Looking at the audience who were discussing again, Sirona pressed her hand again: "Everyone be quiet."

Following Sirona's movements and voice, everyone became quiet again, but the excitement still hung on their cheeks.

"The last is the reward for the advanced group. No.3 can get a one-year energy cube and a self-selected evolutionary item."

"No. 2 can get a one-year energy cube, a self-selected evolutionary item, and the opportunity to learn a random skill."

"No.1 can get two years of energy cubes, one optional evolution item, two random skill learning opportunities, and special items that can increase attribute damage."

Listening to the reward Sirona said this time, the surrounding audience became more and more excited and surprised.

"Damn it, isn't the reward for this advanced group a bit too good, and the good ones are a bit too much."

"I only regret that I don't have this strength. I really envy the contestants in the advanced group."

"It's not enough to be envious. Even the contestants in the intermediate group should be envious. The gap in rewards is really big."

Before, the evolution props appeared only once and many people were already surprised, but now the advanced group appeared three times, how could everyone not be envious and jealous.

But at the end, everyone was a little puzzled.

They can understand the learning of random skills, and they can tell from the names that they are learning two skills. According to the previous reward, they may have chosen it themselves, but they don't understand the special props that increase the damage of attribute skills.

Chapter 228 The game officially begins

In the private room of Tsunade on the second floor, after hearing Sirona say the reward for No.1 in the senior group, Tsunade couldn't help standing up in surprise.

Others don't know about this prop, how could he not know about it? If they don't know about it, it's because Bai, Xu Liang and others have known each other for so long.

Seeing Tsunade's appearance, the few people next to him frowned and looked puzzled.

On Mabui's side, he took a deep look at Tsunade and said, "Master Hokage, I don't know what the attribute damage enhancement item you mentioned just now is, please ask Master Hokage to explain."

Tsunade reacted, looked to the side, and saw several people staring at him and explained: "That is a prop that can improve the strength of elves. Everyone knows that every elf has its own attributes, and this It is a kind of prop, and the elves can increase the skill damage of this attribute after wearing it."

The few people next to him were a little incredulous when they heard Tsunade's words.

It never occurred to me that there is such a thing in my heart. Although I don't know how much I can improve at this time, I am already surprised just by improving.

"Master Naruto, how much can you improve?"

After being surprised, Qing asked seriously.

Tsunade glanced at several people, and did not hide anything: "I don't know the specific improvement, but what Xu Liang wears is to increase the power of attribute skills by 20.00%."

"how is this possible."

Hearing the figure of 20.00% next to him, they couldn't help standing up one by one, and looked at Tsunade with disbelief.

20.00%, this is not a small number. If the strength of both parties is equal, a 20.00% increase can easily beat the opponent.

This kind of sling does not belong to one level or two levels, but to all levels, that is to say, if it is a shadow level, it can be easily done.

This can completely turn a trash shadow-level directly into a heaven-defying prop of a medium-strength shadow-level.

How dare a few people easily believe this kind of effect.

Tsunade rolled his eyes here: "Why is it impossible? Isn't this already happening?"

After speaking, she shook her head slightly, and stopped paying attention to a few people, and looked at Sirona below. She really felt a little incredible about the No.1 reward for the senior group.

Even if it was her, she couldn't help but want this kind of reward.

The people next to him were a little stunned when they heard Tsunade's words, and then they came back to their senses. Now Sirona looked at it, and her expression also recovered.

It is indeed the same as what Tsunade said, at this time Sirona has said it, what is impossible.

But after accepting this point, everyone's eyes became hotter.

There is a longing for this kind of prop in the eyes.


At this time, Sirona didn't know the situation of Tsunade and the others upstairs. After seeing the curious expressions on everyone's faces, she also introduced the effect of attribute enhancement items.

And the eyes of everyone who heard the effect became extremely fiery.

As for the contestants sitting in the advanced group, their eyes became excited, and their clenched fists became firm.

