This jiao, who can only control the wind element, is not to be outdone, and the strength of the tearing wind jiao is fully displayed by it in an instant.

With a roar, a huge tornado formed around it.

The collision of snow and wind resounded through the entire frozen forest.

Chapter 108

One kilometer away from the place where the tearing wind and the Ningshui Feiyuan collided, Su Qingyu's family and Shui Bing'er were buried in the snowdrift.

Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue broke free from the snowdrift one after another.

Immediately, Su Qingyu hugged Shui Binger and jumped out of the snowdrift.

Just now, even Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue, who are as strong as they are, still have lingering fears.

"Oh my god, I was scared to death just now, the aftermath of the battle between Ningshui Feiyuan and that Tear Fengjiu is actually so powerful."

Su Qingyu nodded indifferently, she was indeed a little too strong.

However, if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

No matter if it is the tearing wind jiao who is less than ten thousand years old, or the water-condensing flying mandarin duck with ten thousand years of cultivation, they are not easy people.

Both are the most powerful existences under 10-year-old soul beasts.

Especially the tearing wind jiao, as long as it breaks through ten thousand years of cultivation, even ordinary 10 year soul beasts may not be its opponents.

The fight between the two sides was undoubtedly a fight between gods and gods, and the little soul beasts who followed them were all scared out of their wits.

Except for the ten thousand-year-old water-condensing flying mandarin ducks that were killing the soul beasts that had moved up the distance, the other birds and beasts simply hated their parents for losing a pair of legs (wings), and fled quickly.

Lan Xiaoyue patted Su Qingyu on the head, and pointed to a group of bird-like soul beasts not far away, "We can't afford to mess with those two big guys, let's go there first and see if there is a soul ring suitable for Bing'er." .”

Su Qingyu also understood what her mother meant, "Okay, let's go and have a look together."

Because of the battle between Xifengji and the leader of Ningshui Feiyuan, many soul beasts were running towards the outskirts of the valley.

It's just that their speed is not as fast as Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue, the two veteran soul saints, and they are quickly blocked.

Su Qingyu, who was standing behind her parents, took a fancy to it at a glance. It was a condensed water flying mandarin duck with three ice-blue tail feathers.

The cultivation base of Ningshui Flying Mandarin is mainly judged from the number of their tail feathers, which are white for a hundred years, and one will increase every hundred years.

The millennium is ice blue, and one is added every millennium; after ten thousand years, it will be purple.It is said that the 10-year-old Flying Mandarin can further evolve and become one of many phoenixes, mainly ice phoenix and green mandarin duck.

However, 10-year-old soul beasts are rare, and no one knows whether the water-condensing flying mandarins will evolve.

However, thinking that Shui Binger's martial soul evolved from the water-condensing flying mandarin duck, it is very likely that in 10 years, it can really evolve into a phoenix, but the type is not fixed.

There are no outsiders here, so Su Qingyu immediately took out the Chiming Yang Divine Sword, and blocked Shui Bing'er behind her.

Immediately, he said to Su Liefeng who was blocking many thousand-year-old soul beasts: "Dad, the one who grabs the three blue tail feathers is our goal."

Hearing Su Qingyu's words, Su Liefeng did not hesitate, a light black soul ring on his body shone slightly, and the fifth soul skill - Tianhu Roar, activated!

For a moment, all the soul beasts were frightened by Su Liefeng for a moment.

He also took advantage of this opportunity to take a paw of the 3000-year-old Flying Mandarin that Su Qingyu marked.

The husband and wife cooperated tacitly, and Lan Xiaoyue activated her sixth soul skill, Lament of the Ice Dragon, immediately!

The endless frost directly sealed a dozen or so restless thousand-year-old soul beasts, and then Lan Xiaoyue transformed into a dragon with her right hand, and forcefully broke the wings of Ningshui Feiyuan.

The Ningshui Feiyuan was directly caught by her and rubbed on the ground several times. When the bird was dying, it was let go by the gentle and kind Ms. Lan.

After seeing that Lan Xiaoyue had taken care of the Ningshui Feiyuan, Su Liefeng also retreated quickly.

There are still many thousand-year-old spirit beasts behind, although they are not very difficult to deal with, but they can be dragged to death even if they are delayed.

After Su Liefeng and his wife left, a small wave of hundreds of soul beasts rushed towards the Star Dou Forest outside the valley.

Lan Xiaoyue gently placed the half-dead Ningshui Feiyuan in front of Shui Bing'er, and pinched her immature face with her white hands, "Come on, Bing'er, Aunt Lan caught it back for you !"

Shui Bing'er obediently thanked Lan Xiaoyue, and immediately took out a fourth-level melee dagger-like soul tool from her stored soul tool, named Xue Po.

