With the help of the breath of life, Morax returned to his original appearance. Ningxia did not stop the transmission of the breath of life, and the huge breath of life continued to repair the external erosion in Morax's body.

Slowly, Morax, who was originally the size of a mature big sister, began to shrink into the size of a young girl, and then into the size of a little girl.

"Wow! What a cute little guy!" Baimon felt that his whole body was turned into a cute one, and the little Morax had two horns on his head.

Looking timidly at Baimeng who wanted to eat the kitten alive, he was already holding a small rock gun in his chubby little hand, for fear that Baimeng would approach.

"She should be considered a brand-new individual now, right? Wouldn't it be inappropriate to be called Morax?" Ning Xia pinched the face of a small Q bomb in front of her.

"Porridge..." Xiao Xiao only hugged Ning Xia and said, the breath of life made her feel close to Ning Xia.

"Oh~ I really want to pinch it..." Bai Meng said with envy.

"How about calling Zhong Xiaoli?" Ning Xia touched Zhong Xiaoli's head and said, but...is this the crystallization of him and Morax?

After all, it is the product of Morax's body and his breath of life.

"Zhong Xiaoli!" Zhong Xiaoli raised her little hand to hug her.

"It's so good." Ning Xia said, picking up Zhong Xiaoli.

"Ningxia, can I touch her? She's so cute!" Baimeng looked at Zhong Xiaoli and asked, who can refuse such a cute QQ bouncing?

"No! She's bad!" Zhong Xiaoli refused while hugging Ningxia, and his disgusted look successfully hit Baimeng, so he had to squat aside and draw small circles while clutching the hall master's hatred level chest.

"Okay, stop squatting, we should go to Mond." Ning Xia hugged Zhong Xiaoli and said, although his body shape changed, Zhong Xiaoli did not fall out of the category of top demon god.

It's just that he is weaker than the original Morax, but he is still a top powerhouse in this era, but he is somewhat dependent on him...

"Okay... I'll take you to my apprentice's tribe first. I don't know if I can fool her into rebuilding my temple." Baimon felt very distressed when he saw the temple whose roof was overturned by Dekarapian, although she was the only one. His disciples will worship her only.

Chapter 443 Riding on Andreus and Dominating

The location of the Temple of Time is the same as that of the sundial, except that in the future, there will only be a few pillars left in the Temple of Time.

In addition to the roof of the current Temple of Time being overturned by Dekarapian, at least there are walls, although they have been crumbling due to strong winds.

Because the island is a sea away from Mond, if you want to go to Mond, you need to cross the sea.

Bai Meng flied around Ning Xia as if showing off, she could fly and didn't have to worry about getting her clothes wet by sea water, but Ning Xia couldn't.

When Bai Meng was proud, Zhong Xiaoli at the side raised the rock element creation he created, let Ning Xia sit on it, and then raised it and threw it in the direction of Mond.

Zhong Xiaoli then jumped onto the rock element creation, and then rubbed against Ningxia's neck.

"Porridge!" Zhong Xiaoli hugged Ningxia happily and said.

"Hey! You wait for me!" Baimeng, who was still proud of herself, shouted after Ningxia, her full flight was able to catch up with Ningxia and Zhong Xiaoli's rock element creation.

Ning Xia, who was sitting in the creation of the rock element, looked at Mond who was getting closer and closer, and had vaguely seen a... wolf?

Andreus has been in a bad mood lately. Dekarapian, the old six, taunted him in the wind wall every day, but it couldn't break through the wind wall, so he could only stare blankly at Dekarapian playing music and dancing inside.

Because of a bad mood, its hair has a lot of split ends, and it can only be relieved by taking a walk, otherwise, the hair that I am most proud of will fall out.

"Huh? What..." Andreus suddenly looked up and found that a rock creation in the air was about to hit him.

"Hey! Get out of the way!" Ning Xia said while hugging Zhong Xiaoli, and jumped off the rock elemental creation, and Andreus also avoided this high-altitude blow through his agility.

