On the plane, Ward set up the autopilot and came to the living room of the plane.

"I don't think it's a good idea for us to run away now, Tianya? Stark may return to the base at any time, and then chase after him!"

Garrett stood up unhurriedly, took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet at the side bar, took out two glasses, poured two glasses of wine in turn, and handed one of them to Ward.

"Now is the best opportunity. Instead of waiting for Tianya Stark to come back and continue to interrogate me, we might as well flee immediately. Tianya Stark's magic is quite weird, and he may find a way to find out what happened between us. We will never escape by then."

Garrett and Ward clinked glasses, drank the wine in one gulp, and looked very comfortable: "Ha... Is this Coulson's collection? It tastes good..."

"That is indeed my collection, from a wealthy private wine cellar!"

As soon as Garrett finished speaking, Coulson pushed open a door and came out, pointing his pistol at the two people who were drinking. Behind Coulson, Tianya, Hand, Skye and the black agent came out one after another. .

"Fack!" Garrett cursed in a low voice, seeing that Tian Ya was among them, he could only obediently raise his hand and surrender.

"I told you already." Ward gulped down his drink and raised his hand.

The black agent was very sensible, took out two handcuffs and handcuffed the two, and then together with Tian Ya pressed the two into the prison cell on the plane or it could also be called the interrogation room.

This interrogation room is made of a special metal called vanadium carbide alloy, which is extremely hard. It is difficult for ordinary people locked here to escape. The purpose of building this interrogation room is to detain some special people. For example, to a character at the level of Captain America.

Tian Ya sat across from Garrett, and said, "I want to know now, who else has the technology of your electronic eyes? Or which of you snakeheads has it."

"Actually I'm not really a Hydra, I just clung to it when the wind changed..."

"It's a piece of grass, I understand."

"I mean the rudder..."

"Well, I don't want to hear these things, I don't want to know why you fell, I just care about what I want to know! Who else has the technology of electronic eyes in Hydra? Or do you know who is Always thinking about my abilities."

"A lot of technologies in Hydra are shared, except for some people's special research." Garrett smiled and said: "Oh, there are many people in Hydra who are thinking about your power, but most of them are very It is wise not to provoke you."

"The majority, um, I want to hear about the minority."

"I don't know either. I'm not on the same side as them. I don't care about absolute order or world domination. I just want to live!" Garrett's expression became serious.

Although he doesn't know how to read the moon and the secret arts of the mountain clan, Tianya can still feel that Garrett is not lying. The result of his spiritual detection is that this guy is equipped with a life-sustaining device, which is very It may be dead in the next second!

After staring at Garrett for a while, Tian Ya stood up and said, "I believe what you say."

After leaving the interrogation room, Tianya met Skye and Hand in the lobby, and Coulson went to fly the plane.

"Do you really believe what he said?" Skye asked, looking at Tianya who was coming towards her.

The conversation between Tianya and Garrett just now, Skye and Hand, has been known through monitoring.

"Yes, he is indeed dying."

Hand reminded: "Hydra is a group of desperate guys. They are very crazy. I believe what he said is not the truth."

"He is telling the truth. I can see that this is a self-centered person. He doesn't care about Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. This is a person who only cares about himself."

"Can we stay alone for a while?" Tian Ya smiled at Hand, signaling that Hand wanted to talk to Skye alone.

"Of course." Hand turned and left.

After Hand left, Tianya looked at Skye and said, "How do you feel about your life in S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"It's been great, we've helped a lot of people, I've been exposed to a lot of really interesting things, I've seen Asgardians, oh, you can see Asgardians all the time, but we've seen one in An Asgardian who has lived on the earth for thousands of years, he has been living on the earth incognito, and he is now a professor of history at a university."

"Having lived on the earth for thousands of years, he has become a living dictionary. No wonder he became a history professor." Tian Ya nodded, then changed his voice, and said, "Have you ever thought about leaving here and living in a comfortable place? The next thing could bring S.H.I.E.L.D. down..."

"Go to your big villa to compete with a bunch of women?"

Hearing Skye's words, Tianya frowned subconsciously, Tianya's frowning was caught by Skye, and Skye sneered.

"Do you think I won't check? There are several women living in your villa, and I'm the only one!"

"You are different from them. I didn't intend to let you compete with them. I just don't want you to be hurt in the following turmoil. Moreover, if you don't want to live with them, I can find another place for you .”

Skye thought for a while and said, "I want to stay here. I already like this kind of life. There are new things happening every day. I can use my talents here."

