"Hmm... No! You! Why did you touch my head!" A Ping quickly broke free from Ningxia's clutches. She grew up so big that she was only touched by Morax, after all, and a few immortals.

"It's reasonable for the master to touch the apprentice's head, right?" Ning Xia looked at the shy A Ping and said, feeling relieved, it seemed that A Ping had recovered.

"But! But!" A Ping pouted aggrievedly. She hadn't admitted from the bottom of her heart that Ningxia, the master, not only spanked her butt, but also patted her head.

"Okay, you want to know about Dao's wife, right? If I knew, I would tell." Ning Xia was also relieved by A Ping's appearance at this time, and said while walking.

"Then... does Dao Wife really have twin demon gods?" A Ping asked curiously.

"Yes... but I've only seen one." Ning Xia said thinking about Ying's appearance.

"Is she male or female? Is she good-looking? Is she very skilled in martial arts?"

"Hmm... girl, she's pretty, but she's not very good at cooking, her martial arts... Anyway, I can't beat her." Ning Xia recalled that even now, he couldn't guarantee that he could win Yingying.

"Wow... I suddenly want to worship her as my master!" A Ping said with a look of longing, she subconsciously thought that if she learned martial arts from Ying, she would be able to defeat Ningxia.

"Ouch! Master, why are you beating me?" A Ping asked, covering her head. Ning Xia was so angry and didn't hit her just now, why did she do it now.

"What to learn!? Learning from her to eat snacks and read novels every day, or learning from her cooking can make people faint?" Ning Xia said helplessly, Ying and General are enough for him, if A Ping is like this, then he can Run away early.

"Wow...she eats snacks and listens to stories every day, can she still be very good at martial arts?" A Ping asked suspiciously. During the few years in Jue Yunjian, she had to practice Sanjiu in winter and summer in summer, and only then did she have the martial arts she has now. .

"Who is she? She is the top Demon God from the north to the south. Don't think about it. I will teach you some things I know when I go to meet Morax." Ning Xia reprimanded.

"Oh..." A Ping nodded slightly.

Chapter 491 Shy Rock King Empress

"Morax...does your wound still hurt?" After all, he took a black bowl and carefully applied the wound on Morax's body.

"It's okay..." Morax said trembling slightly, this medicine is used to restrain the wound from expanding, but the severe pain caused by the medicine is unbearable even for top demon gods.

"Hey... Balam really can't think about it, he actually ambushed you with Sidi, since Sidi has escaped, why don't I ask Ruo Tuo to fight Wuwangpo together." Finally said with righteous indignation.

She didn't expect that Balam, who usually lived in peace with them, would suddenly join Sidi in a sneak attack, especially after seeing Morax's wound, she was even more distressed.

"No need...he's hurt more than me, so let's continue to recuperate during this period, Oserer hasn't been doing well recently." Morax said, shaking his head.

"Morax? After all? Are you there?" Ning Xia shouted from outside the door.

"Oh? Is anyone looking for us? I'll go and open the door." After all, he said after putting the bowl on the table.

"Hmm..." Morax nodded again and again, and then turned his face to show a painful expression. She could hardly bear it anymore, but she didn't want to show her fear of pain, and she would definitely be ridiculed.

"Oh!? Ningxia? Why are you here? Are your injuries still not healed?" After opening the door, Gui Zhong asked in surprise.

"Me? I'm almost fine." Ning Xia said inexplicably.

"But! Your wound? No! Even if it's scabbed with blood, it shouldn't recover so quickly!" After all said in disbelief.

If the wound caused by the top demon god was so easy to heal, then Morax wouldn't have stayed up all night in pain yesterday.

"My injury is almost healed, if you don't believe me look at it." Ning Xia stretched his body casually and said.

"But..." At this time, even after all, she was stunned. It was the first time she saw someone who was injured by the top demon god yesterday and recovered the next day.

"Alright, I'm here to see Morax, is she okay?" Ning Xia asked.

"Uh...she's still applying the medicine, you should come in and wait." Finally said.

"Okay." Ningxia nodded, then walked into Guizhong's house, and Aping beside him greeted him respectfully.

After all, he answered and went back to Morax's room, and began to bandage her wound.

"After all... isn't this too much?" Morax said looking at himself wrapped in a big rice dumpling in the mirror.

"But, look at the wound on your body. If it cannot be covered and the medicine leaks out, it will be bad." After all, she turned her face in embarrassment and said that she learned the technique of bandaging from Maxius. It was also evaluated by it as blue out of blue and better than blue.

"But..." Morax just wanted to complain about how attractive he was when he was finally helped me out of the room.

"Okay, okay, anyway, Ningxia is not interested in you, so what are you afraid of?" After all, he changed into a smiling face to cover up his embarrassment.

"Ningxia! Morax is here." After all, supporting Morax, he said.

"Pfft!!!" Ning Xia, who was drinking tea, vomited out directly. He thought it was outrageous to be wrapped into rice dumplings by Maxius.