Looking at the ground that had been smashed into a big hole by the creation of the rock element, Andreus felt that the hair on his body was frightened.

Before it could explode its emotions, and scolded the two just now for their lack of public morality and throwing the rock element creations, Ning Xia, who was holding Zhong Xiaoli, just landed on its back.

"This smell... Boreas?" Ning Xia buried himself in Andreus' furry back and said, he was too familiar with this smell, it was milky and milky.

"Hey! Human! Give it to me immediately! Immediately! Get out...don't! Don't touch my belly~" Andreus just wanted to vent his emotions, but Ningxia's hand had already touched its soft belly.

"You! You human being! You! How dare you overstep! Override the demon god~ You! You bastard! Why did you touch my chin~" Andreus said, suppressing the comfortable feeling in his body.

"Huh~ I didn't expect to meet you in this era, it's really great." Ning Xia buried her whole body in Andreus's milky milky back.

"Hairy, porridge!" Zhong Xiaoli imitated Ningxia and said as she buried herself in Andreus's milky and milky back.

"People! Humans! Not allowed there! Absolutely not~ this is my dignity~ good~ so comfortable~ no~ it's not allowed there~" Andreus said it was not allowed, but his body still moved his chin very honestly Ningxia rubbed the neck and tail.

"Hey! You! You guys are too fast... huh?" Baimeng, who had just flown over, looked at the two of them, one big and one small, who were licking wolves, a little confused.

After Ning Xia and Zhong Xiaoli had a good meal, Andreus lay down on the snow with a face of comfort, and the anger he had accumulated was dissipated by Ning Xia's superb technique.

"Human! Human! For the sake of making me happy, I forgive you for your transgression!" Although he was very comfortable, Andreus still said proudly.

"Are you Andreus?" Ning Xia said, buried in Andreus's back. It was fluffy and milky, and the taste was stronger than that of Boreas, making Ningxia very addicted.

"Hmph! That's right, I am Andreus, the Great Lord of the North!" Andreus said arrogantly, obviously very satisfied with his nickname.

Baimon stared dumbfounded at Ning Xia conquering Andreus just like that. It's not that she doesn't know Andreus, but Andreus is notoriously different, and among the lover's demon gods, he is one of the few who doesn't like him. human existence.

"My name is Ningxia, so I can be considered a rice wife." Ningxia introduced herself.

"The nest is called Zhong Xiaoli, and I love Ningxia!" Zhong Xiaoli on the side followed suit.

"Hmph! You Daoqiu Demon God is dishonestly fighting against Daoqiu, and you want to come here to grab the position of Fengshen?" Andreus said with a hostile expression.

"No, no, I'm not interested in Fengshen's position." Ning Xia waved his hand quickly and said.

"Because the future Fengshen is one of my wives." Ning Xia added in his heart.

"Since this is the case, then you should leave quickly. I'm going to attack that guy Dekarapian recently. Don't blame me if you accidentally hurt you." Andreus said with his head raised.

"Ningxia, we are going to find my apprentice." Baimeng said.

"Hmm..." Ning Xia nodded and bid farewell to Andreus.

Andreus didn't keep Ningxia, although it wanted to do it again, but the most important thing now is to kill the sixth son of Dekarapian.

Ningxia, holding Zhong Xiaoli in her arms, walked on the snowy ground with the wind blowing. It has to be said that only by walking through the present Mond can one appreciate the future of Mond.

Every step of walking will be engulfed by the thick snow to the knees, and Ning Xia can only walk with Zhong Xiaoli in his arms, otherwise she will be buried alive by the snow.

"Bai Meng, where is your apprentice?" Ning Xia looked up at Bai Meng who was swaying in the air.

"Hurry up, hurry up, it's right in front, you just walk a few more steps there and you'll be there." Baimon said looking into the distance.

As Bai Meng said, Ningxia quickly found the tribe Bai Meng mentioned, and from a distance, several women in thick animal skins were dealing with something.

