"What, what's the matter? Is there something strange on my face?" After all, he noticed Ning Xia's eyes, and shyly turned his small face slightly. It was hard to tell whether it was because of heat or shyness.

"No, you're so cute, of course I need to take a closer look." Ning Xia pretended to be relaxed and said, he felt that if he showed embarrassment, he would definitely be ridiculed in the end.

"Yes! You can say it's cute! I, I... A Ping is here, so I'll go first!" After all, when he saw A Ping came back, he took the opportunity to escape from the kitchen, fearing that his current appearance would be disturbed. Ningxia saw it.

"My lord, what's wrong with her?" A Ping looked at the escaped Ji Mo in doubt.

"Hmm... After all, she must be doing this on purpose, right?" Ning Xia waved her hand and said.

"By the way, master! Can I eat a golden shrimp ball?" A Ping asked droolingly. In the days of Jueyunjian, she drank nectar every morning, swallowed her heart at night, and Yunhua Shangxian was a bit perfect. The Immortal of Doctrine does not allow her to eat meat and fish during her cultivation, saying that it will affect the cultivation of the bright stab method.

"Let's eat, I prepared a lot." Ning Xia shook the batter on his hands and said, the golden shrimp balls are very popular with everyone except Xiao Ganyu, so he made more this time.

"Hmm, good time!" At this time, A Ping completely let go of her hostility towards Ningxia. After all, it is hard to find a master who is gentle in character, responsible in teaching, and cooks delicious food.

Most of the thought of revenge dissipated in front of the food, leaving only the most primitive love for food.

"Okay, I still have new ones here, don't just eat one." Ningxia said, holding up a plate of cold potato shreds.

"Don't steal this one, Xiao Ganyu is waiting." Ningxia said, patting Aping's evil little hand away.

"Oh..." A Ping said obediently, now she is not so resistant to Ningxia's orders, and began to accept them from the bottom of her heart.


"My name is Maxius!"

"But Ningxia already calls you Guoba. Anyway, the name is pretty cute, so let's call you Guoba~" After recovering, he said with a smile.

"The master belongs to the master, but I am Maxius!" said Maxius with a stubborn face, and he still had some resistance to the name rice cracker.

"Crisp~Crisp~Caut~" After all, she hugged Maxius's chubby belly coquettishly. Every time she acted like a spoiled child, Maxius couldn't stand it anymore. At the beginning, she relied on this trick to get Maxius Foolishly, Gui Liyuan became a chef.

"Oh... only you and Ning Xia can call me that! My name is Maxius." Maxius said helplessly.

"Hey hey~ Crispy rice, can you become the same size as last time? It feels very comfortable to hold." After all, he said while stroking Maxius' belly that feels good to the touch.

"Go, go, go! You feel comfortable to the touch, but I'm in a panic!" Maxius said with a look of disgust. When he was hugged by Guizhong last time, his back felt hard and uncomfortable.

"..." Gui Mo, who was originally smiling, froze suddenly, and looked at Maxius with disbelief. After all, he never expected that even Maxius, who had the best temper, would start to dislike her.

"Hmm... it smells like a new dish, I'll go and have a look first." Maxius said, wiggling his nose. Although he was a little puzzled about the final change, he was now even more curious about what the new dish was like.

Chapter 496 Morax who Makes Strange Sounds

"Hello, Mr. Maxius." A Ping greeted Maxius, and then put the potato shreds in front of the drooling Xiao Ganyu.

"Mom Liuyun Borrowing the Wind Zhenjun! I want it! I want it!" Xiao Ganyu yelled as she grabbed the table, she was sure that this plate of potatoes must be delicious.

"Gan Yu, eat less, you're about to become a ball..." Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed wind and said helplessly, his tone somewhat resented that iron could not become steel.

"I, I'll eat less next time, not today! Big brother is cooking today!" Gan Yu said drooling, she couldn't wait to eat.

"Hey, you little greedy cat." Liu Yun borrowed the shredded potatoes to feed Gan Yu helplessly. It rained over the mountains and ridges to find sweet flowers, and Matsutake was determined to eat them.

"Xiao Ganyu really likes to eat." After all, he looked at Xiao Ganyu with his chin in his hand and said, the little Ganyu in front of him is fat and round, and with the lively appearance of a little unicorn, he is very cute.

"Love to eat is not the problem, the main reason is her... If this continues, it will be difficult for her to go up the mountain." Liuyun borrowed Feng Zhenjun and said with a worried face. She had been looking for it for a long time after Gan Yu rolled down the mountain last time.