"I respect your decision, if you need anything, you can call me at any time, no matter what, as long as you need it, you can call me."

"I want a cheeseburger right now..."


"I'm joking, you said you have traveled in the universe these days, can you tell me about it?"

"of course can."

After Coulson and others imprisoned Garrett and Ward, Tian Ya opened a space door and led a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to the warehouse where the spiritual scepter was stored.

"They moved really thoroughly," Fitz sighed looking at the empty warehouse.

A group of S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel began to search the entire warehouse, searching for various clues, but after more than an hour, they found no clues. The Hydra group was also very professional, and there was nothing left to make God The SHIELD follows their leads.

Chapter 230 Take away the cosmic ray reversal device

The spiritual scepter was stolen, and Tianya informed Tony and others about it. Tony and Banner, who had the experience of searching for the Rubik's Cube in the universe, quickly started the search, using satellites to detect gamma rays on the earth.

Kara, who has super hearing, has been flying outside the atmosphere to monitor the entire earth these days, trying to find the spiritual scepter, but more than ten days later, there is still no clue.

On this day, Tianya was invited to Reed's building. Reed had already built a machine to reverse the cosmic ray storm, but he never notified Tianya. He didn't notice until he planned to renovate the building after he got engaged to Susan. Tian Ya intends to destroy the machine under the witness of Tian Ya.

"I heard that you went for a walk in the universe a few days ago?" Johnny enthusiastically poured Tianya a cup of coffee, hoping to hear interesting news about the universe from Tianya's mouth.

"Who did you listen to?" Tian Ya took Johnny's coffee.

"I heard from Rhodes. We met at a party a few days ago, and he told us."

"Yes." Ben took a few sips of an oversized Coca-Cola through a straw, and said, "That guy is such a joke. I really don't know how he became a colonel."

"Because he made a rich friend." Johnny complained, and then said: "Hey, man, tell us about your experience in the universe."

"Of course, that day, I heard that Sol's girlfriend, Jane, was dating a man, so I messed up her date, and followed them to a factory with abnormal space..."

"I've heard all these things, I want to hear how you got together with that high priest of the Sovereigns." However, just as Tian Ya started to say, Johnny interrupted Tian Ya.

"How could Tony tell Roddy about this kind of thing!" After complaining about Tony, Tian Ya refused, "I can't tell you about this kind of thing."

"Why not, here are all adults..."


"Okay, then you show us that infinite stone."

"Johnny! Why do you look like a child who can't grow up!" Susan came over with a plate of fruit, and said to Tianya: "You'd better not show it to him, otherwise he will definitely try it in his hand." Try it."

"No, I will never do that..."

"That gem can really destroy a planet at once?" Reed walked over behind Susan: "To be honest, I really want to see it too, of course, I don't want to see if it can destroy a planet." Drop a planet..."

"Reed!" Susan glared at Reed.

Reed: "Just purely research..."

Tianya smiled slightly, and took out Ronan's sledgehammer from the Shenwei space.

"This is the Infinity Stone?" Johnny pointed to the Infinity Stone on the hammer, intending to reach out and touch it.

Snapped!Tian Ya slapped Johnny's hand away, held the hammer far away, and said, "If you don't want to kill yourself, don't touch it!"

"Just because you saw a person being exploded by the energy of the gemstone?" Johnny disagreed: "My super power is very powerful, there will be no problem."

"You can only control one fire, what a powerful fart!" Tian Ya immediately put the hammer away.

Ben put the cup in his hand on the table, and said, "You really shouldn't stop him, you should let the energy of the gem explode him."

"Johnny! Don't mess around here!" Susan felt a headache for this younger brother.

"Alright alright……"

"The cosmic ray reversal device has been created, why not restore Ben to its original state?" Tian Ya looked back and forth between Reid and himself.

"Given that there are alien invasions from time to time, I think it's better to stay like this."

Ben is already used to this body strength, but if he becomes an ordinary person, he will feel uncomfortable. Although this body is sometimes very inconvenient, the situation is gradually improving.

The nearby bars will prepare special cups for Ben, and some shoe factories will order all kinds of shoes for him. Although he divorced his original wife, he now has a blind girlfriend. People are very much in love.

"The Fantastic Four can't live without a mascot," Johnny said cheaply, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

"Oliver Quinn is still alive..." "The interstellar laboratory will be revealed next year..."

Johnny kept switching channels, eventually stopping on a fashion show channel.

