At this time, Su Qingyu's spirit is highly concentrated, without it, because the time to refine these two kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures is only ten breaths, that is, 30 seconds!

If it fails and loses these two natural treasures, then everything is meaningless.

Chapter 97

A breath of time passed slowly, and the two heavenly materials and earthly treasures thrown in by Dugu Bo immediately began to melt.

But the speed of melting is not very fast. One is extremely cold and the other is extremely hot, which is itself a very heat-resistant treasure.

Even with Su Qingyu's bright fire, the effect of refining is not very satisfactory.

Three breaths, the star anise ice grass and fiery red Chinese cabbage were refined so that they could not see their original shapes.

Five breaths, only the stems of the star anise black ice grass still have some remnants of branches and leaves.

Seven breaths, such as the star anise ice grass after being cut off, without the continuous extreme cold power of the ice and fire Yangyi eyes, were refined by Su Qingyu's bright fire after all.

Next, the most critical and most troublesome time.

It is also quite difficult to refine two different energies of extreme cold and extreme heat into one.

Su Qingyu still has three breaths, less than ten seconds.

Suddenly, the martial soul possessed him, and Su Qingyu's right hand immediately turned into a blue dragon claw, and the second soul ring that he had hidden for a hundred years shone, prompting his ability to control the flame to temporarily increase.

One blue and one red were quickly mixed together by him.

Fortunately, the two come from the same source, and there is no strong repulsion phenomenon.

Until the tenth breath, Su Qingyu quickly extracted the essence of two kinds of natural materials and earth treasures from the alchemy furnace.

Dugu Bo on the side smacked his lips, "This kid really has a trick!"

While talking, he quickly took out a jade bottle and put it in.

The most critical first step is completed, and the subsequent extraction of auxiliary materials will be much easier.

Almost every five or six breaths, Su Qingyu will extract the essence of a supplementary material.

In just a quarter of an hour, there were already twenty or so jade bottles beside him, all of which were refined medicinal materials.

"Soul power is really flawed, and there is no soul power just after refining the medicinal materials."

Su Qingyu's complaints drew Dugu Bo's eyes, "You boy, you are not greedy enough! It's already amazing that you have such a cultivation level at such an age, and it will easily cause your foundation to become unstable. The old man is also for your own good, and I urge you A few words, practicing too fast is not necessarily a good thing, sometimes you may miss a lot.”

Regarding Dugu Bo's words, Su Qingyu chose to accept them with humility.

Although it is said that Dugu Bo's personal strength is relatively weak, but no matter what he has cultivated to the title Douluo.

Unlike Tang Hao, the heir to such a powerful power as Qian Xun Ji, Dugu Bo has always worked hard alone.

Those who laugh at Dugu Bo's weakest Title Douluo, and those who look down on him may not be so great.

In a sense, Dugu Bo is also a grassroots counterattack.

In the world of soul masters for so many years, even if Dugu Bo's words are not accurate, they definitely have a certain reference value.

Perhaps because of his current attributes, the speed at which he recovered his soul power was obviously much faster than usual.

After recovering her soul power, Su Qingyu ignited the fire of bright light again to preheat the alchemy furnace.

The fusion of the essence of various medicinal materials is a very labor-intensive task in itself, that is, Su Qingyu, if other people are asked to do it, even Contra will be difficult to complete.

After the essence of various medicinal materials is fused, the next step is a long-term refining process.

This is a very test of patience, and sometimes it is commonplace to sit dry for a few days.

Fortunately, the medicinal materials this time are not very high-end, that is, the star anise black ice grass and the fiery red Chinese cabbage are nothing more than natural treasures.

Half a day passed by, Su Qingyu saw the right moment, and quickly divided the large group of pills in the pill furnace with mental power.

For a moment, twelve pieces of Ice and Cremation Heaven Pills were separated.

It's just a pity that Su Qingyu hasn't really refined medicine like this for a long time, and her fire control techniques are quite rusty.

Two ice-fire elixirs were directly incinerated into dust by the bright fire, and ten elixirs, crystal clear like jade, with red and blue colors, and the size of longan flew out of the elixir furnace.

