Qian Renxue glanced at him with resentment, "Why, am I this kind of person in your eyes?"

Su Qingyu nodded very naturally, which immediately made Qian Renxue clenched her fists, but thinking of Su Qingyu's method of playing with the three soul sages that day, Qian Renxue gave up decisively.

The proud little princess of Wuhundian didn't know what was going on, and suddenly she had a bit of a defeated dog's breath, "Well, I just came to thank you, the plant you gave me last time was very effective, not only enhanced My sacred fire has been activated, and my soul power has been increased by one level, and the degree of solidification of my soul power has also increased a lot."

What she was talking about was nothing more than the cockscomb phoenix sunflower, and that's all there was to it.

After all, it is just a treasure of heaven and earth that strengthens the foundation and cultivates the vitality. Once the age of the user exceeds the age of the soul sage, the effect will be greatly reduced.

"No need, the ice phoenix soul bone you gave me back then, it's all an exchange."

Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue was a little dazed, and Su Qingyu's last words lingered in her mind, thinking it was an exchange...

However, she has experienced many years in the Tiandou imperial family, and the intriguing environment made her talk nonsense when talking about others.

Since Su Qingyu didn't want to mention this matter again, she changed the subject, "Okay, I have something to tell you, that is, you'd better give up the 6-year-old soul bone in tomorrow's competition. Not to mention whether that woman will give it or not, even if she did, you won't be able to take it back to Tianshui City."

She also warned, of course, she would not believe that Su Qingyu would really be so superior, and would dare to take the three soul bones away at the risk of offending that woman.

In Qian Renxue's eyes, Su Qingyu is always the only existence, she does not believe that Xie Yue and Yan will be Su Qingyu's opponents based on that snail fox.

Su Qingyu smiled lightly, "Don't worry, I can't afford to offend the current Pope, and Tianshui College doesn't have that strength either!"

After finishing speaking, Su Qingyu left, and Qian Renxue also heaved a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, she turned her eyes to the brightest palace on the mountain, and finally came back, some people, no matter what, she still wanted to take a look...

In the early morning, Su Qingyu followed the Tianshui Academy to the Soul Arena.

Because it was already the final, the popularity in the Soul Fighting Arena was even hotter than yesterday.

Those who can come here are basically the residents of Wuhun City, and the slogans are all Wuhun Palace must win!

It has to be said that Qianjia did a lot better than other families in buying people's hearts.

But ever since Bibi Dong came to power, some local powerful forces were compulsively ordered to choose between the Imperial Spirit Hall.

Due to the strength of Wuhundian in the soul master world, the powerful forces in those places can only bow their heads.

The strength of Wuhundian is also quietly scattered throughout the Douluo Continent, and its scale is also growing like a snowball.

Although there are many hidden dangers in doing so, Qian Daoliu didn't jump out, so what can others say?

With Bibi Dong's appearance, the Soul Arena immediately calmed down.

The Wuhundian team also debuted for the first time, and the most eye-catching ones were two men and a woman wearing purple badges.

The aura of the three of them was extraordinary, and the faint fluctuations in their soul power clearly surpassed that of the soul sect, and they reached the level of the soul king impressively.

Headed by Hu Liena, together with Xie Yue and Yan, it is the golden generation of Wuhun Temple that is widely discussed in the outside world.

Seeing how the three of them appeared on stage, Su Qingyu couldn't help laughing.

Maybe they are already high-profile geniuses in this era, but ten thousand years later, there will be a lot of soul kings under the age of 20, there are many soul emperors, and there are even 20-year-old soul saints!

As soon as the Wuhundian team came out, the entire Soul Fighting Arena immediately exploded into a tsunami. This was their home court advantage.

On Tianshui College's side, although there are supporters, there are very few of them.

Just as the seven members of the Wuhundian team were eager to try, the referee gave them a strange look and announced loudly, "Tianshui Academy abstained, and the Wuhundian team won!"

On the rostrum, Bibi Dong who was holding the scepter was a little surprised, but didn't care too much.

Winning without fighting may be very good for the audience, but it does not satisfy the people of the Wuhundian team.

They are all ready to abuse food one by one. What do you mean by abstaining from voting? You really don't take the honor of the academy seriously.

For a moment, Yan, who was the hottest in the Wuhundian team, felt as if his fist had hit the cotton.

"Hmph, women are just cowards!"

As soon as the words were finished, Yan suddenly felt a chill go down his back. Hu Liena and the girl with the golden-waisted flying swallow stared at him coldly, and Xie Yue also gave him a malicious look.

