After returning home, she happened to catch Wendy who was secretly drinking. As soon as she saw Ning Xia coming back, Wendy put the wine behind her back guiltyly, for fear that Ning Xia would notice.

"Wendy..." Ningxia said while putting the dishes in the kitchen.

"Yes!" Wendy replied with a guilty conscience.

"Hand over the wine." Ning Xia said flatly.

"Oh..." Wendy handed the wine to Ningxia in a grievance. In just a few days, Ningxia has already controlled her to death. She can already imagine the scene of raising a child by herself in the future.

"Ningxia, let me help!" Vanessa on the side took the initiative to chop vegetables.

"Me, I'll help too!" Mona, who was originally reading, followed her to the kitchen to wash the vegetables.

Seeing the second daughter go to help Ningxia, Wendy was too embarrassed to watch, and walked over to get seasoning for Ningxia.

Ning Xia casually cooked three sweet flower-stuffed chickens, each with a plate of fried pork with honey sauce and carrots, and other Mond dishes, which almost filled the table.

"Ying! Hurry up! Maybe Ningxia has cooked us a lot of delicious food!" Paimeng said excitedly.

"Pimeng, don't rush so fast, I'm tired after a day of training." Yingmei said helplessly, she didn't expect the idol's dance to be so difficult, and it was harder than cleaning up a Qiuqiu camp.

"I also trained with you for a day? Why am I not as tired as you?" Paimon complained.

"Baimon?" Qiyana, who was playing in the square with Keli, turned her head to look at Yingmei who had gone away, as if she had noticed something.

At this time, Qiyana didn't care about her identity being exposed, and ran towards Yingmei's direction with her short legs, still calling Baimeng.

It's just that because Paimeng was too impatient, he forced Yingmei to leave quickly.

Kiyana, who couldn't run fast because of her weakness, could only watch her friend leave.

"You, what's the matter with you?" Little Keli who followed her asked worriedly.

"No, it's nothing, I thought I met an acquaintance just now, but I was wrong." Qiyana said disappointedly.

"Don't be sad! Keli knows a very interesting thing, Keli will take you to play!" As she spoke, Keli took Qiyana and sneaked out of Mond City.

"Oh? What are you taking me for?" Kiyana asked.

"Ke Li will take you to fry fish~ The fried fish is delicious, you will know when you go." Ke Li said mysteriously, thinking that the head of Qin is not here recently, so she has to fry it to enjoy herself.

Excited Paimeng smelled a fragrance not far from Ningxia's house, and ran to Ningxia's door to knock on the door regardless of the younger sister behind.

Ning Xia, who was ready for dinner, opened the door, and saw the drooling Paimon greeting him.

"Ningxia! Here we come!" Paimon greeted.

"Welcome, but where's Ying?" Ning Xia asked.

"She was too slow, so I came first." Paimon explained.

"Okay, please come in." Ningxia said and let Paimeng enter the room. The table was already full of sumptuous meals, and Paimon's tone was straight when he saw it.

And Yingmei, who was left behind, finally limped to Ningxia's home.

Chapter 313

After the lord arrived, the dinner could start. Paimon's sweeping aura on the table successfully calmed down everyone present, making Yingmei, who wanted to have a good meal, so embarrassed that she died of embarrassment.

As Ningxia expected, Paimeng finished most of the food by himself, and then he clutched his stomach in satisfaction and said he was [-]% full.

Ningxia brought Yingmei and Wendy to the study.

"Let me re-introduce myself first, my name is Wendy, I am a bard, and also the wind god of Mond, Barbatos." Wendy said.

"Hello." Yingmei wasn't too surprised. When purifying Twarin, she vaguely guessed something, but she saw that Wendy seemed unwilling to admit it, and she didn't rush to find Wendy to confirm.

"I heard from Ningxia that you have been looking for me. In return for helping us purify Twarin, feel free to ask any questions you have." Wendy said with her arms akimbo.

