.

How could anyone not understand such an obvious truth.

Then everything between people should be regarded as the lie of life to itself.

Whether it is friendship or caring, everything is the regulation of the body and the secret assistance of memory, which makes you think so self-righteously.

what you love, what you think, what you do,

Both were denied.

Then how can he explain the unspeakable feelings in his heart.

This urge to break all the rules flows through the body like blood, from head to toe, supplied by the heart to the whole body.

His body involuntarily widened his eyes.

He saw the black thorns gushing out involuntarily, and the extremely thick black thorns turned into the strongest barrier.

He saw that Miss Doctor opened her eyes wide and stretched out her hand to him, as if no one else was as important as him.

He saw that the sky was full of origin stone skills of various colors released by Sarkaz magicians and Sarkaz wizards, about to pour down like a waterfall.

The target is Theresa.


And his girls.


The doctor seemed to know the whereabouts of Originium skills in an instant, except for the large-scale blows, the rest were aimed at Theresa.

And Liz and w.

His eyesight and thoughts were raised infinitely, it seemed that the next second he saw, the girl with the beautiful long pale golden hair would fall into a pool of blood.

Her Majesty the Princess of Sarkaz will be melted by countless Originium techniques.

The girl he had taken on all his life, the girl he had given his name to, would also leave him like this.

Yes, man is born alone.

They are incomprehensible, incompatible individuals.All encounters and acquaintances are based on biological instinct.

It seems that the fallen leaves will fall to the ground, and the snow will melt in the spring.

It's just such a commonplace thing.


How can you explain that my heart, which is in pain, is beating so majesticly.

Miss Doctor gritted her teeth and opened her hole card.

Miss Forgiveness completed charging in one breath.

mon3tr stepped forward.

Liz's green vines climbed up the doctor's black thorns, as if the rootless duckweed had found the most secure land.

The princess of Sarkaz closed her eyes and remained silent.

The world is so noisy at this moment, so silent.

Everything is moving away quickly.


The doctor knew that the most terrifying blow was in this torrent.

It was as if the giant trees falling down the waterfall in the river wanted to smash them into pieces with a mighty momentum.

Duke Alt threw away the blood of the ancient species that was exhausted in the bottle in his hand, and watched the brightest line of fire plunge into the black thorn wall.

The doctor saw the bright flames slowly expand, and Miss Forgiveness Master's sword energy was a step behind, killing many colorful spells and disappearing into the sky.

mon3tr was grabbed by the bloody monster's outstretched tentacles.

Miss Doctor's eyes became calm, she reached out to the doctor's hand and pulled it back as if trying to grab something.

There are rays of light surging around Her Royal Highness.

Amiya closed her eyes, big tears hitting the ground.

The ending is doomed, and no one can stop it.This is the so-called, destiny cannot be violated.

...I don't want to see such an ending.

The doctor dropped the long sword in his hand, and the long sword, which could not withstand his full output, had many gaps, fell to the ground, and broke in two.

It's like the inferior long sword that he once discarded.

He knew what he wanted to do.

Not for survival.

He is the one who wants to be for his lovely children, the people he cares about in his heart.

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