He was quite curious about the relationship between the skirmishers and Ying, and when he heard that he had a good relationship with Ying, he wanted to kill him.


The second daughter and the first emergency food looked at Ning Xia strangely, especially Qin. Although her intelligence was not as strong as Kaiya's, she had also heard that Ning Xia had once been a general of Dao's wife. Had a fight.

However, after combining Ningxia's solution to the Twarin matter, she suddenly felt that this matter was quite reasonable. After all, the Seven Kingdoms already knew about the fools' attempt to provoke Dao's wife's internal war.

It's just that the explanation given by the fools is that the rebellious leader of the rice wife and fools did what the fools did. It is definitely not the fool's original intention, and the use of funds earned by the rich for public relations made this incident barely pass.

"If the stragglers make things difficult for you, you can come to me, and I'm better at dealing with fools than you, and I'm also an honorary knight now, so I'm qualified to participate." Ning Xia said.

"Maybe I will trouble you at that time." Qin thanked, she knew that Ning Xia was only helping her under the guise of an honorary knight.

"It's a small matter. It's just that if I'm here, you don't have to work so hard. Take a good rest and leave the rest to me." Ning Xia said indifferently.

"By the way, how about I help you relax?" Ning Xia thought about using the breath of life to mend Qin's dark wound from overwork, so that Qin would recover soon.

"Release? Relax?" Qin asked with a blushing face. From the knowledge she learned from Lisa, relaxation refers to massage, which made Qin feel a little embarrassed.

"Yes, haven't you already tried it?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously.

"Try! Have you tried it?" Qin began to recall whether she had any intimate contact with Ningxia.

"My ability can heal wounds and relax the mind, Captain Qin, haven't you tried it?" Ning Xia explained.

"This, that's it, then, I'm sorry to trouble you." Qin said in a panic, it turned out that she had misunderstood.

The strong breath of life continued to mend Qin's various hidden injuries and exhaustion caused by overwork. Qin felt the warm body, and her eyelids couldn't help closing.

After that, Ningxia and Yingmei didn't disturb Qin's rest. After the two went out, Yingmei was going to rehearse the show with Barbara, and agreed to come to Ningxia's house for dinner in the evening.

Ning Xia walked out of the church slowly, but soon noticed a sneaky man wandering in the church, and the direction was where Barbara and the others were rehearsing.

At this moment, a nun came over and asked, "Excuse me, are you the honorary knight who took down the Wind Demon Dragon?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously, the only nuns he knew were Barbara and Rosalia who didn't look like a nun.

"It's like this, that Albert always sneaks into the church to harass Barbara, so I want you to go over and say something to him, if you, an honorary knight, are here, he should leave. "

Chapter 305 Albert is still rushing, right?

Ning Xia looked at the sneaky Albert and felt that this guy was not safe in the church, so he agreed.

But before he could go, Victoria started shouting, "Rosalia! Why are you smoking in church again!"

"Now is the break time, I can do whatever I want, right? Besides, no one comes here, and my smoking won't affect others." Rosalia said while leaning on the stone pillar of the church.

Ning Xia just looked at Rosalia, and before he could say anything, Rosalia immediately said: "Don't look at me about Albert, I don't work overtime in the morning!"

"No, I just want to say that smoking is bad for your health," Ning Xia explained.

"It's okay, my schedule is not healthy, it's not bad." Rosalia said, put out the cigarette and left.

Ning Xia waved his hand, then walked to Albert and said very seriously: "Hi, please come with me."

"You? What do you want from me?" Albert said in a panic.

"I am an honorary knight of the West Wind Knights. Recently, I received an entrustment and someone has been sneaking around outside the church. I suspect that you are an undercover agent for fools, so please come with me." Ning Xia said serious nonsense, and Show off your knighthood of honor.

"I, I'm not some fool's undercover agent, I, I just want to help Miss Barbara sweep the fallen leaves on the ground!" Albert said quickly with the reason he had thought up.