"I think..." Yingmei asked some questions that she was very confused about, most of which were answered one by one by Ningxia and Wendy.

In the end, Yingmei asked about the god and the abyss that let her brother be taken away, but Ningxia and Wendy were a little vague.

Wendy couldn't tell the truth for some reason, while Ningxia thought that she couldn't tell the story about beating your brother.

Seeing the attitudes of the two, Yingmei didn't ask any questions.

Wendy suggested that Yingmei should go to Liyue in the next country, because there is still about a month to invite Xiandianyi, and that is the only time in a year when Morax will appear in front of mortals.

And she will also go to Liyue, so she can take Yingmei to Liyue to have fun.

Yingmei also readily agreed, saying that she would go after staying in Mond for a while, and then said that she was leaving.

After Yingmei and Paimeng left, Ningxia quickly cleaned up all the mess on the dining table, and then... Hehehe, it's been a bit too much recently, so I won't describe it too much.

Back at the hotel, Yingmei took off her long boots, revealing her white and delicate jade feet, her five green toes were naughty, and the insteps were as smooth and flawless as warm jade under the light, which was nostalgic and unforgettable. Seeing her flawless jade feet, Yingmei showed an uncomfortable expression on her little face.

Because of the enveloping properties of the lacquered boots, the jade feet were covered with a layer of rain-like crystals, and the smell did not become unpleasant due to the long-term airtightness. On the contrary, it exuded a faint and elegant fragrance.

Yingmei gently rubbed her jade feet with her hands, she was exhausted from all kinds of dancing today, it was even harder than going out to hunt and hunt Qiuqiu people.

Paimeng on the side covered his nose in distaste, apparently wondering if Yingmei's feet smelled.

"Pimeng~" Yingmei said faintly, this Paimeng is really getting more and more disobedient, let's forget it, but he started to dislike him, can this Yingmei bear it?

"I have absolutely no doubts that your feet smell!!!" As soon as Yingmei called him, Paimon immediately revealed himself without pretending.

"Whether I smell or not, you will know if you come here and smell it yourself." Yingmei said angrily and clamped Paimon between her round and plump thighs, not caring if others saw her If so, how many men will be seduced out of their wits.

"Help! Help!" Paimon's face was caught between his thighs. Every time Paimon took a breath, he could smell Yingmei's unique fragrance. The elegant fragrance rushed to her nose without a trace of stink.

"Is there any smell on me~" Yingmei asked viciously, she just smelled it, and her feet don't have any peculiar smell, they are obviously fragrant.

"No! No! It's delicious!" Paimon said honestly, the thigh meat just blocked her nose, so she could only breathe deeply.

"It's more or less the same." Yingmei loosened the two slender jade feet that clamped Paimon, and stretched them casually, her green toes bent, making a crisp sound.

Paimon wiped the sweat off his face. Although Yingmei didn't smell bad, she still felt disgusted.

After doing some casual activities, Yingmei went into the bathroom to take a bath with a bitter face. After all, she had to continue rehearsing with Barbara tomorrow.

So she had to rest early, but she was looking forward to Ning Xia's performance, after all, Ning Xia's voice could easily make people intoxicated, and she didn't know how many girls he had cheated with this trick.

Anyway, she will never be tricked, absolutely not, thinking to herself, Yingmei hummed the melody of the song Ningxia sang before and got up in the bath.

Chapter 314

The young master accompanied Zhongli to eat and drink again and then returned to Zhidong Bank, perhaps because he was used to spending money, the bills that made him dumbfounded before had become a daily routine before he knew it.


"Young Master!!!" At this time, a man kicked the Young Master who had just returned to Zhidong Bank away with a flying kick, drawing a perfect arc in the sky.

The young master hurriedly adjusted his figure and landed in a perfect posture. The passers-by who watched the excitement applauded and praised the young master's good skills.