This is a small gift that Ai Mo gave her when he passed it on to her. Su Qingyu murmured for a long time when she knew about it.

Why did Shui Binger and Xue Wu both have gifts, but he didn't!

Ai Mo blocked Su Qingyu's mouth with one sentence, "After you unlock the Tower of Soul Guidance, you can choose the good things as you like."

But Su Qingyu also wants to open it, if there is no one, then there will be none, can I make it myself in the future?

Here, Ningshui Feiyuan seemed to be dying, but Shui Binger was still very cautious.

After confirming the state of Ningshui Feiyuan, Shui Bing'er waved the snow soul in her hand without any hesitation, and directly ended the life of Ningshui Feiyuan.

Ningshui Flying Mandarin also showed a look of relief, and then lost its vitality, and the dots of purple light gradually condensed into a bright purple soul ring.

Under the guardianship of the three members of the Su family, Shui Bing'er absorbed the soul ring with peace of mind.

Maybe it's the relationship of the same source, or it's because Shui Bing'er freed the condensed water flying mandarin mandarin, Shui Bing'er's absorption of the third soul ring was exceptionally smooth.

Su Liefeng was also very envious, "The third spirit ring is 3000 years old, so doesn't that mean that the fourth spirit ring can absorb eight or nine thousand spirit rings?"

"Heh, it's useless for you to be envious. Who told someone in our family to be so nice to Bing'er."

Lan Xiaoyue meant something, and by the way, she glanced at someone, which made Su Qingyu somewhat embarrassed.

But what my mother said is right, if you want to blame it, blame your elders for getting old.

At this time, the leader of Ningshui Feiyuan had fought all the way to the Star Dou Forest with Xie Fengjiu.

But at this moment, a man dressed in black stood on top of a burly titan ape, and rushed over in a hurry.

The person who came was the real number one soul beast powerhouse of the Star Dou Great Forest, the beast god Ditian, and the titan giant ape Erming was directly regarded by him as a tool ape.

"It's a very strange soul beast, with such a strange bloodline, it's even higher than me!"

A cold voice sounded in Di Tian's mind, "This thing doesn't belong to Douluo Star, you just grab it and walk around to the frozen forest."

After finishing speaking, that voice never spoke to Ditian again.

After Ditian heard that voice, he became extremely respectful.

Although Xiefengji is unprecedentedly powerful among soul beasts, he is nothing in front of Di Tian, ​​the absolute powerhouse in the soul beast world.

The black dragon claws directly imprisoned the space, and the Rifengji, whose strength was infinitely close to that of a Super Douluo, was directly pinched by him.

Afterwards, under the adoring eyes of Er Ming, the titan giant ape, Di Tian headed towards the frozen forest in the northern part of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Chapter 109

Shui Bing'er's soul ring absorption can be said to be a matter of course, and it only took an hour.

The 3000-year Ningshui Flying Mandarin is almost twice as long as the so-called absolute standard soul ring, and the increase it brings is unique.

Beautiful eyes opened slightly, and Shui Binger's icy blue eyes showed a smile, "Thank you Uncle Su, Aunt Lan, Binger likes this soul ring very much."

Lan Xiaoyue came straight to Shui Binger, and carefully inspected the soul power in her body.

Level 32, close to level 33, the kind that can be broken through in less than ten days and half a month.

It is not uncommon for a soul master to be a soul master in Douluo Dalu, but it may be unprecedented for him to be a soul master just after turning ten years old (except for a certain [-]th-level golden-haired royal sister).

Seeing that Shui Bing'er is so good, Lan Xiaoyue herself was relieved of the worry in her heart.

In fact, with Su Qingyu advancing by leaps and bounds, she was also worried that her son would be fascinated by the colorful world outside in the future, thus ignoring Shui Binger.

After all, although Shui Binger is very talented, it is hard to guarantee that there is no talent in this world that surpasses her.

But now all the problems are easily solved, that is, no matter how talented he is, what can he do if he has no strength?

In the Douluo Continent, and not only in the Douluo Continent, having absolute strength is the guarantee of everything, including one's own feelings.

Su Liefeng came over in a timely manner, "Okay, okay, Bing'er's spirit ring has been found, Herring is still missing one spirit ring, how can I say, our family is also a double happiness today!"

The first time she heard Su Liefeng's words, Shui Bing'er's face turned slightly rosy.

Lan Xiaoyue was also very happy, "Hey, Gaefeng, you are right, leave the rest to me!"

For the confident second elder, Su Qingyu was not polite, and directly spoke to the lion, a 1-year-old wind attribute soul beast!

