"Bronya, and... Anna Shaniat."

Xiao "If I remember correctly, the collapse of Manila should happen within the next month."

"But before that, let's get the lovely Miss Bronya done. I don't have that much time to play a long strategy game."

He smiled slightly, and slowly dialed an unfamiliar number.

At this moment, far away in the command room in the Jidong ME club base.

"Reporting to Mr. Cocolia, Mr. Walter has successfully boarded the battleship... It seems that things have exceeded your expectations. The Sky Branch did not respond, not even a symbolic interception."

Hearing her subordinate's words, Cocolia frowned suddenly.

No interception?Why?

It was clear that Watt had just been defeated, and now that the two sides were at their most tense moment, the Tianqiong branch stopped their flags and let them take Watt back to the extreme east?

Could it be...Chen Ye and Watt reached some kind of agreement, making Watt betray him?

As soon as such an idea appeared in Cocolia's mind, she rejected it the next moment.

Just kidding, how could Watt do such a thing with the IQ shown?

Taking a step back, is Watt worthy of being used by Chen Ye?He is just a failure that will be abandoned by him in the next operation!

Cocolia sneered wantonly in her heart, even if she wanted to take advantage of Watt, she still needed to be respectful to her on the surface.

"Although Lord Walter was defeated in the battle because of the despicable sneak attack of the Valkyries of Destiny, he must have caused huge losses to the Sky Branch. I'm afraid they are too busy to take care of themselves, so they don't have the energy to try to intercept our battleship. "

Cocolia found a plausible explanation for herself.

Hearing the words, the subordinates also showed a look of sudden realization.

"So that's the case, Mr. Cocolia had expected this a long time ago, and that's why he sent the battleship so decisively?"

Being praised so much, Cocolia felt a little embarrassed. She just hurriedly dispatched the battleship just to prevent Watt from dying in Tianqiong City and leaving behind evidence.

The battleship wasn't even equipped with too many weapons to deal with interception, so she was so concerned about the fact that the Sky Branch didn't intercept it.

"Go to the finance department to receive a one-month bonus. You have done a good job by my side these days."

She rewarded it casually.

"Thank you, Cocolia-sama!"

The subordinate was immediately overjoyed, his face was filled with surprises, and after getting the approval, he left here in a hurry.

In ME's huge command room, only Cocolia was left again.

Cocolia decided to close her eyes and rest for a while, and make follow-up plans after Watt's battleship returned to the Far East.

At this moment, the communicator in front of him suddenly rang.

She was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously chose to connect.

"you are?"

"It's me, Cocolia... It seems like a while has passed since the last call."

The deep words sounded slowly, and Cocolia frowned suddenly.

This voice was very familiar, she thought for a moment, and the name of the other party slowly emerged in her mind.

——Chen Ye, the executor of the Sky Branch.

Chapter 54 I Want Bronya

Needle drop can be heard in the huge command room.

At this moment of tension, Cocolia did not expect that Chen Ye would contact her on his own initiative.

Could it be that he came to the door to question his teacher and took the opportunity to mock himself?

Thinking of this, her mood gradually became worse, and even her breathing became heavier.

Suppressing her anger, Cocolia did not choose to hang up the call.

"If you are here to mock me, then congratulations, you have successfully won this round of confrontation..."

"But next time, heh."

For some reason, Cocolia, known as the anti-entropy witch, couldn't control her emotions well every time she met Chen Ye.

Three fights and three disastrous defeats were like three shames engraved on her life.

"Next time, is Ms. Cocolia planning to use more and more powerful Walter clones to defeat me?"

Chen Ye smiled slightly, "I don't mind fighting against this kind of crippled Herrscher, but have you ever thought that one day, the news of Walter's clone will reach the ears of someone who knows the whereabouts of the leader, or even the leader? What about me?"

"Then Ms. Cocolia's ambition to rule the entire anti-entropy, isn't it completely exposed?"

Cocolia was taken aback for a moment, and then her face became gloomy.

Why would he know this?

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, no, I'm just giving Ms. Cocolia a kind reminder. After all, from a standpoint, we are all inseparable allies of the reformers, aren't we?"

Chen Ye paused, and said with a smile: "What a coincidence, I happen to have a special combat video in my hand. Guess what the pictures in the video are?"

The provocative meaning in the words was obvious, and Cocolia knew what the consequences of this incident would be.

Once revealed, when the missing leader returns, what awaits her will be a complete liquidation, years of accumulated destruction, and after being prosecuted to a military court, she will suffer endless torture in prison.

Obviously, Cocolia couldn't accept this.

"You should be clear about one thing. Although the Sky Branch has won three victories by chance, to me, the Sky Branch is still an ant that can be trampled to death at any time."

The words were full of threats, and to sum it up in one sentence, it would be...

——she was in a hurry.

The current strength of the Tianqiong branch is indeed unable to confront Cocolia head-on. If it is really as small as the other party said, it may have been eradicated by this arrogant woman as an uncertain factor.

Chen Ye smiled: "But let's make a hypothesis... If I have the contact information of the leader, and I can even tell him about the cloned person now, what will Ms. Cocolia think?"