The young master also saluted the passers-by in a very gentlemanly manner, and then returned to Zhidong Bank with an embarrassed but polite smile. He already knew who kicked him.

"Hey! Rich man, why are you so bored after not seeing you for a few days? Would you like me to take you to drink some herbal tea to calm down the fire? I know a family recently..." The young master just wanted to change the subject.

The casserole-sized fist had already hit his forehead, and the young master was so frightened that he immediately avoided this sneak attack with his evil eyes.

"Wow! You want my life!" The young master said with lingering fear, the rich man definitely wanted to kill him just now.

The man who was called a rich man by the son took out several high bills, and said with an angry look on his face: "I made money to carry out the great struggle of Her Majesty the Empress for you!"

"I'm still wondering why you spent so much money in Liyue! If the lady hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known, but you actually used my hard-earned money to support a man!?"

"That, that..." The young master showed embarrassment and took out the information he got from Zhongli and handed it to the rich man.

When the rich man received the information, he was stunned for a moment, then became very strange, and finally showed an indescribable expression.

Finally, the rich man patted the young man on the shoulder and said, "I won't care about you when you spend money in the future. Although I don't discriminate against your sexual orientation, but pay attention in the future, other executives are a little dissatisfied with your sexual orientation." .”

"I..." The young master was about to refute, but the rich man asked his subordinates to hold the materials, wiped the hand that was patting the young master just now, and left.

At this time, Zhongli, who was drinking three bowls of tea in Hong Kong, asked his attendant to send the bill to Zhidong Bank, and then slowly returned to Xiangshengtang.

I happened to see the rich man leaving from Zhidong Bank, and didn't care why he came back, and walked slowly towards Shengtang.

Hu Tao lazily lay in front of the gate of the Xiangsheng Hall and scratched her own steel plate. Recently, Zhongli hadn't sent the bill to the Xiangsheng Hall, so she couldn't find a reason for cursing.

At this time, a woman in a white robe walked up to Hu Tao and asked, "Excuse me, are you the hall master of the Past Life Hall?"

"Ouch? What's the use of finding this hall master?" Hu Tao looked at Qing Yunding, a woman covered by a robe, and asked, complaining about the useless fat in her heart.

"My name is Zhong Gui, and I'm the cousin of Zhongli, the guest of your past life. I just came here from outside Liyue Harbor to live here. My cousin recommended me to work here." Well written testimonials.

"Zhongli? Cousin?" Hu Tao took the recommendation letter, looked at Morax who was somewhat similar to Zhongli, and waved his hand to reject Morax's job application without even reading the recommendation letter in his hand.

"I'm sorry, Xiangshengtang is no longer recruiting people. If you raise Zhongli, the hall master's food will be reduced. I can't afford it, I can't afford it." Hu Tao said lazily.

"This, that's it." Morax said with a corner of his mouth twitching. Every time he communicated with Zhongli, he always cried poorly, either sending the bill to Zhidong Bank or Zhidong Bank.

She wondered why the doppelgänger, who was obviously similar in intelligence and personality, always had no money?

"If you want to apply for a job, you can go to Yuehai Pavilion. It happens that there is a shortage of people there. My hall master has cooperated with them before, so I can contact you for you." Hu Tao stretched her waist and said. I am ready to arrange funeral affairs for civil servants and myself.

"Let me refuse!" Morax said immediately, jokingly, he was preparing to fake his death just to get out of the bitter sea of ​​work. Isn't going to Yuehai Pavilion for an interview a self-inflicted trap?

"That's it..." Hu Tao rubbed his chin and thought about what job he could recommend so that he could fool Morax, who was suspected to be No. [-] Zhongli, in front of him.

"Do you understand medicine? I still have some friendship with Bubulu's Baishu... Forget it, I'm not familiar with him." Hu Tao said, remembering the last time Baishu chased her for several streets with a knife , it is better to decide not to look for Baizhu for the time being.

