"Then why can I use it?" Ning Xia asked.

"Brother, the power in your body shouldn't be elemental power, right? It can be used naturally." Yuanshang explained.

"By the way, big brother, can you let me go next?" Yuanshang asked, licking his face.

"Well... I heard from my sister that you haven't handed in the book you hid, and you haven't confessed the purpose of coming here, right?" Ning Xia said with a calculated smile.

"You don't mean what you say! Didn't you let me go after you agreed that I would send you back?" Yuanshang shouted angrily.

"Recall, I just said that you don't need Jitou Si." Ningxia said slowly, Yuanshang didn't realize what he said just now because he was so frightened.

"This...seems to be oh." Yuanshang thought that Ningxia did not say that he would let him go just now.

"By the way, I have written down the punishments you just had for you. If you don't say anything, why don't you start by washing your hair with chili water? If you do this, you should be more awake."

"I'll sprinkle some salt on you to disinfect after peeling the cramps and sitting on the tiger bench. I'll find someone to beat the last iron maiden for you." Ningxia groped her chin and said, as if she didn't notice that her face was green enough to feed Gan On the Abyss of Rain.

"Brother! Brother! I was joking just now!" Yuan Shang said with a sad face, he was desperate, why is this Ningxia so cruel.

"Don't be such a brother, I admire you for being a tough guy. If you don't mind, I'll arrange for you another set of ten tortures that I invented in Daozu?" Ning Xia asked viciously. .

"I mind! I mind very much!!!" Yuanshang shouted in despair, he is just a delicate and weak abyss apostle, how can he bear this kind of punishment.

Chapter 281 Welcome to Mond, Traveler

Then Xinhai's dragon lizard escorted Yuanshang back. After all, there were still many things that Yuanshang had not explained.

"Then... sister, Xinhai, I'll go back to Mond first." Ning Xia waved goodbye.

"Well, be careful on the road, I'll be here soon." Sharo said, already looking forward to the day of going to Mond.

Xinhai pursed her lips, and while Ningxia wasn't paying attention, she stuck her face to Ningxia.

Then Ningxia was teleported away with a dazed expression, leaving only Xinhai with a snickering smile and Shaluo with flaming eyes.

After confirming that Ningxia had really left, the abyss apostle who had been lurking suddenly appeared to repel the two dragon lizards, and then brought Yuanshang back into the abyss.

Shaluo and Xinhai who haven't reacted can only watch Yuanshang being taken away by the abyss apostle.

After returning to the abyss, Yuanshang was soon relieved of the shackles that restricted his strength, Yuanshang embraced Kong's thigh with snot and tears and shouted: "Your Highness! I knew you would not give up on me! "

"Come on! Come on! Pull Yuanshang away from me!" Kong pushed Yuanshang with a look of disgust and said, his sexual orientation and mate selection criteria are very normal!

Ying of the Seven Heavens God Statue curiously touched the God Statue a few more times. She also wondered how anyone could use the God Statue and anchor to teleport like her.

Ning Xia came to the Seven Heavens God Statue again, Zheng Xing collided with Ying Mei, but when Ning Xia suddenly appeared, Ying Mei was knocked down and sat on the ground.

"You! How did you jump out of the statue of the Seven Heavens!? Are you the God of Wind?"

"Hi, my name is Ning Xia, and I'm a rice wife. An ordinary tourist who comes to Mond is not a wind god." Ning Xia introduced herself speechlessly.

"My name is Ying, and I'm a traveler. Her name is Paimon, and she's my friend." Yingmei said in a cold voice.

"Are you... are you going to Monde?" Ning Xia looked at the two and asked.

"You! How do you know!?" Paimon asked in surprise, how did Ningxia know what she was thinking.

"Because not far from here is Mond City." Ning Xia said speechlessly.

"Um, it seems so." Paimon scratched his head with his small hands and said.

"Then we are on the way. If you want, you can follow me. I have walked this road before." Ning Xia said, ignoring whether Yingmei and Paimeng should follow, and he had to go back to report to Shenzi and the others that they were safe.

Watching Ning Xia jump across the pool, Paimon suggested: "This Ning Xia seems to really know the way, why don't we follow him? Maybe we can hurry up."

Hearing Paimon's proposal, Yingmei hesitated for a moment, and also thought that Ningxia would be faster, and followed Ningxia's example to jump over the pool, and then followed Ningxia's figure who was about to leave.

Seeing Ningxia's ridiculously fast speed, Paimeng couldn't help complaining: "Why is this Ningxia so fast! My legs are numb!"

Yingmei, who was running beside her, couldn't help complaining: "Obviously I'm the only one running!"

"My phantom will get tired too!" Paimon retorted.

Listening to the bickering between the two behind him, Ning Xia really had the urge to complain.

But when he was approaching the Whispering Forest, Ning Xia stopped, and he felt Wendy's breath.