At this time, Dugu Bo's speed was much faster than anyone else's, and the ten Ice and Fire Transforming Heaven Pills were quickly installed by him.

"Boy, thank you for being here, I still have some things, you can do what you want here."

Dugu Bo stayed serious for a while, and then flew out of the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi, it seems that he should go to find the soul bone for Duguyan.

Just now, the meaning of what he said at the end is also very obvious, you can take whatever you fancy here.

Sitting on the spot and recovering for a while, he happened to see Dugu Yan who had just woken up.

"Hey, you are still here, where is my grandpa?"

"Go out for a while, maybe you'll be back later."

Su Qingyu replied casually, and then quietly picked out the medicinal materials near the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

I have to say that there are really a lot of good things here.

In addition to the ones Tang San took out as gifts, similar to the Black Jade Divine Bamboo, the Earth Dragon Pumpkin also existed and matured.

In addition, he also saw some very good rare treasures, cinnabar lotus, snow silkworm, and longzhi leaves are all very good.

As far as Tiancai Dibao is concerned, he doesn't have many requirements, and Qirong Tongtianju is what he needs most at the moment.

He already had the spiritual power of the Linghai realm, but his body was stuck at the level of the peak soul sect.

Of course, this is not surprising, after all, the soul master, soul king, soul saint, and title Douluo have always been the stage where people are easy to get stuck.

The lesson from the past is that Su Qingyu's father, Su Liefeng, has been stuck at the peak of the Soul Emperor for five years.

Taking out the utensils, when Su Qingyu was about to take down the Qirong Tongtian Ju, Dugu Yan stopped him.

Su Qingyu was a little puzzled, "Sister Yanzi, what are you doing?"

Dugu Yan said with a little tangled face: "You have to promise me that you can only use this thing yourself, and you can't pass it to that chrysanthemum!"

Packed the Qirong Tongtian Ju in the high-quality jade box prepared with her, the corner of Su Qingyu's mouth twitched, good guy, it seems that Dugu Bo's hometown has been counting on the moon in front of Dugu Yan!

But what does it matter to him?

"Sister Yanzi, don't worry, I will use this thing myself."

After getting Su Qingyu's reply, Dugu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, but you have to pay attention, many things here are poisonous."

After reminding Su Qingyu, Dugu Yan walked away.

With the eyes of ice and fire, even soul masters don't like to stay here for a long time.

Afterwards, Su Qingyu picked in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi alone, Narcissus, Jade Muscle and Bone, Qiluo Tulip, and Black Jade Divine Bamboo were also taken down by him.

However, when he walked in front of Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, he stopped in his tracks.

To be honest, the most suitable for this thing is nothing more than a soul master with a fire phoenix, followed by a soul master with a fire attribute martial soul.

He planned this thing at the beginning, but Su Qingyu still hesitated when he thought of the unknown scene they would face after she was exposed.

Appropriate funding can be exchanged for certain benefits, but if it is an enemy, it is the behavior of a fool!

However, he still put away the phoenix sunflower.

In addition, he took another eighth grade Xuanbinglongginseng.

The cinnabar lotus, snow silkworm, and longzhi leaf, the three most widely used and largest quantities of rare treasures, were taken away, and the rest were left untouched.

Chapter 98

In the past few days, the snake-like soul beasts near the Sunset Forest have undoubtedly suffered.

Although Dugu Bo's attack ability is not strong, he is still a Titled Douluo.

Dugu Bo kept assassinating snake-like soul beasts in the Sunset Forest, and finally after he killed the 1-year-old emerald blood-clotting python, he was lucky enough to get a trunk bone.

Although the year is not very high, the torso bone is rare, such a soul bone, even many titled Douluo may not have it.

This is Dugu Bo's good luck, otherwise he might not be able to get this soul bone.

After getting the soul bone, Dugu Bo didn't delay, and went straight back to the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi.

When he came back, Su Qingyu had already finished picking the medicinal materials and was cultivating beside the Binghuo Liangyi Eye.

Even Su Qingyu didn't expect that the Binghuo Liangyi Eye would help him so much!

Perhaps Su Qingyu has the two elements of water and fire in his body, and his cultivation speed near the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye is three times faster than usual.