"Can you sweep the fallen leaves from the front door of the church to the side of the church? Do you really think others are pig-headed three? Do you believe this kind of reason? Return to the Knights, I have the ten tortures of Mond, I see if you can recruit them! Ning Xia grabbed Albert's hand with a serious face, and was about to escort him back to the Knights.

"Wait! Wait! I just want to take a look at Miss Barbara! I'm really not some fool's undercover agent!" Albert said quickly.

"Very good, now you have one more crime of harassment and moron, and you will be punished for several crimes! Just obediently follow me back to the Knights, and the ten tortures of Mond will definitely make you feel extremely happy." Ningxia said wickedly.

"For example, insert a hot iron needle into your finger, and after inserting your finger and toe, hit the wall hard, tsk tsk..." Ning Xia said vividly.

Hearing that Albert's fingers and toes ached, Ning Xia continued, "This one is more gentle. Next, I'll cut you a few hundred knives and spread honey on you so that the ants can crawl on you~ Ah~"

"Wow!!! Victoria, help me!!! I don't dare anymore!!!" Albert heard his scalp numb and his legs went limp. He had been in Mond for so long, and it was the first time he had seen such a Ruthless knight.

Seeing Albert crying for his father and mother, Victoria sighed helplessly and said, "If you promise not to follow Barbara all the time in the future, I will intercede for you."

"I promise! I promise!!!" Albert, who was about to be dragged away by Ningxia, shouted.

"Mr. Ning Xia, that's enough, let him go." Victoria said.

After being confirmed by Victoria, Ning Xia let go of her hand, and Albert, who had regained his freedom, scrambled and left the church. In his eyes, the gentle and handsome Ning Xia was even more terrifying than the magic dragon in the story.

"Mr. Ning Xia, thank you for your help. It seems that Albert will not come to harass Barbara for a while." Victoria thanked.

"Barbara is often harassed?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, although Barbara is very popular with everyone in Mondry, there are always people like Albert who always harass her ordinary life, even the church is not clean." Victoria said helplessly.

Ning Xia was a little speechless. She didn't expect to see fanatical fans even when she came to another world. This is somewhat outrageous.

"Victoria, what happened outside?" Barbara, who was wearing idol costumes, came out and asked, followed by Noelle and Yingmei who also changed into idol costumes. Barbara even cared for Paimon. I changed into a set.

"Oh? Ningxia, haven't you left yet?" Paimon asked suspiciously. The shy Yingmei hid behind Noelle after seeing Ningxia. She always felt that this outfit was a little shameful.

As soon as Noelle saw Ning Xia, her eyes twinkled with little stars, she immediately ran to hold Ning Xia's hand and said, "Senior Ning Xia! We meet again!"

"You, hello, Noelle." Ning Xia responded, this little girl was still as enthusiastic as ever.

"Barbara, Mr. Ning Xia drove Albert away for you just now, so you can rehearse with peace of mind," Victoria said.

"Is this so? Will Mr. Albert be sad?" Barbara said worriedly. She also knew that Albert's behavior was a bit too much, but she was an idol to make everyone happy.

"It's okay, even if you are an idol, you have to pay attention to your privacy. People like Albert, it's best to drive away, otherwise it will only cause trouble for you and the people around you." Ning Xia comforted.

"That's it..." Barbara nodded half-understanding.

"Ningxia! You can look forward to our performance! Everyone in the Knights will also perform on stage!" Paimon said excitedly, and then realized that he had slipped up again, so he quickly covered his mouth.

"Paimon..." Yingmei covered her face, she was no longer surprised by Paimon's big mouth behavior.

Chapter 306 The Heart of God

"I'm looking forward to it." Ning Xia nodded and said goodbye to the girls.

Although it has experienced the attack of Twarin, the main damage is the city wall, and the interior of the city has not suffered much damage.

The Monds still work as they did before Tewarin's attack, drinking and drinking, and the soft breeze blowing by, making people very comfortable.

After returning home slowly, Vanessa told Ningxia about Wendy's going to Fengqidi, and asked Ningxia to go there when she came back.

