"Woo~" Thinking of this, Yelan couldn't help but make a strange sound, she also wanted to try... Bah!She didn't want to try it.

"Why didn't you let me in just now?" Shen He asked suspiciously, she only heard that Ningxia seemed to be fighting with that Huasan, and Huasan was still losing.

"This, this..." Ye Lan looked at Shen He's puzzled eyes, and for a moment didn't know how to explain it.

"They fought so hard just now, why didn't they let me help?" Shen He asked.

"Fight, fight?" The corners of Ye Lan's mouth twitched, she didn't know what to say about Shen He, after all, this should be considered a kind of fight, right?

"Isn't it?" Shen He asked.

"You can understand that this is a kind of fight that only the closest people can fight." Ye Lan reluctantly explained.

Shen He's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he wanted to go back to his house in Ningxia.

"What are you doing?" Ye Lan hurriedly grabbed Shen He, she didn't want to be misunderstood by Ning Xia as an eavesdropping pervert.

"I also want to fight intimately with Ningxia!" Shen He said seriously.

In the end, it was Ye Lan who said a lot, and Shen He barely listened to a few words, and then reluctantly gave up the matter of going to fight with Ning Xia intimately.

What they didn't know was that besides them, there was another person secretly watching the fight between Ningxia and Huasanli.

Kapaqili looked at the two who seemed to be very comfortable, and was a little curious, is this the so-called massage?Why is the posture so strange?

Then I felt a strange feeling on my body, and I scratched it with some doubts, but it became even more strange, and hurried back to my room to sleep.

Just under Kapaqili's doubts, she finally grew up a little bit in terms of mental age.

Until the next morning, Huasanli leaned on Ningxia happily. After this time, it might take a month or two to be with Ningxia again. Huasanli put aside her shame and cooperated with Ningxia wholeheartedly.

Ningxia reluctantly took a sip of Huasanli's little mouth, but he was still reluctant to leave Huasanli. With her in Ningxia, he felt much more relaxed.

"Mr. Ningxia, you have to be careful when I'm not around~ After all, you're a big carrot! If I'm not here, I don't know who can look after you for me." Hua Sanli said half complaining and half pleading.

"Hmm!" Huasanli responded to Ningxia's domineering request, Huasanli closed his eyes and gently echoed Ningxia. Compared with their unskilled first attempt in Lichu, the two of them have already begun to become proficient.

After being tender for a while, Ning Xia changed Hua Sanli's clothes and carried her downstairs.

Capaccili, who rarely got up earlier than them, looked at the intimate two, and remembered the massage yesterday, and became more and more curious about what it was like.

Ningxia looked at Kapaqili who was a bit strange, and first asked her what was wrong, Kapaqili shook her head lightly to express that she was fine, and she was hungry.

Ningxia supported Huasanli on the chair, and went to make breakfast for the second daughter. Today, he wants to put aside all his work and spend time with Huasanli, because Huasanli will go back to Dao's wife after noon.

Ning Xia gently hummed her favorite "lemon" in Huasan, and prepared to make a pot of red dates and goji berry porridge to replenish blood in Huasan.

Hua Sanli softly asked Kapaqili if something was wrong, but Kapaqili still didn't want to ask such a thing in front of Ning Xia, and shook her head lightly to indicate that she was fine.

Hua Sanli looked at Kapaqili apologetically, and she felt that it might be because of herself that Kapaqili was so listless.

At this time, get ready for half a month of shops and Ningxia's report on the income from selling items.

After working overtime for a day, I am going to find Gan Yu in Ningxia today and Shen He, who she is in charge of watching.

Xiangling, who received an invitation from Huasan yesterday, and her two best friends, Yun Jin and Xin Yan, who wanted to join in the fun

Finding A Ping needs materials, and I am going to meet Yan Fei in Ningxia.

Begged by Keli to go to Yula in Ningxia again.

Getting ready to officially meet Yelan in Huasan.

Today I am going to find Aren from Ningxia.

On this day, all the girls walked towards Ningxia’s house in unison, and Ningxia, who we didn’t know at all, took a bite of the porridge with red dates and goji berry, and felt that the heat was about the same, so she filled a large pot with three bowls .