The farce of the Wuhundian team was just a small episode.

The much-anticipated soul master competition, the finals officially began, the audience who had just been poured cold water by Tianshui Academy became active again and supported the Wuhundian team.

Su Qingyu fell towards Shui Bing'er, with her head gently resting on Shui Bing'er's warm thigh.

If it wasn't for admitting defeat and needing to admit defeat on the spot, Su Qingyu didn't plan to come.

With Shrek Academy here, there will be some troubles in this match, Su Qingyu is also curious, if Tang Hao is dead, who will rescue Tang San?

The competition system of the final was the ring battle first, and the Wuhundian team sent Yan, one of the three soul kings, in the first match.

This really put a lot of pressure on Huang Dou and Shrek.

Especially Tang San, Yan's martial spirit has fire attributes, but it restrained him to death.

Yu Tianheng didn't hesitate, and directly discharged the stone mill, which also made Yan's complexion drop instantly.

The Xuanming Turtle of the Shi family, the top water attribute martial soul, is still the defense system that restrains him.

Chapter 211

In addition to soul power, the Shi family brothers' martial soul attributes and soul masters are not good for Yan. Even if Yan can win, it is estimated that there is not much soul power left.

The fact is indeed the case, the stone mill also let Yan see what it means to be truly immovable as a mountain.

Just relying on defense, Shimo consumed more than [-]% of Yan's soul power, and the consumption of physical strength was even greater.

After panting slightly, Yan's momentum weakened a bit, and he seemed to be holding on, "Next!"

The next one to play can only be the notorious Shrek Academy, the rules of the individual group arena in the finals are like this.

Not long ago, they only got news about the Wuhundian team from Ning Fengzhi.

At first they pretended to be calm, but after seeing King Yanhun's cultivation, they became flustered.

For a long time, Yu Xiaogang, the self-proclaimed master, has not said a word at this time. In the face of absolute strength, he has no little calculations at all!

After much deliberation, the person finally sent by Shrek Academy was Tai Long who had just been nominated for the main election.

He was forcibly promoted to level 41 by Tang San using the earth essence liquid. Except for some vain spirit power at the beginning, he is now a real soul sect.

Tai Long's appearance made many people in Wuhundian look at Shrek Academy.

The Force Clan is not as sensitive as the Clear Sky Hammer, but staying with Tang San who owns the Clear Sky Hammer is not that simple.

As the host, Yue Guan glanced in Bibi Dong's direction inadvertently, but found that the female pope didn't seem to see anything.

Although Tai Long approached the Soul Emperor with strength and made Yan suffer a lot, he was defeated in the end.

Immediately afterwards, members of the Huangdou team entered the field again. Shi Mo watched the powerful defense exhaust Yan's soul power, causing Yan to be beaten down helplessly.

Afterwards, Wuhundian sent another person to successfully defeat Shi Mo, but was defeated by Zhu Zhuqing from Shrek Academy.

Between the three teams, it was you who sang and I came on stage. For a while, the audience in the stands of the arena seemed to be ignited, waking up Su Qingyu who was dozing on Shui Binger's lap.

Shui Bing'er gently smoothed his hair with a pair of warm and jade-like palms, and the softness in the ice-blue starry eyes was like a ball of water, trapping Su Qingyu, a little fish.

Seeing Su Qingyu looking at her, Shui Binger smiled, "Wake up, don't sleep for a while?"

Su Qingyu grabbed Shui Binger's soft palm with one hand, and slowly stood up.

After Shui Binger's narration, he also knew what stage the game had reached.

Apart from the crumbly fox, only Xie Yue on the stage was left in Wuhun Hall.

Shrek also had Tang San, and Dai Mubai on the field.

Huang Dou's situation is better, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan haven't played yet, and their battle strength is well preserved.

In the situation of fighting alone, Xie Yue's combat strength is comparable to that of a soul emperor, and after a fight, Dai Mubai was directly beaten down by him.

Dugu Yan came to the stage, and she was able to restrain Xie Yue for a while. Although Dugu Yan had reached level 48 in terms of soul power, she was short of a big realm, a ten thousand year soul ring.

In the end, Xie Yue was only able to defeat Dugu Yan by relying on her self-created soul skill, Yuan Yue.

But Xie Yue was more or less measured, and did not play hard, Dugu Yan was Dugu Bo's only seedling after all.

Although Wuhundian already had animosity against him because of the moon pass, it wasn't too deep.

If something happened to Dugu Yan, the only seedling of the Dugu family, Dugu Bo would definitely go crazy.