Although Ning Xia was a little surprised why Wendy was going there suddenly, she still agreed, and the embarrassed Mona had already adapted to the change of status.

After Ningxia said hello to the second daughter, she went to Fengqidi. Wendy sat under the big tree, holding a shining chess piece in her hand. Seeing Ningxia's arrival, she waved her hand happily .

"Ningxia! You're here!" Wendy greeted, stood up staggeringly, almost fell down.

"Wendy, why are you here?" Ning Xia looked worried at the weak Wendy.

"It's okay, I just took out some unnecessary things, and it will be fine in two days." Wendy said indifferently.

"Things you don't need?" Ning Xia looked at the chess pieces in Wendy's hands, and he always felt that there seemed to be something attracting him.

"This is the heart of God. I would like to ask you to give it to the lady." Wendy said and handed the heart of God to Ningxia.

"To the lady? Why?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously. After all, the lady is considered a Mond war criminal. What's the benefit of giving her this seemingly precious thing?

"This... Just treat it as an agreement between me and the Ice God, and give it to the lady... In short, it's right to leave it to her." Wendy said vaguely.

Ningxia had seen Morax's ambiguous attitude on these matters, so he didn't go into it too deeply. Anyway, Wendy would not harm him.

"Then you take this chess piece and give it to the lady. Vanessa and I have something to go to Liyue for a few days, and I will ask you and Mona at home." Wendy said solemnly, she was going to Liyue Yue explored the old woman's words, followed by drinking Liyue's good wine. Although Vanessa couldn't beat Morax, at least she could say a few words for her and save a few beatings.


"Well... I have something to discuss with Morax, you don't have to worry, it's a good thing." Wendy said awkwardly, she couldn't say that she promised to pick you up for Rock God, but I stabbed her in the back up.

"A good thing?" Ning Xia looked at Wendy suspiciously. What good things could happen if she got involved with Morax, was she almost killed, or was tricked into working for her.

"Hehehe, you don't need to ask for details." Wendy said hesitantly.

"Ouch!" Wendy covered her head, not understanding why Ning Xia hit her again.

"I'm sorry, seeing you like this, I can't help myself. I want to come. If I don't call, I always feel sorry for myself." Ning Xia explained.

Wendy, who knew she was wrong, didn't dare to say anything. It was better to be beaten than to be known about selling her husband, and it was just selling a few bottles of wine.

Afterwards, Ningxia was urged by Wendy to hurry up and give the lady the heart of God, and she wanted to stay in Fengqidi for a while.

Wendy breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Ning Xia leave, and sat back under the big tree again. The Heart of God was sent away, and she had nothing to worry about.

It's just whether the Ice God is successful or not... Forget it, this kind of thing has nothing to do with her now. Although the original script has deviated because of Ningxia, the matter is over anyway, and even if the law of heaven asks for guilt in the future, she will not come to her .

It's just that since she confirmed that Tianli was already extremely weak after the war in the abyss, she closed the connection with the heart of God, and if Ningxia held it, at most it would only absorb weak power, which was better than nothing for him. Presumably Tianli wouldn't care about this aura.

Ningxia, who left Fengqidi, played with the heart of God while returning to Mond City. Before, whether it was Morax or Wendy, every time he was transformed, he would hold his chest. It must be because of this thing.

The Heart of God was draped in Ningxia's hands, as if he was very satisfied with the majestic and powerful breath of life on Ningxia's body, and even began to absorb the traces of breath of life overflowing from Ningxia's body.

At this time, Tianli, who was lying flat on Sky Island, felt that the breath of life had been moved again, and he had already started to think in his heart whether it was Morax, Barbatos, or the most rebellious ice god this time?

Anyway, she was already ready to die, and her group of monsters and rebels had sucked her few breaths of life several times, and she couldn't think of anything good that this group of good men could do.

It's just that a trace of surprise appeared on her face soon, there was a god who was willing to offer her strength, and it was the breath of life.

