"I did have an operation just now, and the reactor in my chest was removed, and I'm still lying on the hospital bed..."

At this moment, Tianya's cell phone vibrated again, and when he took it to his eyes, it was Kara's call.

Hill continued: "We need to gather the Avengers as soon as possible, can you contact Saul?"

"Yes, I can get in touch with him. I'll go to your headquarters to gather later." Without waiting for Hill to say anything else, Tian Ya hung up the phone directly, and connected to Kara's call by the way.

As soon as the phone was connected, Kara said: "Tianya, I know this General Zod, we are in big trouble!"

"I know, where are you now? We need to meet up."

"I'm in the apartment right now..."

"How bad is it?" Tianya just hung up the phone, Pepper asked, Tony also hung up Fury's phone, staring at Tianya.

"Too bad, a dozen, maybe a few dozen Supergirl-like enemies are going to invade Earth."

"That person said he was a general, how could a general have dozens of people under his command?" Tony asked.

"He is a general who is being imprisoned, and he probably has few subordinates now," Tian Ya said and left directly using Flying Thunder God.

Tian Ya teleported himself to Kara's side, and Kara was walking up and down in a hurry, but stopped after seeing Tian Ya.

"Zod was the highest military officer before the destruction of Krypton. He failed to launch a rebellion and was imprisoned in the Phantom Zone. He was also imprisoned with a dozen of his subordinates. Many criminals were imprisoned in the Phantom Zone. Now it is difficult for me to Judge how many people he has under his command..."

"Kara, calm down first, maybe we can convince him that what he is looking for is your cousin Karl. Karl is not on Earth, so he has no reason to start a war with us. You change your clothes, and we will gather at S.H.I.E.L.D."


call!A gust of wind blew in the living room, and in the blink of an eye, Kara changed her battle clothes onto her body.

Tianya opened the space door with a wave, and together with Kara came to the Tricurved Wing Building of S.H.I.E.L.D., and went straight to Fury's office.Reaching out and pushing open the door of Fury's office, Fury was answering the phone in the office.

Fury stretched out a finger to the two, and then said to the phone: "Mr. Director, I'm already gathering the Avengers, I have to hang up the phone now."

Fury hung up the phone immediately after speaking, and then threw the phone on the desk.

"More than half an hour ago, three alien spacecraft stopped in the synchronous orbit of the moon..."

"I know this Zod." Kara interrupted Fury: "He used to be the military commander of Krypton. He was imprisoned in Krypton's special prison Phantom Zone because of his rebellion. He was also imprisoned with him. Some men."

"What? You're saying that the enemies we're about to face are a group of people as powerful as you?" Fury's heart was heavy, and his complexion... couldn't be seen, it was already dark.

"I'm afraid... yes."

Kara doesn't take many shots, so it's not very clear how strong Kara is, but from the information he has now, Kara should be the most powerful superhero on earth!Super speed, super strength, super defense, heat vision, Kara has only revealed these to Fury so far.

Kara has already demonstrated super speed during the New York War, and instantly accelerated to 6 times the speed of sound, which is not something ordinary superheroes can do!

"Then where is the Karl they want? If they are all as powerful as you, we can only hand him over." Although he was unwilling, Fury knew that if the other party really had an army as powerful as Kara, then the Earth's There is simply no way these superheroes can defeat them.

"Carl is my cousin, we can't give it to Zod."

"You have also heard his threat. If you don't hand over your cousin to him, he will attack the earth!"

"Fury! Kara's cousin is not on Earth, Kara mentioned it to you before!" Tian Ya reminded Fury from the side.

Only then did Fury remember that Kara had indeed said that she had never found her cousin.

Fury said: "You are a Kryptonian, maybe you should talk to Zod, but before that we need to gather people together."

"I'll go to Asgard to see if I can bring in reinforcements, Fury, gather the others as soon as possible," Tian Ya drew circles in the air as he said.

A blue space gate appeared on the bridge outside the Rainbow Bridge, and Tian Ya walked out from the space gate.

Asgard has not changed much, it is still so beautiful, and the Rainbow Bridge has now been rebuilt.

The gatekeeper, Heimdall, was standing outside the Rainbow Bridge. When he saw Tianya walking out of the Rainbow Bridge, he said, "You can't enter Asgard without permission!"

"Heimdall, do you still know me?"

"Yes, you are here to find Thor? I'm afraid you won't see him for a while, he's not in Asgard right now."

Chapter 180 The second is prepared

"Where did Saul go?" Tianya asked.

"There was a war in Vanaheim, and Thor went to suppress the rebellion," Heimdall said.

"Well, our earth has been invaded by powerful enemies. Every enemy is as powerful as Thor, or even stronger than Thor. We need a little help. I hope to meet Odin, the father of the gods."

"Every enemy is as strong as Thor? Are you sure? How many?"