Not far away, Wendy was softly comforting a turquoise dragon. The gentle voice made Ning Xia think that Wendy had been taken away.

Yingmei behind saw Ningxia stop and hurriedly stopped, only Paimeng, who was flying so fast that he couldn't stop, plunged into the space between Wendy and Twarin.

Twarin, who was originally calmed down, suddenly let out an angry roar, and then flapped his wings and fanned the wind and left.

Paimeng, who happened to be in the middle of the two, was blown away, and it was Ningxia who caught her.Wendy and Yingmei, who were affected by the strong wind, could barely control their balance.

Ningxia asked Paimon to grab her hair, and with Wendy and Yingmei in each hand, she opened a barrier to stop the strong wind.

"Twalin..." Wendy whispered with a sad expression, how could she not know about Twalin's grievances, this child has suffered too much.

Ning Xia let go of the second daughter, then pulled Paimon's scarf and said, "Little guy, let go quickly."

"Oh? Is the wind gone?" Paimon straightened the crown with his small hand and said.

"Yeah, so can you come down?" Ning Xia said with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"No, I'm sorry." Paimon scratched his head and floated down from Ning Xia's head.

"Ningxia, you're back?" Wendy breathed a sigh of relief looking at the intact Ningxia. She really couldn't find Ningxia yesterday, so she could only go to appease Tewarin first.

"Wendy, that's it?" Ningxia looked at Tewarin who had gone away and asked.

"These two are..." Wendy glanced at Yingmei and Paimon at the side, and said that we will talk about it later.

"My name is Ying, and I am a traveler going to Mond. This is my good friend Paimeng." Yingmei introduced herself first.

"By the way, why are you able to talk to that giant dragon?" Paimon asked suspiciously.

"Ningxia, shall we go back to Mond first?" Wendy said ignoring Paimon's question.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Paimon stomped angrily.

"Hey~" Wendy showed a standard hey smile.

"Hey, what do you mean!!!" Paimon said speechlessly.

"What do you mean? I'm also looking for an answer." Ning Xia on the side complained.

"Okay, let's go back to Mond first." Wendy said.

"Okay." Ning Xia nodded and said.

Because of Yingmei and Paimeng on the road, Wendy didn't talk too much about yesterday's events with Ningxia. When they came to the Whispering Forest, the sound of hurried footsteps was getting closer.

The nimble figure of the girl jumped up from the tree and landed in front of Ning Xia and the others.

At this time, Amber was very proud of herself. She had practiced this posture for a long time, and it was rare for her to meet a golden retriever she didn't know. Most likely, she was a foreigner.

"Amber?" Ningxia looked at Amber who was in a very middle-two posture and said.

"Ning! Ningxia!?" Amber quickly changed back to a serious look, she didn't want Ningxia to misunderstand her.

"Why did you come here? Where's Ke Lai!?" Ning Xia asked.

"I, I was sent out to clear the Qiuqiu people's camp because of the mission of the Knights. Kelai, she... she left that Senuo in the morning, right! She left you A letter! I'll go back and get it for you!" Amber explained one by one.

"Okay." Ning Xia nodded and said, he was a little surprised that Ke Lai left without saying goodbye.

"I just cleared the camp, let's go back together!" Amber said, looking at Yingmei behind Ningxia.

"Ningxia, who is this?" Amber asked suspiciously.

"My name is Ying, and I'm a traveler going to Mond. This is my good friend Paimon." Yingmei, who was used to it, introduced herself.

"Oh, that's it." Amber glanced at Yingmei and Paimon.

"Welcome to Mond, strange and respectable travelers." Amber said to Yingmei with the etiquette of a West Wind knight.

Chapter 282 Yingmei's First Tool Man Experience

"Uh, hello." The embarrassed Yingmei held back for a while before saying this sentence.

Paimon next to her complained mercilessly: "What a strange greeting!"

"Hey! Do you have any objections to the standard greetings in our West Wind Knights Handbook?" Amber asked with his arms akimbo.

"No! No!" Paimon waved his hands quickly and said, then hid behind Yingmei cowardly.

"Okay, Amber, let's go back to Mond first." Ning Xia smoothed things over.

"Okay." Amber nodded.

Amber, who was more enthusiastic on the road, chatted with Yingmei, and Ning Xia probably understood the reason for Yingmei's trip, in order to find her missing brother.

When Amber heard the reason for Yingmei's trip, he patted the hill higher than Master Hu and said that he would help post missing person notices.

But after Ningxia learned about Yingmei's brother's general appearance, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. Isn't this the reason why he just beat him up last night?

But looking at Yingmei's appearance, it seems that it has nothing to do with Abyss. At least Ningxia asked around a few times, but Yingmei didn't seem to know.

