"No, I have the final say on everything at home, and I have to discuss it with him when."

Well, these words made Su Qingyu shut up immediately.

I don't know, Lan Xiaoyue is standing in the atmosphere this time.

She knew Qian Renxue's identity a long time ago, but she also swore with her martial spirit that she would not tell anyone Qian Renxue's true identity before Qian Renxue voluntarily revealed it to Su Qingyu.

"Alright, Tiandou City is only a few days away from us, so you can come back anytime you want."

It seemed that she was afraid that Su Qingyu would miss her family, so Lan Xiaoyue also comforted Su Qingyu.

Even though the Su family made money from this deal, in fact, since Qian Renxue revealed her identity, is there still room for her to refuse?

Su Qingyu was held in Lan Xiaoyue's arms directly, and her hair was directly rubbed into a chicken coop by Lan Xiaoyue.

Breaking free from Lan Xiaoyue's embrace, although Su Qingyu was a little puzzled, he also understood that now he could only take one step at a time.

"Okay, dear mother, it's okay for me to go! Also, I'm not that fragile yet!"

As if the plan had succeeded, Lan Xiaoyue's gentle and pretty face jumped up in an instant, "Great, you finally agreed."

It's hard to imagine that Lan Xiaoyue was still gentle and beautiful one second, and offline in an instant the next.

But Su Qingyu said that he has long been used to his mother's drama and off-line.

However, Lan Xiaoyue said with some seriousness: "By the way, you must be more honest, if you dare to provoke the little girl in Tiandou City, you will do something wrong to Bing'er, hum!"

Lan Xiaoyue's fingers clicked, as if if you dare, the old lady will kill her relatives righteously.

This made Su Qingyu really not know what to say, please, that girl Binger is only six years old now!

After agreeing to Lan Xiaoyue's series of unfair conditions, Su Qingyu was finally able to leave.

In the past few days, he has been urged by Qian Renxue to refine the Soul Gathering Pill.

He is leaving tomorrow, and he plans to say goodbye to Shui Binger.

Early in the morning, Qian Renxue was still practicing in her room.

After all, coming out for a trip, it is rare to have time to practice.

After Su Qingyu noticed the fluctuation of the soul power in Qian Renxue's room, she didn't pay too much attention, and left Su's house after a casual glance.

He is the most familiar with the way to Shui's house.

Moreover, the distance between the two families was not too far, and within a short while, he came to the door of Shui's house.

When the old man at the gate saw that it was Su Qingyu, he greeted him kindly.

"Master Su, the Eldest Miss is taking care of the Second Miss at home today, you can go directly to the West Courtyard."

After thanking the old man, Su Qingyu quickly came to the west courtyard, where Shuiyue'er lived.

It can only be said that it is better to come early than coincidental. As soon as Su Qingyu came in, she saw Shui Binger beating... reprimanding Shui Yueer.

Not to mention that Shui Yue'er has not awakened her martial soul, even if she has awakened her martial soul, she will still be suppressed by Shui Bing'er.

The little girl sat pitifully at the table, honestly looking at a book of elementary soul master theories.

Shui Bing'er is talented and intelligent, and can calm down, but this pair of lively and active Shui Yue'er is no less than killing her.

A pair of ice blue eyes glanced towards the door from time to time, hoping that someone would come to rescue her as soon as possible.

At this time, Shui Yue'er happened to see Su Qingyu.

"Brother Herring, why are you here!"

The little girl threw the book aside and ran towards Su Qingyu.

Shui Bing'er sighed slightly, and a smile appeared on her delicate and pretty face.

Pulling Shui Yue'er away from her body, Su Qingyu looked at the beautiful and quiet girl in front of her, and immediately felt a lot of peace in her heart.

Unlike Shui Yue'er's carelessness, Shui Bing'er immediately asked people to serve tea and cakes.

"Brother Herring, I've been hearing that Aunt Lan is in seclusion for the past few days. Have you come up with anything good recently?"

Both of them know everything about Su Qingyu, and she naturally knows some of Su Qingyu's little secrets.

"No, this time, I just want to say goodbye to you."