The main reason is that she almost sent Qi Qi away last time, so that a smiling tiger like Bai Shu couldn't help but want to chop her up.

"Master Hu, I know a thing or two about books, please tell me directly." Morax said, she was ready to go back and find a way to find a new job for herself, and she could leave after a few perfunctory words. up.

"Is that so..." Hu Tao thought for a while, just in time to see Chongyun and Xingqiu passing by with a popsicle, and then look at the bookish Morax, and suddenly slapped his thigh and stood up.

"I have a friend who is the author of Yaedo, and they just want to open a branch in Liyue. Are you interested in trying it?" Hu Tao asked.

"Oh? How's work?"

"I heard from Xingqiu that it's quite easy, just to give comments to the authors, find inspiration and so on." Hu Tao thought for a while and said.

"Oh? Interesting." Morax became interested.

Hu Tao hurriedly stopped Xing Qiu Chongyun who was about to leave, and then asked Xing Qiu to bring Morax to the branch hall of Yae Hall.

Because Yukiaki's novels are very popular in Inazuma, Araya, the editor-in-chief of the Yaedo branch, warmly entertained everyone.

Knowing that Morax wanted an interview, Araya readily agreed and interviewed Morax himself.

After a period of inquiry about Morax's knowledge, Araya, who was somewhat skeptical about life, took out a talisman, which was given to her by the Son of God to communicate.

"Oh, what's wrong with Xiaoariya?" Miko, who was fishing at Narujin Taisha Shrine, asked.

"Master Miko, I don't think I'm suitable to be the editor-in-chief of the branch." Araya said with his head down.

"What's wrong? Is there something that can't be solved in Liyue? Do you want me to come to Liyue?" Shenzi said cheerfully, so that she would have a reason to go out. As for whether to stay in Liyue or Mond , then I don't know~

"No, no, Lord God, what I want to say is that I have found someone who is more suitable to be the editor-in-chief." Araya said seriously, just now she successfully experienced what it means to be beaten in all aspects in her best field What an experience.

Chapter 315 The Skin of the Son of God, the Love of Sara

Sara stood outside the door and took a deep breath, then went straight into the general's room, tightly holding the leave note that he had written long ago.

"Master General." Sara said respectfully.

"Sara is back? I read your report, and you did a good job." The general said with his head down. Fortunately, there is less and less work now. As long as you finish it at noon, you will have time to fish in the evening .

"Thank you, General, for your compliment. This subordinate came here today for something that needs to be confirmed by the General." Sara said, and respectfully placed the leave note on the general's desk.

"Vacation?" The general looked at Saura, who was fidgeting. It is quite rare for Saura to take a vacation. Basically, he only takes a day or two to spend holidays with his family. However, the general likes himself as a reliable subordinate. Naturally, he would not refuse, and when he was about to sign the autograph, he saw the vacation time: three months.

"Gudong..." The general suddenly had some bad premonitions, it was the first time that Shaluo took such a long vacation, and thinking about Ningxia was also traveling abroad, this made her wonder if Sharo wanted to run away I went to Ningxia.

"Sara?" said the general.

"Subordinates are here."

"Do you want to travel abroad recently?" the general asked.

"Yes, Lord General." Sara said in surprise, as expected of Lord General, she could easily see what she was thinking.

"Then... let's go." The general said sourly, she also wanted to go out to play, instead of going to jail here every day.

Shaluo took the approved leave slip, with a look of anticipation on her face. She calculated that the fastest boat to Liyue is about 4 days, and the price is just a bit expensive, but she is also a little rich woman, not bad. Some money.

Suppressing her excitement and walking out of the castle tower, Sara finally couldn't bear the anticipation in her heart and ran back home. As long as she packs some more clothes, she can leave by boat today.

The general stood on the castle tower with jealousy on his face. She really wanted to travel, especially with Ningxia.

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