Cocolia subconsciously shouted: "The lord has been missing for so long, and may even have died unfortunately. How can you, the executor of the Sky Branch, contact him?"

Unknowingly, the negotiating initiative completed the transposition.

She suddenly realized that she had fallen into the other party's trap, but she was unable to get out.

Cocolia didn't dare to bet that if Chen Ye could really do what he said, then what awaited her would be a fate of destruction.

She took a deep breath, and let out a long breath of foul air, and only returned to the call after the fluctuating emotions subsided.

"Tell me, what are you going to do?"

She said in a deep voice, her eyes filled with vigilance.

From this moment on, Cocolia will no longer underestimate the other party, but will treat Chen Ye as an opponent who must be treated with caution.

"If you plan to use these things as a deterrent to intimidate me, then your calculation is wrong."

Chen Ye shook his head slowly, the words he said were not the demands and threats that Cocolia expected.

"From the very beginning, Ms. Cocolia seemed to have misunderstood my purpose."

"There's no need to be so vigilant and angry... This time, I'm here to discuss cooperation with you."

"As I said before, you and I are both anti-entropy reformers, and we should be on the same front."

"Let me ask you a question... Cocolia, do you want to become the real master of anti-entropy?"

The moment the words fell, the communication channel between the two sides became extremely silent.

In the silence where the needle could be heard, Cocolia could hear her heart pounding.

She blinked her eyes slightly, hiding the longing well, and asked back:

"Great question...but how do you prove that you have the ability?"

"It's very simple, I know Walter Yang's current whereabouts, and even more the reason why he disappeared for many years..."

Chen Ye paused, and said in a very seductive tone: "Cocolia, I can provide you with any information you want to know, such as... the whereabouts of the Herrscher Gem, or the opening of the Quantum Path." The way of the sea?"

"But what if Walter Yang comes back one day?"

"So what if you come back? The position of the anti-entropy lord is for those who are capable. Assuming that before he comes back, we have created a complete Moonlight Throne and discovered the secrets of the Quantum Sea. What about the Herrscher of Reason who has disappeared for many years?" Return to the position of the leader when the hearts of the people are gone?

dong dong dong-

Cocolia's heart couldn't stop beating wildly.

She had to admit that she was completely moved.

The Moonlight Throne, the greatest invention in human history, the ultimate anti-entropy weapon, and the strongest Houkai energy transformation device on Earth.

It can convert all the Houkai energy in a large area into heat energy in just a few seconds, and it can even theoretically kill the Herrscher instantly.

Even nuclear energy cannot provide the ability to drive this great weapon. Only a complete Herrscher core can truly do this.

This is one of the reasons why she launched the collapse of Changkong City. She wanted to transform Raiden Mei into a complete Herrscher of Thunder, and then seize the Herrscher Core transformed from the gem of conquest in her chest!

Conservatives believe that anti-entropy is unable to complete this great weapon alone, and intends to hand over the semi-finished products currently manufactured to the destiny.

Naturally, the reformists would not agree with this, and the fate of anti-entropy must be in their own hands.

This is the reason why the two factions finally parted ways, which shows the importance of the Moonlight Throne in the hearts of everyone against entropy.

It is no exaggeration to say that whoever manufactures and completes this great weapon independently will become the real leader of anti-entropy!

"Is what you said true?"

"It's true, aside from the matter of the Herrscher of Thunder, we didn't have any conflicts from the very beginning, didn't we?"

Hearing this, Cocolia fell into deep thought.

If everything goes smoothly according to what Chen Ye said, before the completion of the Moonlight Throne project, she can use Watt to control the anti-entropy.

After it is completed, it can become a god in one fell swoop, and no longer needs clones as puppets to become the real leader.

Everything looks dreamy and beautiful, as long as she agrees to cooperate, she can get it at her fingertips.

But... what is Chen Ye's purpose?

As if hearing Cocolia's doubts from this silence, Chen Ye said slowly:

"My purpose is also very simple, that is... the core of the Herrscher of Reason."

"The core of the Herrscher of Reason?!"

Cocolia's face changed suddenly, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, Walter Yang is not an excellent core successor of the Herrscher, and he cannot even exert half of the power of the Herrscher of Reason in his hands."

Chen Ye said slowly: "Now that anti-entropy is on the decline, and the destiny is overshadowing the sky with one hand, only by handing over the core of the Herrscher to the hands of those who truly fit, can it exert its true power and lead anti-entropy and even all mankind to defeat Honkai !"

Madman, what a real madman!

He just set his target on the position of leader, yet Chen Ye dared to directly covet Walter's Herrscher core!

Such a crazy idea did not repel Cocolia's idea of ​​cooperation, on the contrary, she was even more optimistic about this seamless plan.

If Chen Ye is really willing to help herself without any benefit, she will never agree to this cooperation.

Where there is desire, there is action.

"Then... I wish our cooperation a smooth and happy cooperation."

"Not urgent."

Chen Ye interrupted Cocolia's act of opening the champagne, and his words slowly sounded through the communication channel.

"Compared to these, the bottleneck encountered by the current development of the Tianqiong Branch needs Ms. Cocolia's assistance to solve it."

"what do you want?"

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