"Fuck, this item is so powerful, it can increase the power of so many skills."

"That's right, in other words, as long as you have this item, isn't it invincible at the same level?"

"Yeah, this is so unbelievable, I don't even feel like it's real."

Sirona didn't hear these discussions, looked at the noisy crowd and calmed them down again: "I have finished explaining the rules and rewards, and it's time for the competition to officially start. Nice ranking."

After saying this, Sirona came behind the biting land shark, and then flew into the sky and left the central battle field.

And as Sirona left, Xiaoya next to her took two steps with a smile: "I know everyone may be a little excited when they hear the reward, but please suppress your excitement and save it for the next exciting game. "

Hearing Xiaoya's words, the eyes of the audience all lit up.

Although he was really surprised and excited about the reward that Sirona just said, but at the moment when he heard that the game started, he also put away this emotion, and his eyes became looking forward to Xiaoya's direction.

Although the reward is very good, it is nothing to the audience like them. It is enough to get excited, after all, it is not something that can be obtained by oneself.

Xiaoya in the center didn't keep everyone waiting. After seeing the expectant eyes, she continued: "Today's match will be played in three groups in turn. First, the beginner group will play one game, and then the intermediate and advanced group will play one game."

Speaking of this, three staff members suddenly came to the center of the venue, and each of these three staff members was holding a box with the words junior high school and high school written on it.

Xiaoya didn't make everyone curious. Looking at the three of them, she introduced to the attention and players around: "These three boxes contain notes with the names of the three groups of people, and the candidates for the next competition will also be drawn to decide. .”

"The candidates for the first match will be drawn by me, and the winners of the previous match will be drawn for the subsequent candidates."

After listening to Xiaoya's introduction, the audience became more expectant and excited. Although they all wanted to know who and who the next battle would be, although they didn't know at this time, their expressions were a little disappointed.

But while disappointed, I couldn't help but look forward to and excited in my heart. Maybe the unknown is more interesting.

As for the players, when they heard this arrangement, they became a little nervous. If they knew who their opponent was before, they could prepare in advance and figure out how to deal with it.

But now, let alone know who his opponent is, even if he doesn't know when he will play at this moment, it would be strange if he wasn't nervous.

"Okay, then let me draw the contestants for the first match."

At this moment, Xiaoya's voice came again, and at the same time, she turned around and walked towards the box with the character Chu.

And following Xiaoya's movements, the surrounding audience and contestants all looked over closely.

The audience only has expectations and a little curiosity about the next candidate.

The contestants, on the other hand, became more nervous, especially the contestants in the junior group, each of them was holding onto the chair and their own legs tightly, and many of them even had sweat on their foreheads, which shows how nervous they are .

But even so, Xiaoya still didn't stop her movements, she came to the box step by step, stretched out her arm and reached towards the box.

Under the eyes of everyone, Xiaoya reached into the box with her arm, stirred it a few times and grabbed the two folded notes.

Seeing this, everyone took a deep breath, and couldn't help but lean forward slightly.

Chapter 229 The Ninja and the Rich Man

Xiaoya in the middle of the battlefield didn't see the appearance of these people at this time, and watched the two pieces of paper she took out slowly open.

He glanced at the corner of his mouth and looked towards the surrounding audience with a smile: "In the first match, let's invite two players from the junior group, Yi Mu and Ji Xing, to come on stage."

After speaking, Xiaoya withdrew from the battlefield.

And everyone who heard these two names looked curiously in the direction of the junior group.

And following everyone's attention, two people in the junior group also stood up from their chairs.

Then they looked at each other, turned around and walked towards Xiaoya.

The audience around looked at this and started discussing one by one.

"Who are these two people? Does anyone know who they are?"

"Yeah, the two of them don't feel very impressed."

"I know that Yimu. I seem to have heard that it is a Chunin from Kusanagi Village."

