Ordinary people are the real absolute majority.

After sighing, Xiao Minghuang circulated his spiritual power, soared into the sky, went straight into the clouds, and left the capital without disturbing anyone.

After half a day.

In a valley five hundred miles away from the capital, a woman in light red clothes floated down from the sky, like an exiled immortal, ethereal and noble.

Xiao Minghuang landed on the ground, looking around, as if looking for something.

Half a day ago, out of apology, she gave Xu Xiu'er some spiritual stone pills, but she did not expect to meet the system update requirements.

Originally, the treasure hunting compass, which could only detect a radius of [-] miles, suddenly increased to a radius of [-] miles!

The system update allowed her to see many opportunities that she hadn't discovered before.

One of the most conspicuous places is shining with a dazzling blue light.

This means that the quality of this chance is stronger than those of white and cyan!

[In a valley five hundred miles away from the capital, under a lake, there is a kendo stele with the true meaning of kendo branded by ancient swordsmen on it. 】

Following the guidance of the treasure hunting compass, Xiao Minghuang quickly came to the lake in the valley without stopping for a moment.

Looking at the small lake, she could feel a cool breeze blowing.

"Under this lake, there should be a stele of swordsmanship hidden..."

With a thought in Xiao Minghuang's mind, golden starlight came out from her body, covering her whole body.

Immediately, she stepped into the water.

Under the protection of the starlight, she walked on the bottom of the water as if walking on flat ground, her dress was neat and tidy, without any hindrance.

As she dived, the surroundings gradually became dark.

However, with Xiao Minghuang's cultivation, he could still see things around him clearly.

A quarter of an hour later.

Xiao Minghuang came to an ancient boulder with many vicissitudes.

This boulder is three feet high, covered with moss and coral, it looks like it has been honed for countless years, and there is no mystery at all.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xiao Minghuang stretched out his slender palm and placed it on the stone tablet.

At this moment, a burst of sword sounds resounded in the ears, and then, an extremely fierce momentum was transmitted from the boulder, as if to cut off everything around.

If someone was here, they would definitely feel terrified and their scalps would be numb.

Fortunately, here is the bottom of the uninhabited lake, and above the lake are hills and valleys where few people set foot, so no one noticed this terrifying scene.

Xiao Minghuang concentrated his mind and carefully felt the wisps of sword intent coming from the stele of swordsmanship.

In the stone tablet, the sound of swords blared continuously, and traces of fierce sword energy permeated the air, cutting and destroying the water in the lake with a radius of more than ten feet, and the whole lake was churning, as if a storm was about to usher.

I don't know how long has passed.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sword cry, and in the next moment, a beam of sword light several feet long was suddenly condensed from the top of the stone tablet, and it was about to slash towards Xiao Minghuang in an instant!

This sword light is powerful, swift as thunder, and condensed in an instant. If it is caught off guard, it will be difficult for ordinary warriors to dodge and die on the spot.

But Xiao Minghuang seemed to have expected it long ago, and with a flash of figure, he dodged the deadly sword light.

But in the next moment.


The sword light missed, and two sword lights condensed on the stone tablet again, cutting towards Xiao Minghuang from left and right directions.

Xiao Minghuang squinted her beautiful eyes and didn't dodge any more. Her thoughts turned, golden starlight burst out from her body, bursting out endless rays of light, as if stars were shining, the spiritual spring in her dantian surged, her whole body was like a volcanic eruption, she held her breath and concentrated, The spiritual power of the whole body was condensed into one, and he punched Jian Guang fiercely!



Under the lake, there was a dull crashing sound.

The sharp sword light slashed down in the air, and slammed hard on the bright starlight fist. The moment the two collided, a terrifying roar erupted instantly.

hum! ! !

The entire lake was rippling and rippled, and it actually chopped up the lake with a radius of nearly a hundred feet, which shows how powerful it is!

Under the huge impact, even Xiao Minghuang's complexion changed slightly, but it was not worried, but showing a hint of joy.

She blocked these two beams of incomparably sharp sword light!

She could feel that this time the two swords were fired at the same time, which was already the limit of the stele of swordsmanship.

As long as she can survive this test, she will be recognized by the stele and obtain the inheritance of swordsmanship contained in it.

The sword light continued to disappear, and finally dissipated in the surging lake water.

A smile appeared in the corner of Xiao Minghuang's eyes, he withdrew his fist, and let out a deep breath.

The test of the stele of swordsmanship cannot rely on foreign objects, whether it is a magic weapon or a secret technique, otherwise even if the stele is smashed, the inheritance will not be obtained.

After the sword light dissipated, the stele was covered with dense cracks, as if it would be completely shattered in the next moment.

Seeing this, Xiao Minghuang frowned slightly. The stele has gone through an untold long time. Could it be that after this attack, it has reached its limit?

At least it will be handed over to her for inheritance before it collapses!

Looking at the stone tablet that was being shattered inch by inch, Xiao Minghuang stood there without any movement.

The Stele of Sword Dao is a spiritual thing, and if it reaches its limit, no one can stop it.

After a while.

The scene in front of him was beyond Xiao Minghuang's expectation.

The stele did not collapse, but dispelled the superficial camouflage.

