There are two possibilities for giving elixir as a gift: qualitative change and quantitative return.

As for gifting skills, there is only one possibility of qualitative change and return.

The only one that is stronger than the best earth-level exercises is the sky-rank exercises. Even if it is only slightly stronger, the system will return the sky-rank exercises instead of choosing one of the best earth-level exercises to return.

At first, Xiao Minghuang didn't understand the principle of this mechanism.

But after asking the system and thinking about it, I understood.

For warriors, the power that different skills can exert on different people is very different.

But as far as the system is concerned, as long as it is judged to be of the same rank, then its potential is equivalent.

"There is one last opportunity left, and after taking it, it's time to return to Beijing."

Tomorrow is Dabi's day.

Thinking of this, the corners of Xiao Minghuang's mouth curved slightly.

After comprehending the sword intent, she couldn't wait to find an opponent and fight heartily.

Xiao Minghuang breathed a sigh of relief, concentrated his mind, called out the treasure hunting compass, looked at the last flash of blue light on it, soared into the sky, and went straight to the opportunity.


An hour later.

A young man in black robe fell from the sky and came to the entrance of the cave.

"Master, is this the entrance to the cave you mentioned?"

The black-robed youth looked at the cave in front of him, his eyebrows slightly frowned.

This cave is unremarkable, it doesn't look like a blessed place at all.

At this time, an illusory figure floated out.

"What do you know? After a monk reaches the state of transforming gods, he can refine a specific magic weapon into a cave and place it in the outside world. Ordinary people can't find the existence of the cave from the outside, and they don't even know the universe hidden in it."

Hearing this, the Eldest Prince was overjoyed, in this way, the opportunity here is at least left by a strong person in the God Transformation Realm!

After the old man explained, he raised his hands, and a white light burst out and fell into the cave.

The eldest prince asked: "What are you doing?"

The old man ignored it, [%~

"Isn't that right? Why is there nothing in this cave? I just deduced yesterday that there is a chance here, why did it suddenly disappear?"

The old man's voice was not high, but it reached the ears of the First Prince. His complexion changed slightly, and he said anxiously:

"The opportunity is gone?"

The old man didn't pay attention to him, but the white light in his palm suddenly exploded, almost flooding the entire cave, but he still found nothing.

Seeing this, the eldest prince hurriedly asked:

"Master, have you found anything?"

Hearing this, the old man took a deep look at the dark cave and sighed:

"Someone came here just now, and took away the opportunity ahead of time!"

Hearing this, the eldest prince was shocked, just now when they went to the stele of swordsmanship, they were caught first.

Looking for this opportunity right now, and being preempted by others, could it be that someone can predict the future?

Thinking of this, the eldest prince immediately turned around like an ant on a hot pot, walking back and forth in place.

"Master, what should I do? Tomorrow is the Grand Competition. If I can't greatly improve my strength, I will definitely not be able to win against that woman. At that time... I will not be the crown prince. I am afraid that I will not be able to respect the possibility of shaping the body." there is none left."

As the First Prince spoke, his tone slowed down, and he said this in a neither salty nor bland manner.

He figured it out, the old man wanted to reshape his physical body, and he didn't need to be anxious if he wanted to reshape his body, the old man would naturally find a way.

as predicted.

The old man's expression changed suddenly, he turned around and stared at the eldest prince, and said in a deep voice:

"Are you doubting your ability to be a teacher?"

"Disciple dare not!"

The eldest prince hastily handed him over, he had the memory of the original owner in his mind, so he naturally knew that the real strength of the old man was extremely powerful and his background was very great.


The old man snorted softly and said lightly:

"If nothing can be done, the old man will personally take action and win the competition for you."

Hearing this, the eldest prince was overjoyed, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. In his memory, there was a picture of the old man making a move.

That was to take him to find the main medicine needed to improve his talent. With the help of his body, the old man unleashed a powerful supernatural move, and flattened a thousand-foot peak with one blow!

With such strength, there is no suspense at all against Princess Ziwei.

The old man raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at the eldest prince, and said:

"Although I can win the competition for you, your strength must be improved as soon as possible."

"Four hundred miles away from here, there is another opportunity. It is the access token of a secret realm. You only need to get the token and enter the secret realm. With the help of a teacher, the treasures of heaven and earth, Heaven and earth fetishes are at your fingertips!"


The eldest prince revealed a joyful expression and said excitedly.

The old man reminded:

"Don't be too excited. There will be a big competition tomorrow. It's too late to go to the secret realm now. Let's get the token first. After the big competition, we will go to the secret realm to hunt for treasure."

To this, the First Prince had no objection, nodded and said:

"Then let's get the token!"


The old man responded lightly, his figure gradually became illusory, and just as he was about to disappear, he asked inadvertently:

"Oh, by the way, the heart lock that I saw you wearing all the time, why is it gone? It looks pretty good, it seems like a magic weapon?"