"I, I'm not fat!" Xiao Ganyu said with a guilty conscience. Although she also wanted to lose weight, she gave up after a few minutes every time.

"Here comes the food!" At this time, Ningxia put four dishes on the table, most of which were vegetarian dishes, but the meat dishes were Braised Pork, Golden Shrimp Balls, etc. Meng was very moved.

The atmosphere of the meal was very good, Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed wind and after all were talkative people, and Ningxia could also chat a few words on the topic of the second daughter?

Bai Meng, who couldn't get in the conversation, didn't bother to talk, and sat beside Ning Xia silently eating rice. Anyway, it was enough to have Ning Xia beside her, and nothing else mattered.

After eating, Ningxia took Baimeng and Aping and left, and Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind to drag her to continue chatting. She had a lot of things to complain about.

While responding to Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind, he always felt that he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it.

And Maxius, who was washing the dishes, froze suddenly. He was so busy eating with Ning Xia and the others that he forgot to cook for Moraxus.

At this moment, Morax, who was lying at home, fell into the contemplation of why Maxius hadn't delivered the food. She counted the time, and she had already finished eating during this time period.

When it was time for dinner, after all with an embarrassed face, he and Maxius helped Morax to the dinner table, and walked all the way to apologize.

Moraxus comforted the two with a helpless face. Ever since Ningxia came, Maxius and Afterall have become weird, which made her a little unaccustomed.

In the end, Ningxia and Maxius cooked a big meal together. After the elimination, Ningxia was going to try to heal Moraxus for a while.

This time, Morax felt that he had gotten used to that strange feeling, and would not be as embarrassing as in the morning. He even wanted Ningxia to increase his power in order to recover sooner.

As a result, the numb feeling almost made Morax, who had beaten Liyue Invincible all over, yell out a voice of shame.

After Ningxia's treatment, he led Baimeng back home sensibly. He actually heard Morax's charming voice just now. .

Morax shyly covered her face, it was too embarrassing, she thought she could resist the strange feeling brought by the breath of life, but in front of Ningxia...

After all, she stood helplessly at the door and looked at Morax. It was the first time she heard this kind of voice from her sister, and it was... quite cute.

"After all, you didn't hear anything today, and you didn't see anything." Morax said with a serious face. Thanks to her foresight, she called Maxius and others away. Only Ningxia and Afterall heard. that strange sound.

In this way, whether she silences or gags her mouth, she can save trouble.

"Er... what did you say? I'm old, my ears are not very good, and my eyes are not very good..." After all, he cooperated sensiblely.

On the other side, Ningxia started to arrange Baimeng's bed after returning home. After all, Baimeng has returned to its original size, if he sleeps with Ningxia again.

Leaving aside whether Baimeng is ashamed or not, Ningxia may not be able to bear it for a while. Although Baimeng looks a little naive, her figure and appearance are not bad at all, but because her simple and honest temperament suppressed her original beauty, If he just slept with the current Baimeng like this, he might not be able to resist breaking the law.

"Ningxia, I'm a little scared..." Baimeng said a little uneasy. Compared with Ningxia, she has not fully adapted to the life of Guiliyuan, and she has become very dependent on Ningxia since she was young, especially after experiencing Ningxia's meticulous care. Afterwards, Baimeng already liked the feeling of being pampered by Ningxia.

"It's okay, I'm next door, as long as you have something to do, I will come to rescue you as soon as possible." Ning Xia comforted, he didn't want to do anything illegal to Bai Meng.

"But, but..." Baimeng said with a blushing face.She wanted to sleep next to Ning Xia, so as to give her enough sense of security, but her shame did not allow her to do so. After all, it was only how long the matter between Ning Xia and Gunnhild had passed, and she was too embarrassed to ask Ning Xia to do so.

"How about I hug Xiaoli for you?" Ning Xia picked up the dull stone on the bed and said, Zhong Xiaoli seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and Ning Xia didn't dare to disturb Zhong Xiaoli, so she could only lay on the bed and wait for the change.

"Xiaoli is so hard right now, I don't want to hug her." Baimeng said disgustedly, letting her sleep with a rock in her arms is better than hugging Ningxia to sleep.

"Okay... it's getting late, I'm going to bed first, good night." Ning Xia said while patting Bai Meng's little head.

"Night, good night..." Baimeng said with her head down, this feeling of emptiness made her very uncomfortable, as if her beloved toy that belonged to her suddenly disappeared.

After Ningxia blew out the oil lamp, he put on the blanket and went to sleep peacefully. He is now very satisfied with his life in Liyuan. Before the next time jump, he is going to go fishing like this. Baimeng on the other side tosses and turns and really can't fall asleep.