Shui Bing'er's little hands trembled inadvertently, "Are you going to Kamikaze City?"

"No, it's Heaven Dou City!"

As for Shui Bing'er, he naturally had nothing to hide, and told him everything about his going to study at Tiandou Royal Academy.

The atmosphere in the west courtyard suddenly fell silent, and Shui Yue'er walked out quietly, leaving space for the two of them.

However, Shui Binger's reaction surprised Su Qingyu.

"Well, although I knew you were going to leave a long time ago, I just didn't expect this day to come so soon."

With a slight sigh, Shui Bing'er's icy blue eyes dimmed slightly.

However, she also understands that as a boy, Su Qingyu cannot join Tianshui College.

You must pay attention to the rules in everything. If you break the long-standing rules of Tianshui College for Su Qingyu, then you have made a bad start in Tianshui College.

As long as there is such a precedent, someone will definitely use it as an example in the future, and Tianshui College will gradually lose its style and characteristics, and gradually become an ordinary college, or even decline.

"When are you leaving?"

"tomorrow morning!"

Shui Bing'er nodded, and smiled slightly on her delicate face, "That's good, if I go to Tiandou City in the future, you will definitely play with me."

This is not a request, even if Shui Binger doesn't say it, Su Qingyu will definitely do it.

Although the two are young, it can be seen that their knowledge is quite extraordinary.

After chatting for a long time, Su Qingyu bid farewell to Shui Bing'er until a girl was looking outside the door to observe.

After leaving Shui's house, Su Qingyu didn't stay outside, and went back to her home directly.

At this time, Lan Xiaoyue had already returned to Tianshui Academy, only Qian Renxue was still there.

In the living room, Qian Renxue put away a letter that she hadn't had time to read, and said with a smile, "Yo, this is saying goodbye to your little girlfriend and coming back?"

Chapter 46 The eldest princess?Snow Qianren ([-])

Su Qingyu's matter of going to Shui Bing'er just now is obviously impossible to hide from this real little rich woman.

For the sake of the more than 70 gold soul coins, Su Qingyu secretly warned herself, don't be angry!

"Hey, sister Xue can't say that. Bing'er is my childhood sweetheart, so there's nothing wrong with getting along with her. Didn't sister Xue have a childhood sweetheart when she was young?"

It can only be said that which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, Su Qingyu frantically dies on the premise of not angering Qian Renxue.

There is no doubt that Su Qingyu just sprinkled salt on the wound and hit Qian Renxue's sore spot.

As the little princess of Wuhundian, she maintains a good demeanor all the time.

Just a smile, the beauty of the country and the city is enough to make people lose their minds and be fascinated.

However, based on how they got along during this period of time, how could Su Qingyu fail to see that Qian Renxue's smile was malicious.

"That, Sister Xue, I was wrong, can you?"

Qian Renxue's golden star eyes revealed a trace of tyranny, and she looked at Su Qingyu with a smile, "Little brother Qingyu, what do you think!"

"Don't slap your face, okay?"

Qian Renxue agreed to Su Qingyu's last humble request.

After some activities, Qian Renxue stretched lazily, and her perfect figure was immediately revealed. This scene happened to be under Su Qingyu's gaze.

Immediately, Su Qingyu closed his eyes immediately, woo woo woo, he saw something he shouldn't have seen again.

Qian Renxue's cultivation was close to that of a soul king, so she was naturally aware of Su Qingyu's small movements.

There was a sly smile in the golden star eyes, and Su Qingyu's face was gently pinched with her long and white fingers, "Don't say, it's a good thing I didn't hit you in the face just now, otherwise it would have been less fun."

After being ravaged by Qian Renxue for a long time, Su Qingyu returned to her room.

If you leave Tianshui City, you will definitely not be able to come back in a short time, so naturally you need to tidy up.

Until the next morning, at the door of the Su family, a carriage with the royal logo of the Heaven Dou Empire appeared.

Shui Bing'er still came, and the little girl Shui Yue'er also followed.

They were all here to see Su Qingyu off, and Shui Binger handed him a good-looking blue gemstone.