"Barbatos? That dead alcoholic has found his conscience? No, she doesn't have such a pure breath of life, not even a good woman with big breasts. Who is this person!?"

Tianli, who originally wanted to wait to die, stood up abruptly, and she even felt a trace of power far beyond the scope of this world in the breath of life, which made the originally collapsed Sky Island begin to stabilize.

At this moment, a gleam of hope appeared on Tianli's face. Although he didn't know what was going on, if he let this person with the heart of God continue, it would not take long for him to gather the strength to go on.

At that time, whether it was the rebellious boy or the fish monster, they had to kneel down and sing conquest. As for the person who enshrined power, Tianli could reluctantly satisfy him with one condition.

"It's just... what happened to Baimeng? Why didn't you contact me? The time has come, and... time seems to be manipulated? No! Time Demon God will not die unless..." Tian Li's face There was a look of astonishment on her face, although she had guessed whether there was an accident in Baimeng a few days ago.

But if Baimeng had really lost his divine power, then the current Baimeng might not be the Time Demon God she knew, but a brand new Demon God hatchling.

This also means that the person following one of the twin stars is no longer her friend, and they don't even know her at all.

There was a sad look on Tianli's face. If so, it meant that no one in Tivat was her friend anymore, and she was alone again.

Thinking of this, Tianli sighed. In the empty sky island, only Tianli was sitting alone. When Vanessa was around, he could still chat with her.

However, Tianli did not doubt that Vanessa would play her. After all, based on Tianli's understanding of Vanessa, it would not be surprising if Vanessa went to Sumeru, but it would be a miracle to go to Liyue.

And at that time, she was about to die, and there was no need for others to accompany her to wait for her death. It didn't matter whether she went back to Mond or whatever, as long as she didn't have anything to do with the abyss.

"Paimon? What's the matter?" Yingmei looked at the dazed Paimon and asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that I feel a little sad for no reason." Paimon said suspiciously, she didn't know what was going on.

"Okay, I know you're hungry, we'll have dinner with Barbara later." Yingmei nodded Paimon's head and said.

"Okay! I knew my mother was the best for me!" Paimon said happily, not caring about why he was inexplicably sad.

"You, you are the god of hunger!" Yingmei teased.

"Hey! I'm your patron saint, show me some respect! Also! I want to eat fried pork with carrots in honey sauce!" Pymon said with his arms akimbo.

"Alright, alright, patron saint~" Yingmei said after changing back her clothes.

Chapter 307 Fools with Collapsed Faith

The lady is very sad, not because of Mond's so-called guards, or because there are two more female knights watching her, and there are already reports that skirmishers will come to rescue her.

Although she was a little surprised why the stragglers who went to Dao's wife ran back to Liyue for no reason, and even offered to come over to rescue her.

What she was really worried about was who the brave man she saw in the Twarin storm was in a trance. Obviously, the brave man at that time was so gentle and so dazzling that even just smelling his breath could make her fall asleep with peace of mind .

Now she only feels that her heart has been brightened, she no longer likes to speak barbedly, and her temper has improved a lot.

But when he thought about Ning Xia's bad attitude towards her after he woke up, he seemed to not care about her life at all, he left her at will, and then left by himself.

The lady sighed, thinking in her heart that she really shouldn't go back to Mond, this place will only add to her troubles.

After the subsequent handover is over, go to Benlang to collect it and then leave. Anyway, you can't get the heart of God if you stay here.

At this time, Warlock Lei Ying tremblingly brought a sumptuous lunch to the lady's table with a shocked face, and then respectfully bid farewell to the lady.

Although I don't know why the lady's temper has changed since the Twalin incident, the Fools are more afraid of the tempered lady than the bad-tempered lady.

Today's ladies actually care about what they eat and how they wear, and they start to have a smile on their faces.

This frightened several Warlock Lei Ying who thought they knew the lady very well. The lady smiled softly. They have been with the lady for several years, and they have never seen a lady smile gently, and it is a smile from the heart. , not a sneer or a mocking laugh.

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