——She didn't have any real feeling for this sentence.

Hisata Eriko and Kamiyama Naka, who went to junior high school, also gradually graduated from childishness and childhood, but the relationship between the two gradually became estranged.

Shangshan Yanxia has her own secret. She seems to be a boy she likes, or someone else she likes. It makes the girls around me look forward to it very much, but it also makes Hisata Eriko feel very concerned.

Kuta Eriko didn't know what happened to Ueyama Naka, she asked Naka directly, but the girl didn't answer, and even dodged a little, as if she didn't want to continue to open her heart with her.

This made her very unhappy.

——Long Xia.

There are things I don't know again.

This is different from the time when I watched Tokusho before. At that time, Kamiyama was still young and didn’t know how to hide herself—now she gradually matured and gradually closed her heart. Even her childhood sweetheart couldn’t understand .

At the beginning when Natsuya stole money on the mountain, it was Kuta Eriko who insisted on Natsuka not letting her leave, and went to report to her parents.

Although Kuta Eriko protected her that time.

But Li Xia was still beaten by her parents.

she guessed.

I'm afraid that from then on, the girl no longer wanted to see her as a friend in her heart.

But even so.

Kuta Eriko also needs to be by Ueyama Fukatsu's side.

The two agreed.

Is the most important friend of a lifetime.

She couldn't imagine the days when she and Yan Xia were not friends.


The relationship between the two of them seemed to have no problems as girlfriends until the second semester of the third year of junior high school.

—that happened.

In physical education class that day, Yan Xia had a stomachache, so she took sick leave in advance and went to the infirmary.

Hisata Eriko was very worried. When class was about to end, she left early and walked quickly to the infirmary, wanting to take care of her. Then she found that Kamiyama Naka was not in the infirmary, and was told by the health care teacher to go back to the classroom.

She didn't think much about it, so she went directly back to the classroom to look for Ueyama Yuxia, who was lying on the table in a daze, while the two of them were whispering there.

The monitor suddenly blocked the door of the class.

Tell everyone an amazing fact.

When someone is in gym class.

—Stole the class fee.


She subconsciously looked at Shangshan Yanxia who had stolen something before, but the next second.

She felt angry, blamed, and regretted.

No, it's not like that.

——It shouldn't be like this! !

As a friend her.

The most precious and cherished friend should not be doubted.

He clearly agreed to trust her, and he clearly agreed to be a lifelong friend! !

However, in addition to self-blame.

She was also slightly puzzled.

Since I believe in her so much.

Then why...

The first time I subconsciously felt that it was Shangshan Yanxia who did it?

she does not know.

Maybe it was the influence of her uncle. She always, inexplicably, would think of that stubborn uncle, the way he broke into their house that day, and the way Shangxia looked blankly at her parents' bedroom that day.

Beside her, she noticed that the beautiful face of Ueyama Yuxia who was stared at by her immediately turned pale.

She waved her hands desperately.

"I didn't steal it!"

"What do you see me doing?"

This blushing and stammering look reminded her of when her uncle stole grandma's money.

It's the same expression.

Kuta Eriko didn't want to doubt her friend.

She was ashamed of having doubted her friend.

So when the skinny monkey in the dead house she hates appeared and accused Shangshan Changxia of stealing something, in order to atone for her sin, she bravely stood up and protected Shangshan Changxia.

Although the last incident is over

But since then, they have become everyone's thorn in the side. Everyone looks at them very strangely. All of my friends left her because of this incident.

Some friends even said.

"If you continue to protect that thief, you are not our friend."

Those days were truly a nightmare.

Because she is Kamiyama Naka's most important friend, she had to leave other friends and protect her as the only one who believed in her.

She also persuaded herself to protect her, telling herself that Shangshan Lixia was not a thief.

Even though the facts are right there, there was only Kamiyama Naka in the classroom that day; even though Kamiyama had indeed stolen something; even though she often recalled that day after her uncle invaded her parents' bedroom, Kamiyama stared blankly when she came to help her. Looking at their parents' bedroom.