Ningxia blew on the hot air on the porridge pamperingly, touched it lightly with her mouth to confirm the temperature was acceptable, and then fed it to Huasanli.

Huasanli did not refuse Ningxia's feeding, but enjoyed Ningxia's consideration for her, with a happy smile on her face.

Capaccili, who was not surprised by this kind of thing, suddenly pouted and wanted Ningxia to feed her.

Ningxia fed Huasanli in one mouthful and Kapaqili in one mouthful, but she didn't eat a few mouthfuls.

"Mr. Ningxia, I want to hear you sing lemon~" Hua Sanli said coquettishly.

Ning Xia didn't refuse either, she sang softly, and Hua Sanli leaned on Ning Xia, recalling the incident of Shen Ying's big scorpion before.

"Mr. Ningxia, I'm not a dream~ I'm really by your side, absolutely, definitely will be by your side~ Even if it's just to leave for a while." Hua Sanli said softly.

"Hmm~" Kapaqili suddenly felt that the atmosphere was very strange. It was obvious that they were only temporarily separated, and it wasn't that they couldn't meet again.

With the help of Kapa Qili, the strange atmosphere was broken, and then Hua Sanli couldn't help but chuckle, feeling that he was too much acting.

"Mr. Ningxia, I'm still hungry~"

"Brother, I'm hungry too~"

Faced with the second daughter's acting like a baby, Ning Xia had no strength to resist at all, so she filled two more bowls for the second daughter and continued to feed them until her stomach was slightly distended.

Aren went to Ningxia's house with a gift for Yanfei, and happened to meet Yula and Keli.

"Sister Aren!" Keli greeted Aren very politely. Aren squatted down and gently rubbed Keli's head. After learning that Yula was also looking for Ningxia, her face became a little strange.

Chapter 223 Souvenirs and special products

Seeing Aren's eyes, Yula raised her head and said, "You actually think that I wanted to come here on your own. I will remember this grudge!"

Hearing Yula's vindictive speech, Anin smiled, and just regarded it as a group of fellow travelers, and Yula probably didn't think much about Brother Ningxia.

As soon as she met Aren, Keli gave up her soft seat, Yula, and ran to play with Aren. Compared with Yula, who is not good at dealing with children, Aren is obviously more liked by Keli.

Yula looked at Aren who was playing with Keli, feeling sour in her heart, obviously Keli took the initiative to hold her hand yesterday, although some of it was due to Ningxia.

Yelan deliberately chose the best fruit as a gift, thinking about how to communicate with Ningxia Huasanli, after all, in Yelan's eyes, Huasanli is the big boss, and the other women are just incidental elite monsters.

"Ye Lan?" Yan Fei, who was going to see Ning Xia with a happy mood, happened to run into Ye Lan who was also going to see Ning Xia.

"Yanfei, hello."

Yelan said hello, and after seeing the fruit in Yan Fei's hand, Yelan's heart tightened, and she asked tentatively, "Are you looking for Ningxia?"

"Yes, yes." Yan Fei, who was guessed by Yelan, said in a panic. After all, he was too close to Ningxia when he was in the rocky abyss. If Yelan misunderstood, no, if Yelan was sure What should she do.

An imperceptible light flashed in Ye Lan's eyes. Although she felt that something was wrong with Yan Fei when she was in the abyss, she never thought that she would bump into Yan Fei.

But he still pretended to be relaxed and said: "Coincidentally, I also want to thank Ningxia for saving his life in the stratum rock abyss, so let's go together."

"Uh, okay, okay." Yan Fei nodded and said, although she was a little puzzled that Yelan was not angry about the milk, but went to see Ningxia specially.

"Senior Sister, how can anyone use Qingxin as a gift..." Shen He looked at Ganyu who was holding dozens of flowers with a pure heart.

"Oh? Then, what should I get?" Gan Yu asked suspiciously, she is not very good at giving gifts.

After thinking about what happened yesterday, Shen He said: "Ningxia is very good at fighting, give him a sword!"

