"By the way, don't you have to work?" Ning Xia asked Rosalia who looked like a nun except for her clothes.

"The wind god Basbato will understand that I gave up my job as a nun in order to help foreign tourists." Rosalia said lightly, and drank the red wine in one breath, as if... she didn't take the job of a nun seriously at all. thing.

"Uh...hehehe~" Ning Xia laughed awkwardly, as expected of a nun who fits Wendy's style very well, even her attitude towards work is so similar.

"Plop!" Rosalia, who had no doubts about what Ningxia would do to her, took a sip of Sanguotou, and then fell asleep on the sofa.

After Kapaqili threw her in the guest room, Ningxia was going to buy some clothes for going to the snow-capped mountains. Maybe he didn't need much, but Sara and Kiyana might be cold.

And in order to greet Yingmei who is coming tonight, Ningxia is also planning to buy more ingredients, after all, there are a little bit that Paimeng can eat.

"Mr. Ningxia!" At this time, Barbara, who was walking in small steps, came over and greeted Ningxia enthusiastically. She seemed to be afraid of being discovered by others, and carefully hid beside Ningxia, and she was relieved after confirming that no one recognized her. down.

"Barbara, what's the matter?" Ning Xia greeted.

"That, that, Mr. Ningxia's spicy duck neck, can you teach me how to make it? You gave me... I, I almost finished eating." Barbara said shyly, her toes rubbed against each other anxiously, I wonder if I will be disgusted by Ningxia if I can eat so much.

"That's easy to say. I happened to be shopping for vegetables. If you don't mind, you can come back with me, and I can teach you by the way." Ning Xia said bluntly. Cute, how could he refuse.

"No! Thank you very much!" Barbara was about to bow to express her gratitude, but was stopped by Ningxia. Barbara was good at everything, just like Qin, she was too polite.

"By the way, let me get some for you! It looks like a lot." Barbara looked at the large and small bags of ingredients in Ningxia's hands, as well as the thick clothes and equipment needed to go to the snow mountain.

"You don't need this one, you have to look after it." Ning Xia shook the big and small bags on his body, and then threw them all into the jade pendant.

"Huh? Missing? Is this magic?" Barbara said in surprise.

"Hey, guess~" Ning Xia said cheerfully.

"Mr. Ningxia ~ just tell me." Barbara asked curiously, but soon realized that she was being rude,

"Sorry, I was rude." Barbara quickly apologized, how could she talk to Ning Xia so frivolously?

"It's okay, it's okay, actually..." Ningxia told Barbara about Yupei's abilities very straightforwardly, which made her envious for a while. After all, with such a convenient ability, it will be very convenient for her to use it to hide snacks in the future.

The two just chatted while buying ingredients, and it wasn't that no one wanted to get close to Barbara during the period.

Ningxia has nothing to say about this kind of people, just stepped on a stone slab in public, and then looked at them provocatively, if they don't mind having some physical communication with him.

Ningxia also doesn't mind letting them go to church to lie down for a few days, so as to learn more about Barbatos' beliefs.

After chasing away those fanatical fans, Ningxia led Barbara home, not only to teach her how to cook, but also to greet Yingmei herself, so she must prepare in advance.

It's just that after returning home, I saw a pair of trembling ears dangling uneasily, and a figure walking around the house.

"Sugar? Noelle?" Ning Xia asked with some doubts.

"Ning! Ning! Ning! Ningxia!" The originally socially feared Granu finally collected the information on Benlangling, and she just wanted to seek some advice from Ningxia.

As a result, when he came to Ningxia's house, he just learned that Ningxia was not there. Sara enthusiastically asked her to stay at home and asked some strange questions.

Sasuke, who was originally not good at chatting, sent Kaiya into a rage. After stammering and answering a few questions, she already wanted to run away.

In the whole of Mondry, apart from Abedo and Timaus, the only ones she can chat with are Ningxia. This time chatting with Sara has already challenged her limits.

As for Noelle, she came here to clean up. In her words, this is also a part of spiritual practice. In this regard, Sara can't hold back her, so she can only let her play freely.

