"The key is what kind of painting style is the artist who matched this match."

It seemed that it was inspired to the slot, and the topic suddenly started.

"Isn't it good at all? It feels better not to..."

"Anyway, if you haven't read the book at first, the cover alone will dissuade you... So, it doesn't sell very well."

After a short silence, the woman spoke again.

"Thank you."

She picked up the paper bag, turned and opened the door, and walked out.

"I didn't take the umbrella..."

Seeing the leaving figure, Hui couldn't help but look at the rain gear storage place beside him, probably he forgot to bring it.

Although generally speaking, if it rains outside, I will definitely realize that I will come back.

Even so, Kei picked up the customer's umbrella and opened the door.

She was standing in front of the bookstore, staring at the rain outside, not knowing what to think.

Chapter 32 Chapter 31 Conversation under the rain

"That, your umbrella..."

Kei came behind the girl and interrupted her thinking.

She turned around and looked over, her gaze turned to Hui.


After hesitating for a while, a deep and calm voice sounded softly.

She reached out to take the umbrella from Kei, and then looked at the rain under the gloomy sky again.

Because she was wearing a mask, she couldn't see her expression clearly.

However, her gaze seemed very far away, and her pupils seemed to be staring at a place that did not exist.

Facing such guests, I feel that it would be a bit bad if I leave it alone like this.


"Is it because of that novel?"

Asking so tentatively, Hui slightly raised her head and looked at her who was half a head taller than herself.

He didn't answer right away, but turned his eyes back to Kei from the distant sky.

Those wine-red pupils stared at her, then nodded slowly.

Is it really like this......

"If it's because of the poor sales of the books I like, I don't think it's necessary."

As Megumin said so, she straightened her black-framed plain mirror a little.


Finally, there was a trace of unsteady surprise in her tone, and her eyes became a little curious, as if she was asking why


"I think even people who haven't read the book should know that the painting style of the book cover should be a big problem."

"It's obvious that the title of the book should be about love, but the style of painting is completely unsuitable."

"So, I guess fans of this book are the ones who are completely captivated by what's in it."

"It has nothing to do with the artist. Even if the painting style does not match, it can still be faithful to the original work. I don't abandon this book because of the cognition of the characters. I think it is very important for the author.

For teachers, it is a joyful thing to have such book fans. "

Hui's voice was gentle and steady, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing, but it was such an incredible persuasive force in his voice.

"Is that so?"

There was a rare trace of confusion in the voice, but it seemed to disappear in an instant.

"You should be right."

"Anyway, thank you for telling me so much."

As she said so, she bowed slightly to express her gratitude seriously.

Seeing Hui like this, an inexplicable feeling arose in her heart, and she hesitated to speak.

"Well, can I ask you a question?"


Facing her words, Kei nodded calmly.

"What should a person do if he comes to a completely unfamiliar environment?"

Her question involuntarily reminded Kei of her own situation, so her feelings should be somewhat similar to her own.

Thinking like this, Kei tried to weave words.

"It's better to say that an unfamiliar environment is a brand new environment. Emotions like anxiety and panic are always inevitable."

"However, even if it's distress or confusion, trying to struggle hard, I think it's okay to be like this."

Unexpected words came out of Kei's mouth calmly, and the woman watched her silently, waiting for the next words.

"Only in this way can I get out of this quagmire. 'It doesn't matter, it's okay' is the worst situation."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know the answer, just keep looking for it until the end. If you don't do something, you will never know what the answer is."

"As for me, I don't know what to do. What to do is right."

"But you can't get results just by thinking about it blindly. You have to do something until you find an answer that you feel satisfied with."

The world seemed to have suddenly quieted down, only the sound of rain falling on the road echoed in my ears.

"I seem to be talking to myself a bit..."

"No, not at all, rather, it is quite useful to me."

Hui Gang's words were interrupted, she shook her head and spoke slowly.

"Thanks to you, I'm much better now."

Her words suddenly became natural, as if something had been removed. Although she couldn't see her expression through the mask, but looking at the slightly curved brow, Hui felt that it must be

Smile easily.

"If there is nothing else, I will continue to work."

Megumi, who was still in a peaceful voice, seemed to want to turn around and walk towards the store.


A sudden sound made her stop.

"Can you take this?"

Saying so, she handed over the book in her hand.


Kei made an unexpected sound of surprise, and the book was forcefully thrust into her hand.

"I think, if you can, I hope you can read this book."


As if seeing the doubt in Hui's heart, she continued to speak in front of her.

"It's useless to me now."

Saying so, she opened the umbrella and walked slowly.

"Then, there will be a period later~"

Accompanied by the cold voice, her figure gradually disappeared into the rain.

Chapter 33 Chapter 32 Homecoming

Unknowingly, the hour hand has turned to the five o'clock position.

"Today's business is coming to an end, you can get off work, Kato-san."

Suzumori Yuko who appeared from nowhere came to Megumin and informed her.

"Well, I see."

"It's still raining outside, take this with you."

She glanced at the still continuous light rain outside the store, took out a curved umbrella from behind and handed it to her.


After a little hesitation, Kei nodded.

"Thank you and goodbye."

"Keep working hard tomorrow."

After saying goodbye to each other, Kei came out of the shop and started on the way home.

Due to the cloudy weather, the night came quickly, so the street lights were turned on earlier than usual.

The fine rainwater gathered on the asphalt road like small streams, eventually forming small puddles one after another.

Dense drops of water adhered to the surface of the umbrella, falling down along the edge of the umbrella under the force of gravity.


Only the street lamps and flashing traffic signals reflected the empty intersection, and a figure appeared in the shadow of the bookstore's eaves.

"Is it closed already?"

She was holding a transparent plastic umbrella in her hand, and she was holding the umbrella in the other hand.

"Ha...you rushed over after finishing the dubbing."

He couldn't help but let out a sound of disappointment, accompanied by a slight gasp.

"Then I can only come over on the weekend..."


House Girl Black Tea Club Chat Room

There are 18 people online.

Saya (group leader): Good evening everyone~

Yurika Sakuraman: Good evening Saya.

An Yilun is also a scumbag: Good evening everyone.


It's Sano, not Sakura! ! : Speaking of which, have you watched the match of the passer-by heroine on Twitter recently?

Fumi Suzukaze: Ah, I have seen that cosplay competition!

The world's number one Hui Chi: I've noticed that too.

It's Sano, not Sakura! ! : If you have all seen it, what do you think of it?

The user is Sano, not Sakura! !Sent an online picture.

Fumi Suzukaze: What did you send, Ayane? ? ?

An Yilun is also a scumbag: I'm afraid it's some kind of lewd picture.

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