Since she broke through the Yongquan Realm, she has a deeper comprehension of Bairi Xingxian, and she has comprehended the second stage of this magical power, but she has never encountered an enemy worth fighting, so she has never used it.

And today.

She wants to use her strongest strength to completely crush and defeat the second prince with an upright posture and invincible momentum, laying the foundation for her road to emperor!

It's not that she likes to show off, but that she needs to be blessed by the fortune of the country to ascend to the position of crown prince.

And if you want to get the blessing of the national fortune, there is nothing better than defeating all opponents with invincibility.

In this way, her luck will affect the luck of hundreds of millions of people in the entire Xia Kingdom. At that time, in Daxia, even monks whose realm is much higher than hers will not be her all-in-one enemy!

next moment.

Xiao Minghuang's eyes were fixed, her eyes were like torches, and golden rays shot out from her body, which was as bright as an eternally hot and bright sun star.

A majestic, vast, ancient and boundless aura permeated her body, a little bit of star light, born in the void, like a fish swimming, gathered above her head, and instantly condensed into a beam of light that was as thin as a hanging thread , Breaking through the sky towards the sky.

For an instant.

The boundless blue sky seemed to be dimmed against the background.

This scene stunned everyone present.

"Why didn't the light point at the second prince, instead it went through the air?"

"Is Princess Ziwei performing some secret technique?"

"Is she... setting off fireworks?"

There was a lot of discussion.

Almost everyone looked puzzled.

at this time.

In the blue sky, a glimmer of light suddenly appeared.

At first glance, they are inconspicuous, they seem to be infinitely far apart, like an ancient mysterious star traveling hundreds of millions of miles away outside the boundless starry sky, casting a faint light.

This light is getting stronger and stronger.

Soon, it became dazzling and bright, illuminating half of the sky, making people unable to open their eyes, as if it wanted to pierce the sky and crush the earth.

At this time, a soft chant resounded as if it traveled through the ancient void.

"The star in the daytime! The seven stars... Kaiyang!"

As her voice fell.

The stars that were so huge that they covered the sky instantly condensed into one, disappeared, turned into a beam of pure gold light, descended from the sky, and poured into Xiao Minghuang's body.

At the moment when the star vision disappeared.

Boom! ! !

Accompanied by deafening bangs, a terrifying momentum suddenly emerged.

The earth trembled violently, like waves hitting the reefs on the shore, creating a stormy sea. A huge crack spread between the sky and the earth, extending towards the distance. Wherever it passed, countless mountains and rocks collapsed, vegetation annihilated, and hills Disappeared, one river after another dried up, and countless huge ravines appeared on the land with a radius of ten thousand feet.

" is this possible?!"

"How can a monk in the spring state have such a powerful destructive power?!"

Everyone present was shocked and looked at the sky in disbelief.

they see.

In the huge golden beam of light, there is that beautiful girl standing in the sky like a god.

At this moment, Xiao Minghuang has undergone earth-shaking changes. The coercion on her body has suddenly increased several times. The light red dress has been dyed with a thick golden color. Her skin is as white as the moon and her hair is as bright as the stars. Light, a little bit of starlight surrounds her, like a constellation of stars, the whole body exudes a brilliant light, like a goddess coming to the dust!

Her body is filled with a kind of nobility and domineering over everything else, which makes people dare not look at her directly.

"Is this the power of two stars? It's so powerful."

Xiao Minghuang whispered to himself, feeling the surging spiritual power in his body, he was filled with emotion.

This time she used the daytime star power, condensing the power of two stars, Yao Guang and Kai Yang, and the improvement brought to her was multiplied, far from being as simple as one plus one equals two.


Countless people outside the arena were shocked.

"Great, Your Highness has become stronger again!"

Ye Ruoshui's beautiful eyes were full of splendor.

"If one day... I can..."

Xu Xiu'er looked up at the sky, it was extremely small, like a sand in the ocean.

"Princess Ziwei... what realm is she? With my cultivation at the peak of Yongquan, my spiritual power trembles involuntarily!"

"This kind of supernatural power has never been heard or seen before. It seems to use the power of the stars to bless one's body and achieve the effect of improving one's cultivation...But, don't stars only appear at night?"

"Are you stupid? You can't see stars during the day just because the sun's light is too bright to cover other stars, but it doesn't mean they don't exist. In addition, the sun star is also a star."

Hear this.

Everyone gasped.

If it is said to use the power of ordinary stars, everyone can still imagine, but if it is to use the power of the sun star, it is too unimaginable.

After all, the sun star symbolizes the eternal blazing light, the most yang, the most powerful, the most powerful eternal star.

"Princess Ziwei's supernatural powers have extremely high potential. If one traces the source of her skills, she might not be lower than the top-ranked earth-level powers!"

"I was thinking, is there a possibility, just a possibility, that the exercises practiced by Princess Ziwei will be heaven-level?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Outside the arena, countless people were discussing.

Xiao Minghuang turned a deaf ear to all kinds of things.

Her eyes fell on the second prince, neither happy nor sad, the whole body's energy and spirit were deployed to the peak, and the surging spiritual power was ready to go, once an attack was launched, it would definitely shake the world.

the other side.

Seeing all this, the second prince's expression turned extremely ugly.

