Although in just one day, there shouldn't be much improvement.


The eldest prince's fate is special, and it is hard to guarantee that he will not be favored by luck, and suddenly he will get some kind of great opportunity, and his strength will increase dramatically.

Moreover, there is a mysterious ring grandfather on him.

Even if she couldn't make a move at will due to some scruples, if the eldest prince came to participate in the big competition, it would definitely cause her a lot of trouble.

"Thinking about it carefully, these two opponents should be quite difficult to deal with."

Xiao Minghuang frowned slightly, and whispered to herself.

"However, the other princes should not cause me any trouble."

She knew that the fifth and sixth princes wanted to be her followers, and that the third and fourth princes were just ordinary people, so there was nothing to worry about.

After thinking about it, Xiao Minghuang calmed down, adjusted his state quietly, and waited for the big competition time to arrive.


at the same time.

In Prince Wu'an's mansion.

In a quiet room.

The second prince was suspended cross-legged in the air, surrounded by a strange red light all over his body, and the strong smell of blood permeated the whole room.

This bloody aura erupted from the top of his head, which was a manifestation of him devouring other people's flesh and blood.

Columns of blood erupted from the second prince's body, forming a powerful force that hit the surrounding walls and roofs.

His aura rose suddenly, all the way to the fifth level of Yongquan.

But it didn't stay too long, but grew rapidly, broke through two layers of bottlenecks in an instant, and broke through to the seventh level of Yongquan!

Moreover, his cultivation still climbed slowly in the seventh level of Yongquan, and finally stopped when he reached the peak of the seventh level of Yongquan.


The second prince opened his eyes, and a bloody rainbow light flashed in the pupils, which disappeared in an instant.

next moment.

The bloody smell all over his body dissipated, and the bright red spiritual power turned into a peaceful and moist pure white, just like ordinary people.

"It's no loss that it's an evil cultivator. Not only can it greatly increase my cultivation base, but it can even change the form of my spiritual power, so that no one will notice my true identity!"

A ball of white light emerged from his palm, constantly changing its shape, turning into a sword for a while, and a spear for a while, all exuding a terrifying aura that seemed to be able to smash mountains.

"With my current strength, I can suppress Princess Ziwei with a backhand!"

The second prince sneered, full of confidence.

The voice just fell.

Xie Xiu, who was sitting by the side, opened his eyes, the pupils were dark without a trace of light, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Don't be too confident, that girl is not simple."

The second prince didn't take it seriously. His current strength, even in the face of the Divine Sea Realm, is capable of fighting. A mere princess Ziwei can be destroyed with a snap of his fingers!

ps: There have been no lovely readers to comment recently, so sad~ woo woo woo~~

129. I want to be Princess Ziwei's dog!

Seeing the second prince's disapproving expression, Xie Xiu didn't persuade him anymore, his expression was calm, as if he didn't have any emotions, and he talked about another matter.

"If we want to develop in the Taoist territory for a long time, we will inevitably have to hide our identity. This kind of disguise is easy."

"As long as you can win the big competition, win the title of monarch, and help us slowly take root in the southern border, I will help you achieve the Yuantai realm and even the god transformation realm in the future!"

When Xie Xiu said this, it seemed that he was talking about a trivial matter, which could be done easily.

But the second prince knew that the guy in front of him who seemed to hide his head and show his tail did have that ability!

Because this evil cultivator is unusual.

He comes from another world than the East Pole.



Over time.

The sun became warmer and brighter. On a plain outside the imperial city, a huge martial arts arena was temporarily built, which was as large as a thousand feet in radius. It was specially built for the grand competition.

On the martial arts arena, there were gathered the great officials of the frontiers and famous figures who came from all over the country.

In addition to the court officials, there were also many casual martial practitioners, and even many envoys from other countries. Even the three major sects sent disciples to watch the battle.

This big competition determines the future ruler of the Xia Kingdom, and also determines the future of the Xia Kingdom.

As the leader of the 36 countries, Daxia, although the three major sects don't pay attention to it on the surface, they still need to give it the necessary attention.

"The champion of this big competition will become the crown prince of the Xia Kingdom. I heard that the current ruler of the Xia Kingdom has broken through to the spiritual seed state. I think that after the candidate for the crown prince is determined, the throne will be given to the crown prince soon."

"That is to say, the champion of this competition will be the Lord Xia soon!"

Among the crowd, well-informed foreign merchants were explaining the latest situation of Xia Kingdom to the foreign warriors who came from afar.

"According to reliable sources, there are a total of three candidates for the crown prince."

"The eldest prince of the Xia Kingdom, it is rumored that he was born with a disabled body and extremely poor talent. He has been exiled in the frontier for many years, but he came back a few days ago. Unfathomable!"

"The second prince of the Xia Kingdom is well-known, with extraordinary talent, extremely high cultivation, and profound background. It is rumored that he has more than one mysterious magic weapon in his hand, and he is highly regarded by the wild."

"The last one, Princess Ziwei, you may not have heard of it. A few months ago, it was nothing special, but it was only in the body training state, but somehow got a chance. In less than half a year, it broke through to the springing spring state. !"

"She once single-handedly defeated the teamwork of two genius youths who had comprehended the rudiments of sword power and spear power!"