"Send it to you, come back early years ago, can you?"

Although Shui Bing'er usually appears to be very strong, her heart is quite soft.

What the little girl was thinking, Su Qingyu didn't understand, sometimes it was rare to be a little confused.

They are too young now, even if the parents of both parties have an agreement, after all, the future will be long, and there will be plenty of time to get along in the future.

Different from Shui Bing'er who is delicate and sensitive, Shui Yue'er never forgets to ask Su Qingyu to bring her delicious food back.

After saying goodbye, Su Qingyu stepped into Qian Renxue's carriage, and slowly left Su's house and Tianshui City.

This place is where he has lived since he was a child, and it is rare for him to be a little surprised after leaving for such a long time.

Sitting opposite Su Qingyu, Qian Renxue held a letter in her hand, her pretty brows were slightly frowned, as if something bad happened.

However, even so, Qian Renxue still didn't bother him, and even comforted him, "Don't worry, after a few years, Tiandou Imperial Academy can come and go as you like."

This did not surprise Su Qingyu, after all, when Tang Junzi went, the person who was talking about Tiandou Imperial Academy was really Qian Renxue, or Xue Qinghe.

It's just that there is a problem now, both Qian Renxue and Su Qingyu are in a bit of a dilemma.

After leaving Tianshui City for three days, Qian Renxue is still dressed as a daughter, but now she is disguised as Xue Qinghe, the prince of Tiandou Empire!

"That little herring, you must be hungry, why don't you go out and hunt some prey first, and my sister will wait for you here."

"It's okay, I'm not hungry, sister Xue, if you are hungry, why don't you let Uncle She go?"

Su Qingyu hasn't reacted yet, you don't need two titled Douluo like She Long and Lianxue, why did you let me, a little soul master, go.

However, Qian Renxue obviously did not intend to discuss with Su Qingyu.

"If you want to go, go quickly, where is there so much nonsense!"

Facing the furious Qian Renxue, Su Qingyu ran out of the carriage in a hurry.

She Long also happened to appear, "Let's go, kid, let's go wander around."

In She Long's eyes, Su Qingyu is still a child after all, and she still doesn't understand some things!

After the two left, an abnormal blush appeared on Qian Renxue's fair and beautiful face, and she muttered, "What a little idiot, you're so stupid!"

No one disturbed her, Qian Renxue took out Xue Qinghe's clothes, and in an instant, she changed into another person's appearance.

On the other side, Su Qingyu, who was driven out of the car by Qian Renxue, was looking for prey with She Long.

The Douluo Continent is typically sparsely populated, and most villages are built on the basis of cities.

Surrounded by barren mountains and ridges, the roar of wild beasts could be heard from time to time.

Although this is not a gathering place for spirit beasts, one or two spirit beasts can still be encountered.

This category is basically ordinary beasts that have lived for more than five years and become soul beasts, and they are relatively weak in terms of bloodline level and species.

After wandering around for a long time, fortunately with the help of She Long, the Titled Douluo, they managed to find a nest of Soft Bones Rabbits.

Rabbits are delicious, and what he misses the most is the rabbit feast that his fellow villagers made for them when he was on duty in Sichuan Province in his previous life.

Fresh pot rabbit, diving rabbit, cold eating rabbit, rabbit head, double pepper rabbit, rabbit noodles...

There were six soft bone rabbits, and the century-old rabbit weighed more than [-] catties. Unfortunately, the conditions were not enough, so they could only use roasted ones...

Immediately afterwards, Su Qingyu and She Long quickly returned the same way, and happened to see a gentle and elegant young man sitting in a carriage, but it was Qian Renxue who was dressed as Xue Qinghe.

Since Xue Qinghe was replaced by Qian Renxue, everyone around her has been replaced by Wuhundian, otherwise She Long and Lixue would not have appeared so aboveboard.

However, it will be too late to go to Heaven Dou City.

Just the East Palace where Qian Renxue is located has the eyes and ears of several forces.

Looking at the two who came back, Qian Renxue ignored She Long, but stared straight at Su Qingyu.

"Little herring, don't you feel surprised by your appearance?"

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