Hearing this, the First Prince didn't think much, and replied:

"It's not a magic weapon. That thing is too ugly, but the materials are quite valuable."

Hearing this, the old man's pupils shrank slightly, and he returned to the ring calmly.

The eldest prince didn't take these words to heart at all, turned around and left, and ran towards a new opportunity.

in the ring.

The old man's complexion was extremely ugly.

"Under my nose, Xiao Yanzi was taken away!"

"No wonder I always feel that his words and deeds are very strange recently. It's not the same as before. It turns out that he was secretly changed!"

The old man sighed deeply, he had been trapped in the ring for many years, and only gradually recovered with the nourishment of Xiao Yan's spiritual power.

At first, he did have the thought of seizing the house when he grew up, but after getting along for a long time, he realized that Xiao Yan is a person who values ​​love and righteousness.

So, he stopped thinking about it.

He really regarded Xiao Yan as his disciple.


The current Xiao Yan is no longer the original Xiao Yan.

"Xiao Yanzi, your revenge has been avenged for you by the teacher."

"Your body, just treat it as a reward, and give it as a teacher!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

The old man laughed strangely, and the dark space in the ring returned to calm.


Four hundred miles away, a small town.

Xiao Minghuang fell from the sky far away, concealed her breath, changed her appearance a little, pretended to be an ordinary person, and stepped into the small town's market.

But even so, her beautiful appearance still attracted the attention of countless people.

Xiao Minghuang didn't take this seriously, following the guidance of the compass, she quickly came to an ordinary booth.

She lowered her head and glanced at the bottles and cans on the old gray cloth, and finally focused on a piece of iron lump covered with red rust.

According to the hint of the compass, there is an access token for a secret realm hidden in this lump of iron.

In the square market, everyone was surprised when they saw this beautiful and noble girl walking in front of this stall that few people were interested in.

"Since when did we have such a beautiful woman in our town?"

"Hmph! Are you stupid? How could this girl be from our town? She looks like a noble person passing by!"

"That seems to be Old Li's booth. What did this guy do?"

Xiao Minghuang glanced at the unguarded booth, and looked around.

"Does anyone know where the owner of the stall has gone?"

Hearing this, countless voices sounded at the same time.

"Old Li is going to shit! Miss, why don't you come and see my stall, there are pots and pans!"

"Are you stupid! Can a big girl look at your pots and pans? Miss, come and see my aunt's stall. Auntie has good rouge here, try it out!"

"How old is Miss? Have you ever been married, Xiaosheng..."

At this time, a young man with the appearance of a scholar walked up and bowed in salute.

But before he finished speaking, he was kicked away by a strong aunt.

"Xiao Lizi, go and call your grandfather back, the girl looks like a noble person, so don't dream about it!"

After the words fell, everyone laughed, and the market was filled with a happy atmosphere.

The scholar was kicked, but he was not angry. He looked at Xiao Minghuang with a blushing face, cupped his hands, and said politely:

"Miss, please wait later, Xiaosheng will come back as soon as he goes."

Xiao Minghuang nodded slightly, but did not speak.

She could see that the people in the market didn't have the slightest malice towards her, and the scholar just admired her purely.

after awhile.

The scholar walked towards an old man with gray hair.

"My lord, have you taken a fancy to the old man's thing? This is a treasure handed down from the ancestors. Your lord, don't bully the old man's old eyesight."

The old man sat tremblingly on the bamboo mat, and the scholar stood beside him, looking at Xiao Minghuang shyly and timidly from time to time, just like a little girl who admired Shaoai.

Xiao Minghuang's expression remained the same, pointing at the iron lump, he asked lightly:

"How much is this iron block?"

Hearing this, the old man's turbid eyes suddenly became clearer. Although he is old, he is not dizzy. It can be seen that the woman in front of him is full of style, she is definitely a young lady from a big family, with a dignified and elegant appearance, isn't it? Any woman that a small family can raise.

But there are no guards and servants beside the woman, she looks like a young lady who sneaked out to play.

After thinking for a moment, the old man said in a hoarse voice:

"The old man's piece of iron is not a simple piece of iron. It was passed down from my grandfather's grandfather. If you want to talk about my grandfather's grandfather, he is not an ordinary person. He is a warrior who once worshiped in the sect..."

Hearing the old man start to talk about the glorious history of his family, the scholar felt a little embarrassed. He could tell that although the woman said "I am very polite, I will listen to you carefully", but in fact no one wants to hear these decaying things. boast.

"Grandpa, don't blow it up, people might not want it after a while."

Hearing this, the old man glared at his grandson.

"What do you know!"

He turned his head to look at Xiao Minghuang again, with a smile on his wrinkled face:

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