Xie Yue is not stupid, just have a good sparring session, and provoking the most troublesome Title Douluo in Quandouluo for no reason, that is the serious illness.

The wretched old man hiding in a certain stand also breathed a sigh of relief, "This junior is quite moral."

Following Dugu Yan's departure, after Tang San came up, Xie Yue seemed to be a different person.

Without further ado, the two started fighting directly, and after a while, they directly used the full moon on Tang San.

The power of this move is indeed terrifying, Tang San can only resist it with the Clear Sky Hammer.

It's just that his Clear Sky Hammer is still just a small hammer, without any soul rings attached or enhanced, so it's very difficult to use.

The blade like moonlight was about to chop off Tang San's head, suddenly, eight long spider legs appeared from behind him.

In an instant, Tang San's body suddenly became a little gloomy and cold, and the eight spider legs worked together to block Xie Yue's move of the full moon, but the price was that one of the spider legs was broken.

After using her self-created soul skills twice in a row, Xie Yue's soul power was exhausted, and she withdrew from the competition after signaling to the referee.

Immediately afterwards, the last player of Huang Dou, Yu Tianheng, entered the stage!

Tang San's face darkened, "Yu Tianheng is hard to deal with, I must try my best to preserve my spirit power, otherwise, how can I win the championship!"

Up to this point, Tang San still wanted to win the championship, slapped Wuhundian fiercely on the face, using the spirit bone of Wuhundian to make himself stronger.

Just as he thought, the second dragon transformed Yu Tianheng was even more difficult to deal with, the Blue Silver Grass was restrained to death, and the Clear Sky Hammer didn't have a soul ring.

Tang San, caught in a dilemma, intentionally used a piece of spider leg fragments to slightly break open the layer of skin on Yu Tianheng's non-dragonization part.

Although it wasn't tempered by the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye, the toxin of the spider legs was still terrifying. Under Tang San's delay, Yu Tianheng couldn't hold on, and fell on the ring.

Surprisingly, Tang San didn't detoxify Yu Tianheng, and said in a high-sounding manner, "I'm competing now, and I cherish my soul power very much. I'll detoxify you after the competition is over."

Ning Fengzhi's face changed slightly, he didn't understand why Tang San acted so impulsively, and did not act with his brain.

"Your Majesty the Pope, you can leave the matter of detoxification to me, and it will not delay the game time."

Bibi Dong also felt good about Ning Fengzhi's posture of lowering herself, but she was even more afraid in her heart.

Biting dogs don't bark, Tang San is no big deal in her eyes, just a brat, but Ning Fengzhi is an out-and-out old bastard.

In the last match, Hu Liena, the crumbly fox, played. With her powerful charm, many men present couldn't control her.

Tang San who faced her directly was more affected.

Mental power hadn't advanced, seventy percent of his soul power had been consumed, Tang San's state was simply irresistible.

Under Hu Liena's mental attack, he simply lost the match in a short time.

In the final ranking, Shrek got the qualification to participate in the team battle with an advantage of one point, and the Royal Fighting Team regretted to leave.

Seeing Tang San's defeat, Su Qingyu showed regret, "Unfortunately, Huangdou is only one point away from entering the team competition."

Compared to Shrek, who plotted against his Bing'er, Su Qingyu still hoped that Huangdou would enter the final team battle.

It was as if it had been arranged, and this result was difficult to change.

Chapter 212 The Haotian School was born ahead of time, and Qian Daoliu appeared!

When it came to the final decisive battle, even Yu Xiaogang, who originally thought there was no hope, became excited.

If Tang San and the others worked harder, they might really be able to win the championship!

At that time, he will see who dares to call him a waste!

Yu Xiaogang's heart became more and more joyful, and his gaze swept over Bibi Dong's face inadvertently.

And you, when you abandoned me back then, I let you know today that that was the most regrettable thing in your life!

With the help of a special auxiliary system soul master, the soul power and injuries of the Wuhundian team and Shrek recovered quickly.

At the start of the match, it might be due to the factions between forces, but Tang San, or Hu Liena and the others from the Spirit Hall, didn't hold back any of them.

But in terms of spirit power, except for Tang San, the level 49 Soul Sect, the strength of the others was completely crushed by the Spirit Hall.

Especially Dai Mubai, facing Yan, who is also of the assault type, immediately became very dangerous.

Because of the evil fire, Ma Hongjun didn't absorb the earth essence liquid, he only has the strength of a level 36 soul master.

In this kind of battle between the soul sect and even the soul king, his role is really too small.

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