"Ningxia, you! You! Hello! Me! I have some academic research that I would like you to confirm for me." Sato said, and frantically took out the notes that he had organized for several days.

This can be regarded as all the integration of Mond's wolf-running collar, and it was written by Sa Tang in the library for a long time without sleep these days.

"Uh... I'm very sorry, I may have to wait a while to watch it, because I have to greet my friends today, so..." Ning Xia said a little embarrassed.

"No! It's okay! I can wait!" Sasuke said seriously, in order to build a good relationship with Boreas, in her opinion, all this is worth it.

"Then you should sit here for a while, by the way! Why don't you have a light meal with me tonight?" Ning Xia nodded and said.

"Eat! Do you want to eat? I, I don't mind, I'm a person..." Sasuke scratched her face and said, since she learned alchemy, it was the first time someone invited her to dinner.

"Huh? Miss Barbara, why are you here too!?" Granose found that Barbara was standing behind Ningxia, and asked a little excitedly.

"Miss Sugar, hello." Barbara was not angry, and greeted Granger calmly.

"I, I'm your fan. Sometimes I'll listen to your music when I'm not inspired..." Seeing Barbara, even Granose could hardly speak more fluently.

Only Shaluo was wondering why more and more people came to the house today.

Chapter 375 The Sinful Man

In Lisa's workshop.

"Lisa, is my outfit really okay?" Qin asked a little uneasy looking at the completely changed outfit.

"Don't worry~ don't worry~ Mond will be in a mess when you go out in this outfit." Lisa said with satisfaction, her best friend is so beautiful, but she seldom dresses up because of work, she herself feels it's a pity.

Qin scratched her face in embarrassment. The golden hair that had been tied up by her all the year round was now hanging casually on Xiang's shoulders.

Lisa forcibly changed the costumes of the Knights into white short sleeves and a blue jacket, which made Qin, who was slightly serious and mature, a little more girlish.

The white leather trousers that originally showed her figure were also replaced with a knee-length skirt that was more youthful. Originally, Lisa wanted to elevate her figure a bit higher and show off her plump and round thighs.

But Qin, who was so ashamed of changing clothes that she was about to go down, was unwilling to wear them anyway, so she had to change into a relatively conservative knee-length skirt.

However, this does not mean that the overall harmony is destroyed. On the contrary, the skirt is just right between the knees, forming an absolute field that is difficult to ignore.

The slender white and tender legs were wrapped in white stockings, and the shiny leather shoes were the final embellishment. The whole thing completely lost the seriousness that should be possessed by the leader of the piano.

It has reshaped the most appropriate place for Qin between the innocence and vitality of a girl. With a glance and a smile, she not only has the approachability of the little girl next door, but also has the unique sweet youthful atmosphere of a girl.

"Hehehe~ It's really good, I've wanted to do this for a long time." Lisa touched her chin in satisfaction and said, she bought so many clothes for Qin, and Qin usually has too much work to wear for her.

Just taking advantage of this opportunity, she was finally able to take action on Qin, whom she had coveted for a long time. From this point of view, although she had a little bit of trouble in makeup, at least she was not bad at all in terms of clothing!

"Lisa? What did you just say?" Qin looked at her brand new self in the mirror, still a little at a loss. Will this outfit really make Ningxia's eyes shine?

"It's nothing, it's nothing, your honorary knight will definitely be fascinated by you." Lisa said with a smile.

"Really? I still feel that I'm a little... not good enough..." Qin said shyly, and finally made up her mind to confess, but when it came to clothes, she flinched again.

"Sister Lisa, Keli's Bounce...Wow! Who is this beautiful sister?" Keli, who just wanted to come to Lisa to ask about improving the Bounce Bomb, asked with a look of surprise.

"Ke Li? Aren't you supposed to be in the confinement room?" After paying attention to Ke Li, Qin immediately restored her original seriousness, and looked at Ke Li with scrutiny.

"Qin? Captain Qin!?" Keli looked at Qin who was completely different from usual with a dazed expression, isn't that right?Captain Qin doesn't usually act like this, does he?