Chapter 497 The Ancestor of Walnut

In the days that followed, Ningxia was on the right track in Guiliyuan. She practiced with Aping in the morning, played poker with Master Liuyun and Fengfeng at noon, helped Morakes heal at night, and occasionally masturbated Xiaoganyu. , chat with Vanan Yingda.

In addition, Ningxia also accepted a new apprentice, returning to Liyuan Doctor Hu Che.

Due to underdeveloped medical technology, humans in many places in Liyue often cannot get reliable treatment. Guiliyuan can also use herbal medicine to treat some bruises, minor colds and so on.

But for slightly more serious diseases, the doctors are helpless, so many times the job of the doctors is not to see a doctor or give medicines, but to burn the corpses of the dead to prevent the spread of the plague as much as possible.

Although the demon gods who are the managers of forces have the ability to destroy the world and the power beyond common sense, their research on medicine is not as good as some immortals hiding in the mountains and forests.

However, immortals don't like to be in contact with people, and they don't have the characteristics of a demon god's lover. Many prescriptions have not been handed down. Even if they have been handed down, most of the immortals' pills are refined with precious medicinal materials, and humans simply can't get the ingredients together.

When Ning Xia met Hu Che, it was when she saw her body being burned. Under the burning flames, she had the same white long legs and the same flat plate without curvature, which made Ning Xia couldn't help but shouted "Walnut".

"Oh? Do you know me?" The girl turned her head to look at Ning Xia in doubt.

Then he noticed that Ning Xia was a big shot who had just arrived recently, so he put on a very respectful look and said, "Master Ning Xia, good afternoon, have you eaten yet?"

Maybe it was because she was too much like Hall Master Hu, Ning Xia couldn't help but exchanged a few words with her, and got to know Hu Che's idea of ​​trying Baicao by himself to understand the effect of medicine.

Out of surprise and admiration for Hu Che's ideas, from that day on, Ningxia would occasionally teach Hu Che and other doctors some knowledge about the use of medicine and herbal medicine, which greatly reduced the number of Gui Li who died of illness. people.

This also surprised Hu Che, who immediately recognized Ning Xia as his master, and then began to entangle with A Ping.

Ningxia didn't have any objections to Hu Che's apprenticeship, and didn't hide any clumsiness. She directly told Hu Che all the medical knowledge she knew, and let them study it by themselves.

But now, Ning Xia was lazily sitting on the rocking chair, holding a cup of good hot tea from Maxius in her hand, A Ping was pinching her shoulders in the back, and Hu Che was rubbing her legs in front, feeling very uncomfortable.

After getting along with A Ping for the past few days, she completely let go of her hostility towards Ningxia. Please, a master who is gentle and good-looking, cooks delicious food and fun, and cares about his apprentices, would a fool hate it?

As for spanking?Is it reasonable for an apprentice to be taught a lesson by the master for doing something wrong?She, Aping, is not a vengeful person, so why would she want to take revenge on the gentle and good-looking Master Ningxia in front of her?

In addition, Hu Che, the sixth child, suddenly ran to her master to show her courteousness, which made Aping feel a sense of crisis, and began to respect the teacher constantly, for fear that Ningxia would favor the flat woman in front of her.

"Master Ningxia, is the disciple's strength okay?" A Ping asked respectfully. Only after touching it with her own hands, did she realize that Ning Xia's skin was surprisingly good, which made A Ping envious.

"Master Ningxia, is the small one comfortable to press?" Hu Che asked after rubbing Ningxia's calf. She was not greedy for Ningxia's body, but because she learned a lot of life-saving prescriptions from Ningxia, so she sincerely worshiped Ningxia for her. division.

"Well... not bad, A Ping is a little bit stronger, and so are you, Xiao Hu." Ning Xia said after taking a sip of hot tea, and did not forget to feed Xiao Gan Yu in his arms a snack.

After Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind to get acquainted with Ningxia thoroughly, he often threw Ganyu here in Ningxia, and went to drink tea and chat with Guizhong or other immortals by himself.

But occasionally she would come to Ningxia's house to play poker. She is very fond of this new game. Although she often loses to Ningxia, this does not prevent her from becoming more and more brave as she fights.

It's not the kind of game that loses and then..., otherwise Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind would have been eaten by Ningxia long ago.

"Ningxia! It's finally here, don't lie down!" Baimeng couldn't help but said, these few days, after all and Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed wind to visit in turn, it gave her a great sense of crisis, but she couldn't do it yet What.