Now that he is level 28, if he can practice for three months near the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye, he will definitely break through to the Soul Master.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be quite suitable here. Do you want to stay here to play with the old man in the future?"

After finishing her meditation, Su Qingyu gave him a rather helpless look, "I didn't say, you are a Titled Douluo, I really...why do you stay like this?"

The term "house" also exists in Douluo Dalu.

As a senior old otaku, Dugu Bo lifted Su Qingyu up, "Boy, I don't need you to tell me what's going on with me. Believe it or not, I'll give you some of my favorite works—I love you a piece of firewood!"

"No, you'd better keep it for yourself!"

Su Qingyu resolutely refused, an aphrodisiac is an aphrodisiac, why do you say it so nicely?

Soon, Dugu Bo brought Dugu Yan over, and told her about the Dugu family and the cause of her father's death.

For Dugu Yan, who didn't have much memory when he was a child, his eyes were full of mist.


With a swoop, Dugu Bo was hugged directly.

When she grows up, she can naturally understand Dugu Bo's difficulties. It is very rare for one person to experience the three major tragedies in life and not be defeated.

Immediately, Dugu Yan came to Su Qingyu's side, and sighed regretfully, "It's a pity, my sister really regrets it now, it would be great if I met you sooner."

"Tianheng is not bad, and I'm already engaged, so it's impossible."

Su Qingyu didn't mean anything, but Dugu Yan felt turbulent waves in his heart when he heard this.

This kid actually has a fiancee, why hasn't she heard of it?

In that case, what should Lingling do?

She who has always pulled the strings for Su Qingyu and Ye Lingling is now at a loss, as if she has done something wrong.

However, Dugu Yan still restrained his emotions very well, and said with a slight smile: "That's really congratulations to you!"

The corner of Su Qingyu's mouth twitched, hehe, he and Shui Bing'er are less than ten years old, congratulations, it's too early!

Just at this time, Dugu Bo unintentionally smoothed things over and handed the torso bone to Dugu Yan.

Afterwards, Dugu Bo took out another Ice and Fire Heaven Transformation Pill refined by Su Qingyu, and sent it to Dugu Yan.

The snake-like soul beast and the snake-like martial soul are very compatible, and it took Dugu Yan only a quarter of an hour to absorb the soul bone of the emerald blood congealed python.

In addition to raising a small level of soul power, he also obtained a soul skill called Blood Python Venom.

Next, under Dugu Bo's guidance, Dugu Yan took the Ice Fire Transforming Heaven Pill, and the toxins accumulated in his body were gradually dissolved.

Different from the toxins of the Jade Lin Snake Wuhun, these toxins accumulated in the soul master's body must be dissipated.

Similar to the absorber that converts the soul bone into toxins in the body, it is nothing in a short time, but no matter how strong the soul bone is, there is a limit after all.

At that time, if the spirit bone cannot withstand the toxin in it, once it breaks, even Limit Douluo will surely die!

Although Su Qingyu still used this method, he changed his thinking.

Use the Ice Fire Transforming Heaven Pill to remove the accumulated toxins in the body, follow the soul power operation route set by Su Qingyu, the toxins produced in the body will directly enter the soul bones in the future, so as to achieve the effect of strengthening the soul bones and increasing the power of the soul bone skills.

In this way, although it is not as real as the evolution of Wuhun, it is still a good strategy!

Fortunately, Dugu Yan didn't practice for a long time, and quickly completed the removal of toxins and the transformation of the path of soul power.

Thinking of what Su Qingyu said that the toxin of the Jade Lin Snake Emperor can strengthen the soul bone infinitely, Dugu Bo's blood boiled with enthusiasm.

In this way, if his spirit bone is strengthened to 10 years, wouldn't it be possible for him to have a second spirit ability, and he will be able to flatten and round that chrysanthemum soon?

Fortunately, he didn't say anything, otherwise Su Qingyu would definitely throw cold water on him.

Strengthening to a 10-year-old soul bone is tantamount to cultivating from nothing to become a Super Douluo.

Moreover, even if Dugu Bo really cultivates the soul bone to 10 years, there will be no second soul bone skill.

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