A little wind elf floated to Ningxia and the others, and said in a voice that Ningxia was very familiar with: "Master Baimeng! You are here!"

"Wendy?" Ning Xia looked at the little wind elf in front of him with a dazed expression. It was hard to imagine that the cute little guy in front of him would become a drunkard in the future.

"Huh? How do you know the name my master gave me?" Wendy the wind elf asked.

"Ah... this, I told him." Baimon explained.

"That's it, hello! My name is Wendy, you can also call me Barbatos, the patron saint of this tribe." Wendy greeted warmly.

"You, hello..." Ning Xia looked at the little guy in front of her, and really wanted to touch her...

Chapter 444 Time Paradox

Wendy entertained everyone warmly, and took out the bacon from the tribe to entertain Ning Xia and the others.

"I'm very sorry, master, I only have these things here to entertain you." Wendy said shyly, her well-behaved appearance made it hard to associate her with the future fish-monster.

"It's okay, I'm not picky about food." Baimeng said cheerfully, until the dried bacon that had been marinated until it turned black was served on the table.

The smile on Baimeng's face gradually solidified, it was dark and hard, even someone with such good teeth as Baimeng couldn't bite it.

"Eh..." Ningxia took out the grass shaving sword and pointed at the dried bacon. Xiaobai quickly changed back to the snake form and shook his head. Cut this thing.

"Forget it, do you have a stove here?" Ningxia took out the Dragon Tooth Sword and asked again. Anyway, there is no objection to the Dragon Tooth Sword, so just use it.

"Stove? What is that? Can it be eaten?" Wendy asked suspiciously.

"..." Only then did Ningxia realize that the tribe in front of him was even more barren than he had imagined. It was fine if he didn't have any fresh vegetables or fresh meat, and he didn't even have any decent kitchen utensils. This kind of bacon was cut by Wendy. Eat in pieces.

"Forget it, Xiaoli, help me make one..." Ningxia described the general appearance of the stove to Zhong Xiaoli who was at the side.

"Okay!" Zhong Xiaoli nodded, and then waved her little hand to create a rock element creation similar to an old-fashioned stove.

"Lord Barbatos!" At this time, the men who had gone out also came back, carrying back two wild boars with white hair.

"Ah! Everyone is back!" Wendy said excitedly.

"Great, I have fresh meat to eat today!" Baimon also said excitedly.

"Hmm! We killed two wild boars today, one of which can be smoked to make bacon, and the other can be eaten by everyone!" Wendy said cheerfully.

"Lord Barbatos, who are these?" the leading man asked.

"Oh, they are my friends and distinguished guests!" Wendy introduced warmly.

"This, that's it! I am the leader of this tribe, Guentel, and I welcome the friends of Lord Barbatos." The leader bowed. (Gunhilde was his daughter's name, not the tribal chief's.)

"Is this the wild boar you killed?" Ning Xia asked, looking at the wild boar in front of him.

"Yes, today we were lucky and successfully caught two wild boars in a big pit." Gunter said.

"Mind my help?" After the bacon incident just now, he doubted very much whether people in this tribe could cook.

"How can this be done? You are a distinguished guest of Lord Barbatos." Gunter waved his hands again and again.

"Wen... Barbatos, let Ningxia help him." Baimeng said, compared to the barbaric tribe in front of her, she still believed in Ningxia from the future, and she was quite looking forward to Ningxia's doing What future food will come out.

"Since Master Baimeng has spoken, let Ningxia help." Wendy nodded.

"Yes." Guentel saw Wendy speak, and did not continue to refuse.

It is not too difficult for Ningxia to deal with the wild boar, especially the sharpness of the dragon tooth sword is not comparable to ordinary kitchen knives. The thick fur and fresh meat of the wild boar are perfectly divided by Ningxia.

Then cut each part into equal pieces of meat, and the onlookers in the tribe watched Ningxia dispose of a wild boar in a dazed manner.

