After a while of brainstorming, she said weakly: "I don't know who the most powerful one is. Most of them joined the adventure group or the mercenary group, but there is one..."


"She is a rebel of our psychic clan, the daughter of the patriarch. You should be able to find her in the largest custom area in Neuilani."

Fuck?so exciting?Go to the red light district to find someone at the beginning?Sheld and Neveu looked at each other, and Neveu leaned closer and whispered: "I think it's pretty good, this kind of one person usually lacks love, and you can subdue her with a little bit of tricks, leader!"

"Like you?"

Sheld squinted at Neveu: "Aren't you alone too?"

"Uh..." Neveu was taken aback for a moment, then turned his face away: "I have been accompanied by a sword all my life."

Sheld almost couldn't help laughing, it was something a sword master should say, but Neveu said it strangely.

But laughing is laughing, talk is talking, what Neveu said is not unreasonable.

"Then please lead the way."

"I don't know exactly where it is, I can only take you to the customs area."

The psychic woman said weakly.


Ding, physique +1, very comfortable.


The energy rain floating in the sky is not liquid. Sheld tried to catch it with his palm but failed to catch it. Instead, it passed directly through his palm. When passing through, he felt a sense of comfort.

Magical indeed.

The name of the psychic woman who led the way was Leona, and she was the head sign of a certain tavern. Shelder couldn't hear the exact tavern, and the street was full of people.

Sheld didn't bother to ask if he didn't hear clearly, he didn't plan to patronize these places.

This is a different world, what if I get some strange disease?Can healers cure it?

And Neulanni deserves to be a place where the autonomy of various ethnic groups is divided. The urban construction is as chaotic as Sheld thinks. There is no urban construction plan at all, and various plants are interspersed in it, which feels like the end of the century.

Along the way, I saw a lot of strange races, tall, short, fat and thin. The only ones who are considered beautiful are the elves and psychics. The handsome ones should be half-dragons who look a bit like lizards.

What's interesting is that half-dragon people don't seem to be a thing born from the combination of a giant dragon and some intelligent life, but the simple face looks a bit like a dragon, so they are called half-dragon people. Long, it seems that they don't use it very much themselves.

The place where these half-dragons live is very strange, like a teapot, with a ladder above the door, and then go in and slide from the top to the closed space below. Half of the building volume is buried in the ground.

"Is there anything special about this kind of building?"

Sheld whispered to Neveu.

It's not that he didn't ask the local Leona, but it would be strange if he, as an "elf", didn't even know some common sense about his neighbors.

Although Neveu said that she has just grown up, she is a 60-year-old "grandmother", and she has enough knowledge to answer Sheard's question: "It imitates the feeling of living underground, and this kind of building can maintain the humidity inside. That's the case, after all, the underground here is an ancient magic circle, and they can't build a dungeon."



Sheld kept writing and drawing with his notebook.

"Speaking of which, Captain, what exactly are you recording in this notebook?"

"From now on, this thing will be called "Schelde's Adventure"."

"Travel notes?"

"Almost." Sheld turned the pen in his hand, and he was still a bit useless while walking and writing: "I am used to writing down some things, and I will read them when I have nothing to do. I will have a lot of inspiration."

The emphasis is on constantly strengthening the memory. Once something new is discovered, it can be quickly connected with the previously known clues. Whether it is the purification of the holy fire or the quick thought of using the hair of the forest goddess in the woods just now, it depends on this.

"Why not call it "Schelde's Hero Tale"?"

"How do you know that I will definitely be a hero?"

"There are too many heroes these days." Neveu said, pointing her fingers, "I've only read "Balow's Heroes", "Schneider's Heroes", "Dragon Slaying Heroes"...I think you should It is easy to reach the level of those people, after all, the stories of those hero stories are quite boring."

Shield: "..."

"My lord magician, it's just ahead."

Leona who was walking in front suddenly turned her head and said, "Just go through that gate."


Shield looked up to where Leona pointed.

An arch made of some kind of plants intertwined, with various lanterns on it, and clear carvings can be seen on the torso of the plants, with a few large characters "Worry-free Street" written directly above it.


It's just that the carvings are a bit too bohemian, too in line with the theme of the customs area, which makes people blush.

And under the arch, scantily clad women and men come and go here in an endless stream. There are many groups of three or four, one woman with many men, or one man with multiple women. There are all kinds of strange races. Sheld even saw the dwarves, Only the elves and the less popular human races have basically never been seen.

And Shield and his party are particularly conspicuous here. He and Neveu, if they are considered elves, are quite rare visitors in this place.

Many people passing by would stare at them for a while, making Sheld feel uncomfortable.

And the bolder ones even whistled at them.

"Next, I will go back to the store. If you are free, you can come to the store and I will give you satisfactory service." Olena bowed: "I hope you can find what you want to find sooner." people."

Sheld coughed twice and nodded.

After Olena walked away, Shield took a deep breath.

All kinds of aromas were mixed and tangy, which almost made Sheld dizzy.

"As expected of a colorful world, Neveu, let's go! Neveu?"