"Reed, can I have a look at that device?" Tian Ya looked at Reed and asked.

"of course can."

Reed led Tian Ya out of the living room and came to the experimental hall. There are many messy things here, the most important thing is the cosmic ray reversal device.

Reed pointed to a large machine and said, "Since we don't intend to return to its original state, and we also want to retain the ability, it's better to destroy this device."

"Since this device can reverse the effects of cosmic ray storms, can it simulate cosmic ray storms?"

"It's theoretically possible..."

Tianya smiled, how could such a good thing be destroyed!It can be used to mass produce superpowers!

"In other words, we can use this device to manufacture superpowers in large quantities, which is much easier to use than the military's super soldier potions."

"Waiter? No, everyone's situation is different, and no one knows what will happen. We can't do this! We can't use this to make an army! I don't want my invention to be used to start a war!"

"Don't get excited, I don't plan to use it to make an army, I just don't want you to destroy it, according to our contract, you don't have the right to destroy it, so I want to keep this device."

When Tianya brought up the right to destroy the invention, Reed realized that he might have been tricked!But the contract has already been signed, and Reed can only swallow this bitter pill today. If there are important inventions in the future, he will destroy them first, and then tell Tianya that the invention was unsuccessful!

Tian Ya went around the entire device, removed all the cables, and then pressed his hands on the huge device.

"Divine power!"

Tianya activated Shenwei several times before completely installing all parts of this device into the Shenwei space. Tianya has long been experienced in moving these devices. The equipment used by Swan and Ivan was moved into the world of the brave little by little. of.

After putting the cosmic ray reversal device into the Shenwei space, Tian Ya looked at Reed and asked, "When do you and Susan plan to hold a wedding?"

"We're going to finish the building and then we'll have the wedding..."

"Bless you in advance, man."

Speaking of Reed's wedding, Tianya thought of the glider or surfer in "Fantastic Four 2", and wondered if Star Swallowing would come.

Having obtained the cosmic ray reversal device, Tianya's purpose of coming here today has been achieved. What Tianya wants to do most now is to find a few volunteers to test whether this device can be used to create superpowers. However, this device still needs to be adjusted and rectified. , not in a hurry.

Tianya bid farewell to Reed and others and came to Kara's apartment. Tianya promised to go to the opera with Kara today. Although Tianya couldn't appreciate these operas, Kara liked to watch them, so Tianya could only accompany her to watch.

"How about my clothes?" A gust of wind blew through the apartment, and Kara changed her clothes at super speed and stood in front of Tian Ya.

"Not good" Tianya shook his head.

Another gust of wind blew, and Kara changed a set of clothes again. Just as she was about to ask Tian Ya, she found a light blue halo suddenly appeared on the ceiling of the apartment. There were strange symbols in the halo, like a magic spell. Array is the same.

Kara saw it, and Tianya felt it. This is exactly a ninjutsu formation. At first, this formation wanted to pull Tianya in, but after about two or three seconds, it changed its method and stopped pulling Tianya's body. Instead, it began to pull Tianya's consciousness.

"What's going on here?" Seeing that Tianya was almost unsteady, Kara immediately supported Tianya.

He put Tianya on the sofa and looked at the magic circle on the ceiling. Kara's eyes began to turn red, and the thermal vision directly hit the magic circle. However, the attack of the heat vision had no effect. When the heat vision hit the magic circle, it disappeared. .

Increased the energy output of the heat sight, but still had no effect, Kara could only give up.

"Kara, protect my body!" Just as Carla was going to get the phone to ask someone for help, Tian Ya, with his eyes closed, grabbed Cara's hand.

Chapter 230 The Call from the World of Naruto

"What's going on here?" Tian Ya looked at his hands, his body was in a state of burning flames, emitting energy all the time.

"Sarutobi Yishui!"

Tianya was shocked, he hadn't heard this name for many years, and this hoarse voice was so familiar!


Tianya raised his head and looked around. This place was similar to a ancestral hall. Orochimaru, Sasuke, Suigetsu, and Shigego were standing in a row, and he and the first, second, and fourth Hokages stood in a row. together.

"Yishui, are you dead too?" Sasuke stared at Tianya expressionlessly.

"Of course I'm not dead!"

"But you look like you're dead..." Shuiyue said with a look on her face.

"Huh?!" Tian Ya subconsciously raised his hand to use the lantern ring, but found that the two rings were not in his hand, so Tian Ya had to put his hand down.

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