Since Ningxia became a demon god, he can roughly understand people's true psychology from people's expressions. At least Yingmei did not show an understanding of the abyss in Ningxia's few questions, and Paimeng who followed Yingmei , Ningxia understood her at a glance, Hanhan's emergency food, and after seeing that Yingmei and Paimeng were really not a threat, Ningxia was relieved.

However, Ningxia is not going to tell Yingmei about her brother's matter. After all, if a stranger tells Yingmei about this kind of thing, she probably won't believe it.

Soon everyone came outside the city of Mond. Today, Mond is obviously under more martial law than before. The knights at the gate would question the familiar passers-by. He asked some more important questions before he was willing to let Yingmei into Mond.

After entering Mond, Mond, which was originally in the badminton festival, also became a little bleak. Although many vendors are still open, they still can't change the deserted environment.

"Ningxia, I'll report back to the Knights first. By the way, Ying, after I finish my report, I will take you to get acquainted with Mond!" Amber first told Ningxia, and then said to Ying. Naturally, she would not turn a blind eye to a poor girl like Ying.

"Okay, then I'll go back to the hotel first." Ning Xia nodded and said, he didn't return all night, so Shenzi and Vanessa must be very worried.

"Ningxia..." Wendy just wanted to call Ningxia to stop, but still hesitated, after all, Ningxia has been kind to her these days, even a person like her is too embarrassed to bother Ningxia anymore.

"Wendy, if you have anything to do, just tell me later, but I need to go back and report my safety now." Ning Xia said, he also knew Wendy's embarrassment.

"Hmm..." Wendy nodded.

With the departure of Ningxia and Amber, there are only Yingmei and Wendy who are a little at a loss for Mond.

Wendy looked at Yingmei with a smile on her lips. If she really didn't want to bother Ningxia, this foreigner chasing wind might be a good choice.

"Traveler from a foreign land, do you need the best bard in Mond City to show you around?" Wendy asked with a smile.

"Well, we don't have many moras, so we don't need it! Thank you!" Paimon immediately said, as she said, the moras on their bodies were taken from the Qiuqiu camp on the way, and at most it was enough for them to eat. Don, it's not enough to invite a guide, and Paimon herself is the best guide in Tivat. She doesn't want her position to be robbed.

"...I won't accept Mora." Wendy twitched the corners of her mouth and said, in order to fool the younger sister in front of her to help her deal with Twarin, she endured it.

"No charge for Mora! That's good! I'm sorry to trouble you!" Upon hearing that no money will be charged, Paimon immediately changed his appearance and said, take advantage~ Don't take advantage, don't take it.

Yingmei felt a little helpless when she saw Paimeng's willingness to agree so readily, but she still agreed. After all, she really needed to find out the way to Mond and find her brother in Mond.

Ning Xia returned to the hotel soon, and Vanessa was relieved when she saw Ning Xia came back. She waited all night and was about to go out to find Ning Xia directly.

The Son of God leaned over to Ningxia, and smelled a very familiar smell, Jiutiaoshaluo and Xinhai...?

wait! ?Nine Sharo! ?Sea of ​​hearts! ?

Shenzi looked at Ning Xia in disbelief, why Ning Xia went out at night and came back with the smell of Jiutiao Shaluo and Xinhai.

"Ningxia, why do you smell like General Jiutiao and Haiqi Island Maiden?" Shenzi asked suspiciously.

"The thing is like this..." Ning Xia told the second daughter about what happened to her that night.

There was a look on Shenzi's face that you were teasing me. Few people would believe this kind of thing in light novels, but Shenzi still believed in Ningxia. After all, Ningxia never lied to her.

Then Shenzi told Ningxia about Mond last night, and Tewarin, who was suffering, wanted to go to Mond to have a look.

As a result, only a few hundred years have passed, and the Mond people have forgotten it, and many people even looked at it with horror on their faces, which made it sad and angry.

Coupled with the influence of the abyss, the angry Twarin left after Mond blew a few gusts of wind, but was also called the Wind Demon Dragon by the Mond people.

This also caused Mond to be in an atmosphere of panic this morning. If Vanessa hadn't seen that Tewarin didn't mean to hurt Mond, she almost couldn't hold back her shot.

Chapter 283 Mona: Forgive me, Ningxia

"Speaking of which, why don't you ask about that dandelion girl of yours? How many days has it been?" Shenzi asked, and she naturally knew the purpose of Ningxia's trip.

"Recently, Captain Qin is too busy, so I'm too embarrassed to ask her." Ning Xia recalled seeing Qin busy outside the city gate several times, and the corners of his mouth twitched, even more curled than when he was in the Tianshou Pavilion.

"Oh, Ningxia, although we still have more than half a month, but if the matter is not resolved, is it not good? What if people are waiting in a hurry?" Shenzi covered his mouth and smiled lightly.

"...I'll ask later." Ning Xia also felt that Shenzi's words made sense, after all, he had been in Mengde for more than ten days, and it was time to act.

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