"Okay, it's amazing..." Wendy said blankly, now she is just an ordinary little wind elf, and she can only rely on her faith to barely protect the people in the tribe. This is the first time that Ningxia has used such a fancy way See.

On the stove created by Zhong Xiaoli, Ningxia took out the wolf's end to help out, after all, his Yu Peili didn't have a pan, and then put the chopped pork on it to roast.

The fat that comes with pork overflows at high temperatures. Because we live in cold regions all year round, the problem of pork smelling if it is not castrated does not appear. (Writing this, I really want to complain. The wild boars in Qingquan Town are not eunuchs. Is it really better than eunuchs?)

Stimulated by the seasoning of Ningxia Yupei, the pure aroma of meat spreads an indescribable aroma in the tribe. This group of people who have not eaten serious barbecue all year round can't stop drooling just by smelling the smell.

Even Wendy, the little wind elf, had a greedy expression on his face, and Baimeng, a big foodie, was jumping around beside Ningxia, wishing he could pick it up and eat it right now.

Ningxia put the meat steak fried until golden on both sides on the stone slab created by Zhong Xiaoli. This tribe is so poor that they don't have any serious plates or bowls, so Zhong Xiaoli can only ask Zhong Xiaoli to help.

"Wendy, as your master, is it alright for me to eat the first piece?" Baimeng asked quietly, although she would not be hungry, but the aroma was too tempting.

"Hmm... Master, you can eat." Wendy said, wiping the diffused water element at the corner of her mouth.

After getting the consent, Baimeng excitedly came to the stone slab and was about to pick it up and start eating. When Ningxia saw Baimeng who wanted to steal it, he knocked on it directly.

"Ouch! What are you doing?" Baimeng said while covering his head.

"There are still so many uncooked, why are you in a hurry?" Ningxia said and put another piece of meat on the stone slab. In order to prevent the tribal people from waiting impatiently, Ningxia fried the steak from left to right, and ordered the tribe to take the wild boar's ribs and tails. Put all kinds of miscellaneous things into the rock element stone pot made by Zhong Xiaoli, and then cook a pot of soup with vegetables and seasonings provided by Ningxia.

Baimeng squatted in front of the stone slab, clutching his head aggrievedly. If she hadn't relied on Ningxia to complete the timeline revision, she would definitely teach the blasphemy in front of her a lesson.

Ningxia handled it very quickly, a large stone slab of steak was enough for the tribesmen to eat, Ningxia just took two pieces, and then fed petite Zhong Xiaoli to eat.

The well-behaved Zhong Xiaoli opened her small mouth to take the piece of meat that Ning Xia handed over, and she didn't forget to suck Ning Xia's finger while eating.

Although Baimeng was very greedy, he knew that people here seldom eat meat, so he was very restrained and only ate three pieces.

After the pork bone soup was cooked, Wendy celebrated today's food with the people of the tribe, holding the bowl made by the rock element with her little hands.

Ning Xia sat aside and asked, "Bai Meng, I don't understand something."

"What's wrong?" Baimeng said while holding a bowl of soup.

"Wendy is your apprentice, did it exist in the first place, or did it exist because time was changed? If the timeline has not changed, will Wendy still be called Wendy?" Ning Xia asked, thinking of a time paradox.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about this, because deceiving time itself modifies the demise, and other things will be corrected by time itself."

"For example, there are two forks in front of a person. No matter which one he can reach his destination, it's just a matter of time and distance. Even if I don't name her, she will be called because of someone in the future. For Wendy and Barbatos." Baimon explained after taking a sip of the soup.

"Of course, if it's about contact with you, then I don't know, because you are an existence that deceives time, and those who come into contact with you will deviate from their original destiny."

"But...you can come back, it proves that everything is going in a good direction in the future, so don't mind!" Baimon finished the whole bowl of soup while talking.

Chapter 445 Andreus Strikes

Ning Xia nodded thoughtfully, then looked at the girl squatting aside.

"What's the matter with you?" Ning Xia took out a candy from Yu Peili and asked.

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