Su Liefeng directly gave Su Qingyu his favorite fried chestnuts when he was a child, and said with a smile, "Ah, did you just say a 5000-year-old wind attribute soul beast?"

"Didn't Brother Qingyu say 1 years?"

Shui Bing'er tilted her head and said something cutely.

If Su Qingyu didn't know her very well, every time she wanted to tease her, she would look like this, and he would have believed it.

Shui Bing'er is usually shy, but this is also different. In front of Su Qingyu, she always hides herself.

Su Qingyu glanced at her and said softly, "That's right, it's indeed 1 years."

This directly confused Su Liefeng and his wife, the absorption span of this soul ring is a bit too big!

You must know that the mutated one-horned fiery dragon that Su Qingyu absorbed before was not more than 2000 years old, and the age gap with the first soul ring was only double at most.

But the 1-year limit is fully six times higher than the second soul ring.

Lan Xiaoyue was quite worried, "Hingyu, you have to think about it, if you fail to absorb the spirit ring, maybe you..."

She didn't dare to say any more, the end of failure to absorb the spirit ring is quite miserable, ranging from losing her cultivation base, to severe death on the spot!

It's just that Su Qingyu is sure, with his mental power of more than three thousand points, even two ten thousand year spirit rings are no longer a problem.

After explaining to his parents, Su Liefeng, as his father, chose to support him, "Since you have already made a choice, we will leave the matter of the ten thousand year soul beast to us."

Lan Xiaoyue also nodded. Compared with the thousand-year soul beast, the 1-year-old soul beast is still easy to deal with.

For Su Liefeng and his wife whose soul power has reached the soul sage, it is really easy for the thousand-year-old soul beast to be killed by them inadvertently.

So when Shui Bing'er hunted down the condensed water flying mandarin duck, he was very careful.

But the ten-thousand-year soul beast that can rival the human soul king is different. It itself has to resist a lot of beatings, with rough skin and thick flesh, so it is not easy to be accidentally killed.

Although the husband and wife are not very sure about soul beasts that are more than 5 years old, but the soul beasts that are 1 years old have a drill in hand.

"No need, I have brought the soul beast Su Xiaoyou needs."

A slightly icy voice sounded, and Di Tian, ​​who was dressed in black, stepped out of the air, and what he was holding in his hand was the outsider——Tearing the Wind!

For Ditian who had met once, Su Qingyu was quite surprised, she never expected that Ditian would send him a soul beast.

Xie Fengjiu had been tortured by Ditian for a long time, and fell to the ground all of a sudden, it was already that the air intake was too much and the air output was less.

In the eyes of Su Liefeng and others, only the titled Douluo can do Yukong. Could it be that this titled Douluo knows his own brat?

Di Tian was not a fool, as soon as he saw someone else, he directly explained to Su Qingyu with his soul power.

The majestic Star Dou Great Forest Beast God has transformed into a reclusive, Su Qingyu's year-end friend named Douluo.

"Thank you, Senior Ditian, I really took your troubles this time."

Di Tian waved his hand, "It's okay, although this guy is only about ten thousand years old, it's not that simple, so be careful."

As the saying goes, too much talk will lead to loss, Ditian didn't talk nonsense, and after reminding Su Qingyu, he left directly.

Seeing Su Qingyu flirting with Ditian, the titled Douluo powerhouse, Su Liefeng and his wife couldn't understand their son.

However, Su Qingyu's ability to make friends with strong people is naturally good news for them as parents.

Lan Xiaoyue rubbed Su Qingyu's head fondly, "Okay, Senior Ditian has gone far, let's hurry up and absorb the soul ring!"

Indeed, Tear Wind Ji looked like he was about to lose his braids.

Su Qingyu also took the Xue Po from Shui Bing'er's hand, and directly stabbed it in the head of Li Fengjiu.

What's touching is that Xue Po didn't even break the skin of Tear Fengjiao.

This made Su Qingyu's face serious. No wonder he was able to possess the strength of a 9-year-old soul beast in less than [-] years. This tearing wind is really abnormal.

Similarly, this is also why Di Tian, ​​who is so fond of the soul beast family, is so unfriendly to Xifengjiu.

An existence that could threaten his status, how could Ditian allow it to continue living.

And giving Tiefengji to Su Qingyu is simply selling a favor.

One blow failed, Su Qingyu's arms were directly transformed into dragons this time, and under the powerful force, he finally pierced into the head of Tiefengjiao.

With the last sliver of vitality dissipating from the tearing wind, a purple and black soul ring appeared above it.

Without any hesitation, Su Qingyu just sat down cross-legged, with a clear mind, and pulled the soul ring of Tear Fengjiu over.

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