"Application for research and development funds, um... this amount is a bit too big, let Mr. Chen Ye come back and let him decide."

After these three days of training, Leiden Mei seemed to have accumulated enough processing experience to keep reviewing documents at a relatively fast speed.

There are many types of documents, such as work logs, task reports, funding project approvals, cooperation projects... Most of them will be divided into three categories by the girl.

The first category is small daily affairs. This type of document is usually sorted by her into the first document to be reviewed, and can be processed as quickly as possible.

The second type is noteworthy matters that require her to concentrate on the best solutions, but are usually not particularly important.

The last one is simple, and it has a lot to do with it. As an assistant, she cannot make up her mind alone, and she needs to wait for Chen Ye to look at it after his return before she can make a decision.

"The next item is..."

dong dong——

Leiden Mei was meditating in her heart, when suddenly, there was a knocking sound in the office.

She didn't raise her head, and after whispering "Please come in", she was still concentrating on the affairs in front of her.

But just as the door opened, it was a voice that she was all too familiar with.

"Miss Mei, don't you plan to stand up and welcome me?"

"Mr. Chen Ye—?!"

The purple-haired girl raised her head subconsciously, and the expression on her fair face changed several times in just one second.

At first it turned from bewilderment to astonishment, then to astonishment, and in the end, the look of joy was beyond words.

She put down the documents in her hand and immediately got up, almost running fast, and rushed into Chen Ye's arms, the pressure accumulated in the past few days seemed to be released at this moment.

"Mei, you have worked hard these few days."

Chen Ye patted the girl lightly and said softly.

Mei Lei looked at his face and opened his mouth. Although he didn't speak, his longing was already in action.

Her cheek was lightly pressed against that warm and firm chest, and the girl felt the long-lost peace of mind.

"I miss you so much, Mr. Chen Ye..."

she murmured.

They were separated for four days, but it was like three autumns for her to go. Before she knew it, Chen Ye had become the pillar of Lei Dian Mei's heart.

It wasn't until the moment he left that the girl realized how much place he occupied in her heart.

"Hey, don't I just come back?"

Chen Ye said comfortingly, he took out the pre-prepared gift from his pocket, and put it into Mei's hands.

"I bought a gift specially for you, I hope Ms. Mei will like it."

Leiden Mei took it, but was not in a hurry to open it.

She clenched the gift box tightly with both hands, looked at him with concern, and asked:

"You were not injured during the mission. I heard from Bronya that your mission is to confront the people of destiny, and it seems that you are still facing an S-rank Valkyrie."

"Don't worry, I'm not hurt."

Chen Ye smiled, and continued: "The Destiny set up a grand banquet for me, trying to take me down, but I didn't expect that I would directly kidnap Xiang Yu and eat up all the food at the banquet."

After all, Miss Rita, the mastermind this time, has already been eaten up and wiped out by himself, and has become a thing in the palm of his hand.

In terms of injuries, it should be more or less the case that she was injured by herself, after all, I don't know how many sheets have been wet.

"On the contrary, dear Miss Mei, you have been dealing with affairs alone these few days, which has made you suffer."

The soft words rang in the ears, and the feeling of being cared made the girl's heart feel warm. She raised her head gently and said softly:

"This is the duty that I should have fulfilled as an assistant. It might be better to say that my ability is not enough, so it is not efficient enough to handle it..."

The eyes of the two gradually met, Leiden Mei saw the sincerity in each other's eyes, and her heart became more and more moved.

Quietly, she stood on tiptoe, the distance between the two of them shortened little by little, and those pink and attractive moist lips were getting closer to each other.

Chen Ye noticed the girl's bold behavior. He didn't say anything, but slowly greeted her with a faint smile on his face.

The fragrance like licorice and musk permeates between the lips and teeth, luring each other to further suck the fragrance that belongs to each other.

In this deep kiss, Chen Ye hugged Leiden Mei, gently stabilizing her slightly tense body due to nervousness.

At this moment, a sudden voice sounded.

"I said... When you do this, can you not treat me as air, okay?"

"Chen Ye, and... Sister Mei..."

The slightly immature voice of a milky girl came, and Bronya hid her slightly flushed complexion very well, and said these words indifferently and dissatisfied.

what--! "

Leiden Mei, who was indulging in a deep kiss, suddenly took a few steps back in fright, only then did she realize that Bronya had actually appeared in the assistant's office.

Her face was flushed red, like a little girl who was caught after making a mistake.

"Bo, Bronya, when did you come?"

"I've been here the whole time, with this man."

The silver-gray-haired girl pointed to Chen Ye beside her.

Maybe it was because of the vision, or maybe it was because the longing was too urgent, from the very beginning, Leiden Mei didn't see Bronya following behind Chen Ye.

That is to say... Bronya has a panoramic view of everything I do? !

After thinking of this possibility, the purple-haired girl's shy cheeks turned red all of a sudden, and she turned her head away stiffly, not daring to let the other party see her expression again.

Seeing this situation, Bronya immediately showed her iconic expression.

——with a stern face.

She didn't know what kind of charm Chen Ye had, he was able to make Sister Mei fall to this point. Wasn't he the one who threatened Sister Mei in the first place?

And I don't know why, when I saw Chen Ye kissing Sister Mei, what I thought in my heart was not surprise and anger, but a kind of jealous depression.

...I want to replace Mei sister and become the heroine who completes this action.

"Mei, you should go to rest first, if you don't take a good rest after accumulating too much fatigue, it will wear down your body."

Chen Ye took the initiative to step forward and took Leiden Mei's arm.