After hearing this, Gan Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then reluctantly smiled and refused. She recognized that Ningxia's current sword was made of the teeth of the Dragon King Ruotuo, and it must have been given to him by Emperor Yan Wang.

The two who were really entangled met Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Feng who was very good at talking. These days, she has been busy with Liyue city defense work. Because she is very good at chatting, she has basically met Liyue's high-level executives and chatted with them. A few words.

I just came back today to see my unfilial apprentice, and I heard that the second daughter went to Ningxia behind her back. The True Monarch Liuyun borrowed the wind and couldn't bear it. He said on the spot that he had nothing to do, and he wanted to go, and he had already thought about the gift , her [Organ Cooking Magic Machine 2.0].

After her painstaking efforts, the current [Organ Cooking Machine 2.0] can not only automatically find ingredients, but also determine whether to cook according to the user's needs.

It is definitely a home travel, killing people... a must-have magic machine for survival in the wild, and it must be very useful for Ningxia, who is very good at cooking.

The two women looked at each other in dismay, and then agreed to give this to Ningxia as a gift. After all, this thing is also good for them. For example, if Ningxia is tied... ahem, it will be good for them when they take it out for a picnic, right?

After getting the approval of the second daughter, Master Liuyun borrowed the wind happily put away [Organ Cooking Magic Machine 2.0], she wanted to give Ningxia a surprise, and she hadn't seen Ningxia for a long time, and she has been busy with other things recently.

"Xiang Ling, can you really take us to see Mr. Ning Xia?" A girl in a costume asked.

"That's right! Brother Ningxia seems to be busy recently. I wanted to ask him if he had any opinions on rock lyrics, but I was a little embarrassed." Xin Yan, who had met Ningxia once, also scratched his head and said.

"Don't worry! Brother Ningxia is very talkative, you should just follow me." Xiangling, who received the invitation from Huasan yesterday, said while patting the hill higher than Hallmaster Hu.

"I really want to learn about the main plot of Liyue when he was in the rock abyss with Mr. Ning Xia, and then write it into a play." The costume girl said expectantly.

"Don't worry, Jin Yun, brother Ningxia is very good at telling stories, and he is very kind." Xiangling proudly introduced her master Ningxia.

"I'm looking forward to it." Yun Jin nodded and said.

And Ningxia, who packed the souvenirs and special products for Dao's wife at home, knew nothing about it. Countless women related to him had already formed a team to look for him one by two.

"Linghua likes poetry and songs, so bring a few books of Liyue's poems and Liyue's chess sets. Xiaogong should be interested in Liyue's various fireworks."

"Hmm... Ying likes to eat sweet things, so let's bring her some Liyue's pastries, and for Miko... bring her some of Liyue's popular novels for reference."

"Xinhai's words..." Ningxia thought of Xinhai who was far away in Haizhi Island and didn't even catch up with the party she left, and chose the book of war that she was very interested in.

Then there is the windmill chrysanthemum brought to Thomas. Because of the storage problem, it is often difficult to send the windmill chrysanthemum to Dao's wife, and no one will bring this kind of unprofitable plant on board. This windmill chrysanthemum was given to him by Keli , and said that if Ningxia wants it, she must go to Monde, and she will take Ningxia to pick it herself.

And a gift for the little witch Waseda who used to oppress her and Anin's sister Ayuki.

Ning Xia, who had prepared gifts from Narugami Taisha's first and second kings, nodded in satisfaction.

Finally, it was a gift from my sister. Ningxia asked Liyue's most famous sculptor to carve her a gorgeous statue of General Thunder and Lightning. I think my sister should be very happy.

Ningxia looked at the very majestic General Lei Dian who was half a meter tall and maintained the movement of drawing his sword, and lamented that if the general and Ying really had half the majesty of the statue, they would not be...

Then carefully put away the statue, and put it in the pile of souvenirs for going back in the flowers.

When he was about to prepare special products, Ning Xia slapped his head, thinking of Lingren, and took out a few bottles of dumpling milk developed by him and Xiangling.

However, there is no ice and fire flavor for Yelan before. After all, that is a bit more lethal, so Ningxia prepared the flavor of Jueyun Pepper Fire Slime and Qingxin Ice Slime for Lingren, and added a thoughtful sentence Absolutely not to drink together, or it will become very strange.