"Indeed, I've also heard a little bit. I heard that the ninja talent is very good, and there is hope to break through and become a Jonin."

"I've heard of that Hoe Xing. He seems to be a rich man. I don't know anything else, but he has been here for a while."

"Isn't that a match between a ninja and a rich man? Is this the first match so interesting?"


The discussion at the scene did not affect the two of them going to the battlefield at all.

And following the discussion among the people, the two whose names were read also arrived at the battlefield, walked to their respective positions, and stared at each other. This person who will become an enemy later.

And as the two looked at each other, the comments from the surrounding audience also disappeared.

All of a sudden, the scene became quiet, and each of them stared at the middle-aged man wearing a waistcoat who looked a little tough, and the young man who looked a little delicate in a gorgeous dress.

At this moment, the gorgeously dressed Hoe Xing looked at Yi Mu with some disdain in his eyes and said, "Ninja? I want to see what skills you have, so don't be caught by this young master's elf."

Yi Mu wasn't angry at all, he just watched silently and didn't answer.

But this performance made Ji Xing a little angry, and said with a cold snort: "I hope you won't ask for mercy later."

"Please let the contestants release their elves."

Said to the referee next to the battlefield.

Hearing this, Yimu first released his elf, a purple and white tank skunk with its tail resting on its head, which looked somewhat strong.

As soon as this tank skunk appeared, its eyes became alert and its body was ready to attack at any time.

On Hoe Xing's side, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth when he saw this: "Hehe, what an ugly elf, let me show you my elf."

After speaking, he took out a high-grade yellow-gray ball and threw it to his side.

A whole ray of light radiated out, and a Giant Pincer Mantis, covered in a layer of red armor and holding two pincers like iron fists, appeared on the battlefield.


Unlike the tank skunk that just appeared, the giant pincer mantis greeted the Hoe Xing next to it, and then looked around curiously.

Hoe Xing didn't care about this either. Following the appearance of the Giant Pincer Mantis, he proudly said to Yi Mu who was opposite him: "You should admit defeat, my Giant Pincer Mantis is very powerful, and I won't be so good if I destroy your elf later!" alright."

Yi Mu still didn't react when he heard this, as if he didn't hear what Hoe Xing said, but the tank skunk's eyes became a little angry, but he also stopped in place without any movement.

Seeing the elves released by the two, the audience off the court began to discuss again.

"There's something about this Hoe Xing, no wonder he dares to speak so arrogantly."

"Indeed, and I didn't expect to evolve into a giant pincer mantis. You must know that this evolution requires props."

"I feel that there is no difference between evolution and non-evolution. It seems that they are similar, and the race value is the same."

"I don't know, but I do know that it is stronger than the tank skunk on the opposite side."

"Indeed, although I don't like Hoe Xing a bit, but Yimu's tank skunk is indeed a little worse."

"You can't say that. Didn't Boss Xu say that these don't mean anything? It mainly depends on how the trainer arranges."

At the same time, at the position of Xu Liang and the others, after seeing the elves from both sides appear, Nagato asked curiously: "Boss, who do you think will win in the end?"

Hearing Nagato's question, Xu Liang looked incredulous. He didn't expect that this person who had never been interested in elves would actually ask such a question now.

At the same time, I was a little thankful in my heart. It seemed that it was right to bring Nagato here, and it did make him a little interested in elves.

"what happened?"

Looking at Xu Liang who didn't answer, Nagato asked doubtfully, "Is there something wrong with my question?"

Xu Liang shook his head: "No, but I don't know who will win. After all, elves can sometimes perform miracles, but in my opinion, the ninja named Yimu has a greater chance of winning."


Xiao Nan looked at Xu Liang with some confusion: "Isn't the giant pincer mantis better than the tank skunk?"

Xu Liang shook his head again: "It's true according to the race value, but the elves can't just look at the race value. When the tank skunk came out, he was ready to fight. It's obvious that the ninja named Yimu Take it on a mission."

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