The doctor couldn't understand what Miss Yuejian was thinking, so he had to turn around and go home.

What Yuejian means is that lily of the valley is cute but poisonous, is that true?

Terra's biggest poison should be ore disease.

The doctor thought so.

He never realized, he hadn't heard the words ore disease and Terra here.

Who will often mention the name of the place where they live in their lives.


Laplande is on the move with a dark-haired girl who has received a summons from her family to go with her on an errand.

What is it?Children don't ask too many questions.

The two well-prepared people exchanged a few words with each other, and then fell silent.

There is nothing to say, they are not from the same family.

I also want to say something, I have known people since I was a child.

They looked up at each other tacitly, and nodded at each other.In the end, he didn't say a word.

The current communication and friendship may become a breakthrough for their own family in the future.

For myself, but also for her.

Silence is good for everyone.

The black-haired girl took out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, shook out one, and handed it to Laplande.

"..." She was silent for a while, but did not refuse.

Working for the family, doing this kind of black work that is very likely to kill, is very stressful.

Whoever doesn't allow himself to relax will break down.

Two bright and dark red dots lit up, and finally exchanged a few words of mission information, and stomped out the cigarette butt.

"Alive." It was rare for the taciturn black-haired girl to say that.

"It's not very difficult, work harder." Laplande said goodbye to her while holding his long sword.

The black-haired girl didn't respond, she tugged on her collar and disappeared into the night.

Laplande glanced at the night sky with only a few sporadic stars, and stepped towards tonight's mission goal.

There have been many strange things in Syracuse recently.

Whether there is a dead person has become unimportant, what is more terrifying is the environment of the dead person, his death condition, and his identity.And something that lingers in the air...


Make them feel terrible.

Very, very much.fear.

They were interrogated this time, and someone found traces of what seemed to be the perpetrator.

However, the communication was cut off in the middle, and in the end there were only horrific wailing sounds and frightened begging for mercy.

It sounds like it's infiltrating.

Laplande thought about the actions of this mission, whether to investigate the murderer or solve it directly.

This way of describing, the more it sounds, the more it sounds like a name that was once heard by grandpa and grandpa.

Call, Wolfhunter.

Are there really such people in the world?

That was really, really fun.

Let me take a look at what your true face is like.

But what about the doctor?

I was invited to go there, but ran away halfway, would it make Yue Jian and him unhappy?

Yue Jian should not, I have never seen her get angry.

Doctor... This guy basically has no expression, and he can't tell if he is really hated.

I better apologize when I go back.

Seeing that he likes to eat sweets, buy some desserts for him.

It should be possible, he will never get angry with me.

The girl who thought so, dismissed the last bit of cranky thinking.

Now, let's get the job done.

Then, go back to the doctor and apologize.It's rare to have one or two people who can talk to each other, and it's too sad to just cut off contact.

She gently pulled out the long sword at her waist.

So, to win.


The doctor sits at the desk with a book and looks at it.

He is now a veterinarian. Although he does not meet his expectations, he must do his job well.

After all, now that he has amnesia, he has no idea what memory he has lost.

As if, now is all he has experienced.

This kind of feeling that he knows what he has lost, but is completely powerless, and even takes it for granted.

It's too weird.

Thanks to this, he can't remember the medical knowledge that should be his own job at all.

Now he was asked to go and treat the sick, but he dared not go.

I don't understand anything at all.

The veterinarian is much simpler. He can still give small animals injections, bandages and so on.

And pet cats and dogs are quite obedient to him.

He didn't know the reason, but it didn't stop him from working with this as a selling point.

Except for cats and dogs, what should be and what should be.

Maybe he has also raised kittens and puppies, and he will get used to making movements that make these little things comfortable.

How strange.

He stretched, inserted the bookmark, and closed the thick book, revealing the pure black cover.

There are some markings in some places where the sticky notes are sandwiched, and the same records as the cases are written on them.

Turning to the first page, you can see that there is an unmarked patient here.

There is only one surname, which is Li.

Behind, there are traces of being torn off.And a lot of blank pages set aside.

Dr. Li Ling looked at the white light bulb above his head emitting a cold light, and something hot flowed out from the corner of his eyes.

"……What's wrong with me."

Where the bookmark is is a very rare case of mental damage.

The patient's name is Liz.

There is a sentence written by the little girl's hand on the small line at the end.

I love you all my life, doctor.

No.13 Tianma-level figure came to check the ward

Time doesn't seem to have passed for a long time, and it seems that people have aged for half a lifetime.

It's snowing today at the Tower of Babel, and it's still very big.

It seems to cover up this riddled earth.

The doctor's farce ended in the most absurd way. No one expected that the brave is the devil in the end, and the evil dragon is just a slandered herbivorous dragon.

The only person who can watch all this unfold with peace is the youngest Amiya.

Everything seemed to be the same as she had foreseen, and the bonfire had been lit.And what she has to do is to light up the torches in everyone's hearts during this cold winter.

Teresia has now left with Teresis.

This furious His Royal Highness the Black King already has a new title.

Regent, Therese.

Losing the Duke and their obstruction, their intelligence forces were reorganized and dispersed.

As a result, Kazdel finally had the most orthodox and loudest voice.

But that voice is not here.

Here, it's up to her.

Kelsey was hit hard.Depressed for a long time.

Amiya didn't know what kind of thinking she had gone through to get out of that kind of despair and pain.

Lost the one I love, the same kind of despair where all my struggles so far have been denied.

But she understands.

If the doctor still appeared in front of Kelsey, something would happen.

Something big happened.

Even she, seeing the terrifying look in Kelsey's eyes when she walked out the door, would understand such a thing.

If the doctor is caught, he will definitely be imprisoned.

And Kelsey thinks far more than girls who are not deeply involved in the world.

If there is still a chance to catch him, then she will put him directly in the survival warehouse.

Maybe only in this way, he will not leave himself for the third time.

As long as this is the case, she can see that the person she loves is by her side every day, without going far away.

This is what she wants.

You are not allowed to go.

Even if you don't enter the survival warehouse, you have to build a cage and lock him in it.

Even the kind that requires her to help with eating and going to the toilet, she will definitely not give him a little room for movement.

Otherwise, if you accidentally let him run away again.

Then I will die with him.

Amiya, who inherited Theresia's bloodline, could only see black emotions covering other colors, wrapping around her, as if trying to submerge someone in it.

How heavy.

Amiya was writing in her diary, and when she thought of this, she suddenly felt a little cold all over her body.

The more you think about it, the scarier it gets, Kelsey.

And she found that Warfarin became much more reticent after that.

Then suddenly on a certain day, I became very happy and happy every day, making people laugh.

After all, the doctor told her that she looks better when she smiles.

Then stop crying, Warfarin.You have to smile and wait for him to come back, throw yourself into his arms, and cry out everything you want to cry.

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