He never imagined that Xiao Minghuang, who was already incredibly powerful, would have such powerful supernatural powers, and his strength would instantly rise to a level comparable to the peak of Yongquan!

Do not!

It even surpasses the general Yongquan peak state!

"Right now, I'm afraid only a cultivator in the Divine Sea Realm can overwhelm her!"

The second prince took a deep breath, and a scarlet flashed in his pupils.

"However, this prince wants to see if you, Princess Ziwei, are worthy of your name!"

Up to now, he can only have a slight chance of winning if he uses some evil skills!

next moment.

"Blood dragon, Ning!"

He roared and waved his arms. Immediately, two blood-colored rays of light emerged out of thin air and merged together to form a blood-colored dragon.


There was a sound of dragon howling, and the blood dragon soared into the sky, hovering in mid-air, screaming up to the sky, as if announcing its own arrival to the world.

The appearance of this blood dragon stunned everyone present, their eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief, including Xiao Minghuang.

The shape of this blood dragon is too weird!

It looks like a dragon, but it looks like a dragon but not a dragon. Its head is in the shape of a snake, its tail is in the shape of a crocodile, and its two blood-colored pupils exude a strange light.

"The second prince was born in Daxia, and has never traveled outside. The martial arts and martial arts he learned are all Daxia's treasures. Where did he learn such supernatural powers?"

Xiao Minghuang frowned slightly, feeling puzzled.

Not only her, but all the monks who knew something about the second prince showed doubts on their faces.

Many people set their sights on King Wu'an.

If the second prince obtained the exercises that did not belong to the Xia Guozang Jingge, then most likely it came from King Wu'an.

At this time, King Wu An explained:

"Many years ago, I took the second prince out on a trip, and accidentally broke into a place where ancient monks sat and melted. I got some chances. Although this exercise looks strange, it is not an evil exercise."

Hearing this, although everyone still frowned, they did not continue to ask questions.

There are millions of exercises in the world, and it doesn't mean that they are weird or evil.

Moreover, although this exercise is weird, there is no evil lingering, indicating that it is just a strange shape, not a problem with the origin of the exercise.

What's more, with King Wu'an, who is famous in 36 countries, as a guarantor, everyone no longer clings to this issue.

"So that's the case, but this blood dragon is too wicked!"

"Above the blood dragon, there is no evil spirit spreading, so it should not be evil work."

"Such a powerful blood dragon is hardly weaker than Princess Ziwei's star vision, and I am afraid it is also a top-grade cultivation technique above the ground level!"

However, Xiao Minghuang always felt that things were not that simple.

Immediately, she called up the second prince's panel.

【Name: Xiao Yi】

[Boundary: Yongquan Seventh Realm]

[Fate: Blessed by Nature (Blue), Blood Demon Deed (Purple)]

[Fortunately, the fate is extraordinary.

The secret method of the blood demon path was planted in the body. Once triggered, the evil spirit would be monstrous, and the blood would flow like a river. 】

Seeing the last few words, Xiao Minghuang's complexion became serious.

"Second prince, you actually turned to the evil cultivator!"

Although she didn't know what the Blood Demon Dao was, she could tell from the name that it wasn't an orthodox sect, it must be an evil cultivator sect!

Combined with the blood dragon supernatural power displayed by the second prince just now, and King Wu'an's words, a guess emerged in Xiao Minghuang's mind.

In the early years, the second prince did obtain some kind of inheritance of unknown origin, which contained evil cultivation techniques, but after the second prince discovered it, he kept it secret.

After all, as the prince who is most likely to inherit the throne, there is no need for him to degenerate and take refuge in evil cultivators.

But recently, the second prince knew that he had no hope for the throne, so he simply took refuge in the evil heretics, just to win a chance of seizing the throne.


"Even if you practice evil skills, what can you do?"

The corners of Xiao Minghuang's mouth turned up slightly, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Today, I will not only defeat you, but also expose your identity as a cultivator and destroy your reputation!"

The assassination outside Beiyang City was the closest she had ever come to death in her life, and she would not forget it so easily!

"Since you practice evil skills, you must have evil aura in your body. Facing the great terror between life and death, you will definitely expose your evil aura!"

Xiao Minghuang whispered to herself, she had already decided to use the most powerful means to force out the second prince's evil spirit, completely defeat him, and then kill him!

In the sky, a huge blood dragon bared its fangs and danced its claws, majestic and majestic, and a pair of blood-colored pupils emitted a monstrous bloody aura, which made everyone's heart tremble.

The power created by the bloody aura all over the sky is not inferior to that beam of golden light piercing the sky.

Looking at the blood dragon in the sky, Xiao Minghuang raised his eyebrows.

The strength of this blood dragon is almost infinitely approaching the Divine Sea Realm.

"Hiding the real evil, but still reaching this level, it seems that the inheritance of the Blood Demon Dao is really extraordinary..."

In the sky, the second prince stood on top of the blood dragon, his red hair fluttering in the wind, and his face was full of viciousness.

"Xiao Minghuang, today I want to let you know who is the real king of the world!"

"The blood dragon roars! Devouring the sky!"

The second prince roared angrily, and his palms flew up. Immediately, the blood dragon opened its bloody mouth, pointed it in Xiao Minghuang's direction, and swallowed it suddenly, a huge suction force burst out.

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