I saw that the coral moss on the surface of the stele was completely peeled off, revealing the true face hidden inside.

What came into view was a small stone tablet that was only one person tall.

The whole body is blue-gray, and there is a sharp sword aura on it. The sharp sword aura is so sharp that it is extremely sharp. Just by looking at it, Xiao Minghuang feels his eyes tingling and his eye sockets sore.

There are many ways to inherit martial arts in the world, some are engraved on gold books and jade slips, some are written on silk scrolls, and some are passed on orally.

Branding the inheritance of martial arts on the stele is a kind of inheritance.

And the enlightenment inheritance that can be branded on the stele is all warriors with a higher realm.

As far as Xiao Minghuang knew, only Yuantai Daoist could do this matter of branding the stele.

"The strong man who branded the stele, a warrior of unknown realm..."

Xiao Minghuang restrained his breath, concentrated his mind, and used his spiritual power to protect his body, and walked in front of the stone tablet.

ps: Fanwai will be put on p station and group in these two days

122. The prototype of the sword intent!The Great Prince's Secret

Xiao Minghuang sized up the stele for a few times, feeling the strong aura of swordsmanship contained in it, and murmured:

"The state of swordsmanship contained in the stele is far higher than that of the sixth prince, just like a moat!"

The realm of kendo is divided into embryonic form, entry level, small achievement, great achievement, and perfection.

Strictly speaking, the prototype cannot be counted in the realm of kendo, but because it has a certain degree of power, it is usually counted among them.

The power of the stele in front of him is far beyond the prototype of the sword power, and there is a qualitative difference, so it may have surpassed the realm of the sword power.

Reached the sword intent above the sword potential!

"Inside the stele, at least there is an entry-level sword intent."

Xiao Minghuang took a deep breath, his eyes became more serious.

The strong man who branded this stele was very likely to be a strong man in Yuantai Realm during his lifetime!

Xiao Minghuang's eyes are bright, and getting the inheritance of the stone tablet means that she can get the inheritance of a strong person in the Yuantai Realm!

Such an opportunity is indeed worthy of Cyan!

From this, Xiao Minghuang couldn't help thinking in his heart, the blue chance is already so powerful, so how terrible should purple, red, and even gold be on top of it?

Xiao Minghuang suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind, and refocused on the stone tablet in front of him.

She took a deep breath and pressed her palm on the stone tablet.


The moment her palm touched the stele.

The sword pattern on the stone tablet instantly became clear. Countless runes emerged from the stone tablet, turned into rays of light, gathered into a ball, and finally formed a sword shadow, which flew across the air and landed on Xiao Ming Huang's body.

Streams of mysterious and incomparable aura flowed among the lake water, giving off slices of glow.

In an instant.

Xiao Minghuang's brain became dizzy, and his eyes went dark.

When she came back to her senses, she seemed to be in another world.

In front of her eyes, there were countless phantoms of swords, thousands of them, countless.

Every sword seems to be able to smash mountains and cut off rivers and seas.

But such an inconceivably powerful sword shadow did not show any hostility towards Xiao Minghuang, and flew towards her like a baby swallow returning to its nest.


Countless sword shadows flew over and injected into her body.

Xiao Minghuang has already been recognized by the stele, these sword shadows do not pose any threat to her, on the contrary they are extremely intimate.As the shadow of the sword merged into her body, boundless perceptions of the way of the sword flooded into her mind.

In her mind, there seemed to be thousands of figures, and these figures kept practicing sword moves in her sea of ​​consciousness.

These sword moves are not obscure, as if people are born to eat, and they can be mastered without a deep comprehension.

Soon, perceptions of the way of the sword filled her mind, and Xiao Minghuang was completely immersed in it.

Over time.

Xiao Minghuang's comprehension of the way of the sword is also constantly improving.

From a little knowledge of the way of the sword, to comprehend the embryonic form of the sword.

It took her three days.

But it only took half a day from the rudimentary form of the sword to the entry of the sword.

The following small sword moves, great sword moves, and complete sword moves, all added together, only took one day.

With the deepening of his understanding of kendo, Xiao Minghuang discovered that kendo is different from martial arts.

The deeper the comprehension of martial arts, the more difficult it is.

After reaching a small level of success in martial arts, it is as difficult as reaching the sky to comprehend the level of great success.

But after getting started with kendo, there is almost no bottleneck, and it is almost a matter of course to improve the realm.

Among the two, the former is more difficult as it gets deeper, because martial arts and martial arts are often complicated. With the deepening of practice, the knowledge to be mastered increases exponentially, and the difficulty of comprehension also increases rapidly.

But kendo is more refined and more specialized, and the more specialized it is, the easier it is.Once she gets started, the most difficult hurdle has already been crossed, and the rest is to follow the map. The knowledge to be mastered is only the sword itself. She only needs to make great strides forward without encountering any bottlenecks.


Xiao Minghuang's body suddenly let out a bright sword cry.

Xiao Minghuang at this moment is like a peerless sword that has been honed for decades, it is about to be unsheathed, showing its supreme edge!


Her whole body exuded an extremely sharp edge, and a strong fluctuation of the sword burst out.


The light of the sword is like a disk, like a full moon, rippling in the lake.

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