Suddenly, the girl fell into hesitation. She looked at the unfinished documents on the desktop, "It's okay, my body can still hold on, and those tasks will be completed soon."

"I will finish it for you, not to mention that this is what I should do."


"Go to rest, be obedient!"

The strong command words sounded in the office. Hearing these words, Leiden Mei didn't feel any discomfort, only filled with warmth in her heart.

She nodded slightly, and put the gift on the desk.

"In that case, then I'll go to rest and trouble Mr. Chen Ye with the work... As for the gift, I'll open it after I wake up."

"Well, take a good rest, the gift will definitely give you a surprise."

The girl looked at Chen Ye, then at Bronya, and after nodding each other, she left and walked towards the bedroom.

In the huge office, only Chen Ye and Bronya were left.

Sitting in Mei's previous position, Chen Ye continued to review work.

On the side, the bored Bronya propped her head up, her two feet that couldn't reach the ground were dangling back and forth in the air, she looked around, her silver-gray eyes glanced at Chen Ye occasionally, she didn't know what she was thinking about.

About half an hour later, Chen Ye put down the pen in his hand, and neatly arranged the completed documents, making the slightly messy left side tidy.

"You're done?"

The silver-gray-haired girl asked in surprise.

Yesterday, she assisted Leiden Mei to deal with affairs together, so she knew how cumbersome and difficult this job was.

Depending on the specific content, the processing speed will vary, but even if it is fast, it will take at least two hours for sister Mei to process the stack of documents just now.

"Well...it wasn't a particularly complicated thing in the first place, but it was done quickly."

Chen Ye nodded as he should.

"It's Miss Bronya, let's discuss your affairs next."

"my business?"

She looked at him with some puzzlement.

"Well, Miss Bronya, please continue with the cracking of the soul steel quantum computer..."

Chen Ye has handed over the mecha technology deciphered from it to the mecha research and development department. I believe that with their ability, they will be able to analyze the value of this technology and apply it to the Titan mecha produced by Tianqiong Branch.

In the not-too-distant future, the new fifth-generation mechs will be unveiled, and then Cocolia's fourth-generation quantum titan mechs will be nothing more than a complete joke compared to them.

"Besides, didn't Miss Bronya tell me about wanting to become stronger?"

"Become stronger……"

Bronya muttered silently.

Indeed, after seeing the power of Rita's S-class Valkyrie in the Honkai on the Theseus, she felt that she was seriously lacking in combat.

"How to become stronger, I have designated two parallel routes for you."

Chen Ye stretched out a finger, "First, the external reinforcement, that is, your reloaded bunny, the quantum robot."

When St. Freya served as Valkyrie, Bronya was positioned as a heavy gunner. It is a perfect choice to strengthen her combat power by reloading the bunny.

"I will combine the technology of the fifth-generation Hellfire Mecha to transform the heavy-loaded bunny, strengthen its shell material and firepower, and greatly enhance its melee capability."

He stretched out his second finger, "Second, human body enhancement, want to know how your sister Mei became stronger in a short period of time?"

The girl shook her head.

"The answer is... the great technology of the pre-civilization——Shenyin."

Undoubtedly, Shenyin is the fastest and most effective means for Bronya to gain strong combat power.

Learning Taixu Sword Qi and cultivating her state of mind will also enable her to master the ability to control it before she obtains the core of the Herrscher of Reason.

Even at the time of acquisition, it may not be impossible to complete the sublimation immediately.

What's more, Chen Ye has another reason.

——Please, it will be super cool to play the Gundam Duck of Taixu Sword God!

Chapter 79 Going out on a date?

Chen Ye intends to raise a salted duck from scratch.

Today's Bronya, in addition to carrying the heavy armored rabbit, only has the assassination techniques learned in Siberia in the past and the self-taught hacking techniques.

A high EQ is called extremely malleable, and a low EQ... feels inferior to a B-rank Valkyrie... in strength.

Generally speaking, if Banya wants to become stronger, the Shenyin technology mastered by Chen Ye is the best means, no matter it is age or physical plasticity, it is enough.

In addition, it can also improve Bronya's adaptability to collapse, and lay a sufficient foundation for her future success as the Herrscher of Reason and even the Herrscher of Truth.

Of course, there are some small thoughts of Chen Ye in it - a small trick to prevent the combat power he has painstakingly cultivated from leaving him.

"Shenyin technology, you can understand it as a medical technology that acts on the brain. It is essentially a kind of hypnotherapy on the spiritual level. By stimulating the brain at the subconscious level, the human body develops in the direction of adapting to the Houkai energy. .”

"To put it simply, Shenyin can expand the brain domain while strengthening the adaptability of Houkai, so that Miss Bronya can better use the reloaded bunny to fight."

For an ordinary Valkyrie, the higher the adaptability of Houkai, the more able to stimulate the ability of the artificial stigmata transplanted in the body, and at the same time, the side effects caused by the artificial stigmata will be smaller.

But Bronya did not implant artificial stigmata, so when the adaptability of Houkai is improved, the performance brought about is naturally to strengthen her ability, that is, to reload the bunny, in addition to physical strength, etc. All attributes will be greatly improved.

"Is there really such a technology?"

Bronya obviously doesn't believe that there is such a thing as a pie in the sky. If this is the case, compared with the Valkyrie of Destiny who squeezed life and implanted artificial stigmata, wouldn't everyone be a clown?

"Of course, it's just that Shenyin's harshness to the experimental subjects is far beyond your imagination...Miss Bronya just happens to meet its conditions."

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