Sheld looked back, hey?People are gone?In the end, I looked around again, but found that Neveu was squatting at the door of the "artwork" gate, studying something there intently.

"Cough cough cough! What are you looking at?"

Shield tapped Neveu who was crouching on the ground with his toe.

"It turns out that's how they have children."

"Let's go! Are you ashamed?!"

Sheld looked around, they were already quite conspicuous, but they became more conspicuous in this way, and many men and women cast winking eyes.

Fuck, there are too many people in the service industry here, right?Sweat broke out on Sheld's forehead.

"Wait a minute! I haven't finished it yet! Haven't finished it yet?!"

Sheld grabbed Neveu's clothes at the nape of the neck, tried to drag them through the door, and then... well, didn't move.After all, strength is not at the same level, and dragging people also has to pay attention to a rationality.

"If you don't leave, you will lose your salary next time."

Sheld rolled his eyes and used his trump card.

Volume 59 A New Beginning: Chapter 57 Chapter [-] It's the boss!

Chaos, or chaos.

Perhaps it wasn't so chaotic at first, but after entering here, all kinds of strong hormonal breaths and complex fragrances made Sheld feel a little dizzy.

Thoughts seemed a little dull.

"Where should we look next? The area here is so huge."

Neveu followed behind, carrying a big bag that didn't match her figure. Although she had the blood of an elf, it was probably due to her mixed blood. She was not as tall as an elf, but was half a head shorter than Sheld.

It's not that Sheld wants to bully people, but that Sheld really can't bear it.

"It's really a bit too big..."

Sheld was quite speechless. Isn't the city's custom industry a little too developed?The settlements of several ethnic groups in front are not as big as this so-called worry-free "street".

The whole looks like an infinite corridor that can't be seen at a glance.

They have asked some strangers just now, but they didn't get any results. The customers and employees in these places are all different about which store has good service, which store is bad, and which store has special features. Ask them to find someone specifically.

Good guy, all I remember are nicknames and pseudonyms.

Ask again, which one is the daughter of the patriarch of the psychic clan, and everyone shakes their heads.

"The daughter of the psychic patriarch? If I really want to come to this place, I want to taste it!"

This is the reply of a dwarf. Sheld still remembers that this guy asked Neveu next to him how much he spent, and Neveu punched him like a ball and flew out.

Fortunately, disputes and fights are quite common in this place, but nothing is more eye-catching than squatting at the gate to watch Huangtu.

"Just ask anyone else."

Sheld found a psychic man with revealing clothes and a deep dark fantasy style, and asked, "Hello, may I ask, do you know where the daughter of your patriarch is?"

People of the same race should know more, right?

It's strange that I didn't see any psychic people after walking for a long time before. What about the professional households in the custom industry?

I saw the psychic man turned his head and flashed a bit of sharp white teeth at Sheld: "Customer, do you want to try our service? We also accept male customers."

"...No, no need."

Sheld waved his hands again and again: "I just want to ask for directions, to find out about someone."

"You take this and I'll tell you."

The psychic male handed over a flyer.

This is not a big deal, but leaflets are a bit rare in this world. Although paper and pen and ink are not that expensive, they are also luxury goods, let alone this kind of hand-painted ones.

"Rich people."

Whispering in a low voice, Sheld took it and threw it to Neveu. As Neveu exclaimed "It's so expensive", the psychic man pointed to an inconspicuous signboard not far away.

"Deep in the soul?"

It doesn't look like the name of the custom industry, and the signboard is too plain.

"That store, if you're lucky, you'll meet that guy."

Using "that guy" to refer to the patriarch's daughter?What kind of unreasonable thing did this do... Sheld gradually began to feel that it was unreliable.

After all, where would a nanny professional be turned away?No matter which game you are in, nurse is one of the professions with better employment prospects!

But in any case, by coincidence, there was nowhere to be found. After thanking him, Sheld took Neveu, who had made a paper airplane out of a leaflet, to the store with the sign "Deep in the Soul".

"anyone there?"

Compared with other places, the wall looks a little old, and the wooden door is also a bit in disrepair, but it is in line with the impression in the conventional story that there will be a high-ranking person or a stronghold of a secret association.

I knocked a few times, but no one answered, but there was a sign outside that said it was open.

Sheld tried to twist the doorknob.



Sheld told Neveu: "I'll go in first, you will follow."

"it is good."

Although he is the head of the regiment, he still has the consciousness to be a human shield.

"Is anyone there? Open?"

Probably because there is basically no place for light to pass through, and there is an alley next to the window, and there are wooden boxes stacked outside, and the room is dark, except for the light passing through the open door, there is dust flying around.


Sheld's boots rattled on the somewhat worn wooden floor.

"what to buy?"


Shield suddenly looked at the source of the sound. In the darkness, at some point, a pair of orange eyes appeared, shining brightly like light bulbs.


"Name: Stike Shaman. Occupation: Soul Warlock (book job). Level: 4. Strength: 16, Dexterity: 12, Intelligence: 20, Constitution: 40. Skills: Soul Guidance, Soul Shaking, Soulwalker (Soul Warlock), Soul Stone."

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