"Look, little Keli didn't even recognize you, look at you don't usually dress up much, such a cute girl can't just be overwhelmed by work." Lisa said from the side, and turned to Keli winked.

"That's right! Today's leader Qin is so beautiful, Ke Li almost couldn't recognize her." Ke Liyi said quickly, it was related to whether she could go out to play.

"Ke Li, you, you can't lie!" Qin said shyly, but Ke Li's words also gave her a little confidence, at least now she has the courage to walk.

"Really! The current head of Qin is super beautiful! Keli really didn't lie!" Seeing Qin's current appearance, Keli knew that there was going to be a show today, and she hadn't gone to Ningxia to play with Qiyana for a long time up.

Originally, I wanted to ask Lisa if there was any new way to improve the bouncing bomb, but I happened to bump into Qin.

In order to walk out of the knight order intact, and today's Qin is really beautiful, so Keli didn't feel that she was lying.

"Ke Li...be careful when you go out to play. By the way, you can't fry fish anymore." Qin said with some emotion, as if her cub she had raised for a long time suddenly became sensible.

"Got it! Keli promises that she will never fry fish today!" Keli nodded repeatedly, and then ran out of the Knights without looking back.

Not long after Keli left, Lisa also pushed the shy Qin out of the house. The journey was not only calm, but it was also a wild ride.

Because Kun En, who was carrying a basket of fruit and busy perfunctory his green plum, suddenly stood there in a daze. Is he dreaming?

But his appearance soon made her green plum jealous, and she wanted to have some verbal and physical exchanges with him by pulling his ear.

Faye, who was about to go home after having a few drinks at the Angel's Gift Tavern, happened to see Qin passing by. Seeing the Qin like this, Faye walked back to the Angel's Gift Tavern silently.

"Faye? Didn't you say you can't get drunk today?" asked the alcoholic inside.

"I'm already drunk, guess what I saw? The captain of the piano is wearing a skirt!" Faye said, ordering a large glass of dandelion wine, planning to drink it.

Some curious drinkers walked out the door to take a look, then came back and ordered a large dandelion drink with a look of disbelief on their faces.

"Today we are a little drunk, forget it, then we will not lose if we don't get drunk!" The drinkers said freely.

Qin looked at Sarah, who had burned the steak because of looking at her, in embarrassment, and kept saying sorry.

Lisa raised her head proudly, such a lovely piano came from her hands!

"Qin?" At this moment, a surprised voice stopped the shy Qin.

"Yura!?" Qin also looked at Yula who had changed into a brand new dress with a look of surprise.

Amber on the side covered her face in embarrassment. After yesterday, she discussed with Yula for a long time, and finally Amber suggested that Yula go to Ningxia to confess today.

Unexpectedly, Qin would also go to Ning Xia today, and now the two of them stared blankly at each other.

"You." The two said in unison.

"Me." The two looked at each other with some embarrassment. From a rational point of view, Qin is Ningxia's pen pal and has been in touch for several years, and Yula is completely inferior in this respect.

But Yula really knew Ningxia earlier than Qin, and the two spent a lot of time together, and even confessed to each other.

Amber turned her head with a guilty conscience, she was the most embarrassed among the people present, and she didn't even let others know her feelings.

Lisa squinted her eyes and looked at the two who were hesitant to speak. She didn't expect that handsome young man with a good figure was also a sinful man~

Chapter 376

"Ying, why are you nervous?" Paimon looked at Yingmei who kept talking to herself in front of the mirror and asked with some doubts, what's wrong with Ningxia having dinner?

"It's not your fault!" Yingmei, who was ashamed and anxious, grabbed Paimeng and gave her a face. She felt that she had no face to see Ningxia.

As a result, Paimeng also agreed to Ningxia's invitation, which made it impossible for her to go now, or not to go. Now she can only try to practice the dialogue first, so as not to be embarrassed when she waits.

"Yes! I'm sorry!" Although Paimon didn't know what she had done wrong, she still begged for mercy desperately. Every experience of this kind of heavy pressure from survival made her see a white-haired man with long hair when she was suffocating. gentle woman.