Kapaqili swallowed her saliva and looked at the two mountain-high souvenirs and unfinished specialties. Although she didn't think these were heavy, after maintaining her human form for a long time, she produced these two mountains. Lots of illusions.

Hua Sanli sat by the side and looked at Ning Xia who was busy, with an apology on her face, because Ning Xia had been tossing with her all night, she had some difficulty walking now, so she could only watch Ning Xia busy alone.

As for Capaccili, she'd better watch it honestly.

Seeing the neatly sorted and labeled things, Ning Xia nodded in satisfaction and moved her body casually.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Kapaqili volunteered to open the door.

Those who came were not the girls who had been killed, but Mona whose meal ticket had been exchanged from Xiangling's house to Ningxia's house.

"Mona is here? I just happened to serve you a bowl of porridge." Ning Xia went into the kitchen to wash his hands, and served a bowl of porridge for Mona.

"Thank you, thank you." Mona said in surprise, looking at the souvenirs and special products that were as high as two mountains.

Then she took the porridge that Ningxia handed her and ate it with a happy face. After all, the dishes Xiangling cooked for her a few days ago were somewhat like opening a blind box. It is also the first time to eat slime.

While here in Ningxia, Mona feels that this is heaven, and the things Ningxia makes are not bad, and Mona has become familiar with Ningxia under the persevering urging of the previous half month, although Ningxia has not yet said to go to Mond .

Chapter 224 Huasanli: This girl named Yelan is not bad

Huasanli communicates with Mona gently, and Mona is not only familiar with Ningxia, but also with Huasanli.

Mona looked at Huasanli in surprise and said, "Sister Huasanli, are you going back?"

"Yeah, Dao's wife has some things that I need to go back to deal with, so I can only go back to Dao's wife first, but Mr. Ningxia..." Hua Sanli looked at Ningxia who was still busy.

"Sister Huasanli, don't worry, Ningxia is so powerful, even if you are not around, he will be fine, and I will watch him for you when he goes to Mond." Mona comforted, although Ningxia would occasionally Tongues her harshly, but Ningxia doesn't treat her badly, so Mona is still quite partial to him.

"With Sister Mona around, I can feel relieved." Hua Sanli said with a smile.

"I, I'm not that good~" Mona said shyly.

At this time, someone knocked on the door again. Ning Xia went to knock on the door and saw Ning Guang holding the document.

"Hey~ Isn't this Ningguang? What's your business?" Ning Xia asked perfunctorily, he still had some things in the flowers that he didn't tidy up.

"Mr. Ning Xia, it seems that I came at the wrong time~" Ning Guang looked at Ning Xia's attitude and said.

"No, please come in." Ning Xia invited Ning Guang into the house with a smile.

"Master Ningguang is here too~" Hua Sanli greeted Ningguang gently.

"Hello, Ms. Huasanli, I'm here to show Mr. Ningxia the income of the past half month, and the money that Mr. Ningxia asked me to sell items, but I want to show you the same." Ningguang took out Said a few pages.

Hua Sanli took it and looked at it. Mona on the side looked curiously at the huge amount of wealth on the paper, and was almost overwhelmed. Although she was not poor, the astrology equipment she had to buy every month accounted for the majority, otherwise she would It's not like you have to eat Keqing's soft rice.

Huasanli did some quick calculations, and confirmed that Ningguang hadn't deducted any deductions, and that the income even exceeded Huasanli's expectation. After confirming that there was no problem, Huasanli put it aside and chatted with Ningguang.

This made Mona on the side unable to participate, so she had to drink porridge honestly on the sidelines. As for Kapaqili, she had already consciously picked up the book and looked at it, but the title of the book was a bit strange "Empty X Fate"

The condensed Qiong nose gently sniffed the fragrance, even after she had breakfast, she felt a little bit moved.

At this time, Ning Xia, who had finished her busy work, wiped her sweat with a towel, and was about to sit down and take a rest, and knocked on the door again.

Ning Xia reluctantly went to open the door.

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