Unexpectedly, Morax was worse than him, and his originally slender and proud figure was wrapped up like a flat mummy.

"You... Liyue likes to be bandaged like this?" Ning Xia couldn't help asking.

"Uh...hahahaha..." After all, he smiled awkwardly.

"Ningxia, have you been bandaged by Maxius?" Morax asked, now that she has accepted the reality, she should be ashamed if she is ashamed.

"What do you mean?"

"After all, I will learn from Maxius..."

"...Understood." Ning Xia said sympathetically.

After all, he covered his face in embarrassment, it was too embarrassing, too embarrassing, it was still embarrassing in front of Ning Xia.

"How about... I'll treat you for you, just like yesterday." Ning Xia suggested.

"Is it okay? Will it trouble you too much?" Morax asked, remembering the numb feeling yesterday, Morax couldn't stop itching.

"It's okay, I do this kind of thing often, and I've tried it after all." Ning Xia said indifferently, he had nursed dozens if not hundreds of people.

"Yes, yes, Ningxia was quite...comfortable during his treatment." After all, she blushed slightly and said, it was the first time in her life that she saw her bare feet masculinely.

A Ping on the side listened to the conversation with a dazed expression. What kind of treatment and what kind of comfort did she not understand? Could it be that she did something with Ningxia when she didn't know?

"Then I will trouble you." Morax said gratefully, no matter what, it would be great if he could restore himself to his peak.

Ning Xia was also unambiguous, and directly put his hands on Morax's shoulders, and then passed on the breath of life. Feeling the heat flow from his shoulders, Morax found that the wounds on his body began to repair, followed by a very strange feeling.

"Hmm..." Morax bit her red lips tightly, for fear that she would make a strange sound. This feeling is more uncomfortable than taking the medicine just now. A seductive voice came out.

"I, I'll go get some refreshments." A Ping said in a very sensible way, the impact of this strange voice was really too great for her.

Morax felt so ashamed. Since he came out, no matter who he fought with, he had never been as embarrassed as he is now, especially the image of a female man he had maintained for a long time, which was broken by Ningxia twice.

After all, at this time, she gloated and looked at Morax who was desperately enduring. She didn't look much better than Morax at the time, but seeing her best friend's appearance, she felt that her original sense of shame was not so strong.

"Hmm... almost..." Ning Xia frowned and said, the breath of life could restrain Morax's injury, but it couldn't fully recover.

"Great... great..." Morax said, blushing.

"Morax~ Does it feel better~" After all, she said with a smile. She has known Morax for hundreds of years and has never seen him a few times. She didn't expect to see Morax today. made a strange noise.

"Ouch!" Gui Mo, who was originally joking, was knocked by Morax immediately.

"It's not big or small, Ningxia is watching!" Morakes said while holding back his shame. Although the feeling just now was strange, her injuries did heal a lot.

The wound that might have taken decades of rest to recover is now half healed. If it weren't for the elemental forces of Sidi and Balam still firmly attached to the wound, she would have been completely healed just now.

"Maybe it will take two or three more times." Ning Xia touched his chin and said, now his breath of life is not strong enough to easily dispel the elemental power of the top demon god, so he can only suppress it with quantity and slowly dispel the elemental power in the wound .

"Two! Two or three times?" Morax asked with a blushing face. If she had to do this kind of embarrassing thing two or three times, what dignity would she have in front of Ningxia?

"No way, their elemental power is too tenacious, so they can only be dispelled slowly." Ning Xia said helplessly, but her heart was already dying of joy.

He didn't expect Morax to have such a sissy appearance, which was much more interesting than beating Morax violently.

After all, Yanwang Diji's shy appearance is not something that can be seen casually.

Chapter 492 Ruo Tuo Dragon King

"Okay, I'll treat you again in a few days, and I'm relieved to see that your health is better." Ning Xia said and stood up.

"Shouldn't you sit down a little longer?" Finally asked.

"No, I still have to practice with Aping, let's talk about it later." Ning Xia waved his hand and said, Bai Meng who was beside him also came to the door.

"After all, my lord, Lord Morax, master... eh? Are you leaving?" A Ping said with tea.

"A Ping, don't you want to learn from me? Let's go back first." Ningxia walked to the door and said.

"Okay! After all, my lord! Lord Morax, I'll go learn from my master first!" A Ping said excitedly, she must learn all Ning Xia's moves, and then complete revenge on him.

After Ning Xia and the others left, they finally poked Morax with a mocking face and said, "I didn't expect that, Morax, so you would... ouch!"

"Don't! Don't talk nonsense! I, I am...the body! I can't help the body's own problems!" Morax said with a blushing face.

"Speaking of which, Morax..." After all, he still had a smile on his face, but there was an undetectable temptation hidden in his words.

"What's the matter?" Morax said as he removed the bandages. She clearly felt that her body had recovered, and there was no need to wear so many bandages anymore.

"Do you have a slight affection for Ningxia now?" After all, he still said with a smile on his face.