"Ningxia! Hello!" After all, he greeted.

The second daughter, who was beating her back and legs, immediately stood behind Ning Xia and greeted her respectfully.

In Guiliyuan, apart from "Dijun Yanwang", the most respected by the people is Guimu, and they have even begun to regard Dijun Yan and Guizhong as a couple by default.

Although Morax and After all don't care about this kind of thing, the Rock King Dijun is just a fake identity to reassure the people, after all, the Rock King Dijun sounds more domineering than the Rock King Diji.

"What's the matter? After all? Morax should be fine, right?" Ning Xia yawned and said.

"That... let's talk as we walk." After all, he hesitated for a while, and took Ning Xia's big hand.

Only Hu Che, who was shocked although he didn't know the situation, and A Ping, who had accepted a little to be close to Ningxia after all, were left behind.

On the way there, after all, I felt Ningxia's big gentle hand, and finally let go of her soft little hand shyly.

"It's actually like this. You know that Dihua Island, which Morax liked very much, was destroyed by Balam. Recently, she has been in a daze on the wasteland, so I want you to help persuade her." After all, he walked in front and explained. Dao, for fear that Ning Xia would see her flushed face.

"I understand..." Ning Xia nodded and said. He was also very surprised when he saw Morax with a glass lily pinned to his head in Dihuazhou, especially the shy look behind him. If he didn't know Morax's power , It's really easy to bully her if you want to get ahead.

On the way to Dihuazhou, after recovering, she took the initiative to find a topic, and she wanted to confirm some things.

"Ningxia, you have been in Guiliyuan for half a month, right?" Yu finally said intentionally or unintentionally.

"Well, it's been half a month, what's wrong?" Ning Xia nodded and said.

"You were with Morax every day before, did you feel a little tempted?" Finally said with a smile on his face.

"Uh...no." Ning Xia thought for a while and said, Morax was quite easy to get along with in this era, but his temper was a little grumpy.

For example, after Ruo Tuo knew that Ning Xia was fooling him, he kept yelling at Ning Xia's side, but before Ning Xia could say anything, Morax, who was almost recovered from his injuries, dragged Ruo Tuo to Balam's territory for a fight.

He frightened Balam so much that he didn't even want Shimen, and he directly concentrated all his forces to defend Wuwangpo, fearing that Morakes and Ruo Tuo would kill him for revenge.

On that day, Ruo Tuo, who was missing a few teeth, sincerely apologized to Ning Xia, and said that he would never ask Ning Xia to challenge him one-on-one again.

On the other hand, Morax's face was 'angry', and he didn't look at Ning Xia. However, after experiencing this incident, Ning Xia also had a new understanding of Morax's strength, and he couldn't offend women, especially Morax. woman.

Chapter 498

"So~ what do you think of me?" After all, he pointed to himself and asked.

"By the way! You can't put me off with just a few words! I want to listen to the truth! I want to listen to the real evaluation!" After all, he said seriously.

"What's wrong with you?" Ning Xia looked at Gui Mo with a puzzled expression on his face, why did this sound like that of his coquettish girlfriend.

"I, I just want to hear your real evaluation!" After all, he said with a guilty conscience, rubbing a pair of small hands that were as white as jade uneasily.

"After all, you... are very good. You are gentle and considerate. You treat the common people with kindness, and you treat friends with enthusiasm and understanding..." Ningxia said sincerely.

He really likes this enthusiastic, considerate, and understanding girl in front of him, especially when he saw Gui Zong taking Morax to deal with the matter of Gui Liyuan when he was in Guiliyuan.

If the future Morax is a mature and stable king who likes to play tricks, the current Morax is even more like a violent girl who likes to solve problems with his fists.

This also allowed Ningxia to see another cute side of Morax, although his life was somewhat in danger...

In many things about Gui Liyuan, Morax was usually the one who performed the final assistance, and the two complemented each other to create the current Gui Liyuan.

After all, he is very concerned about the lives of the people in normal times, and has given Morax a clear decision-making on many livelihood issues. Although he is Morax's friend in name, he is also Morax's teacher as the leader.

"I, I'm not that good anymore! Don't exaggerate! I'm tired of hearing it!" After all shouted shyly, originally she wanted to test how Ningxia thought of herself.

As a result, Ningxia praised herself in various ways along the way, so that even those who thought they were thick-skinned were ashamed after all.

"But I don't think I've finished your good points." Ning Xia said with a smile. After all, his little face with a little baby fat was already blushing, and this appearance made him want to bully him.

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