——She still believes in Ueyama Naka.

This must be a misunderstanding.

Yan Xia made a mistake once when she was young and ignorant.

Will not do it again.

Yan Xia is not like his uncle.

I won't keep repeating my mistakes.

——I won’t make the same mistakes again and again.

She desperately hypnotized herself, hoping to make herself believe in her own Li Xia, but no matter how she hypnotized, she still maintained a trace of suspicion.

So she made a promise in her heart, if this incident was really a misunderstanding, Shangshan Yanxia just made a mistake once in a while, not the kind of uncle who never changes after repeated admonition.

——Then in the near future.

——There should be no more things lost around Kamiyama Naka.

If for a long period of time in the future, Shangshan Changxia doesn’t lose anything by her side, then her suspicions will be nothing but illusions in the mirror; the grievances she has suffered are all due to other people’s non-existent malice and non-existent facts. fabricated rumors.

Others' malice is all rumors, others' ridicule is all jealousy, and others are all fools who can't see the truth.

So when someone mocked her again because of this incident.

She can also calmly laugh it off.

She also had reasons to play with Shangshan Lixia upright and with her head held high.


Although she made such a promise in her heart.

Yet she was also very clear.

Even if there is something lost around Shangshan Changxia in the future.

As long as there is no evidence, she will have no reason to believe that Shangshan Changxia is not the thief, and will stand up to protect her for no reason, just like she had defended Shangshan Changxia several times back then.


— What is the conclusive evidence.


How can there be conclusive evidence to accuse Shangshan Lixia of stealing things?

— until this very moment.

The decisive evidence she wanted came.

Other people's books fell out of Kamiyama Kazuma's schoolbag, and the boy named Egami Kazuma looked at Kamiyama Kazuma in surprise.

Li Xia asked her: "This is my book, why is it in your place?"

Only then did Eriko Kuta's body tremble, and she pinched the palm of her hand palely, dripping with cold sweat.




Here it goes and it goes and it goes and it goes and it goes and it goes and it goes and it goes and it goes and it goes

The people around Shangshan Changxia lost their things again.

And what the person lost this time,

Appears in your school bag.

How can I trust you this time...

Long summer?


What a vice a man has acquired.

It is very difficult to quit.

If a person is lazy, he will be addicted to laziness, and will not be diligent when encountering things; if a person does not know how to cook, he likes to put three bottles of sauce in the refrigerator, and then mix it with sauce to eat, then he will still be at the same level after a few years ; If a person likes to go to bed late, he will definitely go to bed late for a long time. He knows that there are important things to do the next day, but he will stay up until several o'clock and miss the important things on the next day.

Bad habits are untouchable.

Those who are infected with drugs will be exhausted, those who are contaminated with gambling will feel that they can win again, those who are contaminated with plunder will want to take something arrogantly, and those who are contaminated with stealing will have mischief against other people's things even if they atone for their sins. thoughts.

——Father once said that to Hisata Eriko.

Stealing is addictive.

There is no punishment for immorality.

It will get worse.

Seeing Kamiyama's eyes dodge, and after saying "I might have picked it up...", Hisata Eriko knew that she had to do something to restore the current situation that was on the verge of collapse.

She knows that the dead house is very precious to her love of comics and novels, and it is impossible to just throw it away.Moreover, their group of hot girls and the dead house are inherently opposed. If she finds her things from the dead house, then she must stalk her to the end. Even if it is a frame-up, she will call that person a thief .

This time, however, it wasn't her belongings being stolen by the dead house.

Instead, they stole the property of the dead house.

If things go on like this, the boy named Egami Kazuma will definitely get to the bottom of it, entangled with Ueyama Kazuya like that dead house skinny monkey in junior high school.

The last will go up the mountain Natsuya is a thief.

The fact that he is still a habitual offender has been exposed again.

There is no doubt that the cold violence in junior high school will reappear, and the high school life that she and Ueyama Naka have dreamed of for a long time will be completely buried because of it.

and so……

Had to figure out a way...

Had to figure out a way...

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