"We haven't fought the enemy yet, but there are at least a dozen of them, and there may be dozens of them. Their spaceships are staying in the outer space of the earth. You can use your ability to help us investigate."

Heimdall turned his back to Tianya, used his ability to look into the deep universe, and soon found the earth in the vast sea of ​​stars.

"I saw three spaceships with strange shapes, and the total number of people in the three spaceships totaled more than 100 people."

Heimdall turned around again, and said: "If these people's strength is about the same as Thor's, then the crisis in Midgard this time is very huge. I will help you to inform the father of the gods, and you can go outside the hall Waiting to be summoned."

"Thank you." Tian Ya nodded, the red light ring on his hand lit up, and flew towards the hall where Odin summoned his subjects.

"Who is it!" Tian Ya was stopped by two guards as soon as he arrived outside the main hall.

"I have an appointment, guys, don't get so excited."

Tian Ya didn't come to do anything, so he didn't intend to pass the guards, and just stood outside the hall and waited.

After a while, a guard came out from the hall, pointed to Tianya and said, "Your Majesty wants to see you."

Tian Ya followed the guards into the main hall. In the main hall, Odin was sitting upright with Gungnir in his hand.

"Heimdall has already told me the matter. Asgard can't help you now. There is a war in Vanaheim. We need to quell the war there first."

"I think you have misunderstood a bit. Ordinary Asgardian soldiers can't help at all. What we need is Sol's combat power."

"Oh, Sol is fighting in Vanaheim, and we can't help you."

"But you can! You are stronger than Sol!"

There was a debate on the original World Internet, saying that Odin is the strongest in the Nine Realms, but the movie didn't show a single battle scene, so fans can only guess!Maybe this is an opportunity to see Odin's fighting power.

"I'm already a very old man, you plan to let an old man follow you to the battlefield?"

"Aren't Asgardians stronger with age?" Tian Ya asked.

"Being powerful doesn't mean you will still be full of energy like a young man. Now I can't be like I was when I was young. Go back first. Asgard will help you at critical moments."

Tian Ya nodded to Odin, intending to turn around and leave, but Odin spoke again.

"With your strength and the weapons Aitri helped you build, you shouldn't need Asgard's help."

Tianya will not be so blindly confident. Take Kara as an example. If Tianya and Kara fight with all their strength, Tianya may win in the end, but Tianya may be seriously injured because of this. Now Tianya has to face a group of Kryptonians like Kara. The Kryptonian's super speed and super strength alone are enough for Tianya to suffer!If Tianya had the body of a Kryptonian, he would definitely be able to beat him to pieces!

Maybe Zod's combat skills are poor, maybe they haven't mastered the power after being strengthened, and they don't even know how to strengthen their bodies with solar energy. Capsize!

"You may not know how powerful the Kryptonians will be on Earth." Tian Ya turned around and said, "In terms of strength, they can easily suppress Thor, and their speed can reach several times the speed of sound in an instant or even faster. They are difficult to cut open, their eyes can emit thermal vision, and they can spit out super low temperature from their mouths, facing such a group of enemies, I have no certainty of victory."

Odin frowned. He had heard of, seen and beaten many powerful races in the universe, but he had never heard of the Kryptonians.

"I see, I will help you when necessary..."

With Odin's promise again, the space in front of Tianya began to spin, and Tianya did not return directly to the earth, but first came to the world of the brave in the Shenwei space.

To deal with the Kryptonians, the best way is naturally kryptonite, and there is no kryptonite on the earth now, reverse flash Albert Swan is a person from the future world, maybe Swan knows how to synthesize kryptonite, or knows Where to find kryptonite.

In the laboratory of the castle, Swan, Ivan and Maya were doing some kind of experiment, and the three of them didn't realize that Tianya appeared behind them.

A blue human body simulation image is displayed on the large screen in the laboratory. After a reagent is injected, a special area of ​​the human brain begins to emit red light, and the entire human body image also begins to turn red, and then slowly begins to glow again. Stabilizes and returns to blue again.

"The experiment was successful." A special female voice appeared, which was the artificial intelligence in the laboratory, 'Gideon' developed by Swan.

"Papa..." Tianya clapped his hands.

Hearing the applause, the three of them turned their heads and stared at Tianya in unison, not at all happy about the success of the experiment, not even Maya, who has been studying the Extremis virus for more than ten years, was not at all happy.

"Congratulations on completing the experiment and making up for the most fatal flaw of the Extremis virus. How far have you progressed with the Superman serum?"

"You've been spying on us?" Maya asked.

"No, I just happened to catch up."

"Heh!" Maya gave Tian Ya a blank look, she didn't believe Tian Ya's words at all, she found a place to sit down and ignored Tian Ya.

"Zod has invaded the earth, I must inject the serum as soon as possible!"

"Who is this Zod?" Ivan asked.