"Just last night, Princess Ziwei made a breakthrough before the battle and reached the peak of the Yongquan realm. At that time, a sword qi slashed out at that time shattered a mountain range with a radius of ten thousand zhang. I am afraid that the average strongman in the Shenhai realm None of them are her opponents!"

Among the crowd, an old man in commoner clothes spoke excitedly.

After listening to his narration, all the foreign warriors present turned pale with shock.

The 15-year-old Yongquan Peak Realm!

The strength surpasses the general Divine Sea Realm!

Among the crowd, an indistinguishable black-robed man with a hood trembled.

"In just one day, Princess Ziwei is so powerful?!"

At this time.

Someone suddenly said:

"Hey, aren't you the old storyteller in the east of the city? Why did you come here? When will you pay back the ten spirit stones you owe me?!"

While speaking, a martial artist came up and grabbed the old Wangtou's collar, saying viciously.

The old Wang's head was pinched, and he begged for mercy.

"Brother Liu, let's give it a few days, I'm just making money by storytelling!"

"Hmph! Spread rumors here again. Princess Ziwei did break through yesterday, but it was only the seventh level of Yongquan. You bastard, you must pay back the money today, or I will take your skin off!"

To him, ten spirit stones was already an extremely huge number, even after years of hard work, it was difficult to earn this amount.

Everyone present was not interested in the old Wangtou's debt, but they were slightly relieved to hear Princess Ziwei's true cultivation.

15 years old, Yongquan seventh level.

Although it is also very scary, it is indeed much worse than the peak of Yongquan.

"I heard that the current headmaster of the Spirit Sword Sect has entered the Divine Sea Realm when he was 15 years old. Compared with that, although Princess Ziwei has reached the seventh level of the Yongquan Realm, compared to the headmaster of the Spirit Sword Sect, It's still a little bit worse."

Hearing this, everyone thought it was true.

"A mountain is still as high as a mountain. A martial artist from a small country, even a genius, is still hard to compare with the true pride of heaven in the sect."

While everyone is talking.

A clear and dull gong sounded, the sound was deafening like thunder, and spread to every corner of the martial arts arena.

Immediately afterwards, a thin voice sounded.

"The Emperor is here!"

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw nine golden-haired horses in the sky, pulling a huge carriage, galloping from far to near.

These horses are all spirit beasts, they are as fast as lightning, and they can be called divine horses, which also means that the people sitting in the car are of extraordinary strength.

Under the canopy, a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe, a crown on his head, and a majestic face sat in it. It was Emperor Xia.

"See Your Majesty!"

this moment.

Countless Xia Guo subjects bowed down and saluted.

Other than the disciples of the three major sects, foreign people from other countries also bowed their heads to show their respect.

Emperor Xia glanced across the martial arts arena, and said loudly:

"Must be courteous, my lords, today is my Great Xia's royal competition, and the final winner will be my Great Xia's crown prince!"

Emperor Xia didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point.

Afterwards, he sat on a high platform and waited quietly for the competition to open.


Xiao Minghuang and the second prince arrived almost at the same time.

In just a few days, compared with the day when the Wu'an Palace held a banquet, the situation of the second prince has changed drastically.

On the day of the banquet, the second prince came to the banquet, and countless clans, dignitaries, and ministers cheered and embraced, and the ostentation was no worse than Xiao Minghuang's.

But today's Grand Competition is logically the most important day, and the Second Prince unexpectedly didn't have a single follower, not even a bodyguard, so he came here alone.

In contrast, Xiao Minghuang was dressed in a bright yellow dress, sitting under the canopy of an eight-horse-drawn carriage, noble and elegant, with three thousand armored troops clearing the way, and even a strong man in the Divine Sea Realm like the Seventh Elder was behind him. He leads the horse and holds the whip.

Beside her, stood three beautiful women, each of whom was so beautiful, surrounded by Princess Ziwei, adding a touch of extraordinary to her, like a goddess from the sky descending to earth.

this moment.

Whether it was the common people of Great Xia, or foreign envoys, or sect disciples, they all turned their attention to Princess Ziwei, looking at this noble and elegant woman.

At this moment, she seemed to be the center of the whole world, attracting everyone's attention.

"Princess Ziwei is so beautiful!"

"The princess is so beautiful! I want to be the princess' dog!"

"Don't go crazy here!"

"The three girls beside the princess are also pretty...but the princess is more fragrant!"

"Auntie, please wipe off the drool, it's almost flooded to my knees!"

At this time, even the disciples of the sect had to admit that there are very few people in this world who value both strength and beauty, and Princess Ziwei is such a rare person.

Compared with Princess Ziwei who attracted the attention of almost everyone present, the second prince looked extremely bleak.

His appearance only attracted the attention of a few people, and then he turned around and stopped paying attention.

Almost everyone believed that the final winner of this competition must be Princess Ziwei.

As for the eldest prince and the second prince, they are just as a foil.

"Hey, this is not the second prince, I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you down?"

In the crowd, some people have yin and yang strange air way.

He taunted this person aloud, he was originally the second prince's subordinate, now that the second prince lost his power, he immediately fell into trouble.

Hearing this, the second prince turned his head slightly, and a red glow appeared in his pupils, as if reflecting a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, which was engraved into that person's mind.

For an instant.

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