"Me! I didn't say that! I'm not interested in a man who can't beat me!" Morax said pretending to be calm. Although he has some affection for Ningxia, he still doesn't like it.

"Oh, forget it." After confirming that Morax was not interested, she could start her own explorations.

"Huh?" Morax looked surprised at the somewhat relaxed after all, logically after all should tease her about being single with a smile on her face.

"What's the matter? Hurry up and eat some tea, I'm going to see Aping and Ningxia." After all, he bounced and left the house, leaving only Morax with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Master! What are you going to teach me?" A Ping asked excitedly. Although she had stayed in Jue Yunjian for several years, this did not wear away A Ping's girlish aura, and she followed Ning Xia excitedly.

Although I haven't had much contact with her, Aping thinks that Ningxia is quite easy to talk to. The only time she got angry was because she said something wrong. Compared with those strict immortals she was in Jueyunjian, Ningxia is much better.

"I'm not very good at using guns, so I can only teach you actual combat." Ning Xia waved his hand and said.

"Oh? I can learn it. You can teach me!" A Ping said unwillingly. Although she mainly practiced marksmanship, she still knows some swordsmanship.

"Can you use a sword?" Ning Xia asked.

"A little bit, I know a fairy named Guhua Shangxian, he is very powerful, with swords and spears, even Master Morax is amazed."

"And I am the orthodox heir of his stabbing method, because I am very talented, and I have also taught me some Shengke methods!" A Ping said proudly.

"Shangxian Guhua?" Ningxia asked suspiciously.

"Master, you are not from Liyue. If you stay in Guiliyuan for a few more days, you will know how powerful Gu Hua is." A Ping said while holding the hill.

"So who is he!?" Ning Xia looked at the proud A Ping and asked.

"Ahem, Gu Hua Shangxian..." A Ping began to talk eloquently.

The so-called Guhua Shangxian is actually a mysterious immortal who is willing to contact human beings, and he has three unique skills: the stabbing method based on the spear, the rain cutting method based on the sword, and the life restraint method of both swords and guns .

In addition to A Ping, there are also many people in Guiliyuan who have learned Guhua Shangxian martial arts, and have undertaken part of Guiliyuan's security work. There is also a sect in Luhuachi, that is, those who have learned Guhua Shangxian martial arts Guhua group organized by people spontaneously.

Although Guhua Shangxian himself does not like contact with the world, he does not mind that his martial arts are passed on by humans. On the contrary, he is very happy to see his martial arts become a tool for human self-defense. Is the best among human beings.

"Oh, that's it, it's just that your marksmanship wasn't very good last time." Ning Xia rubbed his chin and said, he had also heard about the Guhua sect, but he didn't expect that the declining sect was taught by immortals in the past.

A Ping, who was originally proud, froze immediately, and stammered: "I, I just didn't study it thoroughly, and it's not shameful for the apprentice to lose to the master! I, I just need some time..."

"Okay, okay, I will teach you, but my swordsmanship... You should learn as much as you can." Ning Xia said, recalling his wilder sword fighting style.

He can only teach A Ping some of the swordsmanship he learned from the kicking hall. It just so happens that Noelle has learned pure strength, and skills can be taught to A Ping.

"Hey! You! Stop!" A rough voice stopped the three people in Ningxia who were chatting.

"Master Ruo Tuo Dragon King." A Ping said respectfully.

"Is there something wrong?" Ning Xia asked. The Dragon King Ruotuo in front of him was not more than one meter tall. Compared with the Q version, the Ratuo Dragon King who was originally not very powerful and domineering seemed even more stupid.

"I heard that you and Morax repelled Sidi and Balam together. I'm curious about your strength. Can you fight me?" Dragon King Ruo Tuo said frankly.


Ning Xia glanced at A Ping who was looking forward to it. As a master, at this time, she must...

"I refuse!" Ning Xia said seriously, why would he fight with the Dragon King Ruotuo if he had nothing to do.

"Well...then let's go...wait a minute!? You don't want to compete with me?" Ruo Tuo asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, why should I fight with you when I have nothing to do?" Ning Xia asked back.

"Master, that is the Dragon King Ruo Tuo, Lord Morax's friend, don't you want to compete with it?" A Ping pulled Ning Xia excitedly.

"Ouch!" A Ping covered her head and looked at Ning Xia with aggrieved expression.

"The adults are talking, and the children are playing." Ning Xia scolded, he went to fight with the Dragon King Ruotuo because he couldn't think about it.

"It's okay, we're just sparring normally, nothing will happen, if you're afraid of losing, I can give you three tricks." Ruotuo said seriously.

Ningxia looked at the very serious looking Dragon King Ruotuo, and reckoned in his heart that it would be useless to refuse directly.

"Ruotuo Dragon King, I'm very sorry, my injury is still not healed, so I can't compete with you." Ning Xia said suddenly, clutching his chest.Pale face makes people feel very distressed.

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