"Zod is the hometown of his little girlfriend, the military commander of the Kryptonians." Swan explained from the side: "Zod has many Kryptonians under him, and he is a powerful character."

After Swan explained, he said to Tianya: "It will take some time for the super serum, the fusion of two genes is not that simple."

The serum was not completed, so Tianya could only give up injecting the serum to deal with Zod.

"Swan, do you know how to synthesize kryptonite or where to find it?" Tian Ya looked at Swan.

"If you want to find kryptonite, you can go to the original galaxy where Krypton is located and try your luck." Swan sat on the chair and said, "I don't know how to synthesize kryptonite, but I know how the red sun is made."

Without kryptonite, it is difficult to quickly weaken the Kryptonians. The light of the red sun can only slowly weaken the Kryptonians. Slowly weakening the Kryptonians is useless. As long as Zod's IQ is online, he will not be foolishly waiting to be weakened!

Since Swan can't make kryptonite, and doesn't know where to find kryptonite, Tianya can only leave here.

Opening the space door, Tian Ya came to the Red Lantern Corps' space carrier Ismoot, intending to use the Red Lantern Corps as the final trump card.The Red Lantern Corps can definitely be regarded as a very powerful cosmic force. Although the members of the Red Lantern Corps are not as powerful as the Kryptonians, there are so many people!

Tian Ya flew directly to Atoshitas' residence, and found Atoshitas who was dozing off.

"Cough!" Tian Ya coughed and Atoshitas woke up.

"Why did you think of returning to the Legion, rookie?" Atoshitas looked towards Tianya with his head propped on one hand.

"I need the help of the legion. My planet has been invaded and the enemy is relatively strong, so I may need the help of the legion. At that time, I will open a space gate in the charging square..."

"If you can't handle it with your strength, I won't let the entire army go to death!" Atoshitas interrupted Tian Ya.

Tian Ya narrowed his eyes and said, "Atoshitas, this is not a request! Whether you agree or not, as long as my space door is opened, I must see at least 100 Red Lantern members!"

The orange light ring on Tianya's hand lit up, and a big orange hand grabbed Atoshitas and pulled him closer.

"Since the moment I put on the Red Lantern Ring, I have regarded the Red Lantern Corps as my own private property. The reason why I let you live is because you can help the Legion create rings! If you don't respect me again, I will I don’t mind helping you replace some machine parts!”

After threatening Atoshitas, Tian Ya walked away, and Tian Ya didn't plan to ask the sanctuary mages for help. After all, these mages were all mortal, and they would probably die if they were touched.

He directly opened the space door to Fury's office, but Fury and Kara were no longer here, and when they left the office, they saw a familiar figure.

"Sharon? Carter?" Sharon has been Tian Ya's nanny for several years, even if it was just from the back, Tian Ya recognized her at a glance.

Chapter 180 Three Secrets of the Al Family

"Director Fury went to the mothership, and gathered the team there just like last time." Sharon smiled and said, "You seem to have grown up a lot, are you still in high school or..."

"I'm already in college, you should know, you've been monitoring my life..." Speaking of this, Tian Ya suddenly felt that Sharon was a bit reserved, and after not seeing him for just over two years, he already felt strange to himself.

"Sharon, after this incident, we should often have a party or something. I always miss your cooking..."

"Actually, none of those dishes were made by me, they were all bought outside..."

"Uh... well, the situation is urgent now, I have to rush there now."

Opening the space door, Tian Ya came to the space carrier, the mothership has been repaired, but Fu Rui and others have not yet arrived, it is good to have space ability, even if they run around, they are still ahead of Fu Rui and others.

Although Fury has not arrived yet, the entire space carrier has entered a state of emergency, and the staff is conducting various inspections to ensure that the space carrier can operate normally in the event of a war.

"I saw you playing tank battle just now." Tian Ya walked behind a person.

Everyone looked over when they heard Tian Ya's words, and this person also felt guilty.

"I'm joking." Tian Ya took everyone's gaze into view, patted the man's shoulder, and said, "I want to ask where we are now."

"Oh, uh, we're flying over New York..."

Ten minutes later, a Quin-style fighter stopped on the deck of the Helicarrier, and Fury, Kara, and the captain got off the fighter and entered the Helicarrier.


In space, inside a circular spaceship, a woman is giving orders to the artificial intelligence of the spaceship.

"Replace the air composition in the spacecraft, mainly the air composition on the earth, remove the sunlight filtering system, and fully simulate the environment of the earth."

"You're crazy, Astra!" Zod stared at the woman who looked exactly like Kara's biological mother, and shouted, "Are you going to kill everyone!"

Astra explained calmly: "The Al family has always guarded a secret. When we absorb the rays of the yellow sun and breathe the air full of nutrients, we will become god-like existences!"

"Lie! I'm so familiar with Joe Al, I've never heard him say it!"

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