"Alas..." Yingmei let go of Paimon helplessly, since Paimon had already agreed, it was useless to get angry with her, and besides shame and anger, she also had a little expectation.

Paimon hid not far away and scratched his head. Today's Ying is too strange, isn't it?First, he woke up and grabbed her heavily, but after meeting Ningxia, it became even more strange.

Is it possible...

Paimon's expression gradually became presumptuous. If you think about it carefully, Yingmei always seems to be like this in front of Ningxia.

"Ying~ You're not in love with Ningxia, are you~" Paimeng leaned to Ying's side and said, with a disdainful expression on his face, if Yingmei and Ningxia were together, the relationship would be good.

He is a rich man, if Yingmei and Ningxia get married, then she will also be able to get rich with Paimeng, and it will be a small thing to eat and drink after visiting the Seven Kingdoms?

"Paimon! What are you talking about!" Yingmei grabbed Paimon's soft face and said, her mind was about to be shut down by Paimon's words.

"You, you really like him! Look at you! He becomes weird once you kang the knife!" Paimon was hardened once in a while, especially after seeing Yingmei's reaction, she was even more convinced.

"Me! I don't have one..." Yingmei said without confidence, she didn't like Ningxia or something!she just...

Yingmei sat on the bed covering her blushing face, what did she like, she was going to find her brother, how could she just stop like that?

"Ying?" Pai Meng leaned closer to Yingmei and asked, seeing Yingmei's appearance, he thought he had said something wrong and made Yingmei angry.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't be joking with you, but you've been really weird recently, so I wanted to make a joke to enliven the atmosphere." Paimon scratched his face and explained, thinking that maybe he really misunderstood Yingmei up.

"Paimon, let's go to Liyue tomorrow!" Yingmei said seriously, she was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would definitely be inseparable from Ningxia.

"Oh? Alright." Zai Paimon nodded and said, seeing that Yingmei seemed to have recovered, it would be better to listen to her.

"Huh...Okay, let's go to Ningxia's house, it's almost time." Yingmei took a deep breath and said, she is going to say goodbye to Ningxia today, and she must say goodbye.

"Okay, but are you going to wear this outfit? I remember that Ningxia liked you wearing Barbara's idol outfit very much." Paimon said, and then realized that he was mouthing again, and quickly covered it.

Yingmei, who thought she could put it down, lost her defense in an instant. She bit her bright red lower lip and took out the idol costume that Barbara gave her. She just cleaned it yesterday.

"Only this time..." Yingmei said silently in her heart.

After changing her clothes, Yingmei turned around in front of the mirror, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, she gritted her teeth and walked out of the hotel.

Yuanshang took a new look and sat in the tavern not far from Yingmei Hotel. His Royal Highness took the video he took and returned to Sumeru very satisfied.

But the worry about Yingmei has not diminished in the slightest, and he told Yuanshang that Yingmei must not let her have any contact with Ningxia before she leaves Mond.

"Your Highness, you are really embarrassing me..." Yuanshang said after taking a sip of his wine with a wry smile on his face, with such a small body, Ningxia could bring him back into Yuanyuan's embrace with a single punch.

Let him stop Yingmei from meeting Ningxia, it is better to let him go to Jitousi... Forget it, that doesn't work either, he is an abyss apostle with integrity.

Seeing Yingmei walking out of the hotel, Yuan Shang put Mo La on the table and followed Yingmei with a wry smile. He already knew where Yingmei wanted to go.

As for stopping Yingmei, he still wants to live a few more days, so that he can't think about it so early and can only follow Yingmei from a distance, so that he can give His Royal Highness an explanation.

And now Ning Xia, who is doing spicy duck neck, has no idea that all the women he provokes intentionally or unintentionally will be killed.

At this time, Ningxia was teaching Barbara how to make duck necks, while dealing with the materials for Xiantiaoqiang.

Although it is not easy to find some materials here in Mond, with the help of Mora, any trouble is not a problem.

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