The ninja nodded and said: "Yes, Master Chiyo, we have discovered the trace of Konoha's rebellion against Uchiha Sasuke."

"where is it?"

When Naruto heard this, he couldn't help but approached, looked at the ninja and asked anxiously.

The ninja didn't answer Naruto, but looked in the direction of Chiyo and the others.

The few people who were watched also noticed the ninja's eyes and nodded without answering.

The ninja understood what it meant when he saw it, and continued to answer: "Not far from Konoha in our Sha Ninja Village, we found the traces of those people there, and those people did not leave. It continues to be there, but our people are afraid to go close to the past, so we don't know what it is doing."

Chapter 389 Finding Someone

"Where is the specific location, tell me, tell me quickly."

After listening to the ninja's words, Naruto couldn't help it even more, and asked urgently while grabbing the ninja's expression.

This action directly stunned the ninja, and there was something wrong with Naruto's eyes.

What's going on, why are you so excited, I feel a little weird in my heart, do Konoha's ninjas always do tasks like this?

No wonder Konoha Niu, if the ninjas in their Sand Ninja Village do tasks as if they lost their wives, their Sand Ninja Village will definitely be the same as Konoha.

"Naruto, calm down, if you can't keep calm, then you don't have to follow this mission."

Yamato frowned watching Naruto's every move, and said sternly.

After all, Naruto's appearance at the moment is not suitable for continuing the mission. If he keeps doing this, it will eventually cause trouble for everyone.

Although I know why Naruto is doing this, but this is the task at this moment, we must keep calm, and there is Sakura next to him, so don't you also keep calm.


Naruto let out a sigh of relief, let go of the ninja who came back to report and nodded: "I know Captain Yamato, I will keep calm, and I will definitely bring Sasuke back to Konoha."

Yamato nodded when he saw this, and didn't say anything more. He looked at the people in Sha Nin Village apologetically.

After all, this is the territory of Sha Ren Village, how to act depends on how Sha Ren Village arranges, and they have to wait for the people of Sha Ren Village to decide how to act.

Everyone in Sand Ninja Village had obviously investigated Sasuke, so they didn't feel strange or cared about Naruto's appearance.

Chiyo nodded to the person who delivered the information and said: "Okay, we understand, you go down first and keep watching."

The ninja nodded, turned and left without saying anything more.

And as the ninja left, everyone's eyes were on Chiyo.

After all, the highest status here is Chiyo, so I still have to listen to her in the end.

Chiyo didn't find anything strange here, and glanced at everyone: "I'll lead the team, this time I can go with a few people from Konoha, you stay behind in Sand Ninja Village, the civilians in the village still need to be appeased, you can't Feel free to leave."

Hearing Chiyo's words, everyone's eyes became surprised.

"Master Chiyo, no, Kazekage-sama is still alive and dead, how can we just watch like this."

"That's right, Master Chiyo, we are going too, we can't wait here."


Everyone protested, expressing their unacceptability to Chiyo's arrangement.

Kazekage was arrested, but in the end the only one who went to save people was Chiyo, a Sand Ninja villager, it doesn't sound good to say it.

Those who didn't know thought that there was no one in Sand Ninja Village, and they had to rely on Konoha's ninjas to save people.

And it will also make people feel that Sha Nin Village is too cowardly, Kazekage has been arrested, but no one dares to rescue him, this is not good to say.

At this moment, Temari, who hadn't spoken much, said, "Okay, please be quiet, just follow what Grandma Chiyo said, and we will stay at Sand Ninja Village."

As soon as Temari's words came out, the people around became a little unbelievable again.

Even Kankuro, who was a little to the side, looked at Temari with some surprise.

It never occurred to Temari that he would agree to Chiyo's proposal.

This is not to save people, I am afraid it is to bring Gaara's body back.

There are so many ninjas in the village, Sasuke and others are not left behind, and now they rely on Konoha and Chiyo to rescue them?Are you kidding me?

"That's it, get ready to move."

Temari ignored these surprised eyes, and spoke again firmly.

She understands some things that everyone thinks, after all, it feels a little strange no matter how you look at it.

But she couldn't do anything about it. After being messed up by Sasuke before, Sha Nin Village panicked, and those ambitious guys also took advantage of it.

It's okay if it's just like this, after all, most of Sha Nin Village still love their own village very much.

But Gaara was arrested, and everyone's sense of security in their hearts was somewhat questionable. After all, many people saw Gaara being defeated with their own eyes.

In addition, many ninjas were also injured during Sasuke's actions. Under such circumstances, if ninjas are sent out to deal with Sasuke, there will definitely be big problems in Nasha Ninja Village.

So even if it's just Chiyo, a sand ninja village, how weird it is, she can only hold it in her heart.

Everyone in Sand Ninja Village on the other side sighed after hearing Temari's words, and they didn't say anything more.

Temari's status in Sand Ninja Village is not low. It's not just fame like Chiyo, Temari has real rights.

Now not only Chiyo has made the decision, but Temari has also made the decision, and they can only bear it no matter how unwilling they are.

Afterwards, everyone started their own actions. Everyone in Sand Ninja Village was busy, while everyone in Yamato left the office and walked out of the Kazekage Building under the leadership of Chiyo.

Going outside, looking at the street, and Sha Nin village Shinobi who appeared around from time to time, Naruto asked Chiyo in front of him curiously: "Grandma Chiyo, shall we go to Sasuke now? Where is Sasuke, let's go there quickly Bar."

Naruto asked Yamato this time and didn't say much, and Kozakura and Sai also looked curiously at Chiyo who was leading the way.

Chiyo in front turned to Naruto and shook his head: "We have to wait, we're going to a place first, and find someone."


Naruto showed curiosity: "Looking for someone? Who are you looking for? Can that person, Grandma Chiyo, help us find Sasuke? Don't we already know where Sasuke is? We can go directly."

As he said that, he became a little anxious again, and if he continued to waste time like this, Sasuke would leave directly by then.


Yamato shouted at the back and shook his head at Naruto: "Since we need to find someone, we will find someone. Don't worry, Sasuke is not as simple as you think."

He breathed a sigh of relief silently in his heart at this time, he was the same as those ninjas in Sand Ninja Village before, can they really deal with Sasuke?

When I was in the capital of the country of fire, I had a small fight with Sasuke and the others. Their strength is not something they can easily deal with.

Now hearing what Chiyo said, I must have felt a little more relaxed. It seems that not only a few of them will go, but also other people will be together, and judging by Chiyo's appearance, this person should not be simple.

Chiyo in front did not answer Naruto when he heard Yamato's words, and now Yamato nodded and continued to lead the way in one direction.

On Naruto's side, he didn't ask any more questions after hearing Yamato's words, and suppressed the anxiety in his heart.

Chapter 390 Sand Ninja Village Spirit House

Soon, several people walked through the streets under the leadership of Chiyo, and let Naruto and others see the harm Sasuke brought to Sand Ninja Village.

Although it seems that the damage is not big, it is not without. I saw some destroyed buildings along the way, and I also saw some ordinary people with frightened eyes.

Looking along the way, Naruto clenched his fist tightly, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Sasuke did all of this, if he hadn't let Sasuke leave at that time, none of this would have happened.

Thinking of this, Naruto blamed himself a little, and he became more determined to bring Sasuke back.

At this moment, Chiyo in front stopped, and Naruto didn't think any more, and looked up to the front.

After all, I am still a little curious about who I am looking for and where to find someone.

But after looking up, Naruto's eyes became a little strange: "Grandma Chiyo, is this the home of the elves in Sand Ninja Village?"

Yamato and the others also looked at Chiyo, with some curiosity in their eyes.

It's true that I never thought that Chiyo would find someone to find this place.

At the same time, I also understood a little bit. No wonder there was no damage around here when I approached here. It turns out that this is the home of elves.

Chiyo nodded: "Yes, it is the house of elves, the person we are looking for is inside, let's go, let's go in."

After replying, Chiyo walked towards the Elf House one step ahead.

Naruto and the others at the back looked at each other, and then walked in with them.

When they came to the house of elves, everyone's eyes became surprised.

It's different from what everyone thought before. They thought that there must be no business in it not long after the war broke out.

But at this moment, the situation inside is surprising. There are no customers here, it is simply full.

And unlike the people I met outside before, the people inside the Elf House have no fear in their eyes, but a sense of security.

Seeing Naruto, Yamato and the others all opened their mouths wide, their faces were full of disbelief.

"Grandma Chiyo, are you here?"

As a few people entered, the front desk of the Elf House also saw a few people, and their expressions became a little bitter when they saw Chiyo.

"Little girl, just watch, I'm here to find Xie."

After finishing speaking, Chiyo didn't stop, and continued to walk towards the inside.

Naruto and the others following behind showed their curiosity again, and they all noticed the bitter expression on the front desk.

But why did Chiyoko show such an expression?

Although the few people were curious, they didn't think too much, and they continued to follow Chiyo with their own steps.

As several people entered, the face at the front desk became even more bitter: "It's over, I will definitely be scolded by the shopkeeper again, hey~"

Obviously, this situation has happened many times, and I have already guessed what will happen to me afterwards.

I don't know why the shopkeeper asked her to stop Chiyo from letting her in.

But is Chiyo something she can stop?Let's just say that given her status, she wouldn't dare to stop her even if she had a hundred guts.

After all, she is just an ordinary person, and the most special one may be the employees of the Elf House.

But so what, Chiyo's status is much higher than hers, if she dares to stop her, people outside don't know what to say about her.

And there is another point, Chiyo is a ninja, how can an ordinary person like her stop it.

I wondered in my heart whether it would be better for me to change jobs. Although the front desk was relaxed, I was scolded a lot, basically once every two days, sometimes several times a day.

Chiyo came so diligently that he couldn't figure out what made Chiyo so addicted.

Shaking his head, the front desk didn't think any more, fell silent, and began to think about how to bear the scolding of the shopkeeper later.


At the same time, on the other side, after parting from the front desk, a group of people came upstairs under the leadership of Chiyo.

Unlike Konoha's Elf House, the storefront here occupies a much smaller area than Konoha, so several floors were built.

Following Chiyo, the group went directly to the highest point, the fourth floor, of the Elf House in Sharen Village.

The fourth floor is different from the lower floor. The lower three floors are used for entertaining guests and are divided into several different areas.

There are no guests on the fourth floor, and it is very quiet. At first glance, it seems that they have come to the Hokage Building, and they are offices one by one.


At this moment, the door of an office in front was opened, and a young man walked out slowly.

Seeing this young man Chiyo approaching: "Muliang, where is Xie? In the office or in his studio?"

The young man Chiyo called Muliang turned his head and looked over when he heard the voice.

After seeing Chiyo, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he frowned after seeing Naruto and others behind him.

But Dao didn't pay attention to how long Naruto waited for, and soon continued to look at Chiyo with a smile: "Grandma